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1、五年级下册Unit2单元检测题Class_ Grade_ Name_ Mark_一、根据所给音标和字母组合写单词(10):air /e/ _ _ ear/e/ _ _sp /sp/_ _ sk/sk/ _ _gl /gl/_ _二、翻译下列短语(10):在春天_ 在夏天_ 在冬天_哪个季节_ 玩_ 放风筝_堆雪人_ 种树_ 太冷了_最喜爱的季节_ 三、按要求完成下列各题(10):cool (反义词) _ hot (反义词) _sun(形容词) _ snow(形容词) _too(同音词) _ wont(全写) _I (宾格) _ have(动词第三人称单数形式) _say (动词第三人称单数形式

2、) _ dish(名词复数) _四、选择,把正确答案的序号写在题前括号里(10):( ) 1. Summer is hot and the days are _.A. short B .long C. big( ) 2. When its fall in China, its _ in Australia.A. fall B. spring C. winter ( ) 3. _ your favourite season?A. What B. Whats C. Why( ) 4.Winter is _cold _ me. A. tofor B. toofor C. tooto( ) 5. I

3、like to _ in the sea.A. swims B. swim C. swimming( ) 6. _ season do you like best?A. Which B. What C. When( ) 7._ do you like spring?A. Why B. What C.When( ) 8.Do you like summer? Yes, _.A. I do B . I am C. I dont( ) 9. My favourite _ is football.A. sport B. season C. food( ) 10. In China, winter is

4、 from _ to_.A. March / April B. May/July C. December/February the next year五、把下列表格补充完整(15): 第一人陈_ _非第三人称单数 第二人称 _ +动词原形 _人称 he 第三人称单数 _ + _ _ 根据表格,完成下列各题:1. Zip usually _ (watch) TV and _ (go) shopping.2. He often _ (play) football.3.Mike _ (search) for his bag. 4. Mike _ (hurry) to school. 5. I usu

5、ally _ ( do) homework on the weekend. My father usually _ (do) housework. 6. We _ (eat) breakfast at 6:oo. 六、句子排序(5):1. good, but, is, summer, favourite, fall, is, season, my (,.)_2. you, which, like, do, best, season (?)_3.up, we, go, north (.)_4.can, I, sleep, time, because, long, a (.)_5. teeth b

6、efore your go bed to brush you_七、把对话补充完整(5): A. I like winter best. B .I can swim in the seaC. its too cold for meD. fall is my favourite seasonE. Which season do you like bestAmy: _ , Mike?Mike: I like fall best.Amy: What about you, Zhang Peng?Zhang: : _. We go up north. We play in the snow.Amy: Wi

7、nter is beautiful, but _. I like summer best. Because_.Mike: Summer is good, but _. Zhang: Why?Mike: Because I can eat many fresh fruits.八、修改病句(10):1. Zoom and Zip swims in the lake. ( ) 改为 ( )2. Its always sun and cool. ( ) 改为 ( )3. Winter is to cold for me. ( ) 改为 ( )4. She can makes a snowman. (

8、) 改为 ( )5. He do morning exercises every day. ( ) 改为 ( )九、句型转换(10):1. I like summer best. (把主语改为She) She_ summer _.2. My favourite season is winter. (就划线部分提问)_ is _ favourite season?3. I like summer best. (同义句转换)My _ _ is summer.4. Do you get up early every day? (作出肯定回答) Yes, _ _.5. I am sending Gra

9、ndma an e-card. (把主语改为He) _ _sending Grandma an e-card.十、完型填空(10)(6) A: Hi ,Nancy . B: Hi, Yang Ling. A: Glad 1 see you. B: Glad to see you, 2 . A: Whats that 3 the chair. B: Oh, its 4 family photo(全家福). A: Can 5 have a look. B: Sure. A: 6 he your brother David? B: No, 7 Mike. A: Oh , I see. He is H

10、elens 8 . B: Yes,he is. Its time 9 go home. A: OK. Lets go 10 home. ( ) 1、A. too B. to C. two ( ) 2、A. two B. to C. too ( ) 3、A. on B. to C. in ( ) 4、A. I B. hes C. my ( ) 5、A. she B. I C. Hes ( ) 6、A.Is B. Are C. Am ( ) 7、A. Im B. youre C. he ( ) 8、A. brother B. sister C. grandpa ( ) 9、A. two B. to

11、 C. too ( ) 10、A. to B. / C. too 十一、阅读理解,判断正(T)或误(F)(4):Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游). Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳大利亚)! Its so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜). But Zoom doesnt like swimming. He likes skating. So

12、he is going to Canada, Its winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).( )1.The season in Australia and Canada is the same.( )2.Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.( )3. Zoom likes swimming.( )4.Zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.( )5.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.


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