沪教牛津五下英语第8单元Period 2.ppt

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《沪教牛津五下英语第8单元Period 2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《沪教牛津五下英语第8单元Period 2.ppt(28页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Period 2,Buying clothes,Oxford English,Module 3 Things we do,Spell and play,Look and recite,Look and say,Look and say,Read and choose,Tom is wearing trousers / a trousers. They are new and cool. Look at Mr Blacks shoes. It is / They are so dirty. What / Which sweater do you want, the pink one or the

2、 yellow one? Which pair of / a pair of socks are you going to buy, the white one or the blue one? I like the cheap toys. The expensive one /ones are too big.,Hans Christian Andersen,a famous Danish writer,a clever man,many fairy tales,Look and learn,Look and learn,教师自行搜寻并插入The Little Mermaid的配图,教师自行

3、搜寻并插入Little Match Girl的配图,教师自行搜寻并插入The Ugly Duckling的配图,教师自行搜寻并插入Thumbelina的配图,Look and learn,教师自行搜寻并插入The Snow Queen的配图,教师自行搜寻并插入The Wild Swans的配图,emperor,Read and order,( )A man visits the emperor with a box. ( )The emperor walks down the street. ( )But the emperor wants to be a clever man. ( )The

4、 man says only clever people can see them. ( )The emperor does not see anything. ( )The emperor puts on “the magic clothes”. ( )The man says he has some magic clothes. ( )People keep quiet but a child laughs.,1,2,4,5,7,6,8,3,Listen and judge,1. The emperor likes beautiful flowers.,3. The man says he

5、 has some magic clothes but he lies.,2. A man visits the emperor with lots of gold.,4. The emperor gives the man money because he does not want others to think he is stupid.,5. People keep quiet because the emperors new clothes are too beautiful.,Ask and answer,Why do people keep quiet in the street

6、?,What do you think of the man?,What do you think of the emperor?,What can we learn from the story?,What do you think of the man?,greedy,dishonest,sly,selfish,What do you think of the emperor?,stupid,timid,vain,innocent,We should Be honest!,What can we learn from the story?,Narrator,The man,The emperor,A boy,Read and act,Read and act,Homework,Read the story on Students Book pages 54 and 55. Retell and act out the story. Finish Workbook pages 53 and 55.,


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