译林版中考英语专题十二 非谓语动词.pdf

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1、 专题十二 非谓语动词 易错清单 1. 不定式和动名作主区别 (1)动名作主往往普、一为,不定式作主常某次具体为。 不定式(或不定式)作主时常“it” 来代替,为形式主,正主(不定式)放在句 尾。如: Collecting information about childrens health is his job. 收有关儿健康信息是他工作。 Its necessary to discuss the problem with an experienced teacher. 与一位有师 个是有必。 (2)常不定式作主句型有: Its difficult (important,necessary)

2、for sb. to do. Its kind (good,friendly,polite,careless,rude,cruel,clever,foolish,brave)of sb. to do. (3)常动名作主句型有: Its no good (use,fun)doing. It is a waste of time. 2. 不定式和动名作宾区别 stopto do停下来去做做另一件事 doing停止做停止正做事 forgetto do忘去做某事未做 doing忘做某事已做 rememberto do住去做未做 doing得做已做 regretto do对做事未做 doing对做事已做

3、 tryto do努力去做未做 doing做 meanto do打/想做 doing意味 go onto do去做做另外一件事情 doing接做原先没做完事 They stopped to smoke a cigarette. 他们停下来,抽了根烟。 I must stop smoking. 我必戒烟了。 Dont forget to come tomorrow. 别忘了明天来。 He forgot turning the light off. 他忘他已关了灯了。 Remember to go to the post office after school. 放学后去局。 Dont you r

4、emember seeing the man before? 你不得以前个人吗? I regret to tell you that you cant pass the examination. 我很地你你不次。 I regret disturbing you so long. 我很抱歉打扰了你么久。 Please try to finish this work in thirty minutes. 尽在30分完成工作。 Why didnt you try riding a bike to go to school? 为什么不学校呢? I meant to give you this book

5、 today,but I forgot. 我本来打今天你本书,可是我忘了。 Missing this train means waiting for another hour. 火味你得再一小时。 3. 动不定式和现在分做宾区别 (1)see,watch,hear,feel,notice,have 动既可不带to不定式做宾,也可现在分 做宾不带to不定式做宾情全或一次性动作;现在分动或正在 。如: I heard her sing an English song just now. 刚才我听她唱了一文歌。 I heard her singing an English song when I p

6、assed by her room yesterday. 昨天她房 时,我听她在唱文歌。 4. 现在分和去分区别 (1)态上不同:现在分主动意思,去分多及物动变来,动意 思。如: an exciting story 一个令人兴奋故事(主动) the excited listeners 激动听众(动,即引激动) a moving film一感动人影片 a moved audience 受感动众 (2)时关上不同:一来,现在分所动作往往正在,去分所 动作,往往已完成。如: the changing world正在变化世 the changed world已了变化世 developing count

7、ries发展中国家 developed countries发国家 5. have sb. do sth. ;have sb. doing;have sth. done析 (1)have sb. do sth. “have+sb. (宾)+do sth. (宾)”意为“/叫/使某人做某事”。此构中 have 是使役动,sb. 作宾,其后do sth. 是去to动不定式作宾。如: Ill have someone repair the bike for you. 我会人为你修理。 (2)have sb. /sth. doing “have+sb. /sth. (宾)+现在分(宾)”意为“叫/使某人

8、做某事或某情况 发”。宾 sb. /sth. 后现在分作宾,宾与现在分动作之 为主动关,且动作正在。如: Dont have the dog barking much. 别狗狂吠不停。 (3)have sth. done “have+sth. (宾)+去分(宾)”意为“/叫/使/别人做某事”。宾sth. 后 去分作宾,明sth. 与去分动作之是动关。如: He has had his hair cut. 他(人他)理发了。 6. 含doing常有:have difficulty /trouble/problem/fun/a good time +(in)+doing; feel like do

9、ing =would like to do 想做某事; spend time (in)doing sth 时做某事; go+doing “从事某活动”; be busy doing 忙做; make a contribution to doing 为作 献;devote to doing 力于; look forward to doing 期待; prefer doing to doing 两更喜 欢; be used to doing 习惯于 提分策略 1. 别与 先四个:如果四个分别为动原形、不定式、现在分、去分情况, 么个多半是动。 【例1】(2014江江8) Spring Bud Pr

10、oject is an organization that raises money poor young girls return to school. A. to save B. saving C. helping D. to help 【析】查动不定式法。句意:春划是一个帮助困女孩回学校 。本句中to help poor young girls 为动不定式作状。故D。 【】D 【例2】(2013四川内江36)He hurried back home his schoolbag. A. fetched B. to fetch C. fetching D. fetches 【析】查动法。是不

11、定式作状,构成:他匆忙回家去取书 包。所以择B。 【】B 2. 熟习惯搭 学习动时,住哪些动后动不定式,哪些动后动名,同时也 熟使动常句型。样到有关就会刃。 【例1】(2014江扬州13)Some children cant afford necessary stationary. Lets donate our pocket money to them. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. be bought 【析】本查动法。afford后不定式;与buy,意为“买不 ”。故C。 【】C 【例2】(2014江淮安15)What bought joy to Linda

12、just now? . A. Received a gift B. She received a gift C. Receiving a gift D. Because she received a gift. 【析】本查动法。根据句意和句子构判断,收到物琳带来 快乐,应动名做句子主,所以排A、B、D三。故C。 【】C 专项训练 1. (2014山东济南53)What an amazing woman Li Na is! Yes,she has got the second Grand Slam. She keeps . and never gives up. A. trying B. to

13、try C. tried D. tries 2. (2014江南一模10) Sometimes,Jim feels stressed,but he doesnt know about it. He can get help from his teachers. A. who to talk B. when to talk C. who to talk to D. when to talk to 3. (2014湖北州27)If people cutting down the forest,they will have nowhere . So we should do our best to

14、protect the forests. A. keep;to live B. will keep;to live in C. keep;to live in D. will keep;to live 4. ( 2014江东台5) He lost his key. It made him in the cold to wait for his wifes return. A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D. stay 5. (2014州义36) Mike is learning a computer. A. how can he use B. how to use

15、C. how he use 6. (2014湖北州34)Lisa is a shy girl. Yeah,she prefers to . A. listen;give a speech B. listening;give a speech C. to listen;giving a speech D. listening;giving a speech 7. (2013河南)Our English teacher does what he can us improve our English. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped 8. (2013河

16、南)Boys and girls,attention,please. Now let me tell you to the Bird Island. A. how to get B. what to get C. whom to get D. where to get 9. (2013天津)Whenever you have a chance English,you should take it. A. speak B. to speak C. spoke D. speaks 10. (2013安徽)Why are you so excited? Peter invited me on a t

17、rip to Yuntai Mountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. went 11. (2013四川安)The book is well worth . I plan one. A. read;to buy B. reading;buying C. reading;to buy 12. (2013四川)Many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams true. A. come B. came C. comes 13. (2013浙江杭州)When peopl

18、e want to relax themselves,they prefer TV or listen to music rather than newspapers. A. watching;read B. watching;to read C. to watch;read D. to watch;reading 14. (2013江南京)What bad weather it was! We decided . A. to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out D. not going out 15. (2013江州)It is very imp

19、ortant for us English well. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned 参考答案与解析 1. A 析:查动名法。keep doing sth.(做某事)是固定搭。故A。 2. C 析:查不定式法。加不定式构成不定式在句中作宾,应 talk to与代who构成不定式,不副when。故C。 3. A 析:查动名法。keep doing sth. (做某事)是固定搭。句是条件状 从句,主句是一将来时态,从句一现在时态代替一将来时态。主句中之后不定式作 状。故A。 4. D 析:查不定式法。make sb do sth. (使某人

20、做某事)是固定搭。故D。 5. B 析:查不定式法。learn how to do sth.(学会做某事)是固定搭。故B。 6. D 析:查动名法。prefer doing to doing sth.(宁愿做某事不愿做某事)是固定搭 。故D。 7. B 析:查动法。根据句意“我们师做他够做来帮助我们提 ”,可此动为do, 因此应动不定式作状。因此B。此容 易把can为动,因此A。 8. A 析:查含特殊不定式。句意:“孩子们,注意了。 现在我告你怎么样 去岛。”因此A。 9. B 析:查不定式作定。have a chance to do sth,有机会做某事,后动不定 式。 10. A 析:查

21、动。invite sb. to do sth. 某人做某事。to do sth作宾 。故A。 11. B 析:查动态中动法。动hear在主动态中,后不带to动 不定式作宾,变成动态后,to必加上。所以择B。 12. B 析:查动法。decide后接动不定式,决定去做某事,故应 B。 13. D 析:查动。make sb do使某人做某事。句意为:他丢失了匙,使 他在寒中待他妻子回来,故D。 14. B 析:查动法。构成mind (not) doing sth. 意为“介意(不)做某事”,故 B。 15. C 析:查动。句意:Tony孙女,一个5岁女孩,也他戒烟。ask sb to do sth,固定法,某人做某事。


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