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1、一宾语从句 宾语从句是北京市中考必考题目之一,因其涉及宾语从句的时态和语序两个知识点,故 通常放在单项选择题最后一道。 在 20192019 年的北京市中考题目中,宾语从句每年测试一道,主要测试的内容如下: 2019 年2019 年2019 年 一般将来时 +宾语从句语序一般将来时 +宾语从句语序一般现在时 +宾语从句语序 从上面分析可以看出,北京市中考对于宾语从句的考查是每年必考,主要测试的是一般 将来时及宾语从句的语序,有时也会测试一般过去时与一般现在时,很少涉及宾语从句引导 词的考查。 北京市中考说明对于宾语从句的掌握做了如下要求:熟练掌握宾语从句的构成和用 法。可是,何为熟练掌握呢?

2、所谓熟练掌握宾语从句,就是要掌握宾语从句的含义、引导词、语序和时态的运用。 宾语从句是一种采用一个完整的句子来充当主句宾语的句子,其主要考点有陈述语序和 时态。 上文提到, 北京市中考对于宾语从句的考查主要集中在语序和时态两方面。那么, 学生 如何来把握呢? 一、判断是不是宾语从句的考点 首先,由于涉及两个考点而且句子题干较长,对于宾语从句的考查在历届中考和模拟测 试中常常放在单项选择最后一题,在命制该题目时,选项通常都是完整的句子,因此很好判 断;其次,由于涉及语序的考查,宾语从句的选项部分通常为完整的从句,比较长;最后, 对宾语从句的考查通常是通过一个对话来呈现上下文语境的,因此从句子结构

3、分析,主句部 分通常是Could/Can you tell me. ? 以及I want to know. 等表达,而选项部分则作为主句的 宾语部分放在后面。 二、确定宾语从句的考查点并进行选择 在北京市中考题和模拟题中,宾语从句的测试点通常包括陈述语序和时态两个方面。 1. 语序 宾语从句必须采用陈述语序。何为陈述语序?它是和疑问语序相对的,见下面对比: (1)Do you like English? 其基本结构为:助动词+主语 +谓语动词 +宾语 +其他? 在“ (Tom asked me) if/whether I liked English. ”中,相对应的从句语序为:引导词+主 语+

4、谓语动词 +宾语 +其他 (2)How will you go to Beijing? 其基本结构为:疑问词+助动词 +主语 +谓语动词 +宾语 +其他 ? 在“ (Tom asked me)how I would go to Beijing. ”中,相对应的从句语序为:引导词+主语 +助动词 +谓语动词 +宾语 +其他 可以看出,疑问语序中,助动词要放在主语之前,而在陈述语序中,有时没有助动词, 如果有的话要放在主语之后。 2. 时态 (1)当主句时态为一般现在时、现在进行时或一般将来时等“ 现在时范畴 ” 的时态时, 宾语从句的时态根据需要来用,不受主句影响。 I want to know

5、 what time he got up this morning. He will tell us that he has been able to look after himself. They are saying whether they really like the city. (2)当主句时态为一般过去时时,宾语从句要用相应的过去时态。 Kate said there was a box under the desk. They asked what Tom was doing then. She wanted to know whether the train had gon

6、e. (3)当宾语从句表述的是一个客观真理、自然现象或者谚语时,其时态不受主句时态 的影响。 Tom asked whether light travels faster than sound. Tom said that no news is good news. 在做关于宾语从句的题目时,考生可以从时态入手直接排除两个干扰项;也可以从语序 入手直接排除疑问语序的两个干扰项,再从时态着手排除第三个干扰项。例如以下两题: 1. Could you tell me ? Just go straight. Its on your right. A. where the post office is

7、 B. where is the post office C. where the post office was D. where was the post office 解析: 本题主要考查宾语从句的语序和时态。我们可以从语序或者时态入手。从时态的 角度来说,虽然主句could you tell me 的情态动词是could,但是 could 在此只是为了表达更 加委婉的语气, 和一般过去时无关,而且从语意上讲, 很显然问话人想知道现在邮局在哪儿, 故排除 C、D 两项,在A、B 两项中选择;再从语序来看,宾语从句应该用陈述语序,符合 的选项为A,故本题的正确答案为A。 2. Do you

8、 know the Capital Museum? Next Monday. A. when they will visit B. when will they visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited 解析: 和上题一样, 本题主要考查宾语从句的语序和时态。我们可以从语序或者时态入 手。从语序方面来说,只有A、D 两项正确,排除B、 C 两项;由时态标志词next Monday 可以看出正确答案为A。 1. (2019北京) Can you tell me ? He lives in Shanghai. A. where Mark l

9、ivesB. where does Mark live C. where Mark lived D. where did Mark live A 2. (2019北京) Can you tell me to London? Sure. Next month. A. when you will travelB. when will you travel C. when you travelled D. when did you travel A 3.(2019北京) Do you know the meeting? Tomorrow morning. A. when they had B. wh

10、en they are going to have C. when did they have D. when are they going to have B 4. (2019重庆) Your book is very interesting. Could you tell me ? In Xinhua Bookstore next to our school. A. where did you buy it B. why did you buy it C. where you bought itD. why you bought it C 5. (2019益阳) I don t know

11、. She is from London. A. where she comes fromB. where does she come from C. how old is she D. how old she is A 6. (2019天津) Do you know ? For a month. A. how long will she be away B. how long she will be away C. how often will she go there D. how often she will go there B 7. (2019三亚) Do you know ? Ye

12、s. It s on your table. A. where my dictionary isB. where is my dictionary C. where my dictionary was D. where was my dictionary A 8. (2019苏州) I didn t hearclearly. Could you say it again, please? A. what you saidB. what did you say C. what you say D. what do you say A 9. (2019宜宾) Frank asked me for

13、the violin. A. how much do I pay B. how much I paid C. how much did I pay D. how much I pay B 10. (2019山东) The child told us at last and then we took him home. A. where does he live B. where he lives C. where did he live D. where he lived D A 组 1.(2019石景山一模)Do you know the map yesterday? In the book

14、store on the corner. A. where Mike boughtB. where did Mike buy C. where will Mike buy D. where Mike will buy A 2.(2019通州一模) Can you tell me in Beijing? Yes. At 7 o clock tomorrow evening. A. when they will arrive B. when will they arrive C. when they arrivedD. when did they arrive A 3.(2019海淀一模) Jac

15、k, can you tell me ? I want to study computer science. A. what is your future planB. what your future plan is C. what was your future planD. what your future plan was B 4. (2019朝阳一模) Can you tell me ? Next week. A. when we had a meetingB. when will we have a meeting C. when did we have a meetingD. w

16、hen we will have a meeting D 5. (2019西城一模) Excuse me, can you tell me? Take the No. 22 bus. It will take you right there. A. how can I get to Laoshe Teahouse B. how I can get to Laoshe Teahouse C. which bus did I take to Laoshe Teahouse D. which bus I took to Laoshe Teahouse B 6. (2019东城一模) Do you k

17、now our school? The day after tomorrow. A. when the American students visit B. when the American students will visit C. when do the American students visit D. when will the American students visit B 7. (2019西城一模) Could you tell me ? In a book store at the corner. A. where you bought this book B. whe

18、re did you buy this book C. where you buy this bookD. where do you buy this book A 8. (2019海淀一模) Could you tell me at the station? At 9:00 tomorrow morning. A. when we met B. when did we meet C. when we will meetD. when will we meet C 9. (2019朝阳一模) Excuse me, could you tell me ? My name is Kate Gree

19、n. A. what is your nameB. what was your name C. what your name isD. what your name was C 10. (2019丰台一模) Do you know for her mother tomorrow? She will buy a skirt. A. what Kate will buyB. what will Kate buy C. what did Kate buy D. what Kate bought A B 组 1. (2019燕山一模) Excuse me! We d like to buy some

20、bottles of water. Oh, I know a store near here. Let me show you . A. what it is B. what it was C. where it isD. where it was C 2. (2019丰台一模) Can you tell me ? Last month. A. when they cameB. when did they come C. when they will come D. when will they come A 3. (2019怀柔一模) Do you know the Nature Museu

21、m? Next week. A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited B 4. (2019顺义一模) Could you tell me yesterday? Because my bike was broken on my way here. A. why you came late B. why do you come late C. why you come lateD. why did you come late A 5. (2019石景山二模)

22、Sam, do you know for the holiday next month? To Australia, I suppose. A. where did we go B. where will we go C. where we will goD. where we went C 6. (2019石景山一模)I m going to Flower Bookstore. Could you please tell me ? A. where is it B. where it wasC. where it isD. where was it C 7. (2019顺义一模) Could

23、 you tell me your grandparents? Every week. A. how often you visitB. how often do you visit C. how often did you visitD. how often you visited A 8. (2019通州一模) Linda, could you tell me this book? A. where you buy B. where do you buy C. where you boughtD. where did you buy C 9. (2019怀柔一模) Do you know

24、every year, Jack? Sorry, I don t know. A. when the School Day is B. when is the School Day C. when the School Day wasD. when was the School day A 10. (2019平谷一模) Do you know for England last night? At 9:00. A. when she leaves B. when she left C. when does she leave D. when did she leave B 1. Could yo

25、u tell me the Dragon Boat Festival in China? Sure. People usually watch the dragon boat race and eat zongzi. A. how people celebrate B. how do people celebrate C. when people celebrateD. when do people celebrate A 2. Excuse me, can you tell me tomorrow? At 8:00. A. what time the plane arrived in Bei

26、jing B. what time did the plane arrive in Beijing C. what time the plane will arrive in Beijing D. what time will the plane arrive in Beijing C 3. Could you tell me a moment ago? A. what they were talking about B. what were they talking about C. what they are talking about D. what are they talking a

27、bout A 4. I am going to the post office. Could you tell me ? Sorry, I don t know. I m new here. A. where is it B. where it is C. where was it D. where it was B 5. The policeman asked the lost boy . A. where his mother isB. where is his mother C. where his mother was D. where was his mother C 6. What

28、 did the teacher ask the students just now? He asked . A. if they are interested in the lesson B. if are they interested in the lesson C. if they were interested in the lesson D. if were they interested in the lesson C 7. Could you tell me yesterday? The Summer Palace. A. where you go B. where do yo

29、u go C. where you wentD. where did you go C 8. Can you show me ? I need it now. A. where is the book B. where the book is C. where was the book D. where the book was B 9. Excuse me, can you tell me ? A. how I can improve my math B. how can I improve my math C. how I could improve my math D. how coul

30、d I improve my math A 10. Can you tell me the Science Museum? Next week. A. when we will visitB. when will we visit C. when we visited D. when did we visit A 二状语从句 状语从句在这几年北京市中考单项选择题中考查得并不多,但在书面表达中所涉及的考 查面比较广,因此仍然应该引起学生重视。 在 20192019 年的北京市中考中,状语从句的测试比较少见,主要测试内容如下: 2019 年2019 年2019 年 未考未考when 引导的时间状语

31、从句 从上面分析可以看出,北京市中考的单项选择部分对于状语从句的考查并不多,主要测 试的是时间状语从句,有时会结合时态来考查。 北京市中考说明对于状语从句的掌握做了如下要求:掌握状语从句的构成和用法。 要求很简单,但这个考查点本身比较复杂,状语从句包括时间状语从句、原因状语从句、条 件状语从句、让步状语从句、结果状语从句、目的状语从句、比较状语从句、方式状语从句 等,可考查的内容也比较多。在命制单项选择题目时,命制者主要通过测试引导词的含义和 所体现的上下文的逻辑关系来考查学生对状语从句的掌握情况,有时也通过测试谓语动词的 结构来考查状语从句的一些特殊用法,如2011 年就通过考查时态测试了含

32、有as soon as 引 导的时间状语从句的主从复合句的时态“ 主将从现 ” 这一语言点。 状语从句不仅仅是在单项选择题中会考,更重要的是在书面表达中考,所以, 学生对于 这个知识点应该系统掌握,不应该仅仅满足于会选择。 状语从句:在主句中修饰谓语、定语、状语或者整个句子的从句。 状语从句可以进一步分为: 1. 时间状语从句 常用引导词: when (当时候) , while (在期间) , before(在以前) , after (在以后) , as(当时) , until(直到) , not. until (直到才), till(直到) , since (自从以来), as soon a

33、s (一就) 。 The students were doing their homework when the teacher came in. While they were working in the fields, they saw something strange flying in the sky. He didn t stop playing the game until his mother asked him to have supper. 注意: 在含有 when,till/until,as soon as 等引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,通常遵循“ 主 将从现 ”

34、 的原则。 He will return the book as soon as he finishes reading it. Well wait here till /until he comes back. 2. 原因状语从句 常用引导词:because(因为) , as(由于) , since(既然)。 I didn t buy that coat because it was too dear. He didn t go to the cinema because he had seen the film. 注意: because, as, since不能与 so 同时使用(类似于t

35、hough 与 but 不能同时使用) 。 3. 条件状语从句 常用引导词:if(如果) , unless(如果不,除非) 。 要注意, 在含有 if 或 unless引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句中,时态遵循 “ 主将从现 ” 的原则。 If its fine tomorrow, well go fishing. If it doesnt rain next week, well have a sports meeting. Unless it rains, the game will be played. 4. 让步状语从句 常用引导词:although/though (虽然) , eve

36、n though(即使)。 Though I like writing letters, it takes a lot of time. He came to school on time this morning though he had a bad cold. 5. 结果状语从句 常用引导词:so. that (如此以至于), such. that ( 如此以至于) 。 He is so angry that he cant say a word. He is such a clever boy that everyone likes him. 注意: so. that 和 such.

37、that 的区别: so 修饰形容词或副词, such修饰名词。 He walks so fast that nobody can catch up with him. That was such an interesting story that we all laughed. 6. 目的状语从句 常用引导词:so that(以便,为了) 。 He worked hard at his lessons so that he could catch up with his classmates. 这种目的状语从句可以转换为不定式形式: He got up early so that he co

38、uld catch the early bus. = He got up early to catch the early bus. 7. 比较状语从句 常用引导词:as. as (和一样), not. so/as. as(不如), than(比)。 在实际运用中,这种状语从句常常省略与主句部分相同的词。 The earth is bigger than the moon (is). He writes as carefully as his sister (writes/does ). 8. 方式状语从句 常用引导词:as(和一样) 。 You must copy the word as t

39、he teacher told you. 综上所述, 在学习和掌握状语从句时,理解并记住引导词的含义,体会引导词在上下文 中所体现的逻辑关系非常重要,同时要特别注意它的特殊用法。在做单项选择题目时,主要 根据引导词的含义和句意来选择。 1. (2019北京)I got home, my sister was doing her homework. A. WhenB. Because C. If D. Though A 2. (2019襄樊) We won t start the meetingour teacher arrives. A. though B. until C. whileD.

40、or B 3. (2019天津) Did you give Dick a call? I didn t need to I ll see him soon. A. when B. though C. until D. because D 4. (2019上海) I ll send you an email as soon as I in Canada. A. arriveB. arrived C. am arriving D. will arrive A 5. (2019益阳) She is a nice girl we all like her. A. so;that B. such;tha

41、t C. too;to D. very;that B 6. (2019长沙) Making friends is not easy. Sometimes it can take years you become true friends with someone. A. beforeB. after C. because D. unless A 7. (2019湘潭)Mr. Brown knows little Japanese ,he can t understand the instructions on the bottles of the pills. A. soB. or C. bu

42、t D. for A 8. (2019洛阳)it was very cold yesterday, he had a swim in the river as usual. A. Because B. Although C. But D. For B 9. (2019襄樊) What shall we do now? it s raining very hard, let s stay at home. A. So B. Since C. Though D. If B 10. (2019新疆) Nobody knows if he . If he here, I ll call you at

43、once. A. will come;will arrive B. will come;arrives C. comes;will arrive D. comes;arrives B 1. (2019东城一模) I m waiting for my mother. , I ll go shopping with her. A. If she doesn t comeB. If she comes C. If she will come D. If she won t come B 2. (2019东城一模) The film Kung Fu Panda is interesting I wou

44、ld like to see it again. A. such;that B. too;to C. as;as D. so; that D 3. (2019顺义一模) Tom knew nothing about it his sister told him. A. since B. if C. untilD. after C 4. (2019房山一模) May I surf the Internet now? No,you have finished washing the dishes. A. unlessB. if C. because D. when A 5. (2019平谷一模)

45、Your French is so good. How long have you been in France? I was five. A. Until B. SinceC. When D. While B 6. (2019西城二模) We will go to have a picnic the weather is fine. A. ifB. before C. unless D. until A 7. (2019石景山期末)I m tired I don t have a rest for the whole day. A. or B. because C. but D. so B

46、8. (2019朝阳期末) Li Na trained very hard ,she became a great tennis player later. A. or B. soC. for D. but B 9. (2019朝阳二模) My bike was broken on the way ,I was late for school. A. or B. soC. for D. but B 10. (2019朝阳期末) What was your brother doing at this time yesterday? He was reading I was writing an

47、email. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while D 1. Don t forget to wash your hands you have meals. A. until B. beforeC. when D. while B 2. Tom was drawing a picture on the blackboard the teacher came in. A. whenB. while C. before D. after A 3. What were you doing at this time last night? I was wat

48、ching TV at home my brother was writing an email. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while D 4. I will write to you I get to Beijing. A. so B. as soon as C. because D. though B 5. He runs very fast he is short and small. A. because B. although C. so D. but B 6. They develop their skills they can do

49、things better and better. A. however B. because C. since D. so that D 7. They arrived we were having dinner. A. if B. whileC. since D. for B 8. Jim likes reading a newspaper he is having breakfast. A. until B. as soon as C. before D. while D 9. she works harder, she will pass the exam. A. Though B. If C. So D. For B 10. You can t watch TV you have finished your homework. A. when B.


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