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1、一动词时态 动词时态是与动词相关的考点,在北京市历届中考语法试题中所占的比例都是各项知识 点中最高的。在一套试卷的10 个单项选择题中,至少有3 个题是直接测试时态的,至少有 2 个题是将时态和语态以及(宾语从句的)语序结合起来进行测试的。由此可见,掌握动词 的时态有多么重要! 2019 年2019 年北京市中考有关动词时态的测试考点分析: 2019 年2019 年2019 年 1. 一般现在时 2. 过去进行时 3. 现在完成时 4. 一般将来时的被动语态 5. 一般将来时 +宾语从句语序 1. 现在进行时 2. 现在完成时 3. 一般过去时的被动语态 4. 一般将来时 +宾语从句语序 1.

2、 一般过去时 2. 现在进行时 3. 现在完成时 4. 一般将来时的被动语态 5. 一般现在时 +宾语从句语序 尽管近几年北京市中考题中语法专项题目的个数在减少,但是对于时态的测试始终没有 减少,甚至在2019 年北京市中考题中考查动词时态的题目在整套试题的语法测试题目中所 占的比例还在增加,高达50%!可以说,动词时态是这些年教育考试院认为的“ 核心语法 ” 。 北京市中考说明对于动词时态的掌握做了如下要求: 1. 熟练掌握动词的五种基本形式:动词原形、第三人称单数现在式、现在分词、过去 式和过去分词。 2. 熟练掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在完成时、现在进行时、过去 进行时的

3、构成和基本用法。 3. 理解过去将来时、过去完成时的构成和基本用法。 4. 熟练掌握系动词be 的用法。 5. 掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和带有can, may, must 等情态动词的被动 语态的构成和基本用法。 近几年来,在中考题中,一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、现在完成时、一般将 来时和过去进行时是作为考点和答案项出现的,而过去完成时和过去将来时只作为干扰项出 现。 在试题命制时, 命题人主要从语境提示和时态标志词入手,或通过呈现一组对话来展示 语境, 学生必须通过阅读对话,体会并判断语境来确定正确的时态,这种情况常常出现在对 于现在进行时的测试中;或者是通过一句陈述语

4、,加上时态标志词,提示学生来选择正确的 时态,比如对于现在完成时的测试往往是这样。 在中考试题命制时,命题人主要从语境提示和时态标志词入手,因此, 考生在学习和掌 握时态时,应该从时态的功能出发,结合时态名称、定义、谓语动词结构(形式,“ 态” )以 及时态标志词 (“ 时” )来理解,亦可将初中阶段学习的八种时态组合成四对来进行对比分析, 从而形成良好的知识结构框架。 时态定义 时态标志词 (时) 动词形式 (态) 例句功能 特殊用法 或易错点 要求 一 般 现 在时 1. 目 前 的 状态 2. 目 前 习 惯动作 usually, often, always 等 am/is/are,动

5、词原形或三 单 He is fine. I often walk to school. 描 述 目 前 状 态 描 述 习 惯、 爱好 等 将两种结构 混用到一起 熟练 掌握 一 般 过 去时 1. 过 去 的 状态 2. 过 去 的 动 作 或 习 惯行为 yesterday, . ago, last (week). was/were , 动词过去式 He was fine. He walked there last week. 描 述 过 去 状 态 描 述 经 历, 讲故 事等 将两种结构 混用到一起 熟练 掌握 现 在 进 行时 此 刻 正 在 进 行 的 行 为 now, Look!

6、Listen! 等 am/is/are+v. -ing I am reading now. 描 述 目 前行为、 画面等 忘记加 am/is/are 熟练 掌握 过 去 进 行时 过 去 某 一 具 体 时 刻 的行为 at this time yesterday, when+一般过 去时从句 was/were+v. -ing I was reading at this time yesterday. 描 述 当 时 画 面 或 具 体 行为 忘记加 was/were 熟练 掌握 一 般 将 来时 目 前 将 要 发 生 的 行 为 tomorrow, next week, in the fu

7、ture. will+v. shall+v. am/is/are going to+v. I will read the book next week. 描 述 计 划、 打算 等 忘记加 am/is/are 熟练 掌握 过 去 将 来时 从 过 去 某 个时间看, 将 要 发 生 的行为 ( 无 明 显 时 态标志词) would + v. should + v. was/were going to + v. He said he would walk there. 在 过 去 描 述 未 来 的 计 划 和 打 算 理解 现 在 完 成时 到 目 前 为 止 某 动 作 持 续 了 多 久

8、;过去的 动 作 对 现 在的影响 for+ 一 段 时 间, since. ,already, yet, just, never, ever 等 have+v. -ed has+v. -ed I have learned English for 10 years. 描 述 经 历等 将动词过去 式与过去分 词混淆 熟练 掌握 过 去 完 成时 到 过 去 某 时 为 止 某 动 作 持 续 了多久 ( 无 明 显 时 态标志词) had+v. -ed By 2009 I had already lived there for 10 years. 将动词过去 式与过去分 词混淆 理解 从上表可

9、以看出,一般现在时&一般过去时,现在进行时&过去进行时,一般将来时& 过去将来时,现在完成时&过去完成时,这四对时态可以进行比较理解和记忆。 在解单项选择中的时态题目时,可以依据时态标志词或者语境提示,来选择相应的时态 和时态结构。 1. (2019 北京) Where did you go last weekend? I to the Great Wall. A. go B. wentC. will go D. have gone B 2. (2019 北京) It s nice to see you again. We each other since 2019. A. won t see

10、B. don t seeC. haven t seenD. didn t see C 3. (2019 北京) Please don t make so much noise. The baby now. A. sleepsB. sleptC. will sleepD. is sleeping D 4. (2019 北京) Mum, where is Dad? He flowers in the garden now. A. plantedB. plantsC. will plantD. is planting D 5. (2019 北京) My grandparents in that ci

11、ty since 2008. A. will liveB. liveC. have livedD. were living C 6. (2019 北京) What do you often do at weekends? I often my grandparents. A. visitB. visited C. have visitedD. will visit A 7. (2019 北京) What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon? I the classroom. A. was clea

12、ningB. have cleaned C. will cleanD. clean A 8. (2019 北京) He in this factory for 20 years already. A. will workB. works C. has workedD. is working C A 组 1. (2019 石景山一模) What are you doing, Sam? I the house for my uncle. A. am paintingB. paintedC. paint D. will paint A 2. (2019 西城一模) Do you know Mr. S

13、mith? Yes. I him since 2008. A. knowB. knew C. have known D. will know C 3. (2019 海淀一模) I Beijing Opera since I was five years old. A. learnB. learned C. will learnD. have learned D 4. (2019 西城一模) Did you see the film last night? No, I some shopping at that time. A. am doingB. was doing C. didD. wil

14、l do B 5. (2019 西城一模) When I was a boy, I often to play in that park. A. wentB. have goneC. goC. will go A 6. (2019 东城一模) I you a copy of the report as soon as I find it. A. sendB. sentC. will sendD. have sent C 7. (2019 东城一模) My uncle is a writer. He many books since he was young. A. writesB. wrote

15、C. is writingD. has written D 8. (2019 海淀一模) Gina a lot since she joined the club. A. learnsB. learnedC. will learnD. has learned D 9. (2019 海淀一模) Be quiet!Your little brother in the bedroom now. A. sleptB. sleepsC. will sleepD. is sleeping D 10. (2019 朝阳一模) We breakfast when the phone rang. A. hadB

16、. were having C. are havingD. have B B 组 1. (2019 东城一模) Jack, where is Tom? He in the library. A. readsB. read C. was readingD. is reading D 2. (2019 东城一模) I this mobile phone for five years. I want to buy a new one. A. useB. usedC. have usedD. will use C 3. (2019 西城一模) Where were you when I called

17、you yesterday afternoon? I a movie in the cinema. A. was seeingB. see C. have seenD. will see A 4. (2019 朝阳一模) My grandpa a walk after supper every day. A. takesB. tookC. will takeD. has taken A 5. (2019 西城二模) The little boy quietly when his mother entered his bedroom. A. criesB. was crying C. is cr

18、yingD. cried B 6. (2019 丰台一模) Where is Miss Lee? She a meeting at the office now. A. is havingB. hadC. hasD. will have A 7. (2019 丰台一模) Many foreigners to visit Beijing every year. A. comeB. cameC. comesD. will come A 8. (2019 丰台一模) Mr Brown in this factory since he was 24 years old. A. worksB. work

19、ed C. will workD. has worked D 9. (2019 通州一模) Why are you late, Dad? I met a friend and we in the street for a while. A. talkB. are talking C. talkedD. will talk C 10. (2019 通州一模) When I got home, my parents for me at the table. A. waitB. waited C. were waitingD. have waited C 1. He is very good at

20、English. He it since he was 5. A. learnB. will learn C. is learningD. has learned D 2. Please turn down the TV. Dad on the telephone now. A. talksB. is talkingC. talkedD. was talking B 3. What do you usually do on Sundays? I usually basketball with my friends. A. playB. playsC. playedD. have played

21、A 4. What did you do yesterday? I a party with my friends in the park. A. haveB. hadC. have hadD. was having B 5. What s your plan for the coming holiday? I on a trip with my classmates. A. goB. went C. have goneD. will go D 6. He too much, so he didn t feel very well. A. ateB. eatsC. will eatD. is

22、eating A 7. Tom s uncle in Beijing since last week. A. worksB. workedC. is workingD. has worked D 8. He his clothes at this time yesterday. A. washedB. was washingC. washesD. is washing B 9. We went boating yesterday and we a good time. A. haveB. hadC. are havingD. was having B 10. Oh, I left my sch

23、oolbag in your house. Don t worry. I it to school tomorrow. A. takeB. will takeC. tookD. were taking B 二情态动词 情态动词是每年中考必考考点之一。这个语言点在近几年的中考题中考得比较简单,主 要涉及 can 和 must 以及 need 的用法,因常考问话人用Can 开头提问、 答话人用can 来回答, 有人戏称这种考法为“ 看( can)来看( can)去 ” 。 2019 年 2019 年北京市英语中考“ 单项选择 ” 题型中所测试的情态动词的内容: 2019 年2019 年2019 年

24、 must-needntcan-can 未考 尽管在单项选择中对情态动词的考查内容不多,但对情态动词的考查还会出现在阅读理 解、完形填空以及书面表达试题中。 北京市中考说明 对于情态动词的要求是:掌握情态动词的基本用法,如: can, may, must, need等。 在题目命制时, 命题人提供了具体、生动的语境, 充分体现了情态动词考查语用化的趋 势,注重考查学生在语境中对相关知识的运用能力。 情态动词是表达能力、义务、必要性、猜测等功能,含有一定情感色彩的助动词,它本 身具有含义, 但是在句中不能单独用作谓语,需要与实义动词一起构成谓语。有些情态动词 具有多个含义, 用于不同句式时又有不

25、同用法,常常是在肯定句式时用这个,而在否定句式 时则需要用那个, 用于疑问句式时还有不同回答,使得学生在学习和掌握时出现了很多意想 不到的问题。 比如:can有“ 可以 ” 的意思, 相对应的功能是表示许可,但是在否定回答表强 烈语气时可以用cant或 mustnt,而 cant又可以作 “ 不可能 ” 讲,用于对must 表示推测时的 否定。同时 , can 还具有 “ 可能 ” 的含义,相对应的功能是表示推测。can 的第三种含义是“ 能 够” ,相对应的功能是表示能力。 通常地,学生在学习情态动词时,应该从词义出发,理解其相应的功能,并在例句和所 体现的语境中体会其中的语气,这样才能比较

26、准确地掌握它们的用法。 下面以情态动词can、 may 和 must 为例,来说明如何理解和掌握情态动词的用法: 1. can 有三种含义和功能,语气有时适中,有时强烈。 (1)“ 可以 ” ,表示许可,语气适中,相当于may。例如: Can I have some more apples, Mum? Yes,you can. / No, you cant/mustn t. 我可以再吃一些苹果吗,妈妈? 是的,你可以。/不,你不能 /不准。 (2)“ 能够,会 ” ,表示能力,语气适中。例如: Can you swim? Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 你会游泳吗? 是的,

27、我会。 / 不,我不会。 (3)“ (不)可能 ” ,表示推测,常用于对must 表示推测的否定,语气强烈。例如: Look!That boy over there must be Tom because he is as tall and thin as Tom. It can t be Tom. Tom has gone to America. 看!那边那个男孩一定是汤姆,因为他和汤姆一样高、一样瘦。 不可能是汤姆!汤姆去美国了。 2. may 有两种含义和功能,语气适中。 (1)“ 可以 ” ,表示请求或许可,语气较委婉,相当于can。但是在进行否定回答时通常 不用 may not,因为

28、 may not 过于正式。例如: May/Can I have some more apples, Mum? Yes, you may/can. /No, you cant/mustn t. 我可以再吃一些苹果吗,妈妈? 是的,你可以。/不,你不能 /不准。 (2)“ 可能 ” ,在肯定句中表示推测,其肯定语气弱于must。例如: You may ask Mr. Lee. He may know what you want to learn. 你可以问问李老师。他可能知道你想学的东西。 3. must 有两种含义和功能,语气比较强烈。 (1) “ 必须 ” , 表示必要性, 语气强烈, 肯定

29、回答时用must, 但是否定回答时常用neednt, 因为 mustnt的语气过于强烈,常用于规章制度、令行禁止等。例如: a. Must I finish my homework before dinner, Mum? Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. You can finish it after dinner. 我必须在晚饭前完成家庭作业吗,妈妈? 是的,你必须完成。/不,不必。你可以在晚饭后完成作业。 b. Can I park my car here, sir? No, you mustn t. You must park it over there.

30、 我可以把车停在这儿吗,先生? 不,不行。你必须停在那边。 (2)“ 一定 ” ,用在肯定句中表示推测,肯定的语气很强,但是否定回答时要用cant。 具体例句参加can 词条( 3) 。 综上所述, 学生需要从词义出发,结合功能和语气,在具体语境中去理解、记忆情态动 词,这样才能够学得更加扎实。 在做题时,学生可以细读题干(通常是对话),体会其中语境和语气,判断功能,将所 学的有关情态动词的例句所体现的语境和该题题干进行对比,然后选择相类似的语境,最后 确定合适的情态动词。 1. (2019 北京) Jack,you ride a bike? Yes, I can. A. canB. mayC

31、. needD. must A 2. (2019 北京) Must I hand in my homework now, Mr. Smith? No, you . A. can tB. shouldntC. wouldntD. needn t D 3. (2019 北京) you sing an English song? Yes, I can. A. CanB. MayC. MustD. Need A 4. (2019 上海) Mum, must I wash the dishes right now? No, you . A. shouldntB. wouldn t C. mustn tD

32、. needn t D 5. (2019 山东) Can you ride a horse? No, I . A. needn tB. may notC. can tD. mustn t C 1. (2019 石景山一模) I have a look at your dictionary? Of course you can. Here you are. A. NeedB. CanC. MustD. Should B 2. (2019 海淀一模) Must I hand in my paper now, Mr. Jones? No, you . You can hand it in tomor

33、row. A. needn tB. wouldntC. can tD. shouldnt A 3. (2019 西城一模) Mum, can I watch TV now? No. You tidy your room first. A. canB. mayC. mustD. could C 4. (2019 石景山一模) Can he jump high? Yes, he . He is a good high jumper. A. canB. need C. mustD. shall A 5. (2019 顺义一模) May I watch TV now, Mum? No, you . Y

34、ou ve got a lot of homework to do. A. won tB. mustntC. shouldntD. needn t B 6. (2019 东城一模) Must I finish the work today? No, you . A. can tB. needn tC. mustn tD. shouldnt B 7. (2019 西城一模) Must I leave the reading room before 5 o clock? No, you . You can stay here until 5:30. A. can tB. needn tC. mus

35、tn tD. shouldnt B 8. (2019 朝阳一模) May I put my car here, please? No, you . Put it over there, please. A. mustntB. needn tC. shouldntD. wouldnt A 9. (2019 丰台一模) Can you speak French? No, I . A. can tB. needn tC. mustn tD. shouldnt A 10. (2019 昌平一模) May I go to play basketball with Jim now? No, you . Y

36、ou ve got so much homework to do. A. mustn tB. needn t C. shouldntD. wouldnt A 1. Can I park my car here? No, you . Look at the sign “ No parking” . A. shouldntB. mustntC. couldntD. needn t B 2. Must I read the book here, in the reading room? Yes, you . A. mayB. canC. needD. must D 3. Someone is kno

37、cking at the door. Is it Tom? It be him. He has gone to the Great Wall. A. can tB. may notC. mustn tD. needn t A 4. you say it again?I didn t hear you clearly. A. CanB. MustC. MayD. Need A 5. May I play football here, Mum? No, you play football in the busy street. It s too dangerous! A. wouldntB. mu

38、stntC. needn tD. couldnt B 6. These people are good runners. They run very fast. A. mustB. canC. couldD. should B 7. Guess what?Our team won the school football match. Congratulations!You be very proud. A. canB. mustC. wouldD. should B 8. Can you translate the article into Chinese? Yes, I . A. canB.

39、 mustC. wouldD. should A 9. Must I water the flowers every day? No, you . You can water them every two days. A. can tB. mustntC. shouldntD. needn t D 10. Must I answer the question in English? No, you . You can answer it in Chinese. A. can tB. needn tC. shouldntD. mustn t B 三被动语态 动词的被动语态是中考必考内容之一,它通

40、常和一些常见时态结合起来被测试,主要考 查的是一般现在时的被动语态、一般过去时的被动语态和一般将来时的被动语态,包含情态 动词的被动语态以及现在完成时的被动语态在北京市各区县的模拟题中偶尔会出现。 以下是 2019 年2019 年北京市中考对于被动语态的考查内容: 2019 年2019 年2019 年 一般将来时 +被动语态一般过去时 +被动语态一般将来时 +被动语态 北京市中考说明对于被动语态的要求是:掌握一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来 时和带有can, may, must 等情态动词的被动语态的构成和基本用法。 在题目命制时, 命题人提供了具体时态标志词和具体的语境,充分体现了动词的被动

41、语 态考查语用化的趋势,注重考查学生在语境中对相关知识的运用能力。 动词的语态分为主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态 表示主语是动作的承受者。 被动语态结构由“be + 过去分词 ” 构成。前面提到,中考对于动词的被动语态的考查一 般涉及一般现在时、一般过去时以及一般将来时,因此, 对于相关的时态的掌握和判断就显 得十分重要。 以下是动词的被动语态的基本构成: 时态构成例句 一般现在时am/is/are+过去分词Today computers are usedeverywhere. 一般过去时was/were+过去分词 The old man was sent to

42、hospital immediately after the car accident. 一般将来时will/shall be+ 过去分词A new road will be built next year. 含情态动词 can/must/may. + be+过去 分词 Books mustn t be taken out of the reading room. 通常情况下, 在单项选择的四个选项中会出现两个不同时态的主动语态的选项、两个和 前面类似或者相同时态的被动语态的选项。在解题时, 学生可以选择从时态出发,排除两个 选项,也可以选择从语态出发,排除两个选项,再依据另一个角度,排除第三

43、个干扰项。 1. (2019 北京) A new road near my school next year. A. buildsB. will build C. is builtD. will be built D 2. (2019 北京) These cars in China in 2019. A. are madeB. were made C. makeD. made B 3. (2019 北京) A new hospital in my town next year. A. buildsB. builtC. is builtD. will be built D 4. (2019 山东

44、) Flowers along the road last year. A. plantB. planted C. are plantedD. were planted D 5. (2019 上海) Today, computers are really helpful. They everywhere. A. useB. are used C. usedD. were used B 6. (2019 苏州) Many accidents by careless drivers last year. A. are causedB. were caused C. have causedD. wi

45、ll cause B A 组 1. (2019 石景山一模) The 24th Winter Olympic Games in Beijing in 2022. A. holdsB. will hold C. were heldD. will be held D 2. (2019 西城一模) On March 15,2019, Lee Se-dol by Google s Al in the final match. A. beatB. beats C. was beaten D. is beaten C 3. (2019 朝阳一模) More and more trees in Beijin

46、g every year. A. plantB. planted C. are planted D. were planted C 4. (2019 东城一模) The park gates at 10:00 every evening. A. lockB. locked C. are lockedD. were locked C 5. (2019 门头沟一模) The famous tower more than 300 years ago. A. buildsB. builtC. is builtD. was built D 6. (2019 海淀一模) Lots of lessons o

47、n the Internet these days. A. giveB. are givenC. gaveD. were given B 7. (2019 丰台一模) Lots of trees along the streets last year. A. plantB. are planted C. plantedD. were planted D 8. (2019 石景山一模) Helen to a language school when she was 7. A. sentB. is sentC. was sentD. will send C 9. (2019 顺义一模) A big

48、 shopping centre in Shunyi last year. A. builtB. was built C. will buildD. will be built B 10. (2019 通州一模) The Olympic Games every four years. A. are heldB. were held C. holdD. held A B 组 1. (2019 东城一模) What a beautiful picture! Thank you. It when I travelled in Paris last year. A. takesB. tookC. is takenD. was taken D 2. (2019 西城一模) The 7th Women s Football World Cup in Canada in 2019. A. was heldB. heldC. holdD. is held A 3. (2019 朝阳一模) My sister to the party yesterday. She had a good time there. A. invitesB. invited C. was invitedD. is invited C 4. (2019 海淀二模) The iPad in 2010. A


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