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1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 高中英语情景交际用语复习 【知识点归纳 】 1.Introduction( 介绍 Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you. 2.Greetings(问候 Very well,thank you. 3.Thanks(感谢 It s a pleasure./My Pleasure./That s OK./You re welcome./Don t mention it./That s all right. 4.Apologies(道歉 That s OK./It s all right./Never mind./It s

2、nothing./Forget it./It doesn t matter. 5.Invitation( 邀请 ) Thank you./No, thank you. 6.Asking for permission(请求允许 I m sorry,it s not allowed./I m afraid not. 7.Expressing wishes and congratulations( 祝愿和祝贺 Congratulations! 8.Offering help( 提供帮助 No,thanks./Thank you all the same. 9.Making appointments(

3、 约会 All right.See you then. 10.Making telephone calls(打电话 ) Just a moment, please./Sorry. He isn t in just now. /Hold the line, please. /Hello. This is Mary speaking. 11.Having meals(就餐 ) Would you like something to eat/dr No,thank you.I ve had enough. 12.Seeing a doctor(就医 ) I m not quite myself./I

4、 feel terrible(bad,horrible.). 13.Shopping 购物 I want/I d like a pair of sports shoes. 14.Asking the way(问路 Excuse me.Where is the post office?/Excuse me.Which is the way to the post office?/Can(Could) you tell me the way to the post office?/How can I get to It s over there./Go down this street until

5、 you see the tall red building.You can t miss it./You can take bus No.23./Turn left at the first crossing./Sorry,I don t know.I m a stranger here. 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 15.Talking about weather( 谈论天气 What s the wea It s nice/fine/sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy/foggy. 16.Sympathy(同情 ) 17.Frequency(频度

6、 Once a wee 18.Praise and encouragement(赞扬和鼓励 常考交际用语辨析: 1 That is all right.没关系 ; 不客气( 用于别人道歉或致谢时) That is right 说得对(相当于 you are right.) -It will be too late when you know it. That is right. 行了 /够啦! (对别人所做之事愤怒) That is right. Just go out and leave me to do the dishes as usual. All right: 不错-How is t

7、he school going, Steve? -Oh, all right. I guess. 没事的 I d better go and make sure she is all right. Everything will be all right好的,行 (=ok) 2. with pleasure 十分乐意 (用于别人求助时 ) Can you fix the radio for me? With pleasure 非 常乐意(用于邀请时) Will you come? -With pleasure, ( It is /That is ) a /my pleasure 别客气(用于别

8、人道谢时 ) Thank you for your timely help. My pleasure 3.Don t mention it. 不用客气 (主要用于别人道谢时) - Thanks for the ride home. Don t mention it. Piece of cake. 没关系(少数情况下也可用来回答道歉) -I apologize for what I said. -Don t mention it. 4. No problem 没问题(=By all means / Out of question 答应别人 ) -Could you post the letter

9、 for me? -No problem.没问题;不在话下”(表示有能力做某事) -Can you make a kite? -No problem. 没问题 (用来表示安慰 ) -I ve left my money at home. -(That s) no problem. I can lend you some. 不用谢 /别客气(主要用于美国英语中) -Thank you very much. -No problem. 没关系 / 没什么” ( 主要用于美国英语中) 5. Forget it 没关系 /别在意(用来回答道歉) I m really sorry to have brok

10、en your vase. Forget it. I ve got many. 别放在心上 (表示某物 /事不重要 ) How much do I owe you ? 我欠你多少钱?-Forget it.算不了什么 /不用谢了 (用于回答感谢 ) Im most grateful to you for your help. - Oh, It s nothing, Forget it.别提它了 (不想重复刚才的话) What was that? I didn t hear. Forget it. Nothing 休想 /不可能Can you lend me 1000 dollars? -If y

11、ou are thinking of getting Tom to help, forget it. 别说了 /省省吧 (表示对别人所说的有点烦) 6. Don t you think? 你说呢 ?/你说是吗 ?(用来询问对方的看法) -It must be a very good book, don t you think?难道你不这样认为吗?(委婉的否定 /反驳 ) -He married a beautiful girl. - Oh, really? But I think she is a little too short, don t you think? 7. at your se

12、rvice 愿为您效劳! Im at your service no matter what you ask me to do听候吩咐 8. excuse me劳驾 (打听情况 /引人注意 ) -Excuse me, sir, will you tell me the way to the post office? 对不起 (客气地打断别人的话) 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 -Excuse me, telegram has just arrived. 劳驾;对不起 (经过别人面前时) He pushed his way through the crowd, sayi

13、ng “Excuse me. “ 对不起 (表示中途退席或暂时告退 -Excuse me, just a moment. 对不起,请稍候 -Excuse me, I ll be back in a minute. 用来对有失礼仪的行为表示抱歉。打嗝时 /喷嚏时说一声 Oh, excuse me. if you ll excuse me如果你们介意的话If you ll excuse me, I ll go back to my office. 8. go ahead说吧 /做吧 /开始吧 /请便(表示同意或允许)- -May I start? -Yes, go ahead. -Will you

14、 do me a favour? -Go ahead. 说吧 -Do you mind if I smoke? -No, go ahead不,你抽吧继续 吧(表示继续做某事) -Go ahead, we re all listening. 继续讲吧,我们都在听呢 ! -Don t interrupt me when I am explaining-All right, go ahead. 9 Hang on 别挂断( =hold on) -Hang on! I ll call him.等一下 (用作电话以外的情况) -We re going, Mary. -Hang on a minute.

15、I m not quite ready. 10. help yourself随便吃(招呼客人吃东西 ) Make yourself at home, and help yourself to anything you like. 请自便,自已拿吧(客气地允许别 人做某事 ) -Can I use your dictionary? -Yes, help yourself. -Can I have a drink? -Help yourself. 11. after you! 你先请 (用作进出门或进餐等场合) -After you, sir. -Thanks. 表示你用完后请让我 -After

16、you with the newspaper, please. 你看完报后请让我看。 12. Not at all 不用谢;不客气 (回答感谢 ) -Thanks for helping me. -Not at all. I enjoyed it. 没关系 (回答道歉 ) -I m sorry to keep you waiting. -Not at all. I ve been here only a few minutes. 一点也不 /不见意(回答Would you mind ) -Do you mind my opening the window? -Not at all, go ah

17、ead. 13. I bet. 我敢肯定;保证没错(有把握或信心 ) -I bet he (will) win. 我肯定会赢。 You bet. 当然啦;那还用说(表示对方所提出的事实是显然的) -Can you do it? -You bet. 当然啦。 -I think he knows the secret. -You bet (he does). 14. Good luck 祝你走运 I ll take an important exam. Good luck. Bad luck / Hard luck/ ill luck运气真不好 ! 真倒霉 (同情或安慰某人 ) -Bad luck

18、! Better luck next time. Congratulations 祝贺你Congratulations on your new job! 15. 表赞同对方的话,同意对方的请求几个特殊表达 I can t agree more再同意不过了 . Absolutely /Exactly/Definitely 完全是如此;正是 -can I talk to you for a minute? -absolutely, come in. -Do you mean he is to blame -Exactly absolutely not 绝对不行; 绝对不会 (表示强烈的否定或拒绝)

19、-Do you think I can trust him? -Absolutely not. Not exactly 不见得;不完全是-Do you mean to say he ll refuse us? -Not exactly 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 -So you missed the meeting. Not exactly. I got there five minutes earlier before it started. not really 确实不行 - Do you think we can get to the station on t

20、ime? -Not really unless we take a taxi. 不完全是 -Do you hate others smoking in the office? -Not really. -Do you enjoy the party last night? -Not really. by all means 当然可以 /没问题-May I borrow your bicycle? -By all means. by no means绝不out of the question不可能 /不行 16. 常用的几个省略表达: If so: 如果是那样的话If not:如果不那样的话 W

21、hat if.如果出现某种情况怎么办 How come +从句 ? 怎么会 /为什么出现某种情况; If only! 但愿;要是 .就好了 17 take one s time 表示 “ 慢慢来;不着急 ” ; 18.with pleasure 相当于 certainly,意为 “ 当然可以;愿意效劳” ; 19. hold on 在电话用语中表示“ 请别挂断 ” ; 20. Got it 知道了,明白了 A : Please buy me some fruits B : Got it ! 21. I couldn t agree more 表示完全同意对方的观点或看法等,可译为:我完全同意;

22、我举 双后赞成;你说得很对 22.Not at all. 用来回答感谢,意为:不用谢;不客气。如:A:Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你 帮助我。 B:Not at all. I enjoyed it. 别客气,很高兴能帮你。 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。如: A: I m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了 。 B: Oh, not at all. I ve been here only a few minutes. 哦,没关系,我也刚到几分钟。 (3)用来表示否定(是 No 的加强说法 ),意为:一点也不;完全不。如: A:Do yo

23、u mind if I stay a little longer? 我再呆一会儿你介意吗? B:No, not at all. 一点不介意。 23. It (all) depends. / That (all) depends. 表示某事或某情况还没有决定,得看情况而定,意为:这很难说,那要看情况。如: A:Are you going to the dance this Saturday? 这周星期六你去跳舞吗? B:It all depends. Are you going yourself? 到时候看情况而定,你去吗? 24. So what? (1) 表示不在乎或无所谓,意为:那有什么关

24、系? 如: A:I m afraid it s too expensive. 恐怕太贵了。 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除 只供学习与交流 B:So what? We ve plenty of money. 那有什么关系? 我们有的是钱。 (2) 用于对别人的质问或责难反唇相讥,意为:那有什么不行的? 那为什么不行? 那有什么 了不起 ? 如: A:You ve been getting home awfully late recently. B :So what? Can t I enjoy myself if I want to. (3) 用于生气地告诉对方某情况与他们没有关系,意为:这与你有什么关系? 如: A:Your room looks a real mess, Jack. 杰克,你的房间看起来真是一团糟。 B:So what? 这与你有什么关系?


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