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1、精品文档 精品文档 Article 1 Vincent Van Gogh was one of the most famous Dutch artists of the 19th century. O_1_the course of his 37 years, Van Gogh painted some of the most renowned paintings of our time. At the age of sixteen, he began a career not as a painter but as an art salesman for the firm Goupil li

2、fe would be rather difficult w_5_barcodes. Most of our things would get lost in the post. Barcodes change as well. Barcodes in the past were1-D, but now there are 2-D barcodes, such as QR code. Since 2009, QR has beenused on Chinese train tickets. People can enter stadiums, cinemas and theaters by h

3、_6_certain types of barcodes. If you find these barcode things boring, a barcode building might be more up your street. In St Petersburg, Russia, there is a building designed like a barcode. It l_7_strange, but its actually a shopping mall. There are games too. Barcode Monsters is a mobile phone gam

4、e.You have to scan barcodes and find the monsters! Article 5 【2011 年静安区一模】 In the United States, when you become rich, you want people to know about it. And even if you arent very rich, you want people to think that you are. that is w_1_“ keeping up with the Joneses“ is about. It is the story of som

5、eone who tried to look as rich as his neighbours. 精品文档 精品文档 The expression was f_2_ used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to

6、 a very rich neighbourhood o_3_ New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day.When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors. It was like a race, but one could neverf_4

7、_this race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could not pay for their new way of life any l_5_ .They moved back to New York City, living in an old flat. Momand looked around him and noticed that many people did things just to keep up with the r

8、ich life style of their neighbors. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories about this. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses“ because “Jones“ is a very c_6_ name in the United States.“ Keeping up with the Joneses“ came to mean keeping up with the rich lifestyle

9、 of the people around you. Momands series a_7_ in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years. Article 6 【2012年浦东新区一模】 Each Indian tribe ( 部落) had a different language. Many Indians never learned any language e_1_ their own. Do you know how Indians from different tribes talked to each?

10、 They had two ways to talk without sound. One way was by sign language; the other was by signals. Sign language is a way talking by signs. Indians used it when they met strangers. In this way, they could find out w_2_ the stranger was a friend or an enemy. Indians usually used signals when they want

11、ed to send messages to someone far away. To make signals, an Indian might use a pony (小马). He might use a blanket. Or he might use smoke, a mirror or fire arrows (箭) . To signal that he had seen many animals, an Indian r_3_ his pony in a large circle. Sometimes the Indian gave a signal likethis and

12、then went away to hide. This meant that there was danger. The blanket signal was visible from far away. AnIndian held two c_4_ of a blanket in his hands. Then he began to swing the blanket from side to side in front of him. An Indian could send many different signals with his blanket. 精品文档 精品文档 He c

13、ould also send many signals with a mirror to w_5_ someone or to get the attention of a person far away. But he also used it to send messages in code. Of course, mirrors could be used o_6_ when the Sun was shining. At night, Indians used fire arrows for signaling. An Indian also sent signals with smo

14、ke. He made a small fire of dry wood. Then he put grass or green branches on it. He held a blanket over the fire for a minute. When he r_7_ the blanket from the fire,there was a cloud of smoke. The number of clouds of smoke told his message in code. Now you can see that Indians didnt need to learn e

15、ach others language. They could talk to one another by using signals or sign language. Article 7 【2013年嘉定区一模】 Peggy Cardona parked her blue Nissan at a supermarket one day in February. “I ll come and open the door for you,” she told her four-year-old grandson, Ryan Eshleman, in the back s_1_. The ca

16、r moved ahead before Cardona could even close the door. “Nana, the car is moving! ” Ryan cried. Cardona jumped into the drivers seat and reached for the handbrake (手闸), her left leg stepping outside, trying to s_2_ the car. She couldnt find the brake, and she got out of the car as it moved down the

17、steep slope towards a pond 20 feet away. Ryan was very f_3_ and cried “Nana!” as the car fell into the pond and the water began pouring in. “Help! ” Cardona cried as the car moved from the bank. “My grandson is i_4_!” A supermarket clerk, Clint Fountain, 24, had just stepped outside for a break when

18、 he saw a crowd gathering by the pond. He jumped down the slope and dived into the cold water. Reaching the car, Fountain saw Ryans terrified face just inches above the water. “Unlock the door!” Fountain shouted. The boys fingers fumbled (未触到 ) with the lock. Fountain hit on the back window, but the

19、 glass wouldnt break. A_5_ man Dick McClung dived in and handed him a hammer. Grabbing it, Fountain told the boy to move aside, and broke the glass. His hands went through the broken window in the black water and pulled the boy out. At that moment the last flash of the blue car d_6_ under the water.

20、 “Climb onto my back,” Fountain said. Ryan did so, but the tired man couldnt swim back. McClung, still beside them in the water, picked up Ryan and swam to the bank s_7_. Later, doctors found Ryan had got only a little hypothermia ( 体温过低 ). 精品文档 精品文档 “They risked their lives to save Ryan,” Cardona s

21、aid of the men. “I thank God every day for them.” Article 8 【2012年青浦区一模】 Carla was riding the bus with her elder brother, Brian. It was pretty hot outside, so they decided to get o_1_the bus and buy some cold drinks. They got their refreshments(活力恢复 ) and took a walk down the street. As they waited

22、at the crosswalk, they saw a wonderful new car come up. As they admired the car, the passenger door opened a bit and an empty juice b_2_ rolled out.Then the light turned green and the car sped off. Carla and Brain could hardly believe it. Who would put trash( 垃圾) in the middle ofthe street? Brian n_

23、3_ all the other trash in the street and on sidewalks. He explained to Carla how much he hated litter and how lazy it was to be a “Jitterbug“ ( 垃 圾虫). They decided that they had to get their neighbourhood cleaned up. When they got home, Carla and Brian wrote a letter. They suggested that the city pu

24、t p_4_trash cans in every corner. They described how they felt about people littering in their town. They wrote that they wanted to see the streets and sidewalks cleaned up. They e_5_ asked everyone in the neighbourhood to sign the letter. Then Brian sent it to the mayor. A few weeks later, Brian to

25、ld Carla he wanted to s_6_ her something. He took his sister for awalk up the street. What do you think they saw? There were new trash cans on every corner and hardly any litter on the sidewalks! The mayor had listened to them. Carla and Brianwere happy and p_7_ . They decided they would always help

26、 keep their town clean. Article 9 【2012年黄浦区一模】 I came into a village and I saw a policeman standing outside the post office and reading something carefully. He looked up at the car, w_1_ into the road, and held up a hand to stop me. I a_2_ stopped, but then I realized that the policeman had been rea

27、ding about me. I supposed the police at the hotel had worked quickly, and called all the local villages. I drove faster, the policeman jumped out of my way, and I was soon out of the village. I left the main road as soon as possible and tried a smaller one. It was not easy without a map, and I reali

28、zed thatI had been so s_3_ to steal the car. It would help the police to find me in any corner of Scotland. If I left it, and went off on foot, they would find mein an hour or two. I was very hungry; I had eaten n_4_ since morning. And now, as I drove, I heard a noise in the sky, and there was a pla

29、ne. I drove as fast as I could down into another town. Suddenly, a car appeared in front of me from a s_5_ road. There was no time to stop. I did the only thing possible and drove off the road into a fence, hoping to hit 精品文档 精品文档 something soft beyond. But I was out of good l_6_. The car went throu

30、gh the fence like a knife through butter, and immediately began to fall. I jumped out and was caught by the branch of a tree, while the car disappeared into a river fifteen meters below. A hand helped me out of the tree, and a frightened voice asked me if I was badly hurt. The speaker was a young ma

31、n who was very sorry. I was more p_7_ than angry; it was a good way for the car to disappear. Article 10 【2013年虹口区一模】 Nike, Adidas, Converse , do you know these world -famous brands? What do you think of them? Do you use theirproducts? Sam: I m a Nike fan. Many of Nikes a_1_ onTV are fun and its pro

32、ducts are great! Joe: In my eyes, top brand means top quality.So I love top brand products a_2_ they re very expensive. Sally: The logos of famous brands are usually unique and nice. Its c_3_ to own products with those logos. Jackie: Many top brand products are advertised by spokesmen. Spokesmen are

33、 my favourite stars. I love the stars, so of course I want to use the products they speak f_4_. Susan: I know its popular for young people to have famous brand products nowadays. But I have no i_5_ in following the fashion. I only choose the products that suit me. Adam: As students, we dont earn mon

34、ey ourselves. Its not easy for our parents to support us. So I use whatever they choose for me now. When I grow up and become financially i_6_, I may buy the famous brand products I am fond of. Bob: I like playing basketball with my classmates. When we play on the playground, we dont care about what

35、 you wear as long as you can play w_7_. So in my opinion, there is no need to care so much about the brands of what you wear. Article 11 【2012年奉贤区二模】 Anger is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, whe

36、n your friend b_1_ your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get really angry. Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe much f_2_, your face turns red and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes, you hide your anger. For example, you m

37、ay hide it in your h_3_. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt. In fact, its not good to hide your anger, and its normal for you to get angry sometimes. But anger must be let out in the right way, without hurting o_4_or yourself. Let me give you some adv

38、ice. When you get angry, you can talk about it with other people. Its helpful to talk about your anger with other people, such as p_5_, teachers, good friends etc. When you talk about anger, those b_6_feelings can start to go away. On the other hand, 精品文档 精品文档 when you start to feel angry, you can d

39、o some other things: count from 1 to 100; go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc. Dont let your anger c_7_you. Remember that how you act when you are anger can make everything better or worse. Article 12 【2012年虹口区二模】 In the middle of the 1800s, France was considered the most important plac

40、e in the world for art. One reason for that was the Academy, a government organization with some strict r_1_about art. It decided what could and could not be art. In order to be accepted by the Academy, an artist had to be very talented. Artists also had to paint exactly the way the Academy wanted t

41、hem to. A brave group of painters challenged these ideas and changed art f_2_. Each year, the Academy had an exhibition of the art they had decided was the best. In 1864, a group of artists became a_3_because they didn?t get into the show. They felt that their paintings were not bad; the paintings w

42、ere just different. After complaining to the government, these artists were given their own show. The Academy thought all art should look realistic. But these artists were more interested in trying to show movement and the bright colors of daylight. In their opinion, it was more real to show these t

43、han it was to paint a scene which was as s_4_as a photo. It was also more interesting to show all of the different colors when light hits an object like water. By 1874, many different artists were painting in this new style, including Claude Monet. One of his paintings had the title, Impression: sun

44、rise. A critic h_5_these new artists. He used Monet?s title to make fun of these painters by calling them “Impressionists”, meaning that they didn?t make real paintings. The critics who liked these artists thought the word was just right. They began to use it happily. They thought it was more import

45、ant to paint h_6_they saw things instead of just what they saw. Other artists around the world felt that they could have this freedom as well. Because of the impressionists, the art w_7_was never the same. Article 13 【2012年徐汇区二模】 Today, the largest remaining area of hutongs in Beijing is north of Fo

46、rbidden City. This is where many Chinese and foreign tourists come for a “hutong tour”. We asked several of these tourists to tell us about their o_1_. (Vicky Wang, Hong Kong) “It?s really s_2_-we?re in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world, but in these hutongs it feels as if we are

47、in a village in the countryside. There are lots of trees everywhere, and all the buildings are only one or two storeys high. In a_3_, there aren?t many cars in the hutongs, so they are quite quiet - very different from the streets in the centre of Hong Kong! It?s nice to walk around here and stop or

48、 have a drink in one of the little coffee shops or bars by the lakes.” (Ted, Canada) “When you visit the modern part of Beijing- with the wide roads, tall buildings and colorful lights- you can i_4_that you are almost anywhere in the world. It s the old hutongs, temples and palaces that are really i

49、nteresting and beautiful. It?s a 精品文档 精品文档 s_5_that so little of the old city has been kept. I?ve taken lots of photos while I?ve been here. The next time I come back here, I don?t know how much of ,old Beijing? will be left.” (Yu,Guangzhou) “I don?t see what?s so interesting about these hutongs. The streets are too narrow- I could h_6_drive my car down them. And mos


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