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1、精选历年真题中考英语学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_I单项选择:1. There is a chess match between a Korean player and AlphaGo It s very amazingPlaying chess is usually onetoone gameA. the; aB. the; anC. /; aD. /; an2.Dad, could you please teach _English?Sure! But its more important to learn it by_A. my, yourselfB. me, youC. my; you

2、D. me, yourself3. It s Mr Zhang s new movieBut I think it s more meaningful than his others I agree with youHis latest movie has come to his highest A. spiritsB. standardC. treasureD. development4.Diana can t go to the farm with her classmates because she a bad coldA. will catchB. is catchingC. has

3、caughtD. is caught5.Do you find yourself getting impatient or with people over unimportant things?A. boredB. boringC. tiringD. angrily6. my surprise,the twins have nothing commonA. With; inB. To; inC. In; inD. To; of7. The price of vegetables so quickly these days Oh,no,but I don t think soA. afford

4、B. risesC. improvesD. raise8. The woman over there looks like our English teacher It be herShe s having a meeting in Beijing nowA. may notB. mustn tC. shouldn tD. can t9. you must go and play football,at least wait until school is overA IfB. WhetherC. UnlessD. So that10. People,especially the young,

5、 by their friends That s trueFriends play an important part in everyone s lifeA. easily influencesB. is easily influencedC. are easily influencedD. influenced easily11. Many people talk about DidiI really wonder Just call to order a taxi through it on your mobile phoneA. how can I use itB. how I can

6、 use itC. why people use itD. why do people use it12. Hi,Susan! What are you going to do during the summer holiday? I m going to cooking because I like eating delicious foodA. clean upB. put upC. take upD. make up13. Many boy students think physics is geography I agreeI m weak in geographyA. much di

7、fficult thanB. as difficult asC. less difficult thanD. more difficult than14. Do you like the weekly talk show,The Readers,on CCTV? SureIt s a great TV program purpose is to bring the habit of reading back into the publicA. whichB. thatC. whatD. whose15. Hey,man! Can you believe that? Our Chinese Fo

8、otball Team beat the South African Team last night We haven t beaten them for many yearsA. No wonder!B. What a pity!C. Are you joking?D. Guess what?II完型填空: AA tonedeaf(五音不全)teenager has surprised his family by suddenly being able to play music while after suffering a concussion (脑震荡)Gordon,a high sc

9、hool student,now can play 13instruments _16_he has never learned musicAs a small child,he loved sports,dreamed of playing lacrosse (长曲棍球) as a career, and had no _17_in musicHe really had no musical_18_ his mother told the reporterWhen he played lacrosse with a local team in Grade Six,he_19_backward

10、s and hurt the back of his head_20_ the groundI remember_21_ and then I felt really dazed (恍惚的), he told the reporterI didn t really understand something_22_ had happenedThe doctors told him he could return to the_23_He did so,but unluckily he went on to suffer_24_ couple of hard hits to the head,wh

11、ich sent him to the hospital againAfter that the doctors told him he couldn t play sports any more,but there was one good side effect: his newfound_25_Now I can play many instruments,such as piano,guitar and violinMusic is the thing that gets me up in the morning,he said16. A. soB. andC. becauseD. t

12、hough17. A. interestB. interestedC. interestingD. interestedly18. A. problemB. difficultyC. instrumentD. talent19. A. fallsB. feltC. fellD. was falling20. A. aboveB. belowC. alongD. against21. A. getting upB. giving upC. to get upD. to give up22. A. goodB. badC. wonderfulD. boring23. A. classroomB.

13、hospitalC. concertD. field24. A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others25. A. hobbyB. illnessC. habitD. skillBHigh school does not encourage students to know about the new things in life,but college sets the stage for itI myself went through this _26_process(过程)and found something that has changed my

14、experience at college for the better: I discovered ASLAmerican Sign LanguageI never felt it necessary to learn any sign language beforeAll of my family members can hear,and so are all my friendsThe _27_ language was enoughLittle by little,I discovered my _28_ for ASLThe _29_began during my first wee

15、k at collegeI watched it carefully when the ASL club performed their translation of a songBoth the hand movements and the idea of communicating without speaking attracted meWhat I saw was completely different from anything I had experienced in the pastThis new form of communication just made me want

16、 moreAfter that,feeling the need to _30_ further,I decided to join one of ASL clubsI only learned how to express my feelings _31_ my hands about the letters that dayAlthough my process was _32_,I wasn t disappointed about itI then tried my best to take part in those club s meetings and learned all I

17、 couldThe following term,I decided to be a member of an ASL classThe professor was deaf and any talking wasn t _33_I soon realized that silence was not unpleasant_34_,if there had been any talking,it would have caused to learn lessNow,I enjoy the silence and the _35_ way of communication26. A. talki

18、ngB. planningC. searchingD. looking27. A. bodyB. spokenC. writtenD. foreign28. A. loveB. questionC. needD. goal29. A. mapB. tripC. storyD. task30. A. ask aboutB. know aboutC. worry aboutD. talk about31. A. atB. onC. inD. with32. A. readyB. slowC. commonD. nervous33. A. allowedB. welcomedC. turnedD.

19、repeated34. A. FinallyB. BesidesC. InsteadD. However35. A. easyB. popularC. newD. quickIII阅读理解: ALittle stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forestsThen it reached a desert,I went through so many difficultiesI should have no problem crossing the desert, she thoughtAs she st

20、arted,she found herself slowly disappearing into the sandAfter many tries,she still failedMaybe I can t reach the ocean, she said sadly to herselfAt this time,a deep voice said,If a breeze (微风) can cross the desert,so can a riverIt was the voice of the desertBut the little stream answered,A breeze c

21、an fly,but I can t That s because you can t give up what you areLet yourself evaporate (蒸发) into the breeze,and it can take you across, said the desertGive up what I am now? No! No! The little stream could not accept this ideaThe breeze can carry the vapor (蒸汽) across the desert and let it leave as

22、rainThe rain will form a river again, said the desertAnd whether you are a river or vapor,your nature never changes Hearing this,the little stream went into the open arms of the breezeIt carried her to the next stage of her lifeThe course of our lives is like the experience of the little streamIf yo

23、u want to go through difficulties in your life to head for success,you should also change the way you are36. The little stream planned to reach A. the forestB. the riverC. the desertD. the ocean37. The little stream before she crossed the desertA. didn t meet any difficultiesB. was confident about h

24、erselfC. was worried about herselfD. knew well about the desert38. At first,the little stream didn t accept the desert s advice because A. she failed many timesB. she was afraid of the natureC. she wasn t able to change her natureD. she wouldn t change the way she was39. The little stream finally cr

25、ossed the desert by A. evaporating into the breezeB forming a riverC. disappearing into the sandD. changing her nature40. What does the story mainly tell us? A. The road to success isn t always easy and smoothB. Whatever others say,we should always be ourselvesC. To succeed,we should think about thi

26、ngs in a different wayD. To succeed,we should follow others adviceBId planned to spend my weekend in the sun,planting flowers outdoorsBut that was before the pair of crows (乌鸦)Out of nowhere,they had set up their base camp in our gardenWe first discovered the crows on Friday morningIt was early,and

27、the sound the birds made traveled through our neighborhoodI thought they d go away soonBut,noThey were getting louder and probably made my neighbors angry nearly as much as us with the noiseI felt a little disappointedThen,on Sunday afternoon,I looked out of the kitchen window to see our dog Quatchi

28、 watching something on the groundI found a small coalblack bird in the grassIts eyes were milky,and it stayed perfectly still as my dog inched towards itOnly when Quatchi touched his nose to its head did it walk awayI grabbed the dog and locked him inside and came back with my cameraI never thought

29、that the young would be hanging out on the ground,growing and gaining strength as its parents guarded it from aboveThe second I saw this little bird I forgave (原谅) the crowsTo be honest,I ve never been much of a bird personI also have a healthy respect for birdsThey re basically living dinosaurs(恐龙)

30、I wish they d chosen another gardenThere are only so many sunny days in Seattle,and I still can t do any gardening out thereBut I m also thankful that I got to see this little bit of natureIt s pretty amazingThe experience has also strengthened my wish to create a beautiful garden that attracts lots

31、 of bees,butterflies,and yes,birdsThey are welcome here41. The arrival of the two crows A. angered the writer s neighborsB. made the writer s dog madC. was harmful to the writer s gardenD. broke the order of the writer s life42. Why did the writer lock her dog up? A. She wanted to take some photosB.

32、 The parent crows were to attack the dogC. She wanted to protect the little birdD. The dog kept making loud noises43. The writer changed her thoughts to the crows when A. she planted flowers in her gardenB. she locked her dog insideC. she saw the little bird in her gardenD. she thought of living din

33、osaurs44. After seeing the little crow,the writer A. was interested to know its growing progressB. fell in love with the pair of crowsC. planned to drive the crows awayD. decided to help look after it45. The passage is mainly to A. show an unpleasant situationB. advise readers to protect birdsC. sha

34、re a personal experienceD. ask advice on dealing with crowsCMaybe a lot of thin people will be worried about their health if the inside fat mattersSome doctors now think that the inside fat around important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the outside fat which can be noticed

35、more easilyBeing thin doesn t surely mean you are not fat,said Dr Jimmy Bell at Imperial CollegeSince 1994,Bell and his team have tested nearly 800people with MRI to create fat maps showing where people store fatAccording to the result,people who keep their weight through the food they usually eat r

36、ather than exercise are likely to have major deposits (堆积物) of inside fat,even if they are thinEven people with normal Body Mass Index (体重指数) scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits insideOf the women,as many as 45percent of those with normal BMI scores (20to 25)actually had too high level

37、s of inside fatMen were nearly 60percentAccording to Bell,people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fatThey eat too many fatty and sugary foods,but they are not eating enough to be fatScientists believe we naturally store fat around the stomach first,but at some point,the bo

38、dy may start storing it elsewhereDoctors are unsure about the exact dangers of inside fat,but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病)They want to prove that inside fat does harm to the body s communication systemsThe good news is that inside fat can be easily burned o

39、ff through exercise or even by improving your eating habitsIf you want to be healthy,there is no other wayExercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle,Bell said46. What is this piece of news mainly about? A. Thin people may be fat insideB. How to deal with inside fatC. Inside fat leads to

40、many diseasesD. Thin people also have troubles47. What does the underlined word organsin the second paragraph mean? A. 地位B. 地方C. 器官D. 肝脏48. Doctors have found A. the exact dangers of inside fatB. being thin doesn t mean you are not fat insideC. being thin is not dangerous at allD. inside fat is the

41、cause of heart disease and diabetes49 According to the passage,which of the following is wrong? A. Exercise can help to reduce the inside fatB. People can reduce inside fat by improving their eating habitsC. Women have more chances to have too much inside fatD. Not all the people who look thin are r

42、eally thin inside50. From the last paragraph,we can find that A. it is true that inside fat can lead to diseaseB. exercise plays an important role in people s life for keeping healthyC. thin people usually have inside fat even if they are thinD. it is easier to burn off inside fat than outside fatDS

43、ometimes,when you worry that you may fail an exam,you end up failingOr during a seating arrangement (安排) in your class,when you are afraid to sit next to someone you don t like,you end up sharing the desk with him or herThis is what Murphy s Law tells us: If things can go wrong,they will go wrongBut

44、 is it true?Of the studies about Murphy s Law,the most famous one is the buttered toast (烤面包片)phenomenon (现象): One toast with butter falls,it lands butterside down most of the timeTo prove this,Robert Matthews did a lot of experiments with more than 1,000British school kids in 2001In the first exper

45、iment,each student put a piece of buttered toast on a plate,let it fall off 20times and noted which side it landed onOf almost 10,000experiments,toast landed butterside down 62percent of the timeBut you may ask: Is it the butter that plays a role? Here comes Matthews second experimentThis time,inste

46、ad of butter,the toast had a letter B written on one sideIt still landed 58 percent of the time on the BsideThis proved that Murphy s Law is true: If the toast can land butterside down,it will do soMatthews did another experimentWhen students threw the toast from a height of 2.5metres,the toast landed butterside dow


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