初中英语人教版九年级下U13 SA.doc

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1、Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth.根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.Ccan be used to produce electricity.2. The new carca lot of money, but it was certainly worth it.3. There is awbed, a table and two chairs in this small room.4. It is a very clean city. You will hardly findlwhen you walk along the street.

2、5. My uncle is a greatfand he caught four fish this morning.6. Some cups in the shop are nice and expensive and the others areuand cheap.7. Living in this street has a lot of a . The only drawback (弊端) is noise.根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式。write to, lead to, clean up, cut down, play a part in1. What

3、a mess! You should _ your room now.2. Every farmer knows that weather _ farming.3. As we all know, smoking too much can _ cancer and many other illnesses.4. He said he would _ us when he left home but we havent heard from him so far.5. The manager asked me to _ the report, because he didnt want to s

4、peak too long at the meeting.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1.牛奶对孩子们的健康有好处。Milk _ _ _ childrens health.2.辛迪,请记得帮我寄信。Cindy, please _ _ _ me send the letter.3.刚才乔重重地摔到楼梯下面。Joe landed heavily _ _ _ _ the stairs just now.4.我们没有茶。你愿意喝点咖啡代替茶吗?We dont have any tea. Would you like coffee _ _ tea?5.人们普遍认为,教育会对一个人的生活产生影响。

5、People generally agree that education can _ _ _ _ a persons life.根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Vera. Would you like to help protect the environment?B: (1)_A: Well first, you can start by turning off the lights before you leave the room.B: Yes. Thats easy. (2)_A: Second, you can ride a bicycl

6、e. (3)_B: That will save money, too. What else?A: The third way is turning off the shower when youre not using it.B: You mean, when I have shampoo (香波) in my hair?A: Yes. (4)_ Every minute helps. And the fourth, take a bag when you go shopping. Dont use plastic bags.B: OK. (5)_ Ill tell them.A. We h

7、ave to save water.B. Id love to, but I dont know what I can do.C. We should use both sides of the paper.D. I nearly always turn off the lights when I go out anyway.E. My parents do most of the shopping.F. I dont think so.G. Dont take a taxi if you dont have to.答案. 1. Coal 2. cost 3. wooden / wood4. litter 5. fisherman 6. ugly7. advantages. 1. clean up 2. plays a part in3. lead to 4. write to 5. cut down. 1. is good for 2. remember to help3. at the bottom of 4. instead of5. make a difference to. 1-5 BDGAE


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