外研版(一起)二下Module 6《Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks》ppt课件1.ppt

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外研版(一起)二下Module 6《Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks》ppt课件1.ppt_第1页
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《外研版(一起)二下Module 6《Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks》ppt课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(一起)二下Module 6《Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks》ppt课件1.ppt(15页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 2 My grandma usually cooks,He usually cooks.,She usually goes shopping.,人称代词,My grandma usually cooks. And she usually goes shopping.,cook,go shopping,But today she isnt doing these things.,Today Im in the kitchen and I am cooking.,And my father is going shopping.,Today is Grandmas bir

2、thday .,He / She usually on Sundays.,watches TV,reads books,does his homework,listens to the radio,draws a picture,tidies his room,rides her bike,helps her father,Usually,Now,I usually But now Im,I usually ride my bike. But now Im reading a book.,Usually,Now,I usually But now Im,I usually watch TV.

3、But now Im tidying my room.,Usually,Now,I usually But now Im,I usually play football. But now Im helping my father.,Usually,Now,I usually But now Im,I usually listen to music. But now Im writing a letter.,填写单词的正确形式。 I usually _(帮助)my father. But Im not _(帮助)him today. 2. My grandma usually _(烧菜). But today I am _(烧菜。),help,helping,cooks,cooking,


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