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1、高二实验班 Book7Unit5 导学案 第一课时 课前基础词汇巩固 一 单词拼写根据词性和词义写出下列单词。 1n祖国 2 n签证 3 n队列;行列vi . 排队 4n自助食堂;自助餐厅 5 n visa 2 acknowledged 3 comfort 4 boarding 5 agent 6 occupied 7 substitute 8 cafeteria 9 parallel 10 abundant 11 enterprise 12 academic 第二组:13 lectures 14 governed 15 succeeded 16 tutor 17 preparations 1

2、8 destination 19 comments 20 numb 21 recommend 22 qualification 23 requirements 二 1 As far as the tutor was concerned 2 are used to 3 keep it up 4 feel at home 5 settle in 6 fit in 7 adjust to 第二课时 读前热身:课文语法填空: Six months ago, Xie lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and _1_(board)a p

3、lane for London. It was the first time she _2_ (leave) her motherland. After _3_(get) her visa she was very excited because she had dreamed of this day_4_(介词) so long. But she was also very nervous as she didn t know_5_(从句引导词)to expect. Xie lei told me when I saw her _6_ ( wait)in a queue at the stu

4、dent canteen between lectures. Xie lei, _7_ (从句引导词) is 21 years old, has come to our university to study for a business _8_ (qualify ). She is halfway through the preparation year, _9_ (从句引导词)most foreign students complete before applying for a degree course. Xie lei _10_ ( high)recommends it. She s

5、aid the preparation course is most beneficial and studying here is quite different_11_ (介词) studying in China, so you need some preparation first. She explained that_12_(代词) was not just study that was difficult. You had to get used to_13_ (冠词) whole new way of life, which could take up all your_14_

6、( concentrate)in the beginning. The girl, who had lived all her life in_15_(冠词) same city in China. She told me that she had had to learn almost everything again. She added sometimes she felt like a child and had to learn how_16_ (use)the phone, how to pay bus fare, and how to ask a shopkeeper for t

7、hings she didn t know the English for. When she got_ 17_ (lose) and had to ask a passer-by_18_ (介词)directions, she did not always understand_19_(连词) they did not talk like they do on our listening tapes. She has lived_20_ (介词) a host family who give her lots of good advice. _21_ (连词) some foreign st

8、udents live in student accommodation or apartments, some choose to board with English families. _22_ ( live)with host families, in which there may be other college students, gives her the chance to learn more about the new culture. She explained when she heard_23_ (冠词)idiom that she didn t understan

9、d, she could ask her host family_24_(介词)help. When she missed her family, it was a great comfort to have a substitute family to be with. Xie lei s preparation course is helping her to get used to the academic _25_( require)of a Western university. She remember the first essay she did for her tutor.

10、She found an article_26_ (介词) the Internet that seemed to have_27_ (exact)the information she needed. So she made a summary of the article, revised her draft and_28_ (hand) the essay in. She thought she would get a really good mark but she got_29_ (冠词) “ E” . She was numb with shock! So She went to

11、her tutor to ask the reason for his revision. First of all, her tutor told Xie Lei that she couldn t write_30_(从句引导词)other people had said without _31_ (acknowledge)them. Besides, as far as he _32_(concern), _33_(从句引导词) other people thought was not the most important thing. He wanted to know what hi

12、s student thought, _34_(从句引导词) confused her because she thought that the author of the article knew far more than she did. Her tutor explained that she should read lots of different opinions and analyze_35_ (从句引导词)she read. Then, in her essay she gave her own opinion and explain it by_36_ (refer)to

13、other authors. Finally he even encouraged her to contradict the authors she had read. From then on, she got the idea and her marks had improved. More importantly, she become a more autonomous learner. Xie Lei said she feels much more at home in England now, and_37_ (从句引导词)had seemed very strange bef

14、ore now appears quite normal. She has been so occupied_38_(介词) work that she hasn t had time for social activities. In her opinion, it is important to have a balance_39_ (连词) study and a social life so she is going to join a few clubs. Hopefully she will make some new friends. She deserves _40_(succ

15、eed). 快速阅读和细节阅读 见百思英语P66 第三课时Language Points II 词语辨析(旨在提供完形填空所需材料) 1). board/aboard/abroad/broad 【解释】 board n.(木, 纸)板;滑水板 vt.用板铺 ;用板盖 ; 上(船、车、飞机)船舷 ; 甲板 ; aboard adv. qualification; qualified 2) preparing; preparation 3) awesome; awed 4) conservation; conserve 5) tasty; taste; tastes; tasteless IV 重

16、点词汇(旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1. qualification n. 资格;证明 重点用法 qualify v. ( 使)具有资格,证明合格 qualification as 当任 (职务等 )的资格 qualification for 在(某方面 )具有资格取得资格,合格 qualify as 取得 资格 qualify for 有 资格,有 权;应得;使合格,使能担任,使适合于 qualify sbto do sth使某人有资格做某事 典例 1) What s the qualification as a doctor?取得当一名医生的资格是什么? 2) What qualifica

17、tions have you got to have for this job? 申请这个工作你得要具有的条件是什么? 3) Do you qualify for the vote? 你有投票资格吗? 4) I hope to qualify as a teacher. 我希望取得教师资格。 5) A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English. 你的英语程度教书不够资格。 练习 汉译英 1) 经过大学四年的学习,他终于取得了当律师的资格。 _ 2) 一纸大学文凭并不意味着能让你有获得这份工作的资格。 _ Keys: 1) A

18、fter four years studying in college, he managed to get the qualification as a lawyer. 2) A college diploma doesn t mean that it can qualify you to take up the job. 2.preparation n. 准备;预备 重点用法 prepare vt. to read the novel(reading the novel. 2)on your recommendation 3) Would you write me a recommenda

19、tion fort n.舒适;安慰vt.安慰 重点用法 comfortable adj. 安乐的,舒适的;令人感到安慰的;充裕的;惬意的 comfort with 以 安慰;以 使舒适 comfort sb for 因某事安慰某人 be comfortable aboutwith 对某事感到轻松惬意 give comfort to 安慰 (某人 ) take havefind comfort(in)感到安慰,安心,宽心;(从 中)得到安慰 (in) 典例 1)You are a great comfort to your parents. 你是你父母最大的安慰。 2)She always fi

20、nds comfort in her children when thinking of the loss of her husband 想到死去的丈夫,她只能从孩子们身上得到安慰。 练习 根据括号里的汉语补全句子。 1)Anyone can enjoy_ my favorite chair (任何人都能享受我心爱的椅子所给予的背部舒服。) 2)The folks came to_ the loss of his parents (亲人们前来安慰失去父母的那位小孩。)! Keys: 1)comforting their backs with 2)comfort the child for gi

21、ve a comfort to the child for 5.substitute n.代替者;代用品vt.用 代替 重点用法 substitute A for B 用 A 代 B substitute sb. by with another 用别人接替某人 典例 1) In modern society, people accept to use plastics as a substitute for steel 2) In modern society, people substitute plastic for steel. 在现代社会中人们用塑料做钢的代用品 3) He subst

22、ituted as the typist in the office. 他代替做这个办公室的打字员。 练习 汉译英 1) 你不在时 ,新来的大学生会代替你的位置。 _ 2) 助手代替班长去参加了校会.。 _ keys: 1) The newly coming college student will be your substitute in your absence. 2) The monitor was substituted by his assistant to attend the school meeting. 6.acknowledge vt. 承认;确认;答谢 重点用法 Its

23、(universally)acknowledged that 是大家所公认的 acknowledge(doing)sth/ that( 从句 )承认 (做了 )某事 /承认 复合结构: (承认某人某物为) acknowledge sb.(sth)+n/ as +n/ +to be +n acknowledge sbwith 以 对某人表示感谢 acknowledge the applause 谢幕 acknowledge a favorhelp 答谢所受到的关照帮助 典例 1) When asked about the receipt of Tom s letter,he acknowledg

24、ed it . 当问到是否收到汤姆的信件,他承认收到了。 2)He was acknowledged with a present for his long service with the company 在公司服务多年,他因此受到表扬。 3)It is acknowledged that he is the finest poet in the flesh 大家公认他是目前最棒的诗人。 练习 根据括号里的汉语补全句子。 1) The candidate_ was cast down very much (这位承认自己在选举中失败的候选人感到很沮丧。) 2)With the depresse

25、d economy,_ (由于经济萧条,政府承认有改革的必要。) 3)With the evidence offered_ ( 由于所呈贡的证据,我承认他的陈述是真实的。) 4)With the monitor video shown , he had to_ from his classmate s desk inside(由于监 控录像显 ,他不得不承认从同学桌子里偷了手机。) Keys: 1). acknowledging (who acknowledged) defeat/his defeat in the election 2)me government acknowledged t

26、he need for reform it is necessary to reform 3)I acknowledged the truth of his statement his statement (to be/as) the truth 4)acknowledge stealing the mobile phone 7.occupy vt.占有;占领;占据 重点用法 occupation n. 职业 keep sboccupied 使某人忙碌; occupy oneself with in(doing) sth 忙于 (做)某事; be occupied in(doing) with

27、 sth忙于 (做)某事,正在做某事; 典例 1) The workers are occupied in building new houses 建筑工正忙于建造新房子。 2) Please fill in the form stating your occupation. 请在表格中填入你的职业。 练习 根据括号里的汉语补全句子。 1) Is_?(这个座位有人占吗?) 2)This game will _.( 这种游戏会让孩子们玩上一阵子的。) 3)He_ in the Ministry of Education(他在教育部担任要职。) 4)A teacher should_ teachi

28、ng ( 教师不仅要专心于教书还要育人。) Keys:(1)anyone occupying the seat?this seat occupied (2)keep the children occupied (3)occupies all important position (4)be occupied(occupy himself herself)with education as well as with 8.govern vi. 与.矛盾 重点用法 contradiction n. 矛盾,反驳 contradictory adj. 相矛盾的 contradict oneself 自相

29、矛盾 典例 1)Your actions contradict your declared moral principles. 你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。 2) The boy was very angry and contradicted his teacher in public. 男孩非常生气,当众反驳了他的老师。 3) The reports contradict each other. 这些报告相互矛盾。 练习 汉译英 1)他所说的话与事实矛盾。 _ 2)那些事实与他的理论相悖。 _ Keys: 1) His statement contradicts with the fac

30、ts. 2) The facts contradict his theory. 10. abundant adj. 丰富的 , 充裕的 重点用法 be abundant in=be rich in 富有 abundance n.大量,丰富 ,充裕 in abundance大量 ,丰足 an abundance of大量的 典例 1) an abundant year丰年 2) a life of abundance 富裕的生活 3) an abundance of sunshine充足的阳光 4) The region is abundant in wildlife. 这个地区野生动物极多.

31、练习 汉译英 1)这个国家天然资源丰富。 _ 2)大量的证据摆在那里. _- Keys: 1) The country is abundant in natural resources. 2) The evidence is in abundance. V 重点词组(旨在提供综合运用所需材料) 1 keep it up 保持优秀成绩;继续干下去 典例 Well done,and keep it up,Tom! 干得好,汤姆,再接再厉! 短语归纳 keep ones head/temper保持冷静 /强压怒火 keep a school/a family/a diary 开办学校 /养家活口 /

32、写日记 keep ones word;keeps to ones promise 履行诺言 keep the law 守法 keep in touch with 与 保持联系 keep an eye on照看,密切注视;提示 keep up with 跟上;保持同步水平不落后; keep away from(常与 from 连用 )远离;不接触; keep to sth信守;坚持;坚守;不违背(诺言、计划等 ); keep from(doing)stll避开;禁止;克制; 练习 A在空格填入适当的词或短语 1) We appeal to the government to_ prices 2)

33、 The police asked the people to _the scene of the accident 3)Though things changed,they_ the original purpose 4)We asked her to stop talking, but she_ 5)He stopped at a shop for something,so he failed _ his associates and was left behind B根据括号里的汉语补全句子 1)Keep _.( 把你的狗从我这儿拿开!) 2) He always keeps_.( 他总

34、是说话算数的。) 3) He kept_ (他对他的结论守口如瓶。) Keys: A 1)to keep down 2)keep away fromkeep off 3)kept to 4)kept up 5)to keep up with B 1) your dog off me 2) his word to his promise 3) his conclusion to himself 2 as far as one is concerned 就 而言 典例 As far as I am concerned,I cant object to your marriage 就我 (个人 )而

35、言,我不反对你们的婚事。 As far as English is concerned, he is the best in our class 就英语学习方面来说,他是我们班最优秀的。 短语归纳 asso long as 只要 ; 像 一样长; as soon as就; as much as尽量多地; as far as远到;就 练习 汉译英 1)就我而言 , 我完全支持你的想法。 _ 2)就这项规则来说,没人能找到它出自何方。 _ Keys: 1) As far I am concerned, I completely support your idea. 2) As far as the

36、 rule is concerned, no one can find out where it comes. 3 settle in(迁入新居;更换工作后)安顿下来 典例 1) The Dutch settled in South Africa 荷兰人在南非殖民。 2) She didnt settle in London until graduation from Cambridge University 直到剑桥大学毕业她才在伦敦定居。 短语归纳 settle(oneself)down to sth安下心来做某事 settle down(活动一段时间后)平静下来;舒舒服服地坐下;躺下;定

37、居;成家 练习 填入适当的句型,注意正确的形式 1)It was two o clock before I could finally _writing the next chapter 2) When things_ abroad ,I ll give you a call Keys: (1)settle down to (2)settle down 4out of the question 不可能的;不值得讨论的 典例 1) It is out of the question for us to buy a new flat now since stock market is still

38、in low.股市依然低靡,我们不可能买得起新 房子。 2) Without your help, finishing the task ahead of time would be out of the question.没你的帮助提前完成任务是不可能的. 短语归纳 out of question 毫无疑问 练习 汉译英 1) 他无疑是班上的优秀生。 _ 2) 现在买汽车是不可能的,我们把钱花光了。 _ Keys: 1) He is out of question the top student in his class. 2) It s out of the question to buy

39、 a new car now. We ve run out of all the money. VI 重点句子(旨在提供句子结构等所需材料) 1. “ It s not just study that s difficult. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning,” explained Xie Lei, who had lived all her life in the same city in China.“困难不仅

40、仅在学习方面,你还必须习惯一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占 去你全部注意力。” 谢蕾解释说。她一直住在中国的同一座城市。 解释 It s not just study that s difficult 。是一个强调句型。 典例 1) It was in the playground that our school meet was held. 学校运动会是在操场举行的。 2) It was not just the place of party that was hard to find. We also had to find a professional DJ. 不仅仅是晚会的场

41、地难找,而且我们还得找到一个专业的主持人。 练习 汉译英 1) 不仅他说的话深深地伤害了,他所做的一切也给我留下了很坏的印象。 _ 2) 正是昨天他给我带来了消息。 _ Keys: 1) It s not just what he said that hurt me so much. What he did also gave me bad impression on me. 2) It s yesterday that he sent me the message. 2. I have been so occupied with work that I haven t had time fo

42、r social activities. 我一直忙于适应环境,以至于我没有时间搞社交活动。 解释 so that 如此 以至于 典例 1) The load is so heavy that the workers cannot move it. 负荷太重了 ,以致于工人无法搬动它。 2) She was so exhausted that she couldn t eat anything.她累得吃不下饭。 练习 汉译英 1) 他太感动了以致于说不出话来。 _ 2) 这条线太细了不能负担起这么重的东西。 _ Keys: 1) He was so moved that he could not

43、 say any words. 2) The thread is so thin that it can not burden such a heavy thing. 3 课文佳句背诵与仿写(旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力) 1.【原句】 He wanted to know what I thought, which confused me because I thought the author of the article knew far more than I did. 他想袄知道的是我所想的是什么。这倒把我弄糊涂了,因为该文作者所知道的比我多得多。 模仿要点 句子结构 : 多种句式混合 【模仿 1】我想知道你所做的事情,吸引着我的兴趣是因为我认为你是一个很特别的人。 _


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