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1、Unit 9 单元测试题 .单项填空 (10 分 ) ()1.Math is _useful subject, and I study it for _ hour every day. Aa; a Ban; an Can; a Da; an ()2.He has music_ Monday and Thursday. Ain B on Cat Dfrom ()3. You look really _ in that black T- shirt, John. Thank you. Abusy Bfree Ccool Dfat ()4.Our English teacher is really

2、_fun. Thats _ sure. Aa; for Bthe; with Can; for D/; for ()5._ do you have geography? On Tuesday and Friday. AWhat BWhere CWhy D When ()6. Do you like history? Yes, I do. _ my sister doesnt like it. AThen BSo CAnd DBut ()7.We have math_ Friday. Its difficult_ interesting. Aon; or Bon; but Cin; or Din

3、; and ()8.Mr.Ma teaches_ math. We all like_ very much. Aus; his B our; his Cus; him Dour; him ()9.Does your brother want _ soccer this afternoon? A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play ()10. _ is your favorite basketball player? Kobe Bryant. AWhat BWho CWhen DWhere .完形填空 (20 分 ) Dear Maria, Thanks f

4、or your letter. Now I want to tell you about my weekdays(工作日 ). I _11_ at 6: 00 and go to _12_ at 7:00. I have math at _13_ and then I have science at 10:00._14_ is my favorite subject. I like science because its _15_. Mr. Zhao is our science _16_. I like him very much. I eat _17_ at 12: 00 and then

5、 I have music at 13:00. I have history at 14 :00. I _18_ like history because it is boring. But I _19_ like art and I want to be a(n) _20_I have art on Wednesday at 15:00. Yours, Jane ()11.A.work B get up Cstudy Dgo to bed ()12.A.home Bmovie Cschool Dwork ()13.A.6 :00 B9:00 C11:00 D 12:00 ()14.A.Mus

6、ic BScience CEnglish DChinese ()15.A.boring Bdifficult Cinteresting Dbusy ()16.A.teacher B partner Cclassmate Dparent ()17.A.breakfast Bdinner Clunch Dmeal ()18.A.not Bdoesnt Cdont Dcant ()19.A.happily Breally Csure Dwell ()20.A.artist B actor Cteacher Dmusician .阅读理解 (15 分 ) Tom is ten years old th

7、is year. He is in Grade Three.He doesnt work hard at school. His teacher doesnt like him. But Tom thinks he is the cleverest( 最聪明的 ) student in his class. And he thinks his math is good. On a Sunday afternoon, Tom goes home. He feels very hungry. So he says to his mother, “Mom ,I am very hungry. Can

8、 I have some food to eat ?”“ Supper is not ready now, but there are two cakes on the plate. You can eat them first, ” says his mother. When he sees the two cakes, Tom says,“ Mom, I have three cakes now. Look !This is the first cake. This is the second cake. One and two is three. I am very clever. ”“

9、 Yes, youre very clever ,” says his mother. “ Now give me the first cake. Your father eats the second cake, and you eat the third one.” ()21.Toms teacher doesnt like him because _ Ahe doesnt work hard at school Bhe doesnt listen to his teacher in class Che doesnt do his homework Dhe doesnt go to sch

10、ool on time ()22.Tom thinks his _ is good. AEnglish Bmath CChinese Dhomework ()23.On a Sunday afternoon, Tom feels _ Ahappy Bsad Chungry Dthirsty ()24.Where are the two cakes? AOn the plate. BOn the table. COn the bed. DOn the chair. ()25.Can Tom eat the third cake? ANo, he cant. BNo, he can. CYes,

11、he is right. DYes, he cant. .补全对话 (10 分 ) Peter: 26._ Wendy: My favorite? Well, I really like math. 27._ Peter: But I think math is boring. Science is my favorite. Its really interesting, and Mr. White is a good teacher. Whos your math teacher? Wendy: Mrs. Green. Shes great. Peter: 28._ Wendy: I hav

12、e math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at eleven oclock. Peter: 29._ Wendy: No, on Tuesday and Thursday I have history at eleven. Peter: 30._ Wendy: Yes, he is. I dont like history, but Mr. Brown is very funny. .任务型阅读 (15 分) AIs Mr. Brown your history teacher? BWhen do you have math? CIts fun. DDo y

13、ou have math on Tuesday or Thursday? E. Whats your favorite subject? In American high schools, most students have English, science, math and history. These are basic courses(基本课程 ) and each course is as useful as the others. History is more interesting for some students because they learn more about

14、 important events and places in the United States. Others are music, home economics( 家政学 ) and computer science. Students dont have to have all of these courses. Some study music because they think it is more enjoyable(有乐趣的 ). Some study computer science because they think it is more practical( 实用的

15、). In each class teachers give students exams. Some exams are more difficult than others, and even a good student cant always do them well. 根据短文内容,完成表格。 Students 31._ Reasons(原因 ) Most English Basic courses Science 32._ 33._ 34._ Music More enjoyable Some Computer science 35._ .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(10 分)

16、 36我喜欢科学。虽然它有点儿难,但是很有趣。 I like_. Its a little _ but very _. 37午饭后,我上音乐课。 _ lunch, I_ music. 38我们所有的课程在下午4:30 结束。 All our_ finish_ 4 :30 pm. 39我星期五很忙,但是星期六有空。 I am very_ on Friday, but I_ _ on Saturday. 40我喜欢数学,他喜欢历史。 I_ math, and he _ _. .书面表达 (20 分 ) 请根据表格中的信息介绍一下你的朋友。50 词左右。 Name Bruce Green Age 1

17、5 Language English Favorite sports football and volleyball Favorite color green Favorite subject math Favorite fruit apples, bananas and pears Family father, mother and sister .1.D 2B 3C 4D5.D 6D7B8.C9.D 10B .11.B12.C13.B14.B15.C 16A17.C18.C19.B20.A .21.A22.B23.C24.A25.A .26.E27.C28.B29.D30.A .31.Co

18、urses32.Math33.History 34Some35.More practical .36.science; difficult; interesting 37After; have38.classes; at 39busy; am free40.like; likes history .One possible version: My Friend My good friend is Bruce Green. He is 15 this year. He speaks English. There are three other people in his family. They are his father, mother and sister. Bruce likes sports. His favorite sports are football and volleyball. Green is his favorite color and math is his favorite subject. He often eats fruit. Apples, bananas and pears are his favorite fruit.


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