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1、Unit3 单元测试卷 一、把相应的单词与图片连起来。 (1) A. ship (2) B. car (3) C. plane (4) D. bus (5) E. train 二、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。 ( ) 1. sw_ m (游泳) A. i B. r C. o ( ) 2. tr_v_1 (旅游) A. e, e B. a, e C. i, o ( ) 3. s_ (大海) A. ea B. ee C. aa ( ) 4. v_s_t (参观) A. i, a B. i, i C. a, i ( ) 5. dr_m (梦) A. ae B. er C. ea

2、三、判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是()否()相同。 ( ) 1. A. park B. car C. star ( ) 2. A. come B. mother C. home ( ) 3. A. see B. week C. coffee ( ) 4. A. fun B. summer C. but ( ) 5. A. meat B. speak C. great 四、选择填空。 ( ) 1. We want to go there _ plane. A. on B. in C. by ( ) 2. _ do you want to do there? A. How B. Where C.

3、What ( ) 3. Oh, you can t go _ me. A. in B. with C. from ( ) 4. We can row a boat _ West Lake. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 5. It s Monday. I have _ to school. A. to go B. go to C. go 五、选择合适的介词补全句子。 ( ) l. We want _ swim in the sea. A. of B. to ( ) 2. I see the shark _ the sea. A. at B. in ( ) 3. He goes b

4、ack to London _ plane. A. on B. by ( ) 4. You can travel _ space. A. into B. for ( ) 5. You can stay there _ a few minutes. A. for B. of 六、选出下列英文句子的正确翻译。 ( ) 1. We want to go to Thailand. A. 我们来自泰国。B. 我们想要去泰国。 ( ) 2. I want to eat seafood there. A. 我想在那儿吃海鲜。B. 我想在那儿游泳。 ( ) 3. He goes to Kunming by t

5、rain. A. 他坐火车去昆明。B. 他乘飞机去昆明。 ( ) 4. He has to stay in Beijing for three days. A. 他想在北京待三天。B. 他不得不在北京待三天。 七、选出下列问句的正确答语。 ( ) 1. How does he go to Beijing? A. I go there by train. B. He goes there by plane. ( ) 2. What do you want to do there? A. We want to swim there. B. I want to go to Hainan. ( ) 3

6、. What do you want to take? A. I want to take my bag. B. I go there by bus. ( ) 4. How long are we going to stay there? A. Five o clock. B. Two days. ( ) 5. How do you want to go there? A. I want to go there by plane. B. He wants to go there by plane. 八、判断下列句子与所给图片是()否()相符。 ( ) 1. We want to eat sea

7、food there. ( ) 2. I want to take photos there. ( ) 3. The West Lake in Hangzhou is beautiful. ( ) 4. She wants to row a boat there. 九、连词成句。 1. row, to, want, We, a, boat (.) _ 2. do, want, How, to, you, there, go (?) _ 3. swim, sea, I, to, the, want, in (.) _ 4. trip, special, It, very, a, is (.) _

8、 5. will, How, countries, to, many, go, you (?) _ 十、选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。 ( ) 1. How do Chris go to Beijing? _ A B C ( ) 2. He want to go there by ship. _ A B C ( ) 3. What does she wants to do tomorrow? _ A B C ( ) 4. Let s goes to the Western Hill. _ A B C ( ) 5. You can go to a poor village teach

9、ing children. _ A B C 参考答案 一、 (1)-(5) BADEC 二、 1-5 ABABC 三、 1-5 四、 1-5 CCBBA 五、 1-5 BBBAA 六、 1-4 BAAB 七、 1-5 BAABA 八、 1-4 九、 1. We want to row a boat. 2. How do you want to go there? 3. I want to swim in the sea. 4. It is a very special trip. 5. How many countries will you to go? 十、 l. B does 2. A wants 3. B want 4. A go 5. B to teach


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