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1、小升初全真模拟试题(八) 一单项选择题。 ( ) 1. There_ a film tomorrow evening. A. / B. was C. will be D. are ( ) 2. I_ have a penfriend in England. A. am B. will C. want D. am going ( ) 3. _ she have any orange juice? A. Is B. Does C. Do D. many ( ) 4. You are thirsty. Do you need _ water? A. some B. any C. a D. many

2、( ) 5. He _ a letter now. A. want to write B. wants write C. wants to write D. wants to writing ( ) 6. They like _. A. to skating B. collecting stamps C. going to home D. a apple ( ) 7. Let me go _ you _ three. A. to, at B. with, at C. and, at D. /, at ( ) 8. What _ your father going to buy _ you? A

3、. are, for B. is, to C. does, for D. is, for ( ) 9. - - -Who _ to clean the blackboard _ afternoon? - - -The students of Team Two are. A. going, this B. are going, before C. want, this D. would like, in the ( ) 10. I think the boy_ tomorrow. A. going to plant a tree B. is go to school C. is going to

4、 playing chess D. is going to join them ( ) 11. Look! The dragon _ than the bee. A. fly higher B. is flying higher C. as high as D. flies high ( ) 12. You and I like listening to music. We _ have the same _. A. both, hobbies B. are, hobby C. too, hobbies D. both, hobby ( ) 13. Go along this street,

5、then turn left _. A. in the first crossing B. at the first crossing C. at the second cross D. on the second crossing ( ) 14. Who goes to school earlier, _? A. you and David B. you with David C. David and you D. you or David ( ) 15. Mr. Zhang had a running race _ the other teachers yesterday. A. for

6、B. with C. and D. to ( ) 16. Every morning, David? s grandfather _ for a walk around the lake. A. go B. goes C. went D. is going ( ) 17. Linda _ a twin brother, and she is _ than him. A. is, taller B. has, tall C. has, as tall as D. has, taller ( ) 18. I like taking photos. _ you? A. How are B. How

7、about C. What are D. Who are ( ) 19. Mr. Green _ fast and he likes _ very much. A. run, run B. run, to run C. running, running D. runs, running ( ) 20. _ meat do you want? Two kilos, please. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much 二根据对话,从方框中选出相应的答案。 三句型转换。 26. Mike goes to school by bike ev

8、ery day. (同义句 ) Mike _ to school every day. 27. The hospital is 4 kilometers away. ( 对画线部分提问) _ _ is the hospital? 28. How beautiful the flowers are! (同义句 ) _ beautiful flowers _ _ ! 29. The students had a sports meeting last week. ( 改为否定句 ) The students _ _ a sports meeting last week. 30. There are

9、 many eggs in the basket. ( 改为单数句子) There _ _ egg in the basket. 四. 完型填空 . Paris has a beautiful name, the City of _31_ . Do you know _32_ it means? Many beautiful buildings are lighted at _33_. The streets are very _34_. When you _35_ in Paris, you needn? t turn _36_ your headlights even after dark

10、. Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this is not the _37_ reason f or it? s beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. _38_ scientists and artists have com e to _39_ here. For this reason also, people _40_ it the City of Lights. ( ) 31. A. Flow

11、ers B. Cars C. Lights D. Rivers ( ) 32. A. what B. how C. where D. when ( ) 33. A. noon B. night C. day D. evening ( ) 34. A. black B. dark C. noisy D. bright ( ) 35. A. walk B. go C. drive D. live ( ) 36. A. off B. down C. out D. on ( ) 37. A. only B. other C. any D. another ( ) 38. A. No B. Few C.

12、 Many D. A litter ( ) 39. A. study B. drive C. play D. have dinner ( ) 40. A. make B. call C. build D. find 五.用所给单词的正确形式完成句子,注意大小写 41. Who gets up _ (late) in your family, your father or your mother? 42. Jim usually _ (do) his homework after school. 43. It is _ (sun) today. Let ?s go on an outing. 4

13、4. Mike and his parents live on the _ (three) floor in that building. 45. I have many e-friends. They are in different _ (country) 46. Yesterday, my father was very glad to _ (meet) his old friend. 47. Does it often _ (rain) there in spring? 48. We _ (see) a play next week. 49. David is good at _ mo

14、del planes. (make) 50. Can you tell me how _ the fax machine? (use) 六. 阅读理解 It?s summer, and the life is easy. For many Americans, it is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out and the weather is great. Most of all, we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often go to their

15、 favorite vacation spot. Most Americans prefer to travel in America. Why? For one thing, it? s cheaper than travelling abroad and there ?s no language problem. But besides that, the vast American territory offers tourist attractions. Nature lovers can enjoy beaches, mountains, canyons, lakes and a w

16、eather of nat ural wonders. Major cities offer visitors a lot of urban entertainments. The convenience of modern highways, railways and pl anes makes travel easy in America. ( ) 51. In America, _ is the season to travel. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter ( ) 52. Why do Americans like to travel

17、 in summer? A. The life is easy in summer B. The school is out C. They weather is great D. All of the above ( ) 53. Where do Americans often go to travel? , A. Go abroad B. Major cities C. Canyons D. America ( ) 54. _ is convenient in America to make travel easy? A. The vast American territory B. La

18、nguage problems C. Modern highways. Railways and planes D. A lot of urban entertainments ( ) 55. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Americans prefer to go to their favorite vacation B. There?s no language problem it Americans go to travel abroad C. Natural lovers enjoy beaches, mountains

19、, canyons and lakes D. Major cities offer visitors urban entertainments ( B ) Hello, my name is Nicolo, and I live in Australia. Most of the people in Australia live along the northeast and southwest coast s. The middle of Australia is too day. Not many people live there. But there are many farms. C

20、anberra is our capital city. We speak English but we say some words in a different way. Here they are: CHOOK is a chicken; DICKUM means real and good; HOOROO means see you later; MATE is a good friend, and TAH means thank you. We have schools just like Americans do. I live on a farm and I don? t go

21、to school. I have a radio, so I listen to my teacher and sends answers back to her. This is the class of the air. For food, we eat American food. Some dishes are different. Beef is the most popular meat. My favorite dish is mutton. We dress like the people from the west. We drive on the left side of

22、 the road and drink tea, just as they do in Britain. For fun places, we go to the beach. Then Sydney Opera House is one of the world?s most famous buildings. My favorite sport is cricket. We play it in summer. Football and rugby are also very popular. ( ) 56. There are many _ but not many _ in the m

23、iddle of Australia. A. farms; people B. farms; animals C. people; farms D. people; animals ( ) 57. We know the writer _ from the third paragraph. A. teaches himself on the farm B. learns his lesson on the radio on a farm C. goes to his school by bus every day D. lives near to his school ( ) 58. Whic

24、h of the following is TRUE? A. There are no differences between Australia English and British English B. People must drive on the right side of he road as the people in China do. C. The writer like eating mutton and playing cricket very much D. There are many farms everywhere in Australia ( ) 59. Fr

25、om the passage we know the Sydney Opera House must be _ A. a great cinema B. a famous hospital C. a big gym D. a fun place 七.首字母填空 Have you ever seen snow? Many people in the world have not seen snow. Some countries n_60_ have snow, some h ave only a little on the tops of very high mountains. In the

26、 north of England, there is quite a lot of snow every w_61_, bu t in the south of England, there is usually little. When a student from a warm c_62_ comes to England in autumn for the first time, he feels c_63_ at first. There are often dark clouds, grey sky and cold rain in England in autumn, and s

27、tudents from war m countries do not l_64_ this. But snow is different. Though it is cold, it is also beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the students wakes up o ne day, and there is a lot of l_65_ in his room. He thinks, ,Is it so late? ? and jumps out of bed. But no, it is not very lat

28、e. He looks out of the w_66_ and there is the snow on the ground, on the houses and everywhere. The light of his room comes from clean, b_67_ snow. 60. _ 61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _ _ 66. _ 67. _ 八.书面表达 . 以 “春节”为题写一篇短文. 提示 : 春节 , the Spring Festival; 装饰 , decorate; 剪纸 , paper-cut, 灯笼 , lantern. 要求语言流 畅,用词准确 . 60 词左右 . _


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