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1、1 畅游学海敢搏风浪誓教金榜题名。决战高考,改变命运。凌风破浪击长空,擎天揽日跃龙门 P Pacific p?s ? f ? k adj. 太平洋的 | n. (the Pacific)太平洋 packp?k n. C包,捆 |vt.(为运输或储存而)打包; 把 ( 食品等 ) 装罐 ?A pack of dogs took after the rabbit. 一群狗追赶一只兔子。a pack of群 / 伙 ?She packed her bags and left.她打包好行李就动身了。 packagep?k ? d? n. C包裹,包, ?He brought me a large pa

2、ckage.他给我送来一个大包裹。 page pe? d? n. C页,张 pain pe? n n.C,U疼, (身体某一部分的)痛; (精神上的)痛苦,苦恼丨丨此使痛苦,使苦恼 ?I have a pain in my head.我头疼。 ?It pains me to see you like this.看到你这副模样真令我难过。 paint pe? nt n. C, U油漆,涂料; 绘画作品 ?Please paint the wall white.请把墙漆成白色的。 painter pe? nt ? n. C 绘画者,(油)画家 She models for a painter. 她

3、为一名画家当模特。 painting pe? nt ? ? n. C 油画,水彩画 ; U 绘画,绘画艺术 pair pe? n.C 一对;一副 I want to buy a pair of glasses.我想买一副眼镜。 a pair of 副 pal p?l n. C伙伴,朋友 palacep?l? s n.C 宫殿 常用搭配: the Childrens Palace少年宫, the Summer Palace颐和园 pale pe? l adj. 苍白的,灰白的; (顔色 ) 淡的 ?You look pale. Are you ok?你气色不好,你没事吧? pancakep?nk

4、e ? k n. C 烙饼,薄饼 pandap?nd ? n. C熊猫 panic p?n ? k n.C.,U惊恐,恐慌 |adj. 恐慌的 ; 毫无理由的. 极度的 paper 2 n. U 纸; C 报纸 ; C 试卷 ?She wrote her name and address on a piece of paper. 她把姓名、地址写在一张纸 条上。 ?She spent the evening marking exam papers.她用一个晚上批阅试卷。 paragraphp?r?gr ? f n. C段落 pardon ? p ? dn n. U原谅,饶恕,宽恕 ?Youre

5、 very quiet today.你今天话很少啊。 Pardon?什么 ? I said youre very quiet today.我说你今天话很少。 parent pe?r( ?)nt n. C父亲,母亲 ; (pl.)双亲 He s still living with his parents.他还和父母住在块。 park park n.C 公园,停车场丨|v. 停放(汽车) ,放置 ?Theres a car park over there.那儿有个停车场。 ?Don t park the car on this street.别把汽车停放在这条街上。 part p ? t n.C

6、部分;局部; ?The story is told in three parts.这个故事被分为三部分讲述。 ?Shall we take part in the meeting?我们可以参加会议吗?(take part in 参加) 短语: 1. take the part of 支持; eg. Most of the women took the part of Martin Brown. 绝大多数妇女支持马丁布朗。 2. part-time adj. 业余的。 particular p? t ? kj ?l ?(r) adj. 特別的,格外的. ,讲究的,严格的 ?I have noth

7、ing particular to do this evening. 今晚我没有什么特殊的事要做。 ?We arent able to cater for your particular needs. 我们不能满足你的特殊需要。 partner p ? tn ? n. C搭档,合作者丨配偶,伴侣 Her partner for the game was Venus Williams. 她的比赛搭挡是维纳斯 ?威廉姆斯。 She deferred to her partner in everything. 她事事都听从她的合伙人的意见。 part-time ,p :tta? m adj. 兼职的

8、 ; 部分时间的 Part-time work is generally hard to find.兼职工作一般很难找。 party p ? t ? n. C党,政党;聚会 Did you go to their party?你参加他们的聚会了吗? He betrayed his party and country. 他背叛了他的党和国家。 pass p ? s V. 传递,递给; 通过,经过 3 ?Can you pass me the book? ( = Can you pass the book to me?)你能把那本书递给我吗? pass sb. sth. = pass sth. t

9、o sb.把某物递给某人 ?Pass the book on to me when youve read it.你看完那本书后请传给我。pass on to sb. 传给某人 passagep?s ? d? n. C(文章,乐曲等的)一段,一节 Read the following passage and answer the questions below.阅读下面这段文章并回答 后面的问题。 passenger n. C 乘客,旅客 passport n. C 护照;手段,途经 past pa:st n. U 过去,昔日 | 丨adj.过去的,以前的| prep. 晚于 ; 从旁经过 ?I

10、n the past he had to read by candle light.过去他只得在烛光下读书。 He walked past the house.他走过那所房子。 path p ? n. C 小路,路线,途径 ?Follow the path through the woods.沿着这条小路穿过树林。 patientpe ? (?)nt n. c病人丨丨adj. 有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的 ? She was one of Dr. Shaws patients.她是肖医生的病人之一。 ?She is very patient with young children.她对幼儿特别

11、有耐心。be patient with 对有耐心 patternp?t(?)n n. C 方式,模式 ; 范例,典范 ; 图案,花样|vt. 构成图案 ; 模仿 ?She pricked out the design from the pattern. 她根据样板刺绣出这一图案。 pause p? z n. C 中止,暂停,停止: 短暂停 |v. 暫停停顿 But I pause at the door. 但我在门口停顿了一下。 pay pe? (paid, paid) v.付钱;偿还;| n.U报酬,薪水 We paid $35 for each ticket.我们每张票付了35 美元。 p

12、ay for 付给,支付 When can they pay a visit to the headmaster?他们什么时候能访问校长?pay a visit to 访问 Why didn t you pay attention to the question mark?你为什么不注意问号呢?pay attention to 注意 P.E ? pii ( = physical education) n, C 体育 P. C . ( = personal computer) n. C 个人电脑 pea pi: n. C 豌豆 peace pi: s 4 n. U 和平 ?After years

13、 of war, the people long for a lasting peace.历经多年战乱之后,人 民渴望和平。 peaceful pi? sf ?l; -f(?)l adj.和平的,无战争的;平静的,安静的;和睦的 peach pi? t ? n.C 桃子 ; U 桃色,桃红色 pear pe? n. C梨子,梨树 ?The pear is a delicious fruit and 1 like it very much. 梨是好吃的水果,我喜欢吃。 peel pi? l v. 剥皮,削皮, ?Could you peel the apple, please?请你削去苹果皮好吗

14、? pen pen n. C笔,钢笔 pencil pens(?)l; -s? l n. C铅笔 I found a pencil and some blank paper in her desk.我在她的书桌里找到了一支铅笔和 一些白纸。 penny n. C (pl. pence/pennies)(英)便士,美分 He had a few pence in his pocket.他口袋里有几个便士的硬币。 people pi? p(?)l n. C 人 , 人们 : 民族 ? At least ,ten people were killed in the accident.至少 10 人在

15、事故中丧生。people 作“人,人们”讲时,表示复数概念 ?There are fifty-six peoples in China. 中国有 56 个民族。 people作“民族”讲时, 其复数形式为peoples 。 pepper pep? n. U 胡椒粉 ; C 甜椒,柿子椒 percent p?sent n.百分之 More than 70 percent of my time has been spent in teaching.我的时间70% 以上用在 了教学上。 perfect ? p? f ? kt; (for v.) p? fekt adj.完美的,精通的 The wea

16、ther was perfect.天气好极了。 perform p?f ? m V.履行,执行; 演出,表演 performance p?f ? m(?)ns n. C演出,表演 ; 性能,业绩;U 执行,履行 performer p?f ? m ?(r) n. C表演者,演出者 5 perhaps p?h?ps adv.或许,大概,可能 ?Perhaps it would _be better if you came back tomorrow.如果你明天回来也许更好。 period p? r ? d n. C (一段 ) 时间 ; 时期,时代 ?This is his most diffi

17、cult period.这是他最困难的时期。 permission p?m? (?)n n. .U 允许,许可,同意; C 许可证,书面许可 短语: 1 without permission 没经过允许 2 ask sbs permission 请求某人允许 permit p?m? t v. 许可,允许 | n. C许可证,执照 Visitors are not permitted to take photographs.参观者请勿拍照。be permitted to do 被允许做某事 ?We don t permit smoking in the computer room. 我们不允许在

18、电脑室抽烟。permit doing 允许做某事 Permit me to offer you some advice. 请允许我向您提出些建议。 permit sb. to dosth. 允许某人做某事 person p? s( ?)n n. C人 personal p3:sanl adj.个人的,私人的 ?The novel is written from personal experience.这部小说是根据个人经历写成的。 pet pet n. C宠物 phone f?n ( = telephone ) n. c电话,电话机 |v. 给打电话 ?I have to make a pho

19、ne call.我得打个电话。 ?Could you phone back later?你过一会儿再打电话来好吗? photo f?t ? ( = photograph ) n. C 照片,相片 ?I ll take a photo of you.我来给你拍个照。 phrasefreiz n. C 短语,词组 ; 习惯用语,成语 physical fizikl adj.身体的,肉体的物理的,:科学的 physicist f? z? s? st n. C 物理学家 physics f? z? ks n. U 物理学 pianist p? n? st n. C 钢琴家 piano p? ?n ?

20、n. C 钢琴 6 Tom is going to buy either a guitar or a piano.汤姆不是要买一把吉他就是要买一架 钢琴。 pick p? k v.精选,挑选 ; 采摘 There is a pen on the floor. Let me pick it up.地上有支笔,我来捡。Pick UP拾起 ?Dont pick the flowers.不要摘花。 picnic p? kn? k n. C野餐,郊游 ?its a nice day. Lets go for a picnic.天气不错,咱们去野餐吧! picturep ? kt ? ? n. C图画,肖

21、像,照片 ?A picture of flowers hung on the wall.墙 上 挂 着 一 张花卉的图。 pie pai n. C ,U馅饼 piece pi :s n. C 一 块 (片 , 张 ,件 ?Could you give me a piece of paper?你能给我一张纸吗? pierce p ? s v.刺穿,刺破 pig pig n. C 猪 pill pil n. C 药丸,药片 pillowp ? l ? n. C枕头 pilot pa ? l ?t n. C 飞行员 pin p? n n. C 别针,大头针; 胸针,徽章 pine pain n. C

22、, U松 树 , 松 木 pineapple pa ? n?p(?)l n. C, U菠萝 ping-pong pi ?p? ?, -p ?:? n. U 兵兵球 pink p ? ?k adj.粉红色的,淡红的II n. C ,U粉红色 pioneer pa? n ? n. C 拓荒者,先驱者,开拓者 pipepaip n. C 管子,输送管; 烟斗,烟袋 pity p? t ? n. C, U同情,遗憾 ?I felt pity for the poor man.我同情这个可怜的男人。feel pity for 同情 7 What a pity!真遗憾 ?It s a pity that

23、you cant come to our party.真遗憾 你不能来参加我们的聚会。 Its a pity + that从句遗憾 place ple? s n.C地点;场所;II v.将(某物)放置,安排 1. take place 发生。 eg. The football match took place last night.足球比赛在昨晚进行。 2. take the place of 取代。 eg. Who can take the place of him when he is out? 他不在时谁能代替他? 3. places of interest 名胜,警区。 eg. We

24、have visited many places of interest in China. 我们已游览过许多中国的名胜。 plain ple? n adj. 简朴的;淸楚的,明白的| n. c 平原旷野 ?He made it plain that we should leave.他明确丧示要我们离开。 planpl?n n. C计划,方案 |v. 计划,精心安排; 打算 ?To begin with, I ll make a plan for my study.首先,我要制定一个学习计划。make a plan做计划 ?Where do you plan to spend your hol

25、iday?你打算去哪里度假? plan to do sth. 计划做某事 plane plein n. C 飞机 ?The plane took off an hour late.飞机延迟一小时起飞。 ?She left by plane for Berlin.她乘飞机去柏林了。 by plane乘飞机 planet pl?n? t n. C 行星 ?Is there life on other planets?在其他行星上有生命吗? plant plaint n. C 植物 ; 工厂栽种,播种 ?All plants need light and water. 一切植物都需要阳 光和水。、

26、?We planted a lot of flowers in our garden.我们在花 园里种了很多花。 plastic pl?st? k n. C, U塑料 , 塑料制品 |adj. 塑料的,有塑性的 ?The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag. 商 店售货员帮玛丽把水果装入一个塑料购物袋里。 plate pleit n. C 盘子,碟 Anita pushed her plate away; she had eaten virtually nothing. 安妮塔把盘子推开;她其

27、实什么都没吃。 play ple? v. 1 玩; 2 . 比赛; 3 娱乐; |n. 1 玩耍,游戏;2 喜剧; 3 比赛 8 Once he is free, he will play computer games.只要他有空,他就玩电脑游戏。 We like to play sports in the gym.我们在体育馆里做运动。play sports做运动 短语: 1.play football 踢足球 2.play the piano 弹钢琴 3.play with 玩 4.play sports 做运动 5.play the CDs too loud 播放 CD太大声 playe

28、r ple? n. C 比赛者,选手唱片播放器 She was a good golfer and tennis player. 她曾是一名优秀的高尔夫球手和网球运动员。 playground ple? gra ?nd n. c操场,娱乐场 ?The city has several playgrounds for children.这座城市有好几个儿童游乐场。 pleasant plez(?)nt adj.令人愉快的,舒适的 ?We spent a very pleasant evening.我们度过了一个愉快的晚上。 【易错警示】pleasant与 pleased pleasant “令人

29、愉快的” ,表示事物的特质,常说明事物, 有主动意义。 例如:We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation.我们畅谈了好几个小时。 pleased “愉快的”,表示一种心理感受,常说明人。例如:. We are very pleased here.我们在这里很高兴。 please pli? z exclamation请,请问 | vt.使人高兴,使人满意 ?I did it to please my parents.我那么做是要让父母高兴。 pleasure ple? n. C, U愉快,高兴; 乐事,乐趣 Has he gone to Pari

30、s on business or for pleasure?他去巴黎是出差还是游玩?. ?It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。It is a pleasure to do sth.很高兴去做某事 【易错警示】It s my pleasure 与 with pleasure It s my pleasure 表示不客气,不用谢,相当于not at all。例如: Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。 Its my pleasure.不用谢。 with pleasure表示愉快地,高兴地,相当于 very 例如:

31、 Could you put me up tonight? 今晚你可以留我住一衔吗? With pleasure.非常乐意。 plenty plent? n. U 丰富,大量 ,充足 |adj. 很多的,足够的 ?You have plenty of time to read.你有大量的时间读书。plemty of大量的 . 后面接 不可数名词或可数名词复数 9 pocket p?k? t n. C 口袋 He wadded his cap into his pocket. 他把帽子卷紧塞进口袋。 poem p? m n.C 诗,韵文 The poem was all the rage the

32、n. 这首诗在当时十分流行。 point p? nt v.指点;指出;n.C 尖;点; 短语: 1. point to 指向,(较远之物) 。 eg.He pointed to the woman under the tree and said,“She is our new teacher.” 他指着树下那个女的说:“他是我们的新老师。 2. point at 指向(较近之物) eg. “Beijing is here.” he pointed at the map and said . “北京在这儿”他指着地图说。 3. point out 指出: eg.The teacher point

33、ed out his mistakes. 老师指出了他的错误。 poison p? z( ?)n n. C ,U毒药,毒物; 毒害 poisoner p? z?n? n.投毒杀人者,毒死别人的人 poisonous p? z?n?s adj.有毒的,致命的 police p?li? s n. C 警察 ?Get out of the house or I ll call the police.滚出这房子,不然我就叫警察了。 policeman p?li? sm?n n. C (pi policemen)男警察 The two policemen were helping the sick ol

34、d man. 那两个男警察正在帮助那个生病的 老人。policewoman p?li? sw?m ?n n. C (pi. policewomen)女繁察 policy p?l ?s? n. C 政策,方针,策略 The government must make new policies to protect the environment.政府必须制定保 护环境的新政策。 polish p?l ? n. C ,U擦光剂,亮光剂| 时. 擦亮,磨光 polite p?la ? t adj.有礼貌的,有教养的 ?Please be polite to our guests.礼貌待客。 知识拓展

35、politely adv.有礼貌地 | impolite adj.不礼貌的,粗鲁的 politics p?l ? t ? ks n. U 政治,政治学 pollute p?lu ? t 10 vt.污染 ; 玷污,腐蚀 We love the sea, yet we pollute it. 我们热爱大海,然而我们却污染了它。 pollution p?lu ? ? ( ?)n n. U 污染,玷污,弄脏; 污染物,垃圾 They devised proposals to deal with air pollution. 他们构想出处理空气污染的方案。 pond p?nd n.C 池塘 This

36、pond often catches in winter. 这个池塘在冬天常常结冰。 pool pu:l n. C 水池,水塘,游泳池 poor p? ; p ? adj. 贫穷的,贫乏的; 可怜的,差的 ?The poor old man lost both his sons in the war.这位不幸的老人在战争中失去了 两个儿子。popular p?pj ?l ? ?adj.流行的,普通的,受大众欢迎的 ?The teacher is popular with her students.这位老师受到她学生的喜爱。be popular with 受欢迎的 population p?pj

37、 ?le ? ( ?)n n. C ,U人口,全体居民 ?Whats the population of your country?你们国家的人口多少? 对人口多少提问 用 what 而不用 how much ?There is a large population in our country.我们国家人口众多。 说人口多少 population与 large ,small 搭配,不用many,much pork p? k n. U猪肉 She permits herself pork twice a week.她规定自己一星期只吃二次肉。 porridge p?r ? d? n. U稀饭,

38、粥 The porridge is too thick. 粥熬得太糨了。 position p?z ? (?)n n. C位置,地点,方位 They dragged him down from his high position. 他们把他从高职位上拉了下来。 possible p?s? b( ?)l adj.可能的 , 有可能的 ?I ll return the book to you as soon as possible. /I ll return the book to you as soon as I can.我将尽快还你这本书。as.,. as possible = as as s

39、b can 尽可能 ?It is possible for him to pass the entrance examination.他有可能通过入学考试 (It is possible to do.有可能做 post p?st v. 邮寄 II n.U 邮政,邮件 ?Do you mind posting a letter for me?你能帮我寄封信吗? postcard p?s(t)k ? d n.C 明信片 11 I got your postcard from the school. 你从学校寄来的明信片我已收到。 postman p?s(t)m ?n n. C (pl. postm

40、en)邮递员,邮差 pot p?t n. C 锅,壶,瓶,罐 He brewed a pot of tea for us. 他为我们泡了一壶茶。 potato p?te ? t ? n. C ,U马铃薯,土豆 ?My brother likes potatoes very much, but I dont care for them.我弟弟喜欢吃 土豆 , 但我不喜欢。 pound paund n. ( 重量单位)磅,( 货币)英镑 pour p? vi. 1 顷泻,不断流出;倒,斟(饮料) Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass. 把牛奶从瓶子里

41、倒到玻璃杯里去。 power pa? n. C ,U控制力,影响力,操纵力;能力,动力,能量 It is within my power. 那是在我的权力以内。 practicepr?kt? s n.习惯行动;练习; She is doing her practice at the piano.她正在练钢琴。 短语: 1.put into practice 实施,实行。 2.practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 practisepr?kt? s v.经常做;练习;实践; 短语: 1.practice doing sth 练习做某事 eg.I often practice

42、speaking English at home .我经常在家练习说英语。 praise preiz n. U赞扬,称赞,赞美; 颂扬,赞颂 |赞扬,表扬;颂扬,赞颂 Too much praise has turned his head. 过多的表扬已经冲昏了他的头脑。 Many others praised Sanford for taking a strong stand. 还有许多人称赞桑福德立场坚定。 predict pr? d ? kt vt.预言 , 预告,预报 And then we predict which target he wants to go to. 然后我们预测他

43、想到达哪个目 标点。 知识拓展 :Prediction n.预自 , 预测,预报 prefer pr? f ? v.宁愿,较喜欢 ?I prefer red to blue. 比起蓝色,我更喜欢红色。 prefer. . . to比更喜欢 ?I prefer playing football to playing volleyball.比起 打排球我更喜欢踢足球。 prefer doing to doing与做某事相比,更喜欢做某事 prepare pr? pe ? 12 v. 准备;预备 短语: 1.prepare for为而准备 eg. The parents are preparing

44、for the coming new year.父母们正在为新年做准备。 present preznt n. c礼物,赠品II adj.出现的,出席的,在场的; 现在的,目前的 ?How many people were present at the ceremony?有多少人出席了仪式? He often gave his neighbors kids little presents.他常常送些小礼物给邻居的孩子。 president prez? d( ?)nt n. C 总统 ; ( 大学)校长 ; 董事长,会长 The president has just come to see me.

45、校长刚才来看我来了。 press pres vt.压,挤,推 ; 榨汁,压榨 |n.C ,U新闻界,出版社 ; 报章杂志,报刊; 报道, 评论 ?He pressed a coin into her hand.他把一枚硬币塞到她手里。 pressure pre? ? n. C, U压力,压强,大气压; 催促,呼吁,要求,强迫 ; 心理压力,紧张 The pressure of his fingers had relaxed. 他手指的压力已经减弱了。 He will never pressure you to get married. 他永远也不会给你施加压力让你结婚。 pretend pr?

46、 tend v.假装,装作; 装扮,扮作 ?He pretended to be reading when the teacher came in.老师进来时他假装正在读书。 pretend to do假装做 pretty pr? t ? adj.漂亮的,秀丽的,可爱的 ?What a pretty house it is!多漂亮的一栋房子! prevent pr? vent vt.防止,预防; 阻码,阻止 ?My only idea was to prevent the woman from speaking.我唯一的想法就是不让那女 人讲。 prevent ? ? ? from doing sth.阻止 做某事 price pra? s n. C


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