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1、辽宁省辽师大第二附属中学2013-2014 学年八年级英语上学期质量抽测试题 本试卷共六大题,共7 页,满分100 分。考试时间100 分钟。 请考生将答案填写在试卷指定位置,否则作答无效。 . 单项填空(本题共14 小题;每小题1 分,满分14 分) 从各题所给的A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Sorry, I was late. ? A. What happened B. What can we do C. How was it D. What else 2. How about the young lady? It s hard to say, but

2、her voice _ beautiful. A. sings B. hears C. listens D .sounds 3. Englishmen often talk about the weather to start a _. A. message B. language C.sentence D. conversation 4. If you dont know the meaning of the words, try to _. A. repeat B. smile C. guess D. count 5. People _ the land from animals ,so

3、its hard for them to live in peace. A. set up B.think about C. take away D. look after 6. Lijiang is _ its beautiful scenery. so lots of people visit it every year. A. famous as B. famous for C. crowed with D. full of 7. I don t like geography. My sister doesnt like it, _. A. also B. too C. and D. e

4、ither 8. We re going to play _ Class 5 next week. And we hope to win this time. A. with B. against C. for D. in 9. Betty, your English is very good. have you learnt it? For about 5 years. A. How long B. What time C. When D. How many 10. Its important for us to old and young people. A. look at B. loo

5、k up C. look for D. look after 11. Project Hope has built many schools children there can get education. A. so that B. becasue C.but D. although 12. How much did you _ for the dictionary? -$ 12 A. buy B. spend C. cost D. pay 13. Emily _ be at school because she phoned me from her home a minute ago.

6、A. mustn t B. isnt able to C. may not D. cant 14. I am not good at English. So I am _ of speaking in class. A. afraid B. shy C. excited D. happy . 完形填空(本题共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分25 分) A.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C 和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项填入文中空 白处。 English is widely used in the world. More and more people think that E

7、nglish is a must for them and they begin their English study 15 their future. Lee is studying English because he wants to be a scientist, 16 he knows that English is the international language of 17 . Most scientists write in English. Lees father is a scientist and next month, Lees father is going t

8、o an important scientific meeting in Hong Kong.All the 18 will be in English. Lees cousin Wei Ling wants to work for an airline when she 19 school. She needs English for this because English is the international language 20 on airlines and all pilots speak English. Wei Ling is going on an English co

9、urse this summer to 21 her English. David Zhang lived in the USA. Thats 22 he has an English name. His family came back to live in China last year, and David is at Lees school. David speaks English perfectly but his Chinese isnt very 23 . In the summer holidays, David and Lee are 24 to spend time to

10、gether. Their plan is this: On Monday they speak English, on Tuesday they speak Chinese, and so on. Their teacher says it is a very good plan. 15. A. to B. of C. for D. about 16. A. or B. and C. but D. then 17.A. books B. application C. science D. technology 18. A. meetings B. expressions C. convers

11、ations D. discussions 19. A. leavesB. enters C. reaches D. joins 20. A. spoken B. written C. used D. translated 21. A. use B. show C. change D. improve 22. A. where B. why C. when D. how 23.A. good B. well C. perfect D. poor 24. A. trying B. hoping C. expecting D. planning B. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择词语并用其正确形式

12、填空。每个词语只能使用一次。 We study spoken English in order to talk with English speakers. We should 25 to find some partners to practise 26 English together. If we want to make friends with other English learners and 27 our interest in English, how about going to an English corner? We can also improve 28 speak

13、ing by role-play. For example, three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one acts as a foreigner who can 29 speak English, and the third acts as translator. Then change roles. This is a 30 method for learning from one another. If we need to practise our pronunciation, 31 dont we read some Engli

14、sh tongue twisters? Can you say “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream“ correctly? 32 we speak in English, we should pay more attention to phrases and small words, 33 real spoken English is full of short phrases, and most of these phrases are made of small words. Dont 34 that other Engli

15、sh skills can also improve our speaking. Writing and reading help us to learn more vocabulary, and improve our spoken English. C阅读下面短文,在短文空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺(每空格限填一词)。 We arrive as early as pooibe to have time to warm up. We re training harder than 35 because we all know 36 makes perfect. But its more

16、difficult to practise in winter because it s cold outside. Were going to play 37 a team from another school next month, and they have a good chance of 38 . Last year we were sometimes careless and we lost to them in the final match. This year were training more carefully, so the coach is 39 with us.

17、 I believe we can do better this year. . 情景交际(本题共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分5 分) 根据对话内容选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余。 Ms James:Welcome back, everyone! Now, because its a new term, Im going to give you some advice. 40 Ready? good try when improve only why because forget speak our All:Yes, Ms James. Ms James: 41 And you s

18、hould write down your mistakes in your notebooks. And why dont you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes? 42 Lingling:Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day. Ms James: 43 Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper i

19、n English? But try not to translate every word. Lingling:I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other. 44 Ms James:Excellent! Lingling:She plays in her school orchestra, and theyre doing some concerts in China. V. 阅读理解(本题共13 小题;每小题2 分,满分26 分) A. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

20、 As humans live in more parts of the world, many animals are being driven away. But, some animals try to live with people. Can animals and humans live side by side? Once, I found a nest of robins (知更鸟 ) in the backyard and they grew up OK. I was able to see the baby birds grow feathers (羽毛 ) and get

21、 larger. But most of the time, the ending isnt always so good. For example? Every year robins try to nest in the air pipe (管子 ) of our clothes dryer. In the morning we would hear them flapping ( 拍打 ) their wings and singing. Everything changed when the dryer started. The pipe became very hot. The bi

22、rds would have to leave. Sometimes we would find eggs in the pipe. This must have made the robins very sad. Several years ago, a pair of mallard ducks (野鸭 ) tried to start a family in our backyard. They laid a lot of eggs. But when the nest was discovered and we began passing by to admire it, the bi

23、rds ran away and left their eggs to go bad. The worst story happened three years ago, when a rabbit dug a hole in our backyard and put a few baby rabbits in it. We never saw the mother take care of her babies. We decided she was caring for them when no one was around, but we were proved painfully wr

24、ong when all the babies died! The next year the same thing happened. We tried to take care of the baby rabbits. But it turned out that we were not as caring as their mother. They all died too. Clearly, animals are not born to live in the suburbs ( 郊区 ). Humans are pushing animals off their land, and

25、, sadly, there is no room for compromise ( 折衷 ). 45. This passage mainly talks about _. A. ways look after animals B. a problem between man and animals C. animals trying to live with people D. the life of a family of robins 46. The author is happy about his experience of _. A. seeing the baby birds

26、grow B. finding bird eggs in the dryer pipe A. What else? B. Thats a good idea. C. I see what you mean! D. Why dont you write it down? E. How about going to the concert tonight? F. You should always speak English in class. G. Im going to meet my pen friend in Beijing this term. C. watching duck eggs

27、 go bad D. caring for baby rabbits 47. The underlined word “this ” in paragraph 3 refers to(指)_. A. the eggs in the pipe B. the nest in the pipe C.leaving without the eggs D. the pipe becoming hot 48.The baby rabbits died because _. A. their parents wanted them to die B. their parents watched them o

28、nly when no one was around C. they could never live with people around D. the authors family didnt know how to take care of them properly 49. We can tell from the last sentence that the author feels _ about animals living with people. A. worried B. angry C. strange D. excited B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中

29、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、 连贯。 (有两项为多余选项) When I was small, I was kind of shy. Fortunately, I changed a lot by junior high. Shyness gets in the way of success, but it doesnt have to hold you back. Here are some tips that may help you overcome it. 50 The excitement of being lost at something that you lo

30、ve can help you forget your nervousness while showing off in public. Next, why not get more chances to speak in public? For me, when I got to high school, I took speech classes. 51 Then, don t think about what will happen. Its possible that you might be laughed at when speaking. 52 What really happe

31、ns is better than what we imagine. Finally, remember past successes. Whether it is making a successful speech, remembering past successes can help inspire you to get future success. 53 If you succeeded in the past, then you can succeed again! Its actually natural to be a little bit nervous about mee

32、ting new people, making cold calls, or giving a speech. That nervousness doesnt have to keep you from succeeding, though. C. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 On the north coast of Brazil, scientists once found something very strange-lost penguins, far from home!The scientists didn t know know why the penguins were

33、lost. Perhaps a warm current took them north. But penguins cannot live for long in the warmer waters of the north. It was time to save the penguins. Sadly though, some penguins were too sick to travel, and some were dying. The scientists took the healthy birds and put them on a large aircraft. The f

34、lew to the south coast of Brazil. Many people came to watch the birds. But at first,the birds just looked at the water. Then, some of the braver ones swam about in it. It was cold! It was good! And so they began the last part of their journey. People cheered loudly as the younger penguins A. First o

35、f all, you d better put your heart into what you enjoy. B. These successes are “ proof ” that you can do it. C. I still feel a little uncomfortable when I realize. D. However, others may not even notice your mistake. E. I could even take part in speaking competitions. F. What s more, the tips may wo

36、rk. started swimming behind the older ones. Together , they were on their way home at last. 54. Where were the penguins when the scientists found them? 55. Why were the penguins far away from hom? 56. How did the penguins get home ? 57. What can you learn from the passage? VI. 写(满分30 分) A. 将下列句子译成英文

37、(本题共5 小题,每小题2 分,满分10 分) 58. 中国尤以其渊久的历史而闻名世界。 _ 59. 我们还能做些什么来保护好濒危动物呢? _? 60. 为了能提高口语,她经常去英语角。 She often goes to the English corner _ 61. 没有什么能比打乒乓球更令人愉悦。 _ . 62. 想起卧龙大熊猫保护区会让人感觉好些,因为它允许人们更近距离地接触大熊猫。 It s good to think of the Wolong Panda Reserve,_. B. 书面表达( 20 分) 63. 最近,你的英国笔友Paul 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你根据下列要点给他回信。 内容提示:(1)看中文报纸,电视 (2)学唱中文歌曲 (3)结交中国朋友 1. 中心突出,语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范; 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名; 3. 词数不少于80 词。 Dear Paul, Im glad to receive your letter asking for advice on how to learn Chinese well. 初二英语答案


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