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1、高三英语 语言基础知识复习一 胡小力 马燕范存智 (一)动词时态 动词时态是英语的一个特点,在汉语中,无论动作发生在过去、现在,还是将来,动词 的写法是不变的。 因此,受汉语思维的影响,中国学生在写英语中出现的时态错误屡见不鲜。 例 1,时态与时间状语不一致: 错误: Over the last 100 years, there were a lot of great inventions happening in human society. 正确: Over the last 100 years, there have been a lot of great inventions happ

2、ening in human society. Over the last 100 years 表示持续的一段时间,因此,谓语动词需要用现在完成时,类 似的短语还有during the past/the last few days, in the past/the last few months 等。 例 2,时态的相互呼应不一致: 错误:I asked my mother to buy me a new dress, but doesn t have enough money for it. 正确 : I asked my mother to buy me a new dress, but

3、she didn t have enough money for it. 并列句时态应该一致。 由于动词时态是初中语法知识的内容,很多高三考生在备考中并不重视动词时态的复 习。然而, 动词时态作为语法知识的主干知识,是高考英语必须过关的语法项目。动词时态 的掌握为动词的语态、语气以及非谓语动词的掌握奠定了重要的基础。初中所学习的动词时 态知识基本上停留在基本概念的学习和理解,缺乏综合运用方面的训练。但是, 高考英语对 动词时态的考查,要求考生要具备动词时态灵活运用的能力,例如写作试题, 很多考生由于 动词时态基础差,导致所写短文无法上档次、得高分。近几年高考英语的单选试题,很多考 生由于动词时

4、态的综合性和语境化运用能力不强导致丢分。 语法动词时态的备考重点可以概括为:“321”,即3 个一般时、 2 个进行时和1 个完 成时, 尤其是现在完成时的用法是考查热点。英语的现在完成时的用途之广及其重要性,除 现在、 过去和将来之外,远为其它时态所不及。这主要是因为,现在完成时表示过去的动作 对目前状况产生的影响或延续到目前的状况,这一功能也是一般过去时所不具备的。例如: China has always been on the side of all those peace-loving countries. 该句通过完成时既陈述了 中国的立场, 也表达了中国对爱好和平国家的支持,还显示

5、出中国的气质和态度。一个时态 能传示出如此之广的信息,当属英语这一时态的独到之处。 现在完成时 的功用基本为以下五点: 1) 对已经开始的动作的结局的总结: They have completed the whole project. -You have left the light on. -Oh, so I have. I ll go and turn it off. (NMET2000) The coffee is wonderful! It doesn t taste like anything I have ever had before. (NMET2005) 2) 对过去动作持续

6、到目前或延续到将来的过程描述: I have thought that there s something more important than money. 3)交待过去的动作或行为对现在产生的影响: I have seen the book already. The price has gone down , but I doubt whether it will remain so. (NMET99) Shirley was writing a book about China last year but I don t know whether she has finished it

7、. (NMET98 ) 4)表示某一时段内某种动作或行为的重复性或固定性: I have told her how to use the computer. 5)在条件句中表示将来要完成的动作: By the time I have read the whole book through, I ll let you know what I think about the book. 就跟随现在完成时态的状语而言,其数目也远比某些其它时态要多得多。这就从另一个 侧面反映了该时态的重要性。还有一些难点是:不表示现在完成意义的现在完成时: 1) 已故伟人的言行 Newton has explaine

8、d the movements of the moon from the attractions of the earth. Few writers have exposed the evils of the old society of China so penetratingly as Lu Xun has done. 2) 用于时间或条件状语从句里,表示将来某时间以前已完成的动作 We ll start at twelve if it has stopped raining by that time. You must come to call me after I have finis

9、hed the work. 3) 可以用在when, before, after, until 等引导的时间状语从句中,其主句谓语动词用一般现 在时。这时从句谓语动词不是表示将来或现在的“完成”,而是强调“经常性的”做完 某事以后。 They often play basketball after they have had supper. He begins to read English aloud as soon as he has done his exercises. - I m going to leave at the end of this month. -I don t th

10、ink you should do that until you have found another job. (06 北京 ) 4) have got 表示现在或将来的意义,相当于动词have (has) 或 will (shall) have We have got to work tomorrow afternoon though it s Saturday. 动词时态中的一般过去时、现在进行时和将来时在学习的过程看似容易,但是, 在高考 英语中丢分也很常见。例如以下有关动词时态的高考试题的通过率基本没有过半,个别试题 的通过率是单项填空试题中最低的。 1. -Your phone n

11、umber again? I _quite catch it. - It s 9568442. (NMET95) A. didn tB. couldn t C. don t D. can t 2. -Nancy is not coming tonight. -But she_! (NMET98) A. promise B. promisedC. will promise D. had promised 3. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _so rapidly. (NME

12、T2001 ) A. is changingB. has changed C. will have changed D. will change 4. My mind wasn t on what he was saying so I m afraid I _half of it. (NMET2004) A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed 5. Scientists think that the continents _ always where they _today. (北京 05 年) A. aren t; are B.

13、 aren t; were C. weren t; are D. weren t; were 我们可以从以上高考试题中明显地感悟到,近几年高考试题通过增加综合性与语境化因 素,考查动词时态运用能力已成为试题的考查重点。 一般过去时 的功用大致可分为以下四种: 1) 表示主语过去的动作或处于过去某阶段的状态,He drank too much. (过去动作) She was very sad.(过去状态) 2) 表示过去某段时间内经常或反复发生的动作,He often came back home late. 3) 表示过去某段时间内连续发生的事或动作,There was a flood eve

14、ry year in the region. 4) 在条件和时间状语从句中表示过去将来要发生的动作,Although he was in poor health, he would not stop working. 使用一般过去时应该注意三点: 1) 跟随一般过去时的常用副词或时间状语; 2) 动词过去式语用的准确把握,切记过去时只是用来反映过去某阶段所发生的事情,牵涉 对目前的影响; 3) 动词过去式的正确拼写。 将来时在初中一年级就已经学到了。但是,一些非将来时形式表示的将来时间是动词时 态的难点。 非将来时形式表示的将来时间有以下几方面: 1、 一般现在时表示将来 1)The talk

15、 is about to begin. “be about to do”通常用于书面语中,表示最近即将发生 的动作,不能和表示将来时间的状语连用,但可与now 连用。 2)I m sure you ll succeed if you work harder. 用于条件状语从句中。 3)Whatever you say, I will not change my mind. 用于让步状语从句中 4)Tomorrow is Sunday. I m thirty in September. 一些表示日期、年龄等的名词作表语时,用一般现在时表示将来。 5)I ll give you anything

16、you ask for。 One who comes will be welcome. 在限定性定语从句中,将来的动作应用一般现在时。 2、一般过去时表将来 在一些间接引语或类似间接引语的句子中,虽然指的是将来的行动,但为了表明将来两 件事发生的先后的时间关系,可用过去时表示先发生的那一件事。 1)I wondered if you were free tonight. I thought you would come to know him. 在口语中, 表示“试探性” 以示客气和尊重时,要用过去时表示将来或现在的行动。 2) If I wrote to my brother tomorro

17、w, he would receive the letter on Tuesday. 在 if 引导的非真实条件从句里,将来的动作必须用过去时的形式表示。 3、将来时的其他用法 1) President to Sign Bill (=President Is Going to Sign the Bill) 在报刊标题中,介词to 常用来表示将来时。 2) Tell him to come early when you meet him. 在祈使句里,谓语动词用的是现在时形式,但表示的却是将来要发生的事情。 时态与写作: 在叙事写人的过程中,你如果能把握好文章的语言特点,准确地使用好动词的时态,

18、 才能使叙事的过程有层次感和立体感。例如以下考生描述自己所经历的一件事: It was a Monday morning on July 7 when the final examinations came to an end, my mother suddenly decided to take me to Beijing for a trip. I was far more pleased than I expected. We went there by train and stayed in my uncle s home. Those days we went to the Temp

19、le of Heaven, the Zoo of Beijing, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. Beijing is not only a city with a long history but also a very modernized one. We can see high buildings everywhere. Beijing s traffic is very convenient. There are a lot of buses, taxis, minibuses, trolleybuses and subways.

20、 Now, various constructional projects are under construction for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. I think when the projects are finished, Beijing will be more beautiful! 该文以一种时态为主(过去时),多种时态为辅,正确、合理地使用了丰富的谓语动 词时态,体现了叙述文的语言特征。由于动词时态运用的准确,使文章有“ 动” 感,这种让往 事再现的 “ 动感 ” 是优秀叙述文所要追求的。 (二)非谓语动词 非谓语动词是汉语中没有的语言现象。但是

21、它在英语中的作用仅次于动词时态。非谓语 动词的特点是, 它在句中不作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。然而它可以作其他各种成分,如 主语、宾语、定语、状语、补语、表语等。其难点是它的动词特点;即可以有自己的宾语、 状语以及时态和语态的形式变化。因此, 非谓语动词是高中语法学习的难点和重点,是高分 考生必须具备的语法知识基础。非谓语动词掌握的如何在高考中是可以拉开档次的,是高考 中的热点和失分点。例如以下高考试题通过率非常低,但是对一本考生有很好的筛选作用: 1. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next

22、year.(NMET2000) A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 2. _such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river. (NMET2001) A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered 3. The research is so designed that once_ nothing can be done to change it.

23、(NMET2002) A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 4. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_ whether they will enjoy it. (NMET2002) A. to see B. to be seenC. seeing D. seen 掌握非谓语动词用法有以下几方面的关键点: 1. 谓语还是非谓语 错误: Mary, coming here everybody else, stay where yo

24、u are. (NMET2006) 正确: Mary, come here everybody else, stay where you are. 2. 主动还是被动 1) 错误: There have been several new events adding to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. ( 北京 2006) 正确: There have been several new events added to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 2) 错误: Wh

25、en compared different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (2006浙江 ) 正确: When comparing different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. 3) 错误: The prize of the game show is $30,000

26、and an all expenses paying vacation to China. (2005 北京 ) 正确: The prize of the game show is $30,000 and an all expenses paidvacation to China. 4) 错误: You should understand the traffic rule by now. You have had it explaining often enough. (2005 天津 ) 正确: You should understand the traffic rule by now. Y

27、ou have had it explained often enough. 3. 动作状态发生在谓语动词所表明的动作之前 1) 错误: The manager, making it clear to us that he didn t agree with us, left the meeting. (2005 江西 ) 正确:The manager, having made it clear to us that he didn t agree with us, left the meeting 2) 错误: I remember to call him up this morning a

28、nd he promised to come. 正确: I remember calling him up this morning and he promised to come. 4. 动作状态发生在过去还是将来 1) 错误: -Is Bob still performing? -I m afraid not. He is said to leave the stage already as he has become an official. (2005江苏 ) 正确:-Is Bob still performing? -I m afraid not. He is said to hav

29、e left the stage already as he has become an official. 5. 搭配 to do 还是 doing 1) 错误: He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldn t risk to lose the good opportunity. (2005 上海 ) 正确: He got well prepared for the job interview, for he couldn t risklosing the good opportunity. 2) 错误: The roo

30、m needs to clean. 正确: The room needs cleaning / to be cleaned. 3) 错误:He hurried to the station only finding that the train had left. (2005 广东 ) 正确: He hurried to the station only to find that the train had left. 6. 是不定式的to 还是介词 to 1) 错误: Isn t it time you got down to mark the papers? (2006 重庆) 正确: I

31、sn t it time you got dow n to marking the papers? 2) 错误: He is used to live in the north. 正确: He is used to living in the north. 3) 错误: He used to swimming in the small river. 正确: He used to swim in the small river. 7. 是 -ed 形式还是 -ing 形式 1) 错误: Surprising and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the pr

32、ize. (2006 全国) 正确: Surprised and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. 2) 错误: A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left unsatisfying. (2006 天津 ) 正确: A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be l

33、eft unsatisfied. 由于非谓语动词在中学课本里出现的比较分散,很多考生往往缺乏比较完整系统的概 念,特别是它们之间的区别。 易错易混非谓语动词的用法: 1、to do 还是doing: to do 常表示具体的将要发生的动作或事情,侧重动作, 而 doing 往往表示概念性和习惯 性的动作或事情,侧重事情。 ( 1)remember to do 记住要做 (动作 ) remember doing 记住做过 (事情) ( 2)try to do 设法做 (动作 ) try doing 尝试 (事情 ) ( 3)mean to do 想要 /计划 /打算做 (动作 ) mean do

34、ing 意味着 (事情 ) 2、doing 和 having done doing / having done 都表示主动,doing 表示和谓语动作同时或几乎同时或之后发生, having done 侧重动作发生在谓语之前;done /having been done 都表示被动, done 表示和谓 语动作同时或几乎同时发生,having been done 表示动作发生在谓语之前。 Waiting outside, she felt tired and worried. The train leaves Beijing at six, arriving at Tianjin at sev

35、en. Having done all his work, he went to bed. Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. (2006 福建 ) Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. (2005湖北 )

36、3、to do / to be doing / to have done / to have been doing 有了时态语态的基本概念,不定式各种形式的含义和作用就不难理解和使用。to do / to be doing / to have done / to have been doing 都表示主动, to do 往往表示将来,即在谓语动作 之后发生, to be doing 表示和谓语动作同时发生,to have done 表示在谓语动作之前发生,to have been doing 表示一直持续到谓语动作;to be done / to have been done 都表示被动,前者

37、 表示将来,即在谓语动作之后发生,后者表示在谓语动作之前发生。 He is said to study abroad soon. 据说他很快要出国学习。 He is said to be studying abroad now. 据说他现在正在国外学习。 He is said to have studied abroad. 据说他留过洋。 He is said to have been studying abroad for years. 据说他在国外留学多年。 He is said to be given a prize. 据说要给他奖励。 He is said to have been g

38、iven a gold medal. 据说他已经获得金牌。 4、非谓语动词作状语 非谓语动词作状语时,不定式一般表示原因、目的或结果,但往往都是句型或搭配, 而 doing 的用法比较多,可以表示伴随、方式、时间、条件、原因、结果、让步等等。 The question is too difficult to answer. (结果 ) The boy is old enough to go to school. (结果 ) I am glad to meet you. (原因) He came early in order/ so as to sit in the first row. (目的

39、) In order to sit in the first row, he came early. = To sit in the first row, he came early. (目的) He hurried home only to find his dad dead. (结果 ) 此外, 有一些属于搭配用法,需要一些强化记忆,经常不用自然会淡忘。可以总结一些 规律性的东西。 1) 有些动词往往接doing 作宾语。如: admit, avoid, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, mind, miss, permit, practice,

40、 risk, suggest, understand 等; 2)有些动词搭配的to 是介词,后面还需接doing 或名词作宾语。如:be(get) used to, look forward to, devote to, object to, subject to, get down to , refer to, stick to 等等; 3)有些是固定搭配。如:spend (in) doing; hear/see/watch/feel/listen to/look at/observe do/doing/done; find doing/done; have do/doing/done; g

41、et to do/doing/done; leave doing/ done; make/let do; make oneself done; 4) 有些是固定句式。 如: There is no need/doubt to do; It s no use/good doing; It remains to be seen ; Sb/ Sth is said/reported/thought/believed to do ; (一)动词时态练习 一、单项填空 1. Don t get off the bus until it _. A. has stopped B. stopped C. wi

42、ll stop D. stop 2. -Will you go to the museum tomorrow? -I will if I_ no visitor. A. have B. will have C. would have D. am having 3. That dinner was the most expensive meal we_. A. would have B. have had C. had ever had D. had ever had 4. Let s keep to the point or we _ any decisions. A. will never

43、reach B. have never reached C. never reach D. never reached 5. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he _ her somewhere. A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen 6. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympic _ by 2006. A. has been completed B. has completed C. wil

44、l have been completed D. will have completed 7. -Are you still busy? -Yes, I _ my work, and it won t take long. A. just finish B. am just finishing C. have just finished D. am just going to finish 8. He was hoping to go abroad but his parents _ that they won t support him unless he can borrow money

45、from the bank. A. were deciding B. have decided C. decided D. will decided 9. Father _ for London on business upon my arrival, so I didn t see him. A. has left B. left C. was leaving D. had left 10. -What would you do if it _ tomorrow? -We have to carry it on, since we ve got everything ready. A. ra

46、in B. rains C. will rain D. is raining 二、短文填空 根据短文内容,用所给动词正确形式填空。 Dear Mr. Jackson, I m writing to you to tell you about a problem that 1 (happen) during my move. Two months ago, your movers moved me from 7554 N. Oakland to 6761 N. Williams. While they 2 (carry) my table upstairs, they dropped it an

47、d broke the corner of the glass top. When I 3 (point) it out to them, they said that they 4 (speak) to the owner about the problem. I 5 (live) in my new apartment for two months already, and so far I 6 (not hear) anything from your moving company. I m getting angry because my table is still broken.

48、I 7 (want) you to come to my house as soon as possible so that you can look at the damage. When you 8 (come) here, you will see that the damage is considerable. I want you to take care of this problem immediately. You can pay for the damage or 9 (replace) the glass top of the table. Please call me w

49、hen you receive this letter so that we can set up an appointment. I know that you have insurance. I 10 (use) your company before, and I have recommended your company to many of my friends. However, if you don t fix my table, I ll never use your company again. In addition, I ll tell my friends that you don t take responsibility for damage. 三、短文改错 On May 22, 2006,


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