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1、Unit 1.Can you play the guitar? One:重点词汇 1.sing an English song唱英文歌; paint picturesdraw pictures画画; Join the (art艺术,美术 /sports运动/music/swimming 游泳/chess 象棋)club 参加-俱乐部 2. play music 演奏音乐 :play the piano 弹钢琴;play the violin拉小提琴; play the guitar弹吉他; play the trumpt吹喇叭,吹小号; play the erfu.拉 二胡; play the

2、 drum 打鼓; 3. play sports做运动 :play basketball打篮球; play soccerfootbal踢足球; play baseball打棒球; play volleyball 打排球; play tennis 打网球; play ping-pongplay table tennis 打乒乓球; 4.play chess下象棋; play Chinese chess 下中国象棋; play cards玩纸牌; play music演奏音乐; play games 玩游戏; play computer games. 玩电脑游戏 . 5.sing well 唱的好

3、; dance well 跳的好; paint/draw well 画的好; play the guitar well.吉他弹的好 6.be good at sth 在-方面有特长,擅长于 -;be good at doing sth擅长做某事; be good with sb对-很好,擅长于应付 -; e and join us! 和我门一起来; do Chinese Kungfu. 玩中国工夫;make frien ds交朋友; make friends with sb 与某某交朋友; help sb (to)do sth帮助某人做某 事;help sb with sth 在-方面帮助某人

4、; speak English/Chinese a little讲一 点英语/中文; Thanks a lot .Thanks very much.非常谢谢 ! 8.be busy 忙;be busy doing sth忙于做某事; be busy with sth 忙于做某事; Be free有空;(东西)免费 9.help wanted 招聘帮手; Teachers wanted招聘老师; Doctors wanted招聘医生; Musicians wanted. 招聘音乐家 10. say 说话(强调说话内容): say a word说句话; say it in English用中 文说

5、(它); Tell 告诉,讲述:tella story/tell stories讲(告诉)故事;tel l a funny story 讲有趣的故 事;tell a joke/tell jokes讲玩笑话; Talk 交谈:talkto/with sb 与-交谈;speak EnglishChinese.讲英文,讲 中文 11.rock band摇滚乐队; an email address. 邮件地址; on weekends 在周末; on weekdays在工作日; on Sundays. 在星期天 Two:必诵句型 1.-Can 能,会 you singdanceplay the gui

6、tar? 你会做 -吗? -Yes,I can.No,I can t. 2.-Can Maria do Chinese kongfu? -Can she speak English?她会讲英语 /中文吗? -Yes,she can. -No,she can t. but 但是 she can speak Chinese. 3.-Can you and Tom play chess? -Yes,we can./No,we can t. 4.-Can Jim and Jenny swim? -Yes,they can./No,they can t. 5.-What can you do?你会做什么

7、呢? -I can dance,but I can t sing. 6.-What club do you want to join?你想参加什么俱乐部? -I want to join the(swimming/music/English/art艺术,美术 /sports/chess )club. 7.(1)Bill can play the guitar,and而且 he can also 也 play the violin. (2)Tom can 会 play volleyball,but 但是 he can t 不会 pla y the piano. (3)Maria can play

8、 the violin,but she can t play chess. (4)Jim can paint pictures,but he can t paint it well. Three: 词汇,句型,语法拓展 1. be good at sth擅长于 -;在 -方面有特长; be good at doing sth 擅长做某 事; be good with sb.对-很好,擅长于和 -打交道; be good for对-有好处; be bad for 对-有害处; (1)Are you good with (kids/old people)? (2)Mr Wang is a teac

9、her,he is good with students. (3)I m good at English.=I m good at studyingEnglish. Are you good at speaking Chinese? I m good at swimming. (4)She is good at telling stories. (5)Jenny is good at playing the violin. (6)Doing sports is good for your health.运动有益健康。 Eating vegetables and fruit is good fo

10、r our health. (7)Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.吃太多垃圾食品有 害健康。 2. address 地址,住址; an email address 邮件地址; (1)-Do you havean email address?你有邮件地址吗 ? -Yes,it s C. (2)-What s your address? 你的地址是什么? -It s DongShan Road.东山路。 (3)-What s your email address? 3. -Thanks Thanks very much. 非常谢谢

11、! -You re welcome. 不用谢 ! 4. help sb (to)do sth帮某人做某事; Help sb with sth帮某人做某事 (1)Can you help me_ my English? (2)Can you _ kids_Chinese? (3)Can you help us with _(游泳)? (4)Jack often_ us with sportsmusic. 5. be busy 忙;be busy doing sth 忙于做某事; be busy with sth 忙于做某事 ; Be free有空,(东西)免费 (1)-Are you_now?/

12、 -No,I m working on weekends. (2)-Are you_?/-Yes,I have too much homework to do (3)My father is busy_all day整天忙于工作。 My father is busy_his work all day (4)My mother is busy_housework now. My mother is busy_the housework now. (5)She is too太_with her work these days这些天来 6. join the soccer club参加足球俱乐部;

13、join the story telling club参加讲故事俱乐部; join us/ me加入我/我们,和我 /我们一起来 ; (1)Come and join us!和我们一起来吧! (2)-I m not good at playing sports. -So you can join the sprots/soccer club. 7.make friends交朋友; make friends with sb 与-交朋友; (1)Do you want to make_with me? (2)I_lots of_.我交了许多朋友。 (3)Jenny wants to make_me

14、,but I don t want to_with her. 8. Please call us/me at 698-76452.( 请用-号码给 -打电话 ) 9. Or 或者,还是;而且; and 和,而且 (1)-Are you a boy_a girl?/-I m a boy. (2)-Is your father a teacher_a doctor?/-He is a teacher. (3)Maria likes eating hamburgers_ vegetables. Maria doesn t like eating hamburgers_vegetables. (4)T

15、om has meat and tomatoes for dinner. Tom does t have meat_tomatoes for dinner. 10. 近义词辨析 1).say说话(后跟宾语,着重指说话内容) Say it in English 用英语说(它); say a word 说句话; say hello to sb向某某问好; say goodbye to sb 向某某告别; say sorry to sb.向某某道歉 (1)He is shy害羞, He can t say a word. 他说不出一句话; .(2)Let s go and say hello to

16、him.咱们去向他打个招呼吧! (3)Could you say it in English?用英语说(它) (4)The teacher says Jimmy is a good girl. 2).speak 讲(某种语言) ,还可用于电话用语。 (1)Can you speak Chinese中文French 法语Japanese日文 /English? (2)CouldMay I speak to Maria和某某说话 ?Yes,speaking please! 3).tell告诉,讲诉: Tell sb sthtell sth to sb告诉某人某事; tell a story/tel

17、l stories 讲故事; tell funny stories 讲有趣的故事; tell a joke/tell jokes开玩笑;讲玩笑话; tell sb about sth告诉某人有关某事 (1)I told him my email address; (2)she likes telling funny jokes. (3)Could you tell me something about your father. 4).talk交谈: talk with/to sb与某某交谈; talk about sth 交谈关于某事(内容) talk on the phone用电话交谈 (1

18、)Aran likes talking with my father. (2)May 可以 I talk with you? (3)They are talking about Chinese history. Four: 书面表达 一. 假设你是 W e Love School 乐队的负责人,你们需要五名音乐人士,他们要 会唱会跳,会弹钢琴并且英语成绩很棒。 有意者请与 Johnny联系,他的电话号码 是 027-87862341. Musicians wanted for We Love School We need five good musicians for We Love Scho

19、ol.Can you sing?Can you dance?Can you play the piano?Are you good at English?Welcome to join our band.Let s make beautiful music together.Please call Johnny at 027-87862 341. 二. 请仔细阅读下面的招聘广告,然后根据广告的要求,发一封电子邮件,介 绍你的个人情况,兴趣,爱好及能力等。 Students wanted for Summer Camp Boys and girls aged 13-15 Are you good

20、 with children? Can you speak English well? Happy Kids Summer Camp needs your help with: Dancing and singing Sports Computer Come and join us! Send your personal information to John Dear John, I want to join your summer camp to help the childrenwith sports,compu ter, singing and dancing. My name is

21、 Liu Hai,I m 13years old.I like singing and playing footb all and basketball.I m also good at dancing.I can play the piano well.I also like computer very much. I m good with the children.I think I can make friends with them. I m waiting for在等待 your answer回复。 Thanks! 三. 提示:根据提示写一段应用短文 Name:Jack; Coun

22、try:Canada; Age:thirteen Job:student Favorite color:red Favorite sport:Chinese Kungf u Abilities:dras,sing,swim Hope:join a Chinese club My name is Jack,I m from 来自于 Canada.I m thirteen years old.I m a student,I m in China now.My favoritesport is Chinese kungfu.My favorite color is red.I can sing,dr

23、aw,and swim.I want to join a Chinese club.I want to learn more about了解更多关于 China. Unit 1.Can you play the guitar? One:单词填空 1.They can t help me_the work. Can you help the boy_skating。(学习滑冰) 2(1)Drinking milk is good_our health. (2)Mary is good_English. (3)Jenny s brother is good at_basketball. (4)We

24、 must be good_others。对别人好 3.-Do you want to make_with me?/-Sure,I d be glad to.我乐意。 4.Can he_the story in English? My father often_us stories and are good_the children. 5.We are going to have a party this evening,would you like to_us?- 6.I can_English and Chinese. 7.He likes drawing,so he wants to j

25、oin the_club. I like to swim,so I can join the_club. 8.Excuxe me,could you tell me something_your family? 9.Is this your dictionary_Lily s? 10.He doesn t want to eat tomatoes_potatoes. 11.I m a writer,so I can_many stories. 12.Jim likes Chinese kungfu very much,so he joins the_club. 13.Mr Green alwa

26、ys_the students English in our school. He is a teacher,he_math in a school. 14.She can dance ans sing well,So she wants to be a_. 15.Bob likes_the piano.she doesnt like_ _hamburgers. Two:单项选择 1( )How do you_this in English? A.speak B.say C.tell 2( )Do you know a man_Jack Smith? A.name B.names C.name

27、d 3( )-Do you know the way to the post office? -Yes,Follow跟随 me and I ll_you.the way(给你带路 ) A.call B.give C.show 4( )I can play_guitar,but I can t play_Chinese chess. A./,the B.the,a C.the,/ 5( )Can your father_Chinese?/Yes,she can_Chinese a little. A.speak,speaks B.say ,say C.speak,speak 6( )I need

28、_a song with you. A.to sing B.singing C.sing 7( )Tom can t play the violin_play chess. A.and B.but C.or 8( )Our teacher told us_carefully in class. A.listen B.to listen C.listening 9( )I can sing well, I want_the music club. B.join B.to join C.joining 10( )You sing well,You_a good musician when you

29、grow up. A.maybe B.may be C.may 11( )They often help kids_dancing. A.to B.at C.with. 12( )I can_Chinese Kongfu. A.play B.do C.make 13( )He tells Jim_to school on time. A.go B.to go C.goes 14( )Victor is good_singing,and so he s good_the children in the music club. A.at,for B.with,for C.at,with 15( )

30、Please call Alan_053-765498. A.at. B.for C.on 16( )Jim,can you_this word in Chinese?/Yes,I can_a little Chinese. A.speak,say B.say,speak C.tell,speak 17( )Sam can sing English songs_,but I can t. A.very good B.very much C.very well. 18( )Let s_for a walk,shall we? A.to go B.going C.go Three: 用所给词的形式

31、填空 1.There are 56_(people)In my class. 2.Our school needs two_(music) 3.Thank you for_(help)me_my English. 4.My parents want me_(join)the art club. 5.Some boys in our class like_(tell)stories. 6.Liyundi can play the piano very_(good) 7.They like_(paint)pictures 8.He can do_(China)Kongfu. 9.Can I joi

32、n the_(swim)club? 10.I have some photos,I can show_(they)to you this afternoon. 11.There are有 t wo great_(piano)in the music room. Four: 句型转换 1.She can sing_dance.(改为否定句 ) She_sing_dance. 2.Is your pen blue?(用 blac k 改为选择疑问句) Is your pen_ _black? 3.John plays the piano very well.(用 can 改写 ) John_ _t

33、he piano very well. 4.Bill can paint and play the drums.( 就划线部分提问) _ _Bill_? 5.I want to join the basketball club.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _you want to join? 6.He wants to join the music club because he likes singing.(就画线部分提问) _ _he_to join the music club? 7.I can speak English.(就画线提问 ) _language_speak? Five:

34、情景填词 A.What club do you want to_? B.I want to join the sports club. A:Great!What_can you play? B:I can play basketball and baseball,and I can play the guitar,too. A:So you may join_clubs:the basketball club,the baseball club and the_cl ub, What_you?,David? C:I_English very well.I think I can join th

35、e English club. A:That_good! B:OK.Let s_them now. Six: 情景翻译 1. 你会弹吉他吗?不,我不会。 2. 你想参加什么俱乐部呢? 3.- 我想参加英语俱乐部。 - 我会画画,但我不会游泳。 5. 我妹妹会拉小提琴,但她不会打排球。 6. 我说英语非常流利,他下国际象棋非常棒。 7. 我会唱歌和跳舞。 我不会唱歌也不会跳舞。 8. 玛利亚英语学的好. 9. 你能帮我学习英语吗? 10. 你的地址在哪? 11. 玛利亚每天晚上弹钢琴. 玛利亚 (不)喜欢弹钢琴 12. 马克经常在星期天和妈妈去看电影. 13. 我喜欢上体育课,因为很让人放松。

36、Unit 2:What time do you go to school? One:重点词汇 1.go to school去上学; go to the hotel去旅馆; go to the bus station去公交车站; go to work 去上班; go to bed去睡觉; go home回家;go there去那儿 2.get to school 到校; get to the hotel 到达旅馆; get to XiaMen 到达厦门; get to the bus station到达车站;get up起床;get home到家;get there到那儿;get dress e

37、d打扮,穿衣; be dressed in穿着-衣服; 3. what time/when几点; (haveeat吃)breakfastlunchdinner吃早餐 /午餐/晚餐; brush teeth刷牙;havetake a shower淋浴;take a bustaxi. 乘公交车 出租车;take a walk 散步; do homework 做作业; clean my room 打扫房间;write a letter 写信; taste good/bad/terrible尝起来味道(好 /不好); have a good job 有一份 好工作; have an interesti

38、ng job有一份有趣的工作; 4. Lots of=a lot of=many或much,(许多,大量 );be good for对-有好处; be bad for 对-有害处; 5.from-to-从-到-;from 7am to 6pm从早上七点到傍晚六点; From your home to the library从你家到学校; From Monday to Friday 从周一到周五; 6.Please 请:listen to me 听我讲; listen to the teacher 听老师讲; listen to himher 听他 她讲;listen to music听音乐;

39、listen to the tape. 听磁带 7.be late for class 上课迟到; be late for school上学迟到; be late for work 上班 迟到; 8.both (两者)都; all(三者以上)都 ,全都; either两者之一; Both-and-即-又-;两者都; either-or-或者-或者;要么 -要么- 9. at about 7am 在早上大约七点; at half半 past 过six=at six thirty在六 点半; At eleven fifteen=at a quarter 一刻 past过 elev en在十一点一刻

40、; At eleven forty-five=at a quarter to差 twelve; 十一点四十五 /十二点差 一刻 At a quarter to two两点差一刻。 10.in the (morning/ afternoon/evening)在早上 /中午/晚上. Two:必诵句型 1.- What s the time nowWhat time is it now?现在几点 - It s seven o clock 七点整 .It s seven thirty.七点三十 . 2.- What time/When 几点 do you ususlly通常 (get upgo to

41、bed)? -I usually get up起床 (at 6amat 6 in the morning).在早上六点 . -I usually go to bed 去睡觉at around 大约 ( 10pmat 10 in the evening). 3.- What time / When 几点 does she usually通常 go to school? -She usually goes to school 去上学 at 8 o clock. 4. (1)Maria usually gets up at 7 in the morning. (2)My father goes to

42、 work去上班 at 8am. (3) She eatshas breakfast 吃早餐 at 7:25. (4)Maria has hamburgers 吃汉堡包 and milk for breakfast.作为早餐 (5)Maria goes to school at 8:oo in the morning. (6)Tom has( lunch 吃午餐 dinner 吃晚餐 ) at (11:305:30). (7)My brother brushes teeth刷牙 and takes a shower淋浴 at 17:00. (8)He ususlly goes to bed a

43、t 8:30pm. (9)Tony often经常 watches Tv 看电视 at 8:30 in the evening. Three: 词汇,句型拓展 1. do one s homework. 做某某的作业 . (1)I do my homework after dinner. (2)My sister often does her homework at 9:30in the evening. My sister doesn t do her homework at 9:30. (3)-Does your sister do her homework at 9:30? -Yes,s

44、he does.No,she doesn t. 2.It s time to do- =It s time for -到了-的时间;该做 -了 (1)It s time to get up=It s time for getting up. (2)It s time to go to school=It s time for school. (3)It s time to have an English class. =It s time for having an English class. =It s time for an English class. 3. dress sb 给-穿衣

45、服; get dressed穿衣,打扮; be dressed in穿着-衣服; (1)The lady is dressed in 穿着 a white skirt. (2)Will you dress the children?你给孩子们 穿衣好吗? 4. have a good job有一份好工作; find work=find a job找一份工作; a job=a piece of work 一份工作 。 (1)My job is to teach English. (2)What s your father s job? 5. clean my room 打扫我的房间; keep

46、the classroom clean 保持教室干净; (1)We clean the room every day. (2)My kids,you should keep t he classroom clean . 6. take a walk散步; it s good for-对-有好处; it s bad for-对-有害 处 (1)It s good for you to take a walk after supper. (2)Eatting more fruit and vegetables is good for your health.有益健 康 (3)Doing sports is good for our health。运动有益健康。 (4)Eatting too much junk food is bad for your health. 吃太多垃圾食品有 害健康。 7.both (两者)都; all(三者以上)都 ,全都; either 两者之一 ; Both-and-即-又-;两者都; either-or- 或者-或者;要么 -要么 - (1)W


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