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1、必修Unit 2 单元检测A语言基础扎根练 +阅读理解提速练 语言基础扎根练 I?单词拼写/ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised (养育)him. 2.(2018?成都棋拟)Their classification and analysis occupied (占用)scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being publishe

2、d in 1895. 3.The next April 5th night, I volunteered to stay,though a new doctor promised to replaced (替换)my night work. 4.(2017?江苏离考阅读)By painting buildings white, cities may slow down the warming process (进程) . 5.(2018?梭山棋拟)With our region“ s natural beauty we produce a unique (独特 的)range of foods

3、, fresh fruits and vegetables to ensure that our area remains world? famous. 6?(2017*江苏离考书面表达)As is indicated (显示)in the graph, the box-office income of Chinese films increased constantly from 2012 to 2015. 7.(2018?杭州一棋)Being confident in your appearance (外貌)makes you more confident in other areas*

4、8.After that, he, representing (代表)Chinese Team, competed in the Olympic Games, the World Table Tennis Championship, and so on many times. 9.The custom (风俗)of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries. 10. (2017*全国卷H 阅读)What the plants pump through the air is a mixture.(混合物) of chemicals known

5、as volatile organic compounds, VOCs for short 11. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely (entire ) free from dust. 12. Others are concerned (concern) about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers (肥料) . 13. My most embairassinz (embarras

6、s) moment was trying to introduce a woman whose name I couldn“ t remember 14. In fact, women are less likely to have high blood pressure (press) or to die from heart attacks* 15. Knives should not be kept where it is accessible (access ) to children. II?单句改错 1.Occupying in looking after her babies,m

7、y aunt has little time to hang out with us.OcciiDyinf Occupied 2. Things in the world differ in each other in a thousand wavs?第一个in 改为from 3- The only access for the farm house is across the fields.forto 4? A medical team, consisted of 30 doctors, was sent to the disaster area.consisted f consisting

8、 5? The group has expressed concern of reports of political violence in Africa. off about/for 6. Making a good impression on the interviewers is for vital importanceJor-of 7. Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and comfortable place, but not either know where it is.eitherall 8 I didn , t accept th

9、e job because it was badly paid and aside with that, it wasn“ t very interestingavith-from 9 ” he said. Throughout the past 20 years, contestants at the competition have transitioned (变迁) from focusing solely on language skills to placing more emphasis on the content of the speeches. 禧篇解 強:人们可能会认为英语

10、演讲比黍应该是英语专业学生的天下,但是中国日报社“21世 纪?可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛结果有力地证明了这种看法是错误的。 1 controlled C. hosted D. taught 解析: 选B 词义猜测题。permit意为 “允许” ;control意为“控制;掌控” ;host 意为“主 办;主持” ;teach意为“教”。第一段第一句中提到来自其他专业的大学生都没有赢得英语演讲 比赛的机会,由此可知,人们可能会认为英语演讲比赛都是英语专业的人获胜,也就是英语专业的人 占有优势,这和control的意思相符,故选B项。 2. Who won the first place in

11、the latest National English Speaking Competition? A.Chen Mengzhu from New York University Shanghai. B.Cai Yao from Beijing Foreign Studies University. C.Zhu Xue from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. D.Li Zehan from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 解析:选c 细节理解题。根据第二段第三句可知,冠军是来自上海交通大学医学专业的朱雪。故 选C项。 3

12、.According to the passage, what should English major competitors pay more attention to in the future? A.The content of the speeches. B.A good command of English language. C. Skills of making a speech. D. A cool head. 解析: 选A 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段一位复旦大学教授的话可知,英语专业的学生在语言 技巧方面可能比较优秀,但是他们可能缺乏其他领域的知识来支撑他们的演讲和丰富他们

13、的观点。 最 E段指出:在过去的20年里,参加比赛的竞争者已经从仅仅注重语言技巧转变到更多地强调演讲 的内容。由此可推出英语专业的参赛者在将来应该更多地注意演讲的内容,故选A项。 4- Which of the following shows the structure of the passage? CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点)C: Conclusion 解析: 选B 篇章结构题。分析文章结构可以发现,本文是总一分一总结构。第一段提出英语专 业学生没有获得英语演讲比赛这一主题,下面三段利用事例来支持观点并分析原因,最后一段得出结

14、 论并指出英语专业的学生以后应该多注意演讲的内容。故选B项。 B Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful,there is a natural desire of us to capture and preserve it which means,in this day and age, that vve are likely to reach for our phones to take a picture. Though this would seem to be an ideal solution, there are two

15、big problems associated with taking pictures. Firstly, we are likely to be so busy taking pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest encourage us to take a photograph in the first place. And secondly, because we feel the pictures are safely stored on our phones, we never

16、get around to looking at them, so sure are vve that we 11 get around to them one day. The first person to notice the problems was the English art critic, John Ruskin. He was a keen traveler who realized that most tourists make a poor job of noticing or remembering the beautiful things they see. He a

17、rgued that humans have a natural tendency to respond to beauty and desire to have it9 but there are better and worse expressions of this desire* At worse, we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs* But, in Ruskin,s eyes, there,s just one thing we should do attempting to draw the interesting

18、 things we see,regardless of whether we happen to have any talent for doing so. Ruskin said, a Drawing can teach us to see: to notice properly rather than gaze absent- mindedly. In the process of recreating with our own hand what lies before our eyes, we naturally move from a position of observing b

19、eauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts. Ruskin deplored the blindness and hurry of modern tourists especially those who prided themselves on traveling around the whole Europe in a week by train, “No changing of places at a hundred miles an hour will make us st

20、ronger happier, or wiser There was always more in the world than men could see, if they ever walked slowly; they will see it no better for going fast. The really precious things are thoughts and sights, not pace? 9 语篇解读:无可厚非,手机给我们的生活带来了很多便利,所以每当人们想要捕捉并保存看到 的美景时,都会拿起手机去拍照,但是英国的拉斯金指出,画画才是看到美景时我们应该做的。

21、5? According to Paragraph 2: when taking pictures, people tend to _ ? A.find it hard to learn skills of taking good pictures B.find a good way to keep things in their minds C.forget to appreciate something attractive on the spot D.have a chance to meet the challenge of new technology 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第

22、二段第二句“Firstly, we are likely to be so busy taking pictures . take a photograph in the first place.可知,人们看到吸引人的东西时只忙着拍照,却 忘记了在现场去欣赏它们。故选C项。 6.According to Ruskin,what should travelers do to best express their appreciation of and desire for something beautiful? A.To speak it out openly. B.To paint it i

23、mmediately. C.To purchase it directly. D.To photograph it instantly. 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句 wBut, in Ruskin1 s eyes .attempting to draw the interesting things we see, regardless of whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.“ 可知,在拉斯金看来,看到有趣的东西我们应该做的事情只有一件:不管我们是否有画画的天赋,都 要试着把它画下来。故选B项。 7.From t

24、he fourth paragraph, we can infer that Ruskin encourages us to be _ ? A.creative and thoughtful B.active and adventurous C.considerate and determined D.sensitive and ambitious 解析: 选A 推理判断题。本段陈述了拉斯金对把美景画下来的看法:画画教给我们正确地去 观看而不是心不在焉地盯着看。在用我们自己的手去再创造我们眼前的东西的过程中,我们就会自 然地从懒散观看转换到更深层地理解美景。由此可知,拉斯金鼓励我们要多去思考,要有创造性。 故选A项。 8.The underlined word “deplored” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to 66 99 A. appreciated B. favored C. criticized D. ignored 解析: 选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“blindness and hurry, 及拉斯金所说的话可 知,拉斯金不赞成现代游客的盲目和匆忙。故选C项。


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