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1、晨背话题(十七)体育 63已会词汇? i眼掠过(你会我熟快人一步) ( 一) 熟记单词 1.athlete n. 2.nowadays adv. 3.stadium n. 4.event n. 5.final n. dj. 6.match n. I.judge n. 8.captain n. 9.field n. 10. coach n. II.club n. 12. programme n. 13. pull v. n. 14. push n. 项目 拉; 拖 拉力;引力 推 票;券 培训;训练 训练员;教练 培训 体育馆 篮球 洗澡;游泳 划船(运动或消遣) 跳水 入口;入场;进入的权利;

2、 入 学许可 著名的 国旗 (英式)足球; (美式)橄榄 球 26 . gold n.黄金 27 . playground n.操场;运动场 28 . ground n.地面 29 . knee n.膝盖 30 . player n.比赛者;选手 (二)熟记短语 1. stand for 代表;彖征;表示 2. reach the standard 达到标准 3. a close game 势均力敌的比赛 4. win a gold medal 获得金牌 5. in good form 状态好 6. physical exercise 体育锻炼 7. physical development

3、身体发育 8. compete in 在方面竞争 9. be admitted as 被接纳为 10 . be proud of/take pride in 以而自豪 11 . every four years 每四年 12 . hoid the Olympic Games 举办奥运会 表达词汇 ?背练通过(你会我通胜人一手) (一)常用单词 1. voluntary adj.志愿的 volunteer n. & v.志愿(者) 2. compete vi.比赛;竞争 competition n.竞争 competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争性的 competitor n.竞争者 3.

4、beat v. (beat, beaten) 敲打;跳动;打赢 4. win v. (won, won) 获胜;贏得 winner n.获胜者 5. par ti ci pate vi.参与;参加 participant n.参与者;参加者 participation 门.参加;参与 6. victory n.胜利 7. physically adv.身体上 8.mentally adv. 9.race n. v. 10.instruct vt. instruct!on 门. 11.present adj. n. vt, 12.select vt. 13.live adj. 14.sport

5、/? 15 - p i ty n. (二)常用短语 1.build up one , s body 2.take the place of 3.fal1 behind 4.set a new world record 5.sign up for 6.take an active part in 7.be beneficial to 8.take exercise (三)记牢练通 1. As far as m concerned, 精神上 种族;民族;赛跑;竞赛 (速度)竞赛;参加比赛 通知;指示;传授(技能等) 说 明;指示;教导 出现的;出席的 礼物;赠品 提交;展现;产生 选择;挑选;选拔

6、 活的;活着的;实况;现场 (直播)的 体育运动;运动会 怜悯;同情 增强某人的体质 代替 落后 创造新的世界纪录 报名参加 积极参加 对有益 进行运动;锻炼 5: 00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary arrangements? physical exercise can not _only ui1d UP gur ?ody (不 仅能强身健体) ,but also raise our learning efficiency. 2. It ,s obvious that daily exercise 豆 very benefic

7、ial to our health (对我们 身 体非常有益) . 3 ?The headmaster asked students to take, an active, part, in the school activities (积极参力口学校的活动). 4.Who would takg thq placg pf jnjured qthlete (代替受伤的运动员) was discussed in the meeting over and over again 5.Tf you are in terested, pl ease sig n up at the office (至 U办

8、公室报名) before 6. Theres a lot of competition between computer companies? But its difficult for small firms to compete against big companies, (compete) a 阅读词汇 ?一站全过(你无我有多人一点) 1. gym nasties 门.体操;体能训练 2. fitness n.健康 3. tournament n.锦标赛;联赛 4. track n.轨道;田径 5. referee n.裁判;仲裁;调解员 6. golf n.高尔夫球 7. marat

9、hon n.马拉松 8. shooting 门.射击 9. accelerate v.加快,加速 10. obtain v.获得,得到 11. frustrate vt.使灰心;使受挫 frustrated adj.受挫的;沮丧的 frustrating adj.使人不快的;令人沮丧的 frustrati on n.挫折;失望;失意 12. sponsor n.赞助者;赞助商 13. basebal 1 n.棒球 14. badminton 刀. 羽毛球 15. cancel vt.取消 16. criterion n.标准;准则 17. bowl ing n.保龄球 18. release

10、v.释放;发泄;解雇 19. glory /?巨大的光荣;荣誉 20. seeded player 种子选手 21. guest team 客队 22. home team 主队 23. home court 主场 24. home game 主场比赛 25. athletic adj.运动的;运动员的 26. prohibit v.禁止;阻止 27. channel n.频道;通道;水渠 28. chaos 刀?混乱 29. court n.法庭;法院;球场 30. fantastic adj.(口语)极好的;美妙的;很棒的 31. admission n.承认,接纳 32. arrow n

11、. C 箭;矢;箭头:箭号 33. bandage n.绷带 34. bat n.(棒球、板球的)球棒;蝙蝎 35. block 刀?块;积木;街区 vt.阻挡 36. relaxati on n.放松 37. boxing n.拳击(运动) 38. entry 门.进入 39. exit n.出口;退场 40. eyewitness n.目击证人 口 靓点词汇 ?佳句背过(你有我优髙人一筹) 1. Tt is strongly recommended that the school should give students more free time to take part in spo

12、rts activities. 强烈建议学校给学生们更多的自由时I 可参加体育活动。 2. r m Li Hua, preside nt of the Student Union of our school. I am writ i ng to call on you to take physical exercise regularly. 我是校学生会主席李华。我写信号召你们有规律地参加体育锻炼。 3. Of all the sports, I like basketball best. I hold the view that it is not only a sport but a.1

13、so an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill. 在所有运动屮,我最喜欢篮球。我认为它不仅是一项运动,而且是一门艺术,因为它是需 要力气和技术并用的一项运动。 4. From my point of view, running is not only a good way to build up our strength but also helps us relax and relieve the pressure of learning. 就我个人而言,跑步不仅是强身健体的好方法,而且有助于我们放松心情、缓解学习压力。 5. As students, we d better take exercise regularly, because as the old saying goes, “The body is the capital of the revolution. ” 作为学生,我们应该有规律地锻炼,因为常言道:“身体是革命的本钱。”


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