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1、Unit 18 Beauty 写作句型锤炼 核心句型升级 ?先熟读背诵一一精彩句型烂熟于心 (2015 ?四川卷 ) 假如你是李夏。你看到美国留学生Sharon在网上发帖,希望有人能帮助她提高 普通话(Mandarin)水平,她可以教英语作为回报。请根据以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件。 1?表达给她提供帮助的意愿;2. 说明你能胜任辅导的理由;3. 给出讲好普通话的两点建议; 4.提出你学习英语的具体需求。 注意:1. 词数120左右,开头语已为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。 Hi, Sharon, This is Li Xia. I l

2、earned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. Li Xia 【参考范文】 Hi, Sharon, This is Li Xis. I learned from your post that you to improve your Mandarin. 1 am more than glad to give a helping hand?To start with, I have been learning and speaking Mandarin for about 17 years. In addition, I

3、have volunteered to help two exchange students with their Mandarin learning during the past two years. So I , m quite confident that T wil1 be we11 fit for the tutorship ? As is always the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also asks for lots of practice. To practice as much as possible

4、is where the secret lies? Besides, keeping a Mandarin diary also helps a lot, ?in which you can write down your experiences of learning Mandarin and your every little progress can be recorded. You mentioned that you would 1 ike to teach English in return, which is exactly what I am dying for ? I bad

5、ly need to improve my oral English, so it is great for me to find a native speaker to learn from. Looking forward to your reply! Li_Xia ?后临摹仿写一一妙语佳句信手拈來 ?根据句仿写 1?众所周知,电视、手机和网络广泛应用于信息时代。 As_jLRnow口10阻?I 1,一TV, cellphones and the web are widely used in an information age. A根据句仿写 2.你8月15日的来信我今天早上收到了,在信

6、中,你提到如何扩大词汇量的问题。 I received your letter written on August 15th this morning , in which you had mentioned how to enrich vocabulary. 会书写 一、核心单词 1. adore vt.敬爱,非常喜欢 2. occompany vt.伴随,陪同 3. superior adj.高级的,上等的 4. range n.变化范围;等级 5. thrill n.兴奋;恐惧 K使兴奋 6. del iver vt.递送,传送 7. vain adj.自负的,炫耀的 8. convey

7、 vt.传达,表达二、阅读单词 1. breathless adj.令人屏息的 Partli 口主学习主干知识 2. subjective adj.主观的 3. delicate adj.精美的,雅致的 4. dignity n.尊贵,尊严;庄严 5? steady adj.平稳的 ; 稳定的 6. romantic adj.浪漫的 7. conscience n.良心 8. dime ns ion n.方面; 度量 9. symphony n.交响乐 , 交响曲 10. polished adj.优雅的,精致的 11. shabby adj.低劣的;肮脏破烂的 12. abrupt adj.

8、突然的,出其不意的 13. version n.版本;说法 14. drawback n.缺点,弊端 15. catalogue n,商品目录 三、拓展单词 1. strike 打;打动 . 罢工,打击f striking adj.引人注目的,突出的 2. evident adj.明显的,明白的evidence 证据;征兆 3. recommend讥. 推荐,介绍;劝告recommendation刀. 推荐,介绍 4. commitment n.责任,义务,承诺commit 犯(错误、罪行等) 5. consistent日一致的,始终如一的fconsistency . 连贯性,一致性 6. c

9、ommand . 陪客 Physical beauty must also bjqccompanicd (accompany)by an attraction to something deeper within a person.( 教材原句 ) 外在美一定伴有一个人的内在魅力。 Liu Qian s performance was accompanied on/at the piano by Li Yundi. 刘谦的表演由李云迪钢琴伴奏。 一言串记Last night, my company/companions kept me company to see a film and the

10、n they accompanied me to my home. 昨天晚上,我的伙伴们陪我看了一场电影然后陪我回了家。 3. range n.变化范围;等级;类别,分类;种类,范围,幅度;界限,山脉;射程匕( 在一 定范 围内 )变动,变化;排列 一词多义写出下列句中range的词性及含义 It s difficult to find a house in our price range, n. MW These missiles have a range of 300 ndles. n.射程 There is a ful 1 range of activities for chi 1 dr

11、en. /?. 种类 ?We want to climb the great mountain range of the Alps.刀. 山脉 ?There are 120 studonts whose ages range from 10 to 18. v.变动 (1) a wide/full range of 一系列,各种 within/in range (of sth) 在可及的范围内 beyond/out of range (of sth) 超出 . 的范围 (2) range from. to.在 . 范围内变动,包括由 到 . 之间的各类事物 range between. and.

12、 在 . 和 范围内变动 This particular kind of attraction is found in widejrange of personal qual i ties.( 教材原 句) 这种特别的吸引力广泛地存在于人的品质上面。 ?She has had a numbcr of different jobs, ranging (rangc)from chef to swimming instructor. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练。 T think our mobi1e phones are out of/beyond yange of the neares

13、t radio tower. 我想我们的手机已不在最近的无线发射台覆盖范围内了。 4. command n.C命令;指令;U 掌握吒命令;指挥;支配;博得;赢得 (1) at one s command 听某人支配 have a (good) command of 掌握;精通 ( 尤指语言 ) (be) in command of 掌握;控制 take command of 控制; 担任 . . 的指挥 (2) command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事 command that. (should) do. 命令 . 做. . As the boy rose at his com

14、mand and came slowly towards him, he leaned back and laughed. 当孩子顺着他的命令,站起身来,慢慢地走向他的时候,他却把身子往后一仰,大笑起来。 Besides, I have such a good command of En glish that I am elec ted as assista nt to my English teacher. 除此之外,我英语掌握得好,因此我当选为英语老师的助手。 The police commandcd the witness to describe what had happened th

15、e day before. The police commanded that the witness (should) describe what had happened the day before. 警察要求目击者描述一下前一天所发生的事情。 熟词生义读句子猜含义 The house stood on a hi 11 commanding the who I e town.俯视 5. tendency n.C 倾向, 趋势 (1) have a tendency to do sth 倾向于做某事 a tendency to/towards. . 的趋势 (2) tend v.往往会;倾

16、向,趋向 tend to do sth往往会 / 常常会做某事 tend to/towards 趋向 . ;倾向 . T have a tendency (tend) to talk too much when T m nervous. 我紧张时总爱唠叨。 In goneral, what you give tends to_get(get) back from the world around you. 通常情况下, 你给予他人的,往往可以从你周边的人那里得到。 6. convey传达,表达;运送,搬运 (1) convey. . . to sb向某人表达 / 传递 convey that/

17、wh- 从句 表达 convey one* s feel ings/meaning 表达某人的感情 / 意思 (2) convey sb/sth from A to B 把某人 / 某物从A地运送到B地 convey sth to.运送某物到 ( 某处) The injured driver is now able to conveyi s_mcani ng after treat me nt in hospital. 这位 受伤的司机经过住院治疗后现在可以表达口己的意思了。 The workers are conveyed by bus from the factory to their h

18、omes. 用公共汽车把工人们送到家。 7. treat吒?对待,处理;治疗;款待,请客九C 乐事;乐趣;款待 一词多义写111下列句中treat的词性和含义 My parents still treat me like a child, u.对待 She treated me to lunch yesterday.比 请客 Whon I was young, chocolate was a treat.刀. 款待 The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet.匕 治疗 仃)treat sb well/badly 善

19、待/ 虐待某人 treat. as. 把 看作 . treat sb/oneself to 用 . 款待某人 (2) be one s treat 某人请客 (3) treatment n.治疗;对待;处理 Iler sisters, Felicie and Adelaide, are nasty and treat Beauty as a servant.( 教 材原句 ) 她的姐妹,费雷西和艾徳里达很不友好,把美女作为她们的仆人。 ?Satisfied with his final score, he decided to treat himself to a big dinner. 对自

20、己的最终分 数感到很满意,他决定吃顿大餐来犒劳自己。 8. strike (struck, struck) vt. f J“;打动;撞击 ;( 时钟) 报时;攻击;侵袭;爆发;突然想到 n袭击;罢工 一词多义写出下列句中strike的含义 The child ran into the road and was struck by a car?撞击 She struck him in the face. Tt struck me that he 1 eft the key on my table.突然想到 ?Within half an hour, all the drivers were ou

21、t on strike.罢工 I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm?扌J动 The town hall clock struck midnight.报时 (1) be struck with/by为 . 所侵袭 / 所触动 ( 感动) Tt/An idea strikes sb that. . . = Tt/An idea occurs to sb that. 某人突然想到一个 主意 (2) go on strike举行罢工 ( 动作) be on strike举行罢工 ( 状态) (3) striking adj.引人注目的,突出的 ?Althou

22、gh it is in black and white, the striking (strike)use of light makes it seem at times like a mov ing pain ting.( 教材?原句 ) 尽管电影是黑白的,但是引人注目的灯光效果使电影不时地看起来像感人的素描。 It was reported that half a million workers were on strike in his country. 据报道他的国家有五十万工人罢工。 Tt struck me that playing against the other tearn

23、was a great 1 earning moment for all the girls on the team. 我突然想到和另外一个队进行比赛是队里所有女孩学习的良机。 言串i己It struck me that she was just the girl I had been seeking? As the saying goes, “St rike while the iron is hot. ” I wan ted to take action. 我突然想起她正是我所追求的女孩。正如谚语所说的“趁热打铁”,我要采取行动。 9. recommend吒. 推荐,介绍;劝告,建议 (1

24、) recommend sb as 推荐某人为 recomniend sb sth = recommend sth to sb 向某人推荐某物 (2) recommend sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 recommend doing sth 建议做某爭 :recommend + that 建议从句中的谓语动词用(sh()uld+)动词原形It is recommended that. (3) recommendation n.推荐;建议 He recommends wearing (wear) safety equipment whi1e inspecting the constr

25、uction site. 他建议视察建筑工地时要佩戴女全装备。 lie recommended that we (should) see the film, Wolf Warrior . -Hie recommended us to see (see) the film, Wolf WarriorVi. 他建议我们看战狼II这部电影。 It/ s strongly recommended that the machine (should) be repaired (repair) every year ? 有人强烈建议每年都要对机器进行修理。 I , 11 be glad if you can

26、 consider my recommendation (recommend). 如果你能考虑我的建议我将很高兴。 名师指津recommend后面跟从句时,从句谓语动词用虚拟语气, 即“should +动词原 形”,should 可以省略。以下动词具有相同的用法: 一坚持 二命令 三建议 四要求 /suggest. advise ? recommena / request? require, ask, demand 夕卜加?个敦促urge 10. deal with处理,对付;涉及;论述;与交易,跟做生意;与打交道 一词多义写出下列句中deal with的含义 His work experie

27、nee equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.与 . 扌 交道 In his early books, he dealt with the disease in detail.论述,涉及 (3) W e like to deal with that company, for their products are of high quality.虽艮 做生意 Don t worry about him. He knows how to deal with the problem.处理 名师指津do with与deal with都可以作 “处理

28、”讲,但用法不同。do with与what 连用,而deal with与how连用。此外,deal with还有“与. 交易,跟 . 做生意”的 意思,而do with没有此意。 I don , t know how they will deal with the account? I don“ t know what they will do with the account. 我不知道他们将如何处理那个账户。 11. die out完全消失,灭绝 (1) die of/from 死于 die away ( 声、光、风等 ) 渐弱,逐渐消失 die down ( 火、暴风雨、光 ) 渐弱;

29、( 声咅) 静下来 die off ( 家族、种族等 )相继死亡 (2) be dying to do sth 极想做某事 be dying for sth 渴望某事 The human race would soon die out if we could only see beauty within a set of 1 imi ted cri ter ia.( 教材原句 ) 如果我们只能够用一套有限的标准来衡量美,人类不久将灭绝。 When the applause had died down, she began her speech. 掌声平息后,她开始演讲。 Lon don was

30、 a new world to me and I was dying to find (find) out more abo ut it for myself. 伦敦对我来说是一个崭新的世界,我渴望为自己找到更多的东西。 一言串记Some fish and birds die off due to environmental pollution; some animals are in danger of dying out on account of lack of habitat. T am dying to be a volunteer to save these friends of

31、ours. 由于环境污染,一些鱼和鸟类相继死去;由于缺乏栖息地,一些动物面临灭绝的危险。我非常 想做一名志愿者去拯救我们的这些朋友。 重点句型 1. So _do 1 ? 我也一样 . (1)本句为倒装句,为“so + be动词/ 助动词 / 情态动词 +主语”结构,表示前面所讲的肯定的情 况也适合于后者,前后两个主语不一致,即“的情况也是如此”。 I m so excited at the news, so are my friends Mary and Tom. 我对这个消息感到兴奋,我的朋友玛丽和汤姆也是。 (2)上述这一句型的否定形式为%either/nor + be动词/ 情态动词

32、/ 助动词 +主语”。表示主语与上 文所述的人或物有相同的否定概念。 I don t know where he has gone, nor/ncithcr_do_I caro_about. 我不知道他去哪里了,我也不关心。 (3)“so +主语+助动词/be动词/ 情态动词”表示对前面提到的事情予以肯定,意为“某人/ 某事 的确是这样”,前后主语一致。 一I reminded you not to forget the appointmcnt? 一So you did.But I did forget. 一一我提醒过你别忘了约定。 一一你确实提醒了。但我真的忘了。 (4)若前句既有实义动词又

33、有情态动词, 或既有肯定又有否定或两个以上的主语时,则用It is the same with ?或So it is with ?句型。 Ho came late, but he was not punished. 1_ghjsamjwitkijiie. 他来晚了,但没有受到惩罚。我也是。 2? Eyes_raised, I see the moon so bright; Head_bent, in homesickness I am drowned. 举头望明 月,低头思故乡。 (1) Eyes raised与Head bent为两个独立主格结构作状语,名词与其后的动词为被动关系。 (2)独

34、立主格结构的应用: 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子主语不同,独立存在;在句中作 状语, 表示时间、原因、条件或伴随情况。其构成是: 形容词 / 副词/ 介词短语 I不定式 The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. After the meeting was over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room? 散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。 ?Weather permitting (permit), we are going to visit you tomorrow?

35、If weather permits (permit), we are going to visit you tomorrow. 如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。 ?Nobo dy to come (come) tomorrow, we wi 11 have to put off the meeting til l next week, fIf nobody comes tomorrow, we will have to put off the meeting till next week. 如果明天没有人来,我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周。 名词/ 代词+ ( 逻辑主语 ) 现在分词 过去分词

36、当堂达标 I ?单词拼写 1. This machine is superior ( 高级白勺 )in many respects to that? 2. I find it hard to convey ( 表达)my feelings in words. 3. If T were not so busy, T should gladly accompany 邙咅伴 )you there. 4? The boss commanded( 命令)that his workers (should) not leave their office before the meeting was over

37、. 5. There was an upward tendency ( 趋势)in o订shares yesterday. 6? What struck ( 扌J动)me about the firm was how genuinely friendly and informal it was. 7? The hunter failed to shoot the onimal as it was beyond range ( 范围)of his gun. 8. I had to keep the video camera readi ly accessible( 可使用的 )in case I

38、 saw something that needed to be filmed. II?单句语法填空 1. What is most striking (strike) is how smart the chi 1dren are. 2? The girl staring (stare) at him, he didn“ t know what to say. 3. The drug is effective but has a tendency to cause(cause) headaches? 4. Elcphants would die out if people shoot as m

39、any as they wished? 5. Mr .Smith never does any reading in the evening, nor/neither does Mrs. Smith. 6. The superstar showed up at the court, accompanied (accompany) by his manager. 7. T recommend buying (buy) the dietionary for your brother as his birthday present. 8. In everyday communication, inf

40、ormation conveyed (convey) by gestures is often misinterpreted ? 9. The target was now within/in range and so she took aim and fired. 10. Tf you buy our products in great quantity, we ,11 have them delivered (del iver) to your company directly. Ill. 单句改错1? She treated each of the children with an ap

41、ple? with to 2. He coninianded that the soldiers started out right away, starteclf start 3. As I watched the children, an idea struck to me.去掉to 或struck occurred 4. Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior than any other candidate. tha nto 5. Last summer 1 took a course on what to d

42、eal with poisonous gases, what- 1-how IV.句型转换 1. Tf time permits, T,11 al so show some of my recent resul ts in this topic. Time permitting, I,11 also show some of my recent results in this topic ? 2? With the world changing fast,sometimes we don t know how to deal with now things. With the world ch

43、anging fast, sometimes we don“ t know what to do with new things. 3. Ilis parents were not satisfied with his result of the exam. The teacher was not satisfied either. His parents were not satisfied with his result of the exam, neither/nor was the teacher. 4? My parents commanded that 1 should finis

44、h the work before 5 o clock. fMy parents commanded me to finish the work before 5 o clock. 课下作业 A卷 I . 单词拼写 1. Can you Tecommend (推荐)me some new books on this subject? 2. There has been a steady (稳定的)decrease in 4. Ever since I have known you I adore (崇拜)you more every day. 5. She gave him back the

45、money she d stolen for the sake of her conscicnee (良丿t? )? 6. It gave me a real thrill (兴奋)to see her again after so many years? 7. The postman at last delivered (递送)the letter we had been waiting for. 8. They had stopped by a spring to refresh(使恢复)themselves. II.单句语法填空1? Frank put the medicine in t

46、he top drawer to make sure it would not be accessible (access) to the kids? 2. Homework done (do), the boy went out to play with his little fellows. 3. The result is consistent (consist) with the findings of the police. population in this city. 3.She is one of those vain (自负的)people who never take o

47、thers,advice. 4. Many young people have difficulty in how to deal with the relationship between dream and reality ? 5?Don t lie to him?He is bound to find (find) about it. 6. As long as you ve paid in advanee we won t charge you for delivery (deliver). 7. Tt struck me that T had left my purse at hom

48、e. 8. Compared (compare) with before, his health is worse off. 9. You may rely on it that we won, t let you down. 10. Li Qing is keen on Chinese poems, so she signs up for a poetry club and learns to write poems. III.选词填空 die out, a set of, be keen on, in an instant, in preparation for, be trapped i

49、n, to be honest, compared to/with l ? He must be keen on her一they“ ve been dancing all night. 2. To_be_honest, I don“ t like it when you speak to me like that. 3. Compareao/wi th many people, she was in deed very fortu nate. 4. Many species of animals are in danger of dying out. 5. Each operation refers to a set of input and output messages? 6. No matter what he is offered to eat he polishes it off in an instant. 7. We wil


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