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1、Unit 24 Society 写作句型锤炼 核心句型升级 ?先熟读背诵一一精彩句型烂熟于心 假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见。请你依据 以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括: 1.说明你是该报的忠实读者。 2.赞赏该报优点: (1)兼顾国内外新闻; (2)介绍名人成功故事。 3.提出建议:刊登指导英语学习的文章。 注意:1. 词数100左右,开头语己为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Editor-in-Chief, Congratulations on the 5th annivcrsary of Global Mirr

2、or! Sincerely yours, Li Hua 【参考范文】 Dear Editor-in-Chief, Congratulation pnth anniversary gfMirror! T m a regular reader of your n ewspaper. I 1 ike it very much mainly for the foil owing two reasons. First, it covers both nat i onal and in ter national news so that, by simply turning the pages, 1 ca

3、n learn all important things that have happened during the week. Equally attractive are the success stories of world-famous people, which help me understand how a person can work hard to make the world a better place. As a young student, T suggest that Global Mirror carry articles to guide us in our

4、 English learning, and work hard, and you“ 11 do better? I sincerely hope that it will become even more popu1 ar? Sincerely yours Li Ilua ?后临摹仿写一一妙语佳句信手拈來 ?根据句仿写 1?留神脚下,不然你会掉进水里的。 Watch your step, or_ (else)/otherwise you一might into the_ water. 根据句仿写 2.我真诚地希望在未來能与你一起工作。 I sincerely hope that in the

5、future J can work together with you. Partli I 口主学习主干知识 会书写 一、 核心单词 1. resign 吒 体谅 13-keep an eye on 注意,留意 14.to start with 首先 15. play an iinportant role in? 在 ? ?中起重要作 用 16.contribute to 促进,有助于 会积累 l.do相关短语 ?do away with废除;摆脱 ; 消灭 do harm to 对有害 do one“ s best 尽力 do one, s duty 尽职责 do up重新整修 ; 收拾整齐

6、 do wi thout 不用 2. eye的相关短语 keep an eye on留神注意;留意;照看 have a good eye for 对 有鉴赏眼光 look sb in the eye直视(正视)某人 catch one“ s eye吸引某人的目光 会应用选用上表左栏短语填空 1. The driver lost control of his car and it knoeked jnto a tree. 2? The society today offers the young generation more chances to show off their talent a

7、nd skills ? 3. They diQ_ 卫_with those rules at those schools years ago. 4. Children should learn above all how to observe good manners at table. 5. T sincerely hope that you wi11 take my suggestions into qccount. 6. Research suggests that fast food and soft drink directly contribute to childhood obe

8、sity? 7. We re amazed at the amazing news that he was sentenced to death. 8. We must keep jin _gye_ _on the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time in. 经典句式一分析?背诵 ?仿写 句型公式1: It s high time that sb should do/did sth “到某人做某事的时候了 “ 教材原句 As a society, it s high time that we took these issues

9、 more seriously. 作为整个社会来讲, 到了我们应该更加认真地考虑这些问题的时候了。 句型 仿写Tt, s high timq /hat we phouia fake/took measures to preserve the natural resources. 到了我们采取措施保护自然资源的时候了。 句型公式2: would rather后接从句时,从句应该用虚拟语气 教材原句I d rather you didn , t mention that. 我宁愿你不要提那件事。 句型仿写T d rather you hadn,t told him the news that da

10、y. 我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。 句型公式3: what if “要是怎么办” 教材原句What if some married people have affairs? 要是一些己婚的人有了婚外恋怎么办? 句型仿写It sounds 1 ike a good offer, but what if it“ s a_trick? 那个提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎么样? 句型公式4: make +宾语+宾语补足语 教材原句They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs, whi

11、ch made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements. 然后他们就可以在各个胡同路口设置哨兵,这样更便于监视人们的举动。 句型仿写Rising costs made it hard to carry on business. 成木不断上涨,生意很难做成。 IV.语篇填空一回顾 ?补全?热诵 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Many of us in developed societ ies 1. are trapped (trap) in a spending circle. We work hard so

12、 that we can earn more money. When we have more moncy, we spend more and because we spend more, we have to work even harder. But 2. strangely (strange) enough, 3. the more money we earn, the less often we see it. Instead, we start putting our signatures on cred it cards and 4. spending (spend) money

13、 we don“ t even have. Besides, we,re all taxpayers so the more we earn the more tax we have to pay to those 5? who govern us.Thus, the c i rc1e goes round and round and gets more and more comp Iicated? In this sponding circle, on the one hand, we accumulate possessions but never feel like we have en

14、ough. On the other hand, we work towards the ownership of bigger and 6. better (good) houses and cars and never have time to enjoy 7. them (they). In stead, they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn 8? to pay (pay) for them?And the result of all this

15、is obvious ?Not increased happiness, 9. but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy 10. being(be)with our friends and families- V.语篇改错一回顾 ?修正?热诵 文屮共有10处语言错误,每句屮最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 Every year thousands tourists flock to China to visit some places of interest. In our surprise, it i

16、s often the hutongs which leave the strongest impression, as they offer t ravel ers a rare view into China,s past. Beijing“ s Hutongs, the majori ty of which are built between the 13th and 19th centuries, are particular famous. In the past, Hutongs made the rulers easi ly to keep an eye on people“ s

17、 movement. But in fact, not only did they connected the homes but also they connected people“ s lives. Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing life and it s not surprised that tourists love the hutongs because of they show that Beijing is truly an ancient yet modern city. 答案 f Every year thou

18、sands tourists flock to China to visit some places of interest. which our surprise, it is often the hutongs 订讥leave the strongest impression, as they offer travelers a rare view into China“ s past .Beijing s Hutongs, the majority , , , , , particular bui 11 between the 13th and 19tn conturies, are -

19、 - : famous? In particularly easily , movement the past, Hutongs made the ru 1 ers - - to keep an eye on people s - . But easy movements connected in fact, not only did they - - the homes but also they connected people s connect surprised lives. Hutongs are still an important part of Beijing life an

20、d it s not an ancient yet modern city. 核心词汇 1. abundant日?大量的;丰盛的;充裕的 (1) be abundant in 富有 ; 彳艮丰富 (2) abundance n.丰富 an abundance of 丰富的,许多的 in abundance 大量; 富裕 ?South Africa is a developing country which?bundan宅in natural resources. 南非是一个自然资源丰富的发展屮国家。 All kinds of flowers grow in abundance (abundan

21、t) in the park and it looks more beautifu1 ? , ,are of which - were that tourists love the hutongs because they show that Beijing is truly Part 2 师生共研核心考点 公园里长满了各种鲜花,它看起来更漂亮了。 If you travel in the sea, you will see an abundance of marine creatures? 如果你在海上旅行的话,你会看到很多海洋生物。 2. burden刀. 负担,重担必 . (使)担负(沉

22、重或艰难的任务、职责等) (1). be a burden on/to.是的负担 (2) burden sb/oneself with sth 装载;使负担 be burdened with.负重;为 所累 ?Instead, they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them.(教材原句) 相反,它们就像一种负担,因为我们每月都要将挣来的大部分的钱拿出来支付贷款。 Some parents complain that their c

23、hi 1dren are burdened with heavy homework. 有些家长抱怨 他们孩子的家庭作业繁重。 3. resign vt.k辞职, 辞去;使顺从 resign one s job/post/position 辞去工作 / 职位 resign from 从 辞职 resign oneself to (doing ) sth顺从 . ;使自己安于(做)某事 resign as.辞去当 . 的职务 resign. to. 把. . 托付给 . In order to look after her sick mother, my friend decided to res

24、ign her position as manager. 为了照顾生病的母亲,我朋友决定辞去经理的职务。 Will you resign from the company if they ask you to? 如果他们让你辞职,你会离开公司吗? It is reported that more and more parents resign_ their_ hildren_ to grandparents at home whi1e working in the city. 据报道,越来越多的父母在去城市打工时把孩子托付给在家的爷爷奶奶。 The team refused to resign

25、 jtheniselves to defeat/being defeated. 该队不廿失败。 4. undertake吒?着手做,从事,承担;允诺,答应 undertake+ /?. /pron.承担 . undertake to do. 着手做 . ;答应做 . undertake that? 答应 undertake for.-. 为 . 负责 I wi11 undertake tg feed (feed) your dogs while you are away. 你不在家吋我答应替你喂狗。 The sponsors undertake that the proposal meets

26、all the legal requirements. 侣议者担保这项提案符合所有法律要求。 We , 11 undertake for your security while you are visiting our country. 当你访问我们国家时,我们将保证你的安全。 名师指津undertake意为“允诺”吋,同义词有guarantee, ensure, make sure等。 5. sentence n.判决vt.宣判;判刑 (1) serve a sentence 服刑 pass/gi ve sentence on sb 给某人判刑 (2) sentence sb to sth给

27、某人判 . 刑( 常用被动语态 ) be senteneed to dcath/three years in prison 被判死刑 / 三年徒刑 In the USA in the last 100 years, 23 men have_ _been_ jTongly entenceQ to_ Qeath and there are doubts about 400 other cases.( 教材原句 ) 在美国,在过去的100年里,23人已被错误地判处死刑,有另外400件案例遭质疑。 Jack was sentenced to fhree years in prison for his

28、part in the crime. 杰克因参与犯罪活 动被判处3年徒刑。 The judge will pass sentence on the murderer tomorrow after looking at the report. 法官看 完报告后明天会对凶手做出判决。 6. come into being 形成;存在 come into effect/force 生效 come into use 开始使用 come into power 掌权 come into sight/view 看见; 进入视野 come into fashion 开始流行 If laws such as t

29、hese int being, a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions.( 教材原句 ) 如果像这样的法律能够形成的话,社会将需要作巨大的调整,而人们的反应也一定会各有不同。 The new tax regulations camj jntg ?ffect/force last month?新税法是上个月生效的。 (3)The newly-elected president will comq jntg power next month. 新当选的总统下个月开始执 政。

30、 名师指津come into being为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态形式。 7. knock into sb 撞上某人 knock down/over 撞倒;打倒;拆除 knock at (on)敲(门、窗、墙等) knock out 撞出;敲击 knock off减价;中断 , 停止 There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly knocked, jntg somebody crossing the road.(教材原句) 那里每周至少有一起车祸发生,我今天差点撞上一个正在过马路的人。 Jim w

31、as knocked down/over by a bus, but not seriously hurt? 吉姆被公共汽车撞倒了,但伤得不严重。 Let s knock off work early and go to watch the football game. 咱们早点收工去看足球赛吧。 名师指津knock into表示“撞上”时, 相当于run into ;表示“遇上”时, 相当于come across, meet with 或meet by chance。 重点句型They were then able to place guards at the entrances of th

32、e various hutongs, which made it easier to keep an eye on people s movements. 然后他们就可以在各个胡同路口设置哨兵,这样更便于监视人们的举动。 句屮make it easier是“make +宾语+宾语补足语”结构,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的 不定式短语to keep an eye on people s movement So在“make +宾语+宾语 补足语”这一结构中, 宾补可以由名词、形容词、过去分词、不定式來充当。 ?People in the West make it a rule to buy

33、Christmas presents for their relatives and fr i ends. 西方国家的人常在圣诞节时给亲属和刖友购买礼物。 ?Bill Gates Microsoft makes him a phenomenon in the business world. 比尔?盖茨的微软使他成为商界的一个奇才。 The purpose of new technologies is to make ife easier, not to make it more difficult. 新技术的目的是使生活变得更加容易,而不是变得更加困难。 名师指津 (1)在“make +宾语+

34、宾语补足语”结构中,当“独一无二的职位、头衔”的名词作补足语时, 名词前无冠词。 (2)在英语中,动词 (短语 )let, make, have, feel, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, hear等后要跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。 Part 3 综合演练单元要点 当堂达标 I.单词拼写 1. The girl is only fifteen years old, but she has to be burdened (负担)with her family- 2. The manager was forced to res

35、ign (舌辛职)his position after that serious accident. 3. The drunken driver undertook (承担)full responsibility for the serious traffic accident. 4. He was found guilty and sentenced (労U处)to death by poisoning? 5. The rainforest is abundant (丰富的)in rare species of plants and animals- 6? He was addicted t

36、o computer games in the net bar and picked up diverse (各种各 样的)bad habits. 7? Some people had no respect for the speed limit and consequenlly (因此)were punished ? 8. The house isn“ t big enough for us, and furthermore/moreover (而且),it , s too far from the town. II.单句语法填空 l ? He has resigned from three

37、 of the many offices he held? 2. He undertook to finish (finish) the difficult job by Friday. 3. He was sentenced to three years in prison because of family violence. 4. At the party there was food and drink in abundance(abunda.nt ). 5? The old man was knoeked down/over by an electric bike, but fort

38、unately not seriously hurt. 6. The girl decided that she would resign herself to his father“ s guidance? 7. The new traffic rules came into effect from January 1st, 2017. 8. T don t want to be a burden on/to my children when m old. 9. It ,s high time that we did/should do (do) something to improve t

39、he situation. 10? New means of transport make ft possible to travel around cities with in hours? III.单句改错 1. Mary works hard ; she wants to be good off, goowell 2. T d rather you know that now, rather than afterwards, know-knew 3. The teacher explained it to us again to make himself understand, unde

40、rstandf understood 4. Many ways can contribute to solve this problem, but the following ones may be most effective, solvesolving 5. New technologies have made this possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost, thisit w.句型转换 / 一句多译 1. Shall we go out for a walk after supper? fWhat if

41、we go out for a walk after supper? 2. The treaty existed in 1982 and it is sti11 working. The treaty came into being in 1982 and it is still working. 3? No matter where he is, it is a rule for him to go for a walk before breakfast. No matter where he is, he makes it a rule to go for a walk before br

42、eakfast. 4.在街上走的时候我遇到了一位老朋友。 J_knocked into an olQ friend when I was walking in the street. (knock) 丄came across an old friend when I was walking in the street, (come ) 丄me I with an old frie nd whe n I was walking in the street, (meet) 课下作业 A卷I . 单词拼写 the first floor is often left vacant (空闲的) . sh

43、ine on the buiIding, which made it more brilliant. 3. He said his plan had the virtue (优点)of being the easiest to implement? 4. When his influence began to shrink (收缩),his wealth also decreased. 5. T suggest you take the forms away and read them at your lei sure (闲暇) . 6. To his disappointment, his

44、name has been deleted (删除)from the list. 7. The factory got a fine (罚款)of over 1, 000, 000 yuan for releasing poisonous gases into the air? 8 ? Jack was sentenced (判刑)to fifteen days in prison because of drunken driving. II.单句语法填空 1. Don t let yourself be cast down by a small failure in the experime

45、nt; try again. 2. Increasing numbers of people elect _to work (work) from home nowadays. 3? My girlfriend wants to see me today, but 1 would rather she came (come ) tomorrow. 1. Tn some ethnic vi1lages, 2. The sun cast (投射)her beautiful 4. Could you do me a favour and keep an eye on my luggage? 5. S

46、ince everything develops, we have to make an adjustment (adjust)to the changing situation ? 6. What Lf we move the couch over there? Don,t you think the room wi 11 look larger? 7. He likes to show off how well he speaks French everywhere? 8. She got off the bus, burdened (burden) with two heavy suit

47、cases. Ill ?选词填空 take seriously, well off, knock into, to start with, come into being, break into, contribute to, take? into account 1. Tom was reading a picture-book when he knockcQ_ _jnto a tree? 2. One must take the audience intg ?ccount when making speeches. 3. To tarl with, we haven ,t enough m

48、oney, and secondly we re too busy. 4. Do you know when the Great Wall came into being? 5. Don , t take it seriously一he was only teasing. 6. Jack has just bought another new car; he must be very well off. 7. As the President“ s car arrived, the crowd brok? jnto loud applause. 8. There are many factor

49、s which contributq g a person, s success. IV.完成句子 1. Its high time that we (should) put an end to jlhis discussion. 是我们该结束讨论的时候了。 2. What, Jf you can , t make a panic buying the concert ticket today? 如果你今天抢购不到演唱会门票怎么办? 3. The nternet makes it easier for people to know about the world. 网络使人们更容易了解世界。 4. I“ d rather you_ postoQ_ gho right now. 我想让你现在去寄信。 5. With the development of modern scienee and technology , the


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