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1、模块九 Unit 34 I . 单词 一、核心单词 1. random . taking away many of their rights, and stationing soldiers there in order to make sure that the Americans would obey them. 【分析】本句是并列句,第一个分句屮,when引导时间状语从句 ; 第一个分句屮,taking away many of their rights, and stationing soldiers there 作伴随状语。 翻译 当美洲人对此表示反对时,英国人不但没有让步,反而加强

2、了对美洲殖民地的统治,剥夺了美 洲人的许多权利,同时在美洲驻军以确保他们服从英国统治。 2. The flag, which is made up of a red band over a white one, is based on a national flag dating back to the 13th century, which had nine red and white stripes. 【分析】本句是复合句,两个which 都引导定语从句 ,dating back to the 13th century 为现在分词短语作后置定语。 翻译这血国旗由上红下白的两道彩条组成,是以

3、十厂世纪的九道红白条印尼国旗为基础的。 3. Idioms often use a number of words to represent a single object, person or concept, among other things unless you recognize an idiom when it is being used, and it is easy to mi sunderstand what you read or hear spoken. 【分析】本句是并列复合句,在笫二个分句中,unless 引导条件状语从句 ,what 引导宾 语从句。 翻译习语常常

4、用一些词代表某一个物体、人物或概念以及其他一些爭物。除非你能识别习语的运用, 否则你很容易误解你所读到的或听到的内容。 (2)objection n.反对 I object to the plan on the grounds that it is too expensive. 我反对该项计划,理rfl是它花费太大了。 He strongly objects to being treated (treat) like a chi 1d. 他强烈反对被人当孩子一样对待。 ?We are determined to carry out the plan if you have no objecti

5、on (object). 如果你不反对,我们决心实施这项计划。 名师指津含介词to 的常用动词短语还有: stick to坚持 lead to导致 object to反对 ?pay attention to 注意 be/get used to习惯于 look forward to 渴望;盼望;期盼 contribute to促成;是 成因 Z get down to开始认真做 2. compromise vi. & n.妥协,让步 (1) compromise with sb 与某人和解 compromise on sth以折屮方法解决争论、争端等 (2) reach/come to a co

6、mpromise (between A and B/on sth)(就某事 ) 和解/ 达成妥协 make a compromise with 与. 妥协 by compromise 折屮 After a long talk, the two sides came to/reached a compromise. 经过长期的谈判,双方达成了妥协。 Sometimes, it s necessary to compromise with your friends when you wont to keep the friendship. 有时候,为了能保持友谊,你得和你朋友和解。 3. subs

7、titute vt.& 替换,替代力 . 替代者,替代品 (1) substitute A for B=substitute B with/by A 用 A 代替 B substitute for sb/sth 代替/ 取代某人 / 某事 (2) a.s a substitute作为代替人 / 代用品 a substitute for sb/sth 代替. . 的人或物 ?Nothing can substitute for the advice the doctor is able to give you. 什么也代替不了更生能给你的建议。 The original painting was

8、 substituted with a copy. The copy is a substitute for the original painting. 原作品被一幅复制品代替了。 We have to substitute Mr. Liu for the teacher who was still in hospital. 我们不得不让刘先生代替那位仍在住院的老师。 4. strike皿?击打;使突然想到;敲钟;给以印象,打动;划(火柴);罢工;爆发n. 罢工 一词多义写岀下列句中strike的含义 The dockers are coming out on strike for high

9、er wages.罢工 A snowbal 1 struck him on the back of the head.击扌 J He quickly struck a match to light his cigarette.划(火柴) ?It suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time at this point.使突然想起 I had an extremely narrow escape when the earthquake struck my city.爆发 (1)strike. with. 用 敲打 It strikes/hits/oc

10、curs to sb that. 某人突然意识到 be struck by.被. 打动;深受感动 (2) be on strike 在罢工 go on strike举行罢工 ?It strikes/hitS/OCCUTS me that nobody is really in favour of the changes. 我突然意识到没人真正 赞成这些变动。 ?The visitors were struck bv the beauty of the country. 游客们被乡村美景打动了。 Air traffic controllers are threatening to go on s

11、ttike. 空中交通管制员威胁要举行罢工。 5. deliver吒& M递送,运送;发表(演讲);接生 deliver sth to sb 投递/ 传送某物给某人 deliver a speech 发表演讲 deliver sb/sth over to sb 把. . 移交给某人 be delivered of=give birth to 出生 ?Chairman of China delivered an important speech concerning China s future at the meeting. 国家主席在这次会议上就屮国的未来发表了重要演讲。 Tf you bu

12、y our goods, our company wi11 deliver the goods to your door. 如果您购买我们的商品, 我们公司将送货上门。 To her groat joy, she elivercd_ of/gavj Jpirth_to a healthy boy. 使她感到很高兴的是,她生 了一个健康的男孩。 6. date back to ( = date from)追溯到,始于 to date 迄今,到现在为止 up to date最新式的,现代的 out of date过时的;过期的 make a date with 与. . 约会 ?According

13、 to the expert, the vase has a history dating (date) from/back to the early Tang Dynasty. 据那个专家说这个花瓶年代久远,可追溯到初唐时期。 He is always right up to date in his infonnation about this subject. 在这个学科上,他一向掌握最新的信息。 The news you told me was out of date but you thought it was U to date. 你告诉我的新闻是过 时的,但你却认为是最新的。 名师

14、指津 date back to和 date from 般不用于进行时态和被动语态。作后置定语时, 常用现在分词 形式。 7?get one S way 随心所欲;按自己的意愿行事,自己决定 make one,s way 前往;成功;有所成就 fight one s way 奋力前进 lose one ,s way 迷路 feel one ,s way 摸索前进 force one s way 强行前进;挤出去 push one“ s way 挤出來 wind one ,s way 蜿蜒前进 Every one of us 1ives in a society and we can t get

15、way. 我们每个人都是社会中的一员,不能为所欲为。 She gradually fought her way jto the top of the company.她努力奋斗,逐渐进入公司高层。 The guide was dead .They had to feel their way in the forest. 向导死了,他们不得不在从林中摸 索前进。 8. (be) bound to (do)一定或注定 (做) ,有责任或义务 (做) be bound up in 热心于;忙 : 于 be bound up with 与. . 有密切联系 be bound for a place 前

16、往一个地方 The marriage based on money is bound to break (break)up. 建立在金钱基础上的婚姻是注定耍破裂的。 Jim s too bound up in his own worries to be able to help us. 吉姆忙于解决自己的那些烦心事,无法帮助我们。 9. It_ was the White Horse Temple that first brought the meaning of temple to the word “si ? 正是白马寺首先把“ temple”的意义阐述为“寺”。 句中 It was. t

17、hat.为强调句型。其结构是:it+be+ 被强调部分 + that/who. o (1) 强调句型的三个基本形式: 陈述句: It is/was +被强调部分 + that/who4-其余部分。 一般疑问句: Ts/Was it +被强调部分 + that/who +其余部分? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ is/was it + that +其余部分? It was when we were retu rning home that I realized what a good feel in g it was to have helped someone in trouble. 止是当我们回

18、家的时候我意识到帮助那些困难屮的人是多么好的感受。 Was it because Jack came late for school, that Mr. Smith got angry? 是因为杰克上学迟到史密斯先生才生气的吗? Where was jt that you met your parents? 你是在什么地方遇到了你父母的? (2)在强调“not. until”结构时 , 要用“It is/was not until+被强调部分 + that +陈 述语序的主句部分” 且 that 之后的主句谓语动词要用肯定形式。 It was not until the 20th centur

19、y that Great Britain became the first urban society in history. 直到 20 世纪大不列颠才成为历史上最早的城镇化社会。 名师指津 (1) 强调结构用来强调主语、宾语和状语等成分,不能用来强调谓语。强调谓语动词吋用do, did 或 doeso (2)that 只起连接作用,不作成分,但不能省略。当强调部分为人时,才可以用whoothat/who 后的谓语动 词应与被强调的主语在人称和数上保持一致。 (3)强调结构的判断:如果把it is/was和 that/who 去掉,句子结构及意义完整,则是强调句。 课下作业 I . 单词拼写

20、 1. We must compromise ( 让步)on this issue for the sake of unity. 2? This artificial sweetener is a safe sugar substitute (替代品) . 3. All the mistakes in my English composition had been underlined(力口下画线) in red ink by my teacher. 4. T vis it that store frequently (经常地) for its inexpe nsive vegetables.

21、 5. Tf you decide to deliver (发表) a speech, pl ease make it brief. 6. The outcome of the court case was disappointing (令人失望的) for the family. 7. He has made a subjective (主观的) mistake by acting according to his own will. & Ho was rather ¥aguc(含糊的) about the reasons why he was so late for class this

22、morning. 9.The fundamental (根本的) cause of his success is his hard work. 10.To abolish (废除) it, however, preparations must be made and the necessary steps taken. 11.He does what he says, and his actions are always consistent (致白勺) with his words. 12.Father“ s sudden death struck him and he had to gro

23、w up and ripen(变得成熟起来), though he was only a thirteen year old boy then. II ?单句语法填空 1. Was it Mary that you met in the street yesterday? 2. You can always count on him to help you because he is your best friend? 3. This kind of fashion has caught onyou see girls wear it everywhere? 4? A ceremony was

24、 held in honour of those killed in the battle. 5. Drunk driving used to occur frequently (frequent ) in our city, but now such cases are rare- 6. Because these natural disasters occur at random, it is difficuIt to warn people in advance. 7? With the roads in Tibet quake zone cleared, relief supplies

25、 con be delivered to those in need ? 8. Could you do me a favor to_deliver(deliver ) this book to Professor Wang? 9?Don t lie to him?He is bound to find (find ) about it. 10. Coffee has a history dating (date ) back to at least the 19th century. 11. That s why an old song can remind you of something

26、 that happened years ago. 12. The son followed his father“ s example and, similarly (similar), the daughter modeled herself on her mother. III.完成句子 / 一句多译 1? It was not until ho told me that 1 knew it. 克到他告诉我我才知道这件事。 2. They delivered jtheir prisoner gve to the invading army. 他们把俘虏交给了位略军。 3? I ,m gl

27、ad that he make jiis way in jiis gareer. 我很高兴他在事业上有所进步。 4? Every jtime 1 pass the school,I think of my first English teacher. 每当我经过学校,我就想 起我的第一个英语老师。 5. 这是一座始于 14 世纪的古老建筑。 ?This is an old building dating from/back to the 14th century T asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me

28、 that her father said those coaches were 西 .They didn , t understand the 17 of a dream? The next year, Sally was seen by a college basketball coach after a big game- She was _18 offered a scholarship and _W_ to the college team. She was going to get the college education that she had _20 and worked

29、toward for al 1 those years. Its true: If the dream is big enough, the facts don t count. 【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述了 Sally在自身条件不好的情况下不懈努力最终实现梦 想的故事。 1. A. silent B? small C. strong D. huge 答案 B 根据 but 的转折意义并结合上文的“I watched in wonder as she struggled her way through the crowd of boys v 可知, Sal ly 个子很小,与下

30、文的 aI am just too shortv 呼应。 2. A. but B. and C. so D. for 答案A 由空前的“The boys always tried to stop her“和空后的“nobody could ” 可知, 前后表示逻辑上的转折关系。 3. A. sti 11 B. again C. well D. alone 答案 D 根据语境可知,作者经常看到Sally 独自打球。 4? A. passing B.:running C.shooting D. strugg1ing 答案 C 由上文。勺 “but she managed to shoot jump

31、 shots just over their heads and into the net” 和空前的“ dribbling(运球)”可知, Sally 反复练习运球和投球(shooting )o 5. A. studied B. practiced C. expected D? improved 答案 B 由上文的“She practiced dribbling(运球) and 4 overand over ” 可知, 作者问 Sally 为什么要大量地练习球技。 6. A. title B? prize C scholarship 【)? reward 答案 C 根据下文“she woul

32、d proba bly never play for a top teamst 订 1 less she would be 14 a scholarshipso she should stop dreaming about college” 可矢 U, Sally努力练球是想拿到奖学金去上大学。 7. A. good B. brave 答案 A rfl上文的“I want to be the best one”知, Sally 认为只有当自己的球技足够好的时候,才 可以拿到奖学金。 8. A. lack C. appear D. count 答案 D 由下文的 “It s true: If t

33、he dream is big enough, the facts don“ t count n 可知,当梦想 足够强大的时候,事实并不那么重要。count 意为“重要”。 9. A? encouraged B? respected C. watched D. helped 答案 C 由上文的“I watched in wonder” 和“I began to notice Sally at other times”可知,作 者一直关注着 Sal ly 0 10. A.victory B? confidence C? responsibility D? profession 答案 A 根据上文

34、 Sally 成功投篮和反复练习球技可推知,她带领白己的球队获得了胜利。 答案 D 根据“Slowly and quietly” 和“and sat down beside her” 可知 , 作者当时静静地走过去, 坐在了 Sally旁边。walk up 意为“走近”。 13. A. coach B. teacher C. captain D. leader 答案 A 根据下文的 “She told me that her father said those coaches were j_6 ” 可知,教练告诉她,她太矮了。 14. A. suggested B? sent C ? prom

35、ised D? offered 答案 D 根据下文的 “She was 18 offered a scholarship“可知,教练认为Sally 不会获得奖学金。 15. A. worried B. excited C ? disappointed 答案 C 根据上文教练的话可知, Sally 感到很失望。 B. tai k IL A. dropped C. covered 答案 B 结合下文的“ What s wrong? 当时 Sally 情绪不高,把头埋在胳膊里。 12. A. walked off C? walked around B? buried D. sunk I asked

36、” 及 “I am just too short” 可知 , B. walked out D. walked up D.surprised 16. A. great B? wrong C. strict D. cruel 答案 B 由上文的“My father has told me. ? ? the facts don“ t 8” 可知, Sally 的父亲 认为教练是错的。与下文的“They didn t understand the 17 of a dream ” 相呼应。 17. A. pressure B. value C ? cause D ? power 答案 D 根据下文 Sa

37、lly 拿到奖学金并接受大学教育可推知,此处表示“他们不明白梦想的力量”。 18- A. exactly B. naturally C. real 1 y D ? normal ly 答案 C 结合下文的 “She was going to get the col lege education” 可知, Sally 确 实获得了奖学 金。 19. A. taken B. admi tted C ? introduced D ? appointed 答案 B Sally 获得了奖学金并且还加入了大学篮球队。be admitted to意为“考入 , 进入”。 20.A.dreamed of B. picked up C ? benefited from D ? carried out 答案 A 根据上文可知, Sally- 直 梦想上大学。


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