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1、Module 1 Basketball PartI 口主学习主干知识 i. 重点单词一识记?联想 ?运用 会书写 一、 核心单词 1. commit v.犯(错误,罪行) 2. confirm v.(尤指通过提供更多证据)证实,进一步确定 3. generation n.一代人 4. adequate adj.适当的,足够的,充分的 5. attend v.上(学) 6. hold v.保持 7. instant adj.立刻的 8. live adv.现场直播地;现场演岀地 9. selfish adj.自私的;自私自利的 10. typical adj.典型的,具有代表性的;独特的 11.

2、 nature n.性格;本性;天性 12. obtain v.获得,得到 二、 阅读单词 1. weep v.哭泣,流泪 2. bound v.跳跃 3. boundary n.界限,范围 4. abrupt adj.突出的,出其不意的 5. accelerate v.加快,加速 6. awesome adj.了不起的 7. bleed K(尤指因受伤而)流血,出血 速食的 , 即食的力 . 立即, 瞬间 (1)in an instant 立即 , 马上 for an instant 片刻,一瞬间 the instant (= instantly/os soon as) . . . . 就.

3、 . (2) instantly adv.立刻地 conJ. . . 就 . When he first arrived in the US, Yao was an instant hit among basketball fans nationwide.( 教 材原句 ) 当姚明刚到美国时,他立刻就成了全国球迷的热门人物。 He asked me to clean the room i_n an instant. 他让我立即打扌z|房间。 The_instant/lnstantly I saw him, I know he was the man the police wore lookin

4、g for. 我一看到他就确信他正是警方正在寻找的那个人。 But when he looked to the side, he saw instantly (instant) that it wasn t a dog at all, but a wolf. (2017?浙江卷 ?满分作文) 但是当他看向一边时,他立刻就看到那根本不是一只狗,而是一只狼。 5. hold匕保持;抓住;容纳;举行;持有 一词多义写出下列句中hold的含义 The meeting wi 11 be held in the community centre.举行 He holds strange views on e

5、ducation.持有 Sho held the title of world champion for three years.保持 The plane holds about 300 passengers.容纳 lie held the mouse by its tail.抓住 hold back抑制, 阻止,隐瞒 , 退缩 hold on坚持,不挂断电话 hold on to紧紧抓住,保留 hold up举起,阻挡 get/take hold of 抓住 No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史前进的车轮。 ?When he

6、left the telephone to find a pencil, he asked me to hold on. 当他离开电话找铅笔的 时候,他让我别挂断。 6. defend匕防守;防御;保护;辩护 (l)defend sb/sth from/against. 保护某人 / 某物免遭 defend oneself 自卫;为自己辩护 (2) defence n.防卫,防守;辩护 in defence of 为了保卫;为辩护 ?T shall tellyou a few ways that you can defend yourselves against/from some attac

7、ks. 我将告诉你们遭到攻击时的儿种白卫方法。 All the people, men and women, young and old, were fighting against the flood in_defence_of their own homes. 所有的人,无论男女老少,都在与洪水作斗争來保卫自己的家园。 联想发散 与defend. . . from/against 用法类似的还有:prevent. . . (from), stop ? ? (from), keep ? from, protect. . . from/aga in st, discourage. . . fr

8、om 等, 上述短 语若用于被 动语态,from都不可省略。 7. draw sb s attention to引起某人注意 . (to为介词 ) pay attention to 注意 attract/catch one s attention 引起某人的注意 fix/focus/concentrate one“ s attention on/upon. 将注意力集中在 . bring ?.to one“ s attention = call one“ s attention to. ?使某人注,审: . turn one , s attention to. 将某人的注意力转向 . . ?R

9、ecently, the media have been focus in g/f i x ing their atte ntion on/upon the ri s ing housing price ? 近来,媒体一直在关注房价上涨问题。 People won t pay_Q11ention_j:o you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying for expression. 当人们仍有许多自己的观点迫切需要表达时,他们是不会理会你的。 As soon as the project came up at the me

10、eting, it at t racted_ina ny _pcop 1 o s_at to nt i on. 这个项目在会议上一提出来就吸引了很多人的注意。 重点句型 But there_is_no_doubt_that he deserves the title outstanding player of his generation v . 但是毫无疑问,他无愧于“一代杰出球员”这一称号。 There is no doubt that. “毫无疑问 . “,这是一个常用句型 ,that引导的是同位 语从句,用来说明doubt的具体内容。 (1) There is some doubt w

11、hether. . . 不太确定;不确定是否 I have no doubt about sth/that. 我确定 / 相信 . (2) I doubt whether/i匚 我怀疑是否 . I don t doubt that. 我不怀疑 There _is_ no doubt that pingpong is regarded as the Nat ional Ball Sport of China. (2017 ?全国卷III ?满分作文) 亳无疑问,乒乓球被认为是屮国的国球。 I don t doubt that my father will come to watch my per

12、formance, but I doubt whether/if he can come on time. 我确信爸爸会来看我的演出,但我不确定他能否按时来。 名师指津 (1)doubt作动词讲吋,在肯定句中接if/whether引导的宾语从句;在疑问句和否定句中接that 引导的宾语从句。 (2)doubt作名词讲时,通常在肯定句中接whether引导的同位语从句;在疑问句和否定句中接 that引导的同位语从句。 Part3| 综合演练单元要点 当堂达标 I ?单词拼写 1. A young pers on at tending (参加I, 出席)the theatre can find i

13、t an exciting experience. 2. The boy, one of the so-called rich seco nd gen eration (一?代人),forced his pare nts to buy a new car no matter how much it might cost? 3. While the police have already done a lot of investigation, much evidence remains to be confirmed (进一步确定) . 4. Tf we don t understand th

14、is, we shal 1 commi t (犯)the serious mi stakes. 5. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have sdequate (适当的,足够的)opportunity to changc his mind. 6. Children to whom parents always give in soon become selfish (自私的) . 7. It“ s a difficult skill to master, but once obtained (获得),it will ben

15、efit you for the rest of your 1ife. 8. It is typical (典型的)of the Chinese government to rid the rural areas of poverty by investing heavily in transport. 9? He was not a talented (天才的)speaker, but he had a gift for mechanics? 10.The stronger the motivation(动力)is, the more quickly a person will learn

16、a foreign language. II?单句语法填空 1. Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse appointed (appoint ) to guard her. 2. Instantly (instant) I received his short message, I couldn“ t burst out laughing. 3. The boy cheated in the Engl ish examination so he deserved tg_bg punish

17、ed/punishing (punish ) ? 4. It , s typical of him to forget? He may forget everything except for his name. 5. Ho is a talented (talent ) person, but few know of him? 6? Victor apologised to me for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan. 7. Please hold on to where you are strong an

18、d try to improve the weak subjects. 8. As the Internet is gaining popularity (popular ), more and more students acquire knowledge from various websites on it. m.单句改错 1. He earned much money last year and he bought a flat for the family to live. 1 ive 后力1 in 2? There is some doubt that their party wi

19、 11 win the election. thaLwhether 3. According to the 13th National Reading Survey in China, in 2016 every adult read 5. 16 printed books on the average.去掉第二个the 4. More attention should be paid to improve the safety of school buses, which has become a big concern of the whole society? improve?impro

20、ving 5. Mr. Smith is a success as a businessman; he takes possess of several big companies, possesspossession IV. 一句多译 / 句型转换 1.在空闲时间多听对你來说更好。我认为这个建议应该给予认真考虑。 It ,s better for you to listen more in your spare time. I think the suggestion deserves careful consideration. It ,s better for you to listen

21、 more in your spare time. 1 think the suggestion deserves to_be_considered_carefully. Tt, s better for you to 1isten more in your spare time- T think the suggest!on deserves considering carefully. 2.有些人认为应该训练学生保护0己免遭某些攻击。 Some think that students should be trained to_defena_themselves_?gainst_son_at

22、tacks. (defend) Some think that students should be trained in defencq pf omq attacks, (defence) 3. It is those who are willing to give rather than receive that deserve respecting. It is those who are wi 1 ling to give rather than receive that deserve to be respected ? 课下作业 (2018 ?广东省华南师大附屮高三综合测试) Th

23、ere is a lot of talk these days about how kids should be interested in science? Here“ s an area of science for everyone, and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist. Scaly Spot ted Fea thered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh, 58 pages, ages 9 12 Seeing a picture or a mod

24、el of a dinossur, do you wonder how anybody knows what they look 1 ike? After al 1, nobody has see n a living din osau r. This book exp la ins how scientists and artists work together to recreate dinosaurs. As scientific discoveries have been made, the models have changed .Scientific tests may one c

25、lay expose what a din osaur s coloring was, but now artists have to use their imag in at ion to determine how these huge creatures looked. Beyond the Solar System by Mary Kay Carson, 128 pages, ages 10 13 This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space explorationthousands of years ago, when

26、 people began star observationand forward to today“ s search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way.Along with history 1essons, readers get 21 activities, such as making a black hole and creating a model of Albert Einstein s universe usi ng a T-shirt .The activities are perfect for cold winte

27、r days. Ultimate Bugopedia by Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich, 272 pages, ages 7 and older Tf you“ re always on the lookout for butterfl ies, this book is for you. Hundreds of color photos of common and unusual insects fill this hardcover.There are fascinating stories related to the photos. Eor

28、example, do you know an insect feeds on the tears of Asian cattle? There“ s a question a nd answer section with an insect scientist and advice on how to help preserve endangered insects. Journey Into the Invisible by Christine Schlitt, 80 pages, ages 9 12 If you use a magnifying glass, you know a le

29、af looks quite different. This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watched with this amazing scientific tool.The bacteria in your mouth, when magnified 20, 000 times, look a bit l ike swimming pool noodles. Fascinating photos are paired with

30、suggestions about how to learn about the world around you, just by looking a little closer. 【语篇导读】 本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了四本适合儿童阅读的科学类新书,包括书的主要 内容、 阅读对象、页数等相关信息。 1.Beyond the Solar System is mainly about _ . A? space exploration B. the Milky Way C ? history lessons D. Albert Einsteis universe 答案A 细节理解题。根据第三段内

31、容特别是第一句中的space exploration可知,这本书主要 与太空探索有关。故A项正确。 2. From the passage, we can learn that _ . A. butterflies are fond of the tears of Asian cattle B. scientists have discovered the dinosaur“ s coloring C. microscopes can present you with an amazing world D. man has explored the black hole for thousan

32、ds of years 答案c 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句可以判断,显微镜能呈现给我们一个令人惊叹的世 界。故C项正确。 3. The main purpose of the passage is to _ ? A. compare features of different books B? inspire people to become scientists C ? teach children some knowledge of science D ? recommend new science books to children 答案D 写作意图题。通读全文可知,第一段第二句为本

33、文的主题句;据此可以判断,本文旨 在向孩子们推荐儿本新的科学类书籍。故D项正确。 B (2018?武汉市高中毕业生2月调研测试) The end of the school year is in sight一Christmas cards, candy canes and of course, end of year reports. While most parents welcome an assessment of their kids performance, they do not expect their own input to be evaluated? But a schoo

34、l in the UK is changing that. As well as assessing their students, they are dishing out grades to mums and dads? Parents that are really involved(参 与)in their kids education are rewarded with an A, and parents that haven“ t done their bit get a disappointing D. The school, Greasley Beauvae Primary i

35、n Nottinghamshire, uses criteria such as whether mums and dads have attended school events such as plays and parent teacher evenings to decide on the grade. The school s princi pal, Donna Chambers, said that the scheme(方案)had been well received ? “There were some critics(批评者),but my response was wel

36、l, it can“ t do any harm, ? Between 15 percent and 20 percent of parents started out in the 1 ower categories but now that has been reduced to just 2 percent, ” she explained? Chambers hopes that the scheme wi 11 help motivate parental involvcmcnt? “The system is important because you have got to ge

37、t the parents on board from day one? That one hour initial conversation saying they could improve will pay dividends for the rest of that child,s academic life, ” she said. But while the scheme may be we 11 intentioned, it is likely to be connected with parent shaming ? There are lots of reasons why

38、 some mums and dads might not be involved in school activities such as work commitments, looking after younger children or caring for elderly relatives. And of course, being involved in your kids education doesn, t begin and end at school. There is a lot that goes on behind the seenes from helping w

39、ith homework to keeping uniforms freshly laundered .And what about all the parents who stayed up sewing special costumes at the last minute? Surely that earns a gold star instead of a grade! 【语篇导读】本文是一篇报道。英国的一所学校在学期结束时不仅会对孩子在学校的表现进行 评定,还会根据父母对学校教育参与程度给父母打分,旨在激励父母更积极地参与孩子们的学 校教育。 4. What do schools u

40、sually do at the end of the school year? A. Evaluating kids performances. B. Making Chri stmas cards. C ? Di viding candies. D. Grading parents? 答案A 细节理解题。根据第二段第一、三句中的“As well as assessing their students ”可知, 在学年末,学校会对学生的表现进行评价。故A项正确。 5. What does the school,s principal Chambers say about the scheme

41、? A. It uses criteria to assess kids. B? It has gained much acceptancc. C ? It gives parents further education? D. It improves kids motivation for learning. 答案B 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,B项正确。 6. What does the underlined part apay dividends ” (Para.5) probably mean? A? Hold shares ? B? Earn profits? C. Sacr

42、ifice health. D. Produce advantages. 答案D 词义猜测题。根据第二段可知,学校认为家长在教学中的参与十分重要,给参与度高 的家长评“A”,给参与度低的家长评“D ” ;由此可知,家长说自己会改进的谈话对孩子的学业 有好处。故画线部分应意为“有好处”,相当于produce advantageso故D项正 确。 7. What does the author think of parents being involved in kids, education? A? It adds to parents, burderu B? It brings shame t

43、o parents. C ? It means far more than being graded. D. It increases parents commitment to education. 答案c 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句可以判断,作者认为分数远远表现不了父母对孩 子的教育的参与。故C项正确。 C (2018?云南省第一次高中毕业生复习统一检测) The Super Bowl is the annual champ i on ship game of the Nati onal Football League (NFL). The game is the culm in a

44、t i on (高潮)to a seaso n that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year. Normal 1 y, Roman numerals are used to identify each game, rather than the year in which it is held .For example, Super Bowl I was played on January 15, 1967, following the 1966 regular season .The single exception

45、 to this rule is Super Bowl 50, which was played on February 7, 2016, following the 2015 regular season. The next game, Super Bowl LII, scheduled for February 4, 2018, will follow the 2017 regular season. The game was created as part of a merger ( 合并)agreement between the NFL and its then rival leag

46、ue, the American Football League (AFL) Currently, the Pittsburgh Steelers have the most Super Bowl victories, with six. The New England Patriots have the most Super Bowl appearances, with nine. The day (usually the first Sun day in February )on which the Super Bow 1 is played, now considered as an u

47、nofficial American national holiday, is called uSuper Bowl Sunday v ? It is the second largest day for U. S. food consumption, after Thanksgiving Day. Tn addition, the seven most watched broadcasts in U. S. television history are Super Bowls. Tn 2015, Super Bowl XLTX attracted an audienee of 114.4 m

48、il l ion. Because of the high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl broadcast is the most expensive of the year, lcading to companies regularly developing their most expensive advertisements for this broadcast .As a resuIt, watching and discussing the broadcasts commercials has become

49、 a significant aspect of the event. Tn addition, popular singers and music i a ns in eluding Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, BeyoncQ, Pau 1 McCartney, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Whitney Houston, and Lady Gaga have performed during the event“ s pre game and half-time ceremonies. 【语篇导读】本文是说明文,介绍了美国国家美式足球联盟的年度冠军赛一一超级碗。 8. According to the text, in the Super Bowl _ . A. the New England Patriots have won nine times B. the


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