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1、Unit 34 Part 1 口主学习主干知识 i.单词 一、 核心单词 1. mayor n.市长,镇长 2. diagram n.图表,示意图 3. resign vi. 生存 4. informer n.提供情报者,线人?inform就. 通知;告知 5. employment 刀. 就业;雇用;使用unemployment /?. 失业;失业率unemployed 日* 失 业的; 待业的 6. flexibility /?. 灵活性;弹性;柔韧性-flexible加7. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的 7. faith n.信心;信仰-faithful臼力?. 忠实的,忠诚的 8. thi

2、rst刀. 渴望;口渴thirsty adj.渴望的;口渴的 9. furnished日/? 配备家具的furnish 提供;供应;装备?furniture刀. 家具 10. universe n.宇宙universal adj.普遍的,一般的;通用的,万能的;全世界的;宇宙的 11. aimless臼力. 盲目的;没有目标的f aim vi. 赴吒瞄准;旨在;以 为目标n.目的; 目标;瞄准 II ?短语 / 词块 1. put out公布,广播,出版 2. take off快速成功;突然流行 3. put together 组装;汇集 4. fold up折叠,对折 5. put some

3、thing away积蓄,攒钱;把 放回原处 6. as for 至于,关于 7. believe it or not 信不信由你 8. pull out退出,脱离 9. be/get tired of 对?感到厌倦 10.throw oneself into 投身于,积极从事 11. dive (right) in热切地开始做某事 12. shrink from (doing) sth 冋避( 困难等 ) 13. be economical with the truth 有所隐瞒 14. scratch the surface隔靴搔痒,只触及问题的表面或一小部分 15. for the ta

4、king 供自由取用 16. land on one ,s feet 安然脱困,化险为夷 17. move on to his high school 继续上高中 18. the best sei 1 ing computer 最畅销的电脑 19. experience his first big failure 经历他第一个重大的失败 20. look forward instead of backward 向前看而不是向后看 III.句式 一、 补全句子 1. Although it was marketed as a computer that could be used to make

5、 computer programs, its main advantage was that jt was_ gooc _for playing compute games on. 虽然这种电脑营销时的卖点是用于电脑编程,但它主要的优点是适合玩电脑游戏。 2?After looking through numerous brochures and college catalogues, I decided on the University of Calgary , where I chose to study psychology , which 辽ghC study of j;he mi

6、n(j Qnd how 讥 fluence bohaviour. 浏览大量的宣传册和学校课程目录后,我决定选择卡尔加里大学学习心理学,心理学是研究思 维和思维如何影响行为的学科。 3? T think rt js a good idea to put some of your money away each week to make it last. 我认为每周存一些钱维持开支是一个好主意。 二、 分析t难句 1. By the time he was ten years old, his teachers at his primary school said that he was alre

7、ady so good at geometry and algebra, that they could not teach him anything more? so he moved on to high school. 【分析】本句为并列复合句。在笫一个分句中,By the time引导时间状语从句 , 第一个 that引导宾语从句 , 英屮还含有一个so. . . that. 结构。 翻译到他10岁吋,他的小学老师们说他几何学和代数学已经学得很好了,他们没 办法再教他更多的东西了,于是他直接上了屮学。 2. After looking through numerous brochure

8、s and college catalogues, 1 decided on the University of Calgary, where I chose to study psychology, which is the study of the mind and how it influences behaviour. 【分析】 句中where引导非限制性定语从句。该从句中还包含一个由which引导的非限制性定 语从句。 翻译浏览了大量的宣传册和学校课稈目录后,我决泄选择卡尔加里大学学习心理学。 心理学是研究思维以及思维以如何影响行为的学科。 Part 2 师生共研核心考点 1. ti

9、re 必? ( 使) 疲劳,疲倦 (1) tire sb out使某人疲倦 (2) tired adj.疲劳的;疲倦的 be/get ti red of 对 感到厌烦 be tired from因 . 而疲劳 (3)tiring adj.令人疲劳的,令人疲倦的 ?When he s very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose temper. 当艰苦的工作使 他十分疲劳时,他就容易发脾气。 Every evening after supper, if not tired out from work, the man tend

10、s to spend a long time walking along the riverside. 每天晚饭后,如果不是工作后疲惫不堪,这个人通常会花很t的时间在河边散步。 名师指津 (1) be tired of表示状态,可与时间段连用;get tired of表示动作,不能与时间段连用。 (2)表示“厌倦 / 烦做某事”的其他短语: be fed up with get bored with be sick of 2. thirst . 渴望,渴求;口渴 (1) a thirst for. 对 的渴望 (2) thirsty adj.口渴的;渴望的 be thirsty for 渴望,

11、渴求 She was thirsty for a holiday to relax herself. 她非常渴望一个假期來放松一下自己。 Don t wait t订1 you are thirsty to dig (dig) a wel1. 毋临渴而掘井。 If your child is thirsty for knowledge, then it is senseless to hold her back. 如果你的孩 子渴求知识,那就不要毫无益处地进行阻拦。 名师指津表示“渴望做某事”的短语: ?long to do sth/for sth (doing sth) be eager to

12、 do sth/for sth (doing sth) be dying to do sth/for sth (doing sth) ?have a desire for sth/to do sth ?starve for sth be hungry for sth 3. terrify ?使恐惧, 使惊吓 (1) terrify sb into doing sth 威胁某人做某事 (2) terrified adj.恐惧的 ; 受到惊吓的 be terrified with/at 被 . 吓了跳 be terrified of 害怕 . (3) terrifying adj.令人恐惧的;吓人

13、的 (4) terror n.惊恐;恐怖 in terror惊慌地 ?Someone turned the lion loose from its cage, which terrified people into running in all directions. 狮子被人从笼子里放出來了,吓得人们四处跑。 He is terrified of speaking English in class. 他害怕在课堂上讲英语。 ?The most terrifying (terrify)aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation. 核弹轰炸最可怕的一面是辐射。

14、4. as for至于;关于 in terms of = as far as? concerned . K f就 而言 with regard to as to as with 正如I, 与. 一样 ?As to/for your ability to overfulfill the target, I never had the slightest doubt. 至于你超 额完成目标的能力,我从没有一丝的怀疑。 With regard to family“ s safety, we can never be too careful. 至于家庭安全,我们怎么小心都不过分。 5. pull ou

15、t退出,脱离,拔出; ( 使) 离开; ( 火车) 驶出 一词多义写出下列句中pull out的含义 An injury forced him to pull out of the competition.退出 lie asked the doctor to pull out his bad tooth.拔出 The train began to pull out of the station and then suddenly stopped.驶出 pull down拉倒;摧毁 pull through渡过难关;度过危险 pull apart 扯断;扯开 pull up停止;停车 pull

16、in 进站 Word came that the old buildings in this area would be pulled down to build up an amusement park. 消息传来,这一地区的旧建筑物将被拆除以建一个游乐场。 Across the road, we saw a taxi pull up and a girl get out of it. 我们看到了一辆出租车停在了马路对面,一个女孩从车上下来。 6. After looking through numerous brochures and college catalogues, where I

17、 chose to study psychology , I decided on the University of Calgary , which is the study of the mind and how it influences behaviour? 浏览大量的宣传册和学校课程目录后,我决定选择卡尔加里大学学习心理学,心理学是研究思 维和思维如何影响行为的学科。 句中which引导非限制性定语从句。 (1)一般情况下,Which所引导的非限制性定语从句则只能放在主句之后。as所引导的非限制 性定语从句放在主句Z前、主句Z后或者插在主句屮间皆可 (2)当非限制性定语从句的谓语为b

18、e announced, be expected, be known, be reported, be said, be shown等被动式谓语时 , 常用as引导 (3) as表示整个主句内容吋,有吋含有“正如;正像”等意思,而which无此意 ?Tom suddenly fel 1 ill, which made us sad, 汤姆突然病倒,这使得我们很伤心。 He is confident, which, in my opinion, is most important in modern society?他很自信, 我认为这在现代社会非常重要。 The condition of he

19、r disease, as is expected, has improved after several months recovery. 正如预期的一样,经过几个月的康复,她的病情得到了改善。 名师指津在such. . . as. . . 4 1, as 引导限制性定语从句,而such. that. 屮,that 引 导结果状语从句。 She is such an excellent player as nobody can be equal with? fShe is such an excellent player that no body can be equal with her.

20、 她是一名如此优秀的运动员,无人能及。 课下作业 I.单词拼写 1. There has been no improvement (改善)in his condition since the end of last year. 2. The man resigned (辞职)from WTO because he was not content with the organization. 3?Besides, removing such an en ormous historic con struct i on was ridiculous (可笑 的). 4. Survivors (幸存者

21、)of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital in no time. 5. As a senior next year, I think extra periods should be used to take optional (选 修的)subjects. 6. It really benefited me a lot to preview (预习)lessons and get actively involved in class. 7? The factory is well furnished (酉己备)with moder

22、n equipment. 8. Scientists have many theories about how the universe (宇宙)first came into existence. 9. The minerals (矿物质)in the water made it unpleasant to drink. 10. A workman must sharpen (使锋利)his tools if he is to do his work well. 11.单句语法填空 1? People allergic to some seafood are also likely to s

23、uffer infection. 2? The teacher was very terrified (terrify) that she jumped up onto her desk and screamed. 3. All those present were tired of his long and dull speech and some even left the meeting room. 4. Her career took off after she starred in the film? 5. At the last moment, Tom decided to put

24、 jn a new character to make the story seem more 1ikely. 6. As for/to little Jane, her teacher is a member of her own family. 7. The boss employed ten workers to pull down the old house. 8. Push a button and the wings fold 亚al lowing the pilot to start driving it 1 ike a car. III.完成句子 1? As we all kn

25、ow, The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean. 我们都知道太平洋是最大的洋。 2. Children often show a real thirst for learning. 孩子们常常对于学习表现出真正的渴望。 3. Some students ge匸 口丁翅from studying al 1 night before an exam. 一些学生由于考前通宵学习累得筋疲力尽。 4. I was terrified at the tiger when I first saw it. 我第一次看见老虎时吓坏了。 5. Please puj 丄hcsg

26、_ ?way before you leave? 在你离开前请把这些文件收好。 6. I pulled_ out_ phone to read a text message from my mom. 我拿出手机,读了一条来自母亲的短信。 IV.阅读理解 It all star ted when Mikaila Ulmer was 4 years old ? She was stung by a honey bee (被 蜜蜂蛮)twice in one week! This made her become very scared whenever bees were near. Tn orde

27、r to help her get over this new fear, Mikaila s parents asked her to do some research on bees. She learned that bees are uni mag in ably import a nt for flowers, gardens and trees as pollinators(传粉者)?She also learned that they are dying rapidly. Many believe that this could be due to the overuse of

28、pesticides (杀虫剂),which can have many bad influences on bees. This i s when Mikai la set her mind to create a product to help save bees. She decided to sei 1 lemonade and started her company, BeeSweet Lemonade. Her special lemonade recipe came from her great grandmother ? s cookbook. She decided to a

29、dd honey to it, instead of sugar, in order to call attention to the problems honey bees face? Mikai1 a sei Is lemonade herself almost every day and takes every opportunity to tell her customers about the problems honey bees face. What began as a small business is starting to grow. BeeSweet lemonade

30、can be found on the shelves at many supermarkets, restaurants and other locations near her home in Aus tin, Texas. Mikai la and her actions have also bee n featured in many news reports, magazines, andeven on “Shark Tank ”,a TV show featuring hopeful entrepreneurs (企业家)? Does the 10 year old have an

31、y time to just be a kid? Sure! Mikaila“ s parents have said that every weekend, she does something fun. She doesn“ t mind the hard work though. She says that she is happy watching people enjoy her lemonade, and that makes her want to grow her compa.ny more and more. The more people enjoy, the more t

32、hey“ re learning about the bees. 【语篇导读】Mikaila Ulmer因为被蜜蜂蛮而变得害怕蜜蜂。她的父母让她研究蜜蜂。她了解到 蜜蜂的重要作用和蜜蜂血临的困难。于是她创立公司,卖含有蜂蜜的柠檬汁,并向顾客讲述蜜 蜂而临的困难,帮助挽救蜜蜂。 1. Mikaila“ s parents asked her to study bees because they _ ? A. didn t know why they were often stung by bees B. wanted to help her deal with her fear of bees

33、C. thought it would help improve her studies D. found bees were good for their flowers 答案B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知,为了帮她克服这种新的恐惧,Mikaila的 父母让 她对蜜蜂做一些调查。由此可知,Mikaila的父母让她研究蜜蜂是因为想帮助她克服对蜜蜂的恐 惧。 2. What is the feature of the lemonade Mikaila sei Is? A. The taste is much better. B? Honey replaces sugar. C? It is

34、 completely handmade ? D.It is made from lemons without pesticides. 答案B 细节理解题。根据第三段“She decided to add honey to it, instead of sugar, ” 可知, 她决定在其中(柠檬汁里)添加蜂蜜,代替糖。 3? The fourth paragraph introduces Mikaila s . A? achievements B. workplaces C? personalities D? dreams 答案A 段落大意题。根据第四段内容可知,开始是小生意,现在正开始成长

35、起来。在她位于 德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的家附近的很多超市、餐馆和其他一些地方都能看到BeeSweet柠 檬汁。Mika 订a和她的行动也被很多新闻报道、杂志其至一档专题介绍有前途的企业家的电视节目“Shark Tank“特别播报过。由此可知,第四段从公司发展和媒体报道两方面介绍了Mikaila的成就。 4. How is Mikaila now? A. She has no time to play? B? She gets very tired from hard work? C? She feels happier than before. D. She is enthusiastic abo

36、ut her business- 答案D 细节理解题。 根据最后一段“She says that she is happy watching people enjoy her 1 emonade, and that makes her want to grow her company more and more. ” 可矢U, 她说她看着人们亨用她 的柠檬汁感到很快乐,那也令她想要将她的公司发展得越来越壮大。由此可知,Mikaila现在对 她的生意很有热情。 V.七选五 Deciding on one college from all of your choices If you are un

37、sure about which college you like most, here is a list of things to do that will help you make a good choice: 1. I den tify what you want in a college. 丄And then compare wha t you want from schools with what the colleges offer you. 2?2 Take into consideration what the total cost of attending each co

38、llege will be, what the colleges are offering you, what your parents are able to pay, and what you will need to contribute by working during the school year and/or the summer. 3. Get inforinQtion and advice from students, teachers, counselors (顾问), fami1y and friends about colleges. Graduates from y

39、our high school who are current students at colleges and recent young alumni (毕业生)who live in your area are all excellent sources for helpful information about individual colleges? Your teachers , high school and independent counselors are other valuable resources. _3_ Talk with them about your opti

40、ons, but don t forget to listen to vour own heart. 4? Make good use of pre admit days and other col lege visits. 4 There is a big di f fere nee betwee n seeing a college when you are an applicant and the n when you are an accepted student. Many colleges offer preadmit programs in which admitted stud

41、ents spend a couple of days going on campus (大学校园)tours, living in a dorm, participating in special activities and talking with professors and current students. _5_ Good luck and happy landing. A. Avoid making a wrong decision. B. Examine the financial aid packages. C? Even if you have visited a col

42、lege before, do it again. D. Put together a list of characteristics you want in a col logo. E. If a college doesn“ t work out, you can transfer to another college. F. Besides, no one knows you better than your family and good friends. G. Tf you caiV t attend pre admit programs, you can al so visit a

43、 campus on your own. 【语 篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章是关于高中毕业生如何选择大学的建议。 1. D D 项与本段小标题Identify what you want in a college 及下文的 “compare what you want from schools with. ” 相呼应。 2. B 下文讲学校、父母和个人如何解决上大学的费用的问题,是对B项的具体说明。 3. F 上文介绍了本段小标题屮列举的前三类咨询对象一一学生、老师和顾问,接下来应该介 绍家人和朋友的作用。故F项恰当。 4. C C 项与本段小标题Make good use of pre a

44、dmit days and other college visits- 相呼应, 且下文是对c项的解释说明。 5. G 由本段小标题可知,该部分应包括入学前的参观项目和其他的参观活动。上文介绍了前 者,故空格处应该是介绍其他的参观活动,即学生自主参观。 VI.短文改错 As I“ m going to start college, I had been thinking how it is going to be difference from high school. I 11 have to make up an entirely new group of friends. Tt,s gr

45、eat that my parents aren,t going to be watching over my shoulder, so they also won t cook for me or do me laundry. I ,11 finally get to go to parties that aren,t constantly disturbing by my neighbors? Without all of these major changes ahead, I may have completely forgotten that I 11 have to go to c

46、lass while adjusts to my new lifestyle?I guess I need to do some research about how my college classes will differ from my high school one.I m looking forward my new life! 答案 ?had . ?. . . As T m going to start col 1 ege, T - - been thin king how it is going to be have friends. Tt s great that my pa

47、rents aren“ t going to be watching over my al 1 of these major changes ahead, T may have completely forgotten that T 11 some research about how my college classes will differ from my high school I ,m looking forward tO my new life! difference different frOm high Sch 01- I 11 have to make 理an entirely new group of shoulder, so but they also won t cook for me or do laundry- I 11 fin al ly get my ? to go to parties that aren,t constantly disturbing disturbed by 町neighbors. Without With have to go to class while adjusts adjusting to my new lifestyle. I guess I need to do one ones


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