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1、Module 1 Deep South PartI 口主学习主干知识 i.重点单词一识记 ?联想?运用 会书写 一、核心单词 1. commercial adj.商业的 2. conventional adj.常规的;普通的 3. emergency n.紧急情况;突发事情 4. mass n.块,堆,团 5. nuclear adj.核的,核能的 6. state n.状态;状况 7. annual adj.每年的 启发灵 感的inspired曰d).富有灵感的 9. promote匕促进,增进;晋升,提升?promotion刀. 晋级;增进 10. discourage y.阻止;打消 .

2、 的念头一di scouraging adj.令人沮丧的一discouraged adj.沮丧的fdiscouragement . 泄气;使人泄气的人(事)f encourage (反义词)匕鼓励 会积累 1.“职场经历”相关动词全扫描 promote 升职 appoint任命;委派 dismiss/fire开除;解雇 interview面试;釆访 resign辞职 ?apply申请 resume简历 2.“学科”词汇集合 ecology生态(学) chemistry 化学 agricul ture 农业( 学) economy经济( 学) geography地理( 学) ?literatur

3、e 文学 3. “annual”相关形容词全扫描 minutely 每分钟的 hourly每小吋的 daily每日的 weekly每周的 monthly每月的 ?quarterly 每季度的 4.“宣布,声明”动词大荟萃 state陈述;声明 announce宣称,宣布 claim断言,宣称 declare宣布,断言 会应用用所给词的适当形式填空 1? Many scientists are making great efforts to explore the Moon and other planets. Their exploration may change our future, (

4、explore) 2. The lake is over 20 meters in depth. So we were all moved deeply by the man who dived deep into the lake to save the boy. (depth) 3. With the extreme weather coming, people felt extremely cold and many got ill. (extreme) 4. On hearing the depressing news, he felt depressed and soon got i

5、nto a state of depression, (depress) 5. When asked where her inspiration of the novel came from, she said her fathers inspiring words inspired her to write it. (inspire) 6. She knows how to promote the sales of this product. She does a good job and she is soon promotod from a saleswoman to a manager

6、.The position is a promotion for her. (promote) II ?核心短语一识记 ?联想?运用 会书写 1. in_ case .of如果;假使 2.break up 打碎;解体 3. in detail 详细地 4. adapt to (使)适应 5. on average 平均 6. be fond .of喜欢 7. in the_form of 以 的形式 8. come into sight 进入视野 9. stand out引人注目,突出,显眼 10.set foot on 进入, 到达;踏上 11. in particular 尤其 12.ke

7、ep one“ s promise 信守诺言 13- in charge of 负责 ; 掌管 e up wi th 想出; 提出 会积累 1. “in +厲”结构荟萃 in case 以防万一 in danger处于危险中 in short/brief 总而言之 in vain徒劳的 in particular 特别 in relief如释重负 2.“控制,掌管”家族 in control of控制,掌管 take control of控制,掌控 in charge of 掌管,控制 ?in the charge of 由 掌管 . under the control of在 控制之下 会应

8、用选用上表左栏短语填空 l.She had had the foresight to prepare herself finandaily in case of an accident. 2? They took no notice of him, as he did not standout and was in no way remarkab 1 e? 3. Peter came up with an approach to solving the problem at the meeting, but most of his colleagues didn“ t think it was

9、 practical. 4. When you sefoot gn a new country, you have to learn to get used to a whole new way of life ? 5. In this 1 ist, two names stood out i口_ particu 1 vhich attracted our attention. 6. Devoting himself to the research, the professor g _chargj _gf the institute seldom spends his spare time w

10、ith his family. m. 经典句式一分析 ?背诵 ?仿写 句型公式1:动词不定式作后置定语。 教材原句Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. 后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾 ?聘克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人。句 型仿写She is always the first staff tg gg g Sg gffice and the last tQ leave, which T th

11、ink is why she is promoted so quickly. 她往往是第一个到办公室最后一个离开的人,我认为这就是她这么快得到晋升的原因。 句型公式2: not unt订置于句首引起的部分倒装句。 教材原句Not until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the /ntarctic Circle, but he never saw land. 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯?库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却始终未发现任何陆地。句 型仿写Not_unti L2 16 _did_lho_i

12、ncreaso of the box-office income of Chinese movies slow down. (2017 ?江苏卷 ?满分作文) 直到2016年中国电影票房收入的增长才慢下了。 句型公式3:现在分词短语作伴随状语。 教材原句Covering about 14 mi Ilion square kilometres aro und the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. 它(南极洲)覆盖了南极周围约1 400万平方千米的面积,是世界第五大洲。 句型仿写Many Chinese br

13、a nds, havingeveloped 我heipeputations over ce ntu ries, are facing new chai lenges from the modern market. (2017 ? 江苏卷 ) 很多中国品牌历经几个世纪树立了声 誉,它们正面临着当代市场帯来的新挑战。IV.语篇填 空一回顾 ?补全?热诵根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Ant arc ti ca, the coldest place on Earth, is the f i fth 1. largest (large) continent in t

14、he worl cl .The 2. conditions (condi tion) there are qui te ext reme with nearly no rainfall. 98 percent of the surface is covered 3? pennanently (permanent) by ice and strong winds driven by gravity b 1 ow from the pole to the coastl inc. However, it is full of wildlife like the famous penguins , 4

15、. which can adapt 5? to its hard conditions The ice there has become a window on the past with gases and minerals 6. trapped(trap) in it. It was not until 1895 that Norwegian explorer cal led Carstens Borchgrevink set foot on the Ant arctic mainlancL In 1961, 12 coun tries 7. signed (sign) a treaty

16、to make 8. it the worlds biggest 9. nature(natural) reserve.Today scientists from all over the world go there 10.to study (study) its resources and to work together for progress and peace. 核心词汇 1. trap吒储存;留存;使困住;使陷入圈套;使陷入困境n陷阱;圈套;捕捉器 (1) trap sb into (doing) sth使某人陷入 ( 做) 某事的圈套 ; 使某人中计 in the form o

17、f volca.nic dust trapped (trap) in the ice, can tel 1 us a lot about what the world s climate was 1 ike in past ages.( 教材原句 ) 这些以火山灰的形式封冻进冰层里的气体和矿物质可以告诉我们很多关于远古时期全球气候的 状况。 The shopkeeper trapped me into buying (buy) their poor quality milk. 售货员诱使我买了他们店里质量不好的牛奶。 Don , t fall into the trap of investin

18、g all your money in one place. 不要把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方,那样做不明智。 Part 12 师生共研核心考点 be/get trapped in 被困在屮 (2) fall into the trap of doing sth落入做某事的圈套 fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套 set/lay a trap for ? 为设圈套 Gases and minerals, 联想发散表示“被困于屮”的短语还有: ?be/get locked inbe/get caught in (3)be/get stuck in be/get blocked

19、in 2. discourage匕阻止;打消. 的念头;使气馁 (1) discouraged adj.沮丧的,灰心丧气的 discouraging adj.令人泄气的;令人沮丧的 (2) discourage sb from doing sth劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心 (3) encourage vt.鼓励 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 ?We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas.( 教材原句 ) 除了在一些特殊的区域,我们劝你不要抽烟。 The failure was a

20、big blow to him, but he wasn“ t discouraged (discourage) and soon got as enthusiastic as ever. 这次失败对他来说是个大的打击, 但是他并未感到沮丧,并且很快变得和以前一样充满热情。 Study hard, or you will get a discouraging(discourage) result. 努力学习,否则你会得到一个令人沮丧的结果。 ?Parents should encourage their children to_ _overcome (overcome) difficultie

21、s and inspire them to develop by themselves.父母应该鼓励他们的孩子克服困难, 并且激励他们自我发展。 3. promote匕促进,增进;晋升;使升级;宣传,促销 一词多义写出句中promote的含义 These products are aggressively promoted and marketed.推销 A col lege course can help you find work or get promoted?直丑 (3)The intense light promotes rapid growth of weeds and algae

22、 ( 藻类) 促进 The government is committed to promoting the development and use of public transport.增进, 推进 She launched a publicity campaign to promote her new book.宣传 (1) promote. as. 把 提升为 . . promote sb to sth提升/ 晋升某人至 !J . ( 职位) promote. from. to. 把 从 . 提升至 !J . (2) promoter n.发起者,赞助者 promotion刀. 提升;

23、提拔;晋升;促进,推销 She worked hard and was soon promoted from a saleswoman to a manager. 她工作勤奋,不久就从销售员提拔为经理了。 Her promotion (promote) to sales manager took everyono by surprise. 竟然提拔她当销售经理,这让每个人都感到意外。 4. state刀?状态;状况;国家;政府;州匕陈述;声明 一词多义写岀句中state的含义 ?An average of just 18. 75 cm of rain fel 1 last year, maki

24、ng it the driest year since Cali fornia became a state in 1850?州 It is only with progress and the invention of new technology that many old products can be brought back to their old state.状态 One spring afternoon in 1983, T stopped a taxi in Kuala Lumpur. T stated my destination. 陈述,说明 (1) in a(n). s

25、tate= in a state of 处于 的状态 a state of health/mind 健康/ 心理状态 It is stated that. 据说, 据称 . (2) statement 陈述,声明 issue/make a statement 发表声明 11 is stated that the president made a statement armouncing new policies to deal with the new situation? 据称这位总统发表了一项声明来宣布一些应对新局势的新政策。 In the face of failure, it is t

26、he most important to keep a_gooQ Qtatq of qind. 面对失败, 最重要的是要保持良好的心态。 5. privilege力?荣幸 ; 特权; 特别优待 (l)a privilege to do sth/of doing sth 有幸做某事 have the privilege to clo/of doing sth= have the right to do sth 有做某事的特权 (2)privileged曰力?享有特权的; 荣幸的;幸运的 be privileged to do sth做某事是荣幸的 I have fhe great privile

27、ge of telling you the plan for the next class. (2017?全国卷I ? 满分作文) 我有幸告诉你下节课的计划。 We are privieged to have (have) a distinguished guest with us tonight. 我们今晚有幸与 一位贵宾在一起。 ?We con sidcr ourselves privileged (privilege) to have bee n inv ited to give a speech here. 我们深感荣幸被邀请到这里作演讲。 6. stand out突出;显眼 stan

28、d by袖手旁观;坚持;遵守;支持 stand for代表;主张;容忍;忍受 stand up站起来;(论点、证据等)站得住脚;经得起(常与to连用) stand up for 支持; 维护 ?Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in colour, they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.(教材源句) 南极洲的大多数岩石是深色的,它们在白色冰雪的映衬下格外显眼,也就易于识别和搜集。 The Chinese government stan

29、ds. for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute. 中国政府主张和平解决国际争端。 Don t just stend by when you come across someone in trouble. 当你遇到别人有麻烦的时候,不要只是袖手旁观。 7. in case of如果;假使;万一 in no case无论如何不;决不(位于句首用倒装) in case (that ). 万一; 以防 . in any case 无论如何;总之 in this/that case如果这样 / 那样的话 as is often the

30、 case这是常有的事;情况往往如此 ?Medical assistance is available in case of_ an emergency.( 教材?原句 ) 在紧急情况下可以得到医疗救助。 It was con siderate of Michael to inf orm us of his delay j_n case we got worried. 迈克尔 通知我们他的延误以防我们担心,他真是考虑周全。 We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because w no case should theory b

31、e separated from practice.我们必须把所学的知识应用到日常工作中去,因为理论与实践绝不能分开。 As is always the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also asks for lots of practice. (2015 ?四川卷 ?满分作文) 学习普通话需要多多练习,这对语言学习来说是常有的情况。 重点句型 Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on th

32、e Antarctic mainland. 后来到了1895年,一个叫卡斯腾 ?博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人。句屮 的the first man to do意为 “第一个做 . 的人”。 不定式作后置定语的几种情况: (1)序数词、最高级以及the only, the last, the right等或被这些词修饰的名词后常用不定式 作定语。 (2)扌由象名词decision, ability, determination, opportunity, chanee, way, ambition 以及time, place后常用不定式作定语。 He is always the

33、first to bear (bear) hardships and the last to enjoy (enjoy) comforts. 他是一个总是吃苦在前、亨乐在后的人。 I don t think him to be the best man to_do (do) the job because he is very careless. 他非常粗心,所以我认为他并非是做这项工作的最佳人选。 The students are looking forward to having an opportunity to explore(explore) society for real 1if

34、e experience. 学生们在盼望着有一个去探索社会、获得现实生活经验的机会。 名师指津如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,后面必须有必要的介词。 She has been looking for a house to ive jn since she moved to Beijing. 自从她搬到北京以來,她就一直在找房子住。 Part 3 综合演练单元要点 当堂达标 I ?单词拼写 1. Since 1994, the glacier in Antarctica (南极洲)has 1 owered by as much as 90 cm, causing sea level to ris

35、e? 2? It rains very heavi ly in this area, which has an annual (每年的)rain fall of 7, 000 mm, an ideal environment for forests? 3. If you can speak very pure (纯正的)English, you will have more chances to find a job than others. 4. Although he had gone through many severe (艰难的)tests during his lifetime,

36、he succeeded at last. 5. These fairy tales (传说)are as popular as before in that they circulate the common sense of justice and equality. 6. According to the latest report, human beings are to blame for the abnormal (反 常的)cl imate around the whole world? 7? It was reported that 115 miners trapped (使陷

37、入困境)in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last. 8? Her good friend was very angry because she was absent (缺席)from her birthday party. 9. The two year old child has to lear n to keep his bald nee (平衡)before he can walk far. 10. Chinese people usually have dinner with friends and

38、 relatives to further promote (促进) their relationship. II?单句语法填空 1? The moral of the story is: spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged (discourage ) easily no matter how difficult the situation may be. 2? Ho got rapid promotion (promote), and cnded up as a manager? 3. I am int

39、o listening to music while he is fond of surfing (surf) the In ter net. 4. You had bet ter book rooms at the hotel in advance j_n case you should find no room on your arriva1 ? 5. Our members have the privilege to_use (use) the lending service of the 1ibrary. 6. It was his absence (absent) of mind d

40、uring driving that resulted in a terrible accident. 7. Tn the long run, one should save money for emergencies (emerge). 8. Tired (tire) as they are, the rescuers are still in search of the missing people in the flash floods ? HI ?单句改错 1. As is stating in the traffic regulations, whoever drives after

41、 drinking should face a serious punishment. statinstated 2. There are many goods in that shop to choose? choose 后力fl from 3. Not until late in the evening he come back, he 前加did 4?The firefighters were trying to rescue those trapping in the burning hotel, trappings trapped 5. Tt was the culture, rat

42、her than the language, that made it hard for him to adapt the new environment abroad. adapt 后力II to IV ?句多译 / 句型转换 1.多年努力工作Z后他由职员晋升为经理。 He wEfpromote(j_from a clerk to a manager after many years of hard work. He got/won/gained promotion from a clerk to a manager after many years of hard work. 2.直到半夜

43、 ( 以后) 他才上床睡觉。 Not_unt订idnight_did_ hc_ go_to_bcd.( 倒装句 ) He dicin go _to_ bed until midnight.( 陈述句 ) Tt wQsn til midnight fhat hq went tg bed. ( 强调句 ) 3. Mr. Chen is very strict. Anybody should in no case be al lowed to be late for his class. -Mr? Chen is very strict. In no case should anybody be a

44、llowed to be late for his class.(倒装句) 4. You“ d bet ter take an umbrel la in case of the rain. fYou, d better take an umbrella in case it rains, 课下作业 A (2018?安徽省“江淮十校”高三第三次联考) An Tndonesian man believed to be the oldost person alive celebrated hi s 146th birthday Saturday, despite having claimed he

45、no longer wants to be alive? Mbah Gotho, whose official name is Sodimejo, 1 ives with his grandson in a town called Sragen within Indoncsia s Central Java Province? Gotho made international headlines in September after speaking to local media, which led local officials to confirm the truth of his id

46、entity card? Gotho s birth date is listed as Dec? 31, 1870. While officials say the document is real, they admitted it would be impossible to prove whether Gotho was actually born that year. However, the man claimed to remember the opening of a local sugar factory, which was recorded in 1880 ? Gotho

47、 said he has outlived four wives, 10 brothers and sisters, and three children. His only remaining close relatives are grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren, he claimed ?“What I want is to die,“ he told local media in September, according to Reuters, one of the biggest name

48、s in media worldwide- Gotho s grandson claimed the 146 year old had made arrangements for his death as far back as 1992, whe n he bought a forever sleeping place close to the buri al sites of his children. Gotho s grandson also said the elder was in relatively good health, suffering only from eyesig

49、ht problem and loss of hearing, and enjoyed his days smoking and eating.【语篇导读】本 文是一则新闻报道,介绍了目前世界上健在的年龄最大的老人的生活情况。 1? Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? A. The public had been fam订iar with Gotho before he celebrated his 146th birthday. B. As early as 1992, Gotho meant to be buried next to his children s tombs when he died. C? The local officials tended to bel ieve Gotho was born on Dec. 31, 1870? D.Gotho s


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