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1、- 、高频单词熟记 英语汉语英语汉语 occupy vt ? 占领,占用(时间、空间 等) mistaken adj. 错误的;误解的 consist vi. 组成,构成represent vt. 代表 defeat vt. 击败,战胜 combine vt. everybody 5. 【教材原句】 While the students found the soldier J s idea interesting, the system was too difficuIt to be of practical use. (P39)虽然学生们发现这个士兵的主意很有趣,但这个系统太复杂没有实用性。

2、 【典句仿写】我们希望这个信息能对你有所用处。 Wo hope this information may _ to you. 【答案】 be of use 第二板块考点详析 一、词汇考点 考点 T. occupy 【教材原句】 Tlien two Germanic groups $ Dtn the 匚丄 opeaii ” inland the Angles and tlie Saxons occupied Britain.(P-2) 然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳吳. :?一盎洛笹人和撒克逊人一一占领了不列颠。 【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的匡屈 Q)The army has occupie

3、d the city. These activities occupied most of the students time. IIow much memory does the program occupy? ?Chanel occupied herself with the fashion design and remained single all her life. 【答案】占领该城 市占去了这名学生大部分的时间 这个程序占用多少内存?使自己忙于某事 【自主归纳】 occupy 及物动词 , 意为“占领,占据;占用( 时间、空间等 ) ;使? tt于某事” occupy on ese

4、lf with sth. /occupy oneself in doing sth. 使 口己忙于某事 be occupied with sth. /be occupied in doing sth. 忙于做某事 occupation n. 占领;职业,工作 【即时巩固】根据汉语提示完成句子 罢工的办公室工作人员占据了整座建筑物。 The striking office workers _ 阅读占据了我大部分的空闲时间。 Reading _. 我一直忙于读书。 I _ in reading books. 【答案】 have occupied the whole building ?occupi

5、es most of my free time have been occupied 考点-2. replace 【教材原句】 However, the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons“ Victory about 600 years earlier, which led to Old English replacing Celtic. (P23) 然而,诺尔曼征服对英语的影响不及约600 年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语的影响,那 场胜利导致古英语代替了凯尔特语。 【例句

6、研读】翻译下列句子 ?I think that the theatre will be replaced by/with the cinemei. lie was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to accept the award in his place/in place of him? The helicopter may take tho place of a car some day.。 答案】0认为剧院将由 湖之. 他不能亲自来参加仪弋,但派了忙;弋他前来领奖. 也讦有T0研机会取代尹: 【自丰归纳】 rep

7、lace 及物动词。意为:代替。 replace A with/ by B 用 B 取代 A replace sb. / sth = take the place of sb. / sth是动词词组,意为:代替某人或某物。 in one s place = in place of sb = instead of sb.是介词词组,意思也是代替某人或某物 【即时巩固】单项选择 一 What do you think of store shopping in the future? 一 Personally, I think it will exist along with home shoppi

8、ng but _ . A. wi11 never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced 【答案】C 【解析】境I think it will . alons “ i:介sme shopping判断后面应该用Tft将来 时. 同时it(store shopping g./ce之间为乜ij关系. 因lit答案选择C项. He will _ our class to sing at the school singing contest. A. take place of

9、represent 【答案】 c 【解析】 take place represent “作为 B. stand for D. representativc of C. of 短语不完整, take the place of意思是 “代替 . 位置”; 考点-3. concern 【教材原句】 King Henn* VII was a r oet who s.Aved gr?. concern for language?( P19) 国王亨利七世是一位诗人,对语专特别感平趣 【例句研读】译出下列句中划纹部分的意思 Thw qualitx- of die book was What was it

10、that distinguished her from her classmates? She has already distinguished herself as an athlete. 【答案】区分幻想与现实使她有别于她的同学作为一个运动员使得她自己很杰出。 【白主归纳】 distinguish动词。意为:“区别, ?distinguish between A and B distinguish. A from B distinguish oneself as. 【即时巩固】单项选择题 The man who hit 9 people in a row had drunk so muc

11、h that his mind could no Ionger _ between fantasy and reality. disappear B. passage C. way D. approach 【解析】句意:人们设计这个系统是为了让学生咖尹书馆的数字资源 .passage意 affordable:负担得起的:accpn e - valuable:有价值的 . 辨别;使杰出” 区分 A和 B 区分 A和 B 使某人作为而很杰出 A. distinguish B. discourage C. disturb D? A. access 【答案】A 解析】句意那个连鞋了9彳人的男子碣了太多

12、酒;所以他的大啮分辨不出幻想和蘇. distinguish区别,溺 !J,护匸句意 .di丸“碎梗气馁,阻碍,disfiub扰乱,妨碍 ; disappear 消失,不存在 . - (2009 湖 j 匕卷)Some parents are just too protective? They want to _ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined. A. spot B. dismiss C. sheltor D. distinguish 【答案】C 【解析XK据上句Some parents are just too pr

13、otective : 知下文要说父母们劉時 1 孩子们不受 到任何伤害 .shelter 词可表示“保H 耐” spot意为“弄脏,认出,发现, 定位” ,dismiss意为“开除,命散 “,distinguish意为“区别” 考点-6. convenient 【教材原句】 The whole system was not convenient for use. (P39)整个系统使用起来非常不方便。 【例句研读】翻译下列句子 If it is convenient for (to) you, we 11 come tomorrow. I think it (is) convenient to

14、 leave at once? ?Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? ?Please call me back at your convenience. 答案】 ? ffl果你方便的话,巧们卿灵来吧. 我认为马上离开较适合. 请你方便的时闊 【自主归纳】 convenient形容词,一般不用来修饰人,常用来指物。作表语时,后接动词不定式的主动形式。 be convenient for sb. to do sth. if it is convenient for sb. 如果某人方便的话 at one , s conveni

15、ence 在某人方便的时候 【即时巩固】完成句子 _ ( 2012 天津卷 )The secretary arranged a(n) _ time and space for the applicants to have an interview. A. important B. spare C. public D. convenient 【答案】 D 明天就开始工”冷觉得方何 【解析】考查形容词。句意:秘书为中请人参加面试安排了方便的时间和地点。 _ The new house I have bought is very for me, as I can get to the superma

16、rket to buy some everyday goods in five minutes. A. adaptable B. available C. comfortable D. convenient 【答案】D 解析句意我买的那劇影匸提供了万便,每头扰可以在五分胁倒达超市买东西. convenient方便的; “dap竹卜:可适应的丫 = 42能力的,适合的,可改编的扌available 可用的,有空的,可会见 的,F、车票等)冇啟的,comfoitable艇的,安逸的,处于轻松的 . If you are _ this after noon, I would like you to

17、accompany me to me shopping mall and help me choose some clothes. A. accessible B. conveniont C. available D. voluntary 【答案】C 【解析】句意如果你下午有空巴詁,我芯鉴你陪我L 趙购物中心帶翩随几件衣眼. jnaibble (=f吨)有空 的,可各科的,可尹: 心accessible 易接近的; convenient 方便的,便利的斤d作主语,气咸it is convenient to sb/it is convenient for sb. to do 结构 oluiihi

18、L 自层的,志疑的 . 考点-7. create 【教材原句】 At the age of fifteen, he created a system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter. (P39) 15 岁时,他创造出了可以由6 个凸点表示字母的体系。 【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思 It is people who create the history. The announcement only succeeded in creating confusion. Thomas Edison invent

19、ed a lot of useful things all his life. Who do you know it was tht discovered America? 【答案】创造了历史引起 / 造成了混乱 发明了许多有用的东西发现了美洲 【自丰归纳】 create vt.创造,建立;引起,造成-creation n.制造,创造;创造物,产物;-creativity n.创 造力,创造 f creative adj.创造性的,有创造力的;有创意的,创新的,创造的 -creature n.生 命,生物 create, discover 与 invent 的区别 : create 指有意识地

20、进行“创造”,从而产生出与众不同的事物; discover指“发现”己经存在的事 物,意思与 find相近; invent指通过想彖“发明”出本来世上不存在的东西,尤指科技发明。 I an unopened 1etter in the drawer. Who the telephone? Shakespeare many famous characters. 【答案】 discovered invented created 【即时巩固】单项选择题 一 By using the DNA from a dinosaur fossil, we might someday a living one.

21、一 That sounds crazy. Dinosaurs disappeared millions of years ago, you know. A. discover B. make C. create I), raise 【答案】C 解析】句意 一利用从恐龙化歹卞提取的D. 珀訂会创造 T 活生生的恐龙 . 一这 听起来太离谱了,恐龙几百尸仁范吃肩失了. 护懾句意可知选C项. Once we _ a mistake, we should not ignore it but correct it immediately, to better conditions for economi

22、c development. A. invent, create B. discover, invent C. create, invent D. discover, create 【答案】D 【解析】句意 =如果发现错误,我们巴赶快纠正. 丁丄石避,要輝们的经济发展创造更好的 条件. 根据句意可知选D项 考点-8. stand for 【教材原句】 This stands for a big smile. (P21)这代表着灿烂的笑容。【例句研读】根据英语句子完成 汉语句子 ?People usually eat moon-cakes which stand for a happy reun

23、ion. 人们常常吃的月饼 . Red stands out against a white background. 在白底上红色显得。 ?Bill is too weak to st and up for his own righ ts. 比尔太软弱,竟不敢起来。 How can you stand by and let him treat his dog like that? 他那样虐待他那只狗,你怎么能呢? I 11 stand by you whatever happens. 无论什么事,我都会。 在白底I红歸驾持别醒亠 比尔太软弱,竟不匕起来自血困. 他那样虐待他那只狗;:厶亞袖壬旁

24、陀龙? 无论什么事,我都吃 答案】人们常常口的月讲 . 【自主归纳】 stand for意为:“代表,彖征;主张,支持” 袖手旁 观,支持 / 帮助/ 忠于(某人) stand by (sb.) 突出,显眼;出色,杰出,脱颖而出,出类拔萃stand out 支持,拥护,维护stand up for stand still = stay still 站着不动 【即时巩固】 “Judging the voice, and not the appearance“ makes the show一 The Voice of China from the numerous other reality sh

25、ows in China. A. knock off B? stand out C. take on D. get through 【答案】 B 【解析】句意 =“听声音,而不是旨长相“庾得“中国好声音”这个节目在中国点多选咎 节目中出 .stand r 铀,脱龜二匕knock 極减 少. 撞倒;take oil 爭莎1上set through 穿过. 用完. 金 She grew up on the highland, which may explain her strong heart and breathing ability , but what really makes her is

26、 perseverance. A. stand by B. stand out C. stand up for D . stand for 【答案】B 同的是她的毅力 . 根据句育逝 考点-9? consist of 【教材原句】 Old English consisted of a mixture of their languages. (P22)古英语包含他们的语言的 混合体。 【例句研读】译出下列句中划线部分的意思 Dinnets usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert, fruit and

27、coffee. There are more than two million farmers, making up two thirds of the total population of the province. Life mainly consists of happiness and sorrow whi1e happiness and sorrow consist in struggle. ?Theory should consist with practice. 【解析】句意 =她在高原长尢 这- 点可以解帶 “如的心JIW吸能刎 而真正众不 【答案】肉,疑T匕歳 水吒rdtt

28、l眸Q占这个省份总人口数的三分之二 【自主归纳】 consist of意为:“由组成,由构成“, 股木用于进行时,也通常不用于被动语态, 相当 于 be made up of。 consist in 存在于,在于consist v.;Ji 与 . 一致; 符合 make UD组成,编造,弥补,化护 be made UP of ; 由组成 “ ?be rr posed of 【即时巩固】用上述词组的恰当形式填空 In some languages, 100 words half of all words used in daily conversations? The school board

29、parents who have been elected to make decisions about school affairs. The secretary has a lot of things to _ in the office since she has been away for quite a few days. An ecosystem the living and nonliving things in an area that interact with one another. 【答案】makeup句意在一些语言中,100个单词就占了日常会话中所険用单词的Y. ?

30、consists of.-is made up of-is?i m of句意- 个地区的生态系统是由生物和非 生物组成的,这些生物和非主物相互网. 考点 TO. aside from 【教材 ?原句】Aside from place names such as London, very few Celtic words became part of Old English. (P22) 除了像伦敦这样的地名外,极少数的凯尔特单词成了古英语的一部分。 【例句研读】写出下列句中划线部分的同意词或短语 This essay is good apart from a couple of spellin

31、g mistakes. Aside from some helpful tips, the book also con tains a guide to the city s hotels. 【答案】 except for Besides/ In addition to 自主 aside from=apart from除. . 之夕卜. 据上文的不同,可以分别相当于besides, except 或 except for Q besides = in addition to 除 之外 还,也 exceptfor除 Z外;除去其后所跟的词往往与前面的不是同一类的,是指整体 由快彌悲伤组氐存存于匸

32、论应与翅 F. is made up of 句意=门当选的学生家畑成的学聲会SIW事謎行趣 make up句意二秘书夢吩公室卧宀却来,因为她已夕曲好多天了. 中除去的一个细节或某一方面。_ 【即时巩固】单项选择题 I hardly watch any television, _ news and current affairs. A. but for B. aside from C. except D. aside 【答案】 B 【解析】句意为:我几乎不看电视,除了新闻和时事。but for要不是,如杲没有;aside from 除 之 外;except前一般不用标点符号;aside adv.

33、。 ?Everything was perfect for the picnic _ the weather. A. in place of B? as well as C. except for D. in case of 【答案】C 【解析】牡“pt foi为W定整体、除去瑕弧后酩词 . 句意为除了天气之 T3都适合野賽. 考点differ from 【轴原句】 Tlie Chinese language differs丿. ::cstem langii n 3es in that: instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stan

34、d for ld objects or d托 ds. (P3S) 汉语与西 方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体初行为。 【例句研读】翻译下列句子 His views differ from those of his parents. = His views are different from those of his parents. People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress. He differs with me about/on/over when to go for a pi

35、cnic. ?Your age shouldn ,t make any difference to whothcr you got the job or not. 【答案】他的观点与他父号的不同 人们在处理压力的能力方面各不$ ? 同. 在什么时候去野炊这个;厶他和我持有不同的看法. 你能否得到这工应与你的年龄无关. 【自主归纳】 A differs from B二 A is different from B A 区别于 B; A 和 B 不同 differ in . 在. . 方面(如大小、颜色、价格、 兴趣等)不同 differ with sb. about/on/over sth. 在某

36、事上与某人意见相左,持不 同看法。 differeneo n. 不同,差异,分歧 make a difference 起作用;发生影响 make no differenee 不起作用,没有影响 【即时巩固】单项选择题 In a natural disaster, minutes and even seconds of warning can make the _ between life and death. A. division B. difference C. separation D. sense 【答案】E 【解析】make the difference betwe and, J去

37、在 . 和 . ?之间有差别 ?句意:发 生自然灾害时,几分钟甚至n“;庆前警告,艺沱产生主死之别? (2012 浙江卷 12) According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to from the age of 27 after reaching the highest lovol at 22. A. differ B. shrink C. fail I), decline 【答案】D 解析词词义葬析 . 句意?蘇科丰家研宋衣们的心避能力在22岁达到高峰值之 后便 境,故 擔除. 考点-12. as a whole 【教材原句】 Ho

38、wever, as a whole, the characters have developed from drawings into standard forms. (P38) 不过,总的来说,汉字从图画发展成了标准形式。 【例句研读】翻译句子 ?Happ in ess is satisfac tion with 1 i f e as a whole- We must consider these matters as a whole. 【答案】从总体上说,幸福就是对生活感到满足。我们必须从整体上考虑这些事情。 【自丰归纳】 as a whole作为整体;总的说来 (generally sp

39、eaking);就全体而论;概括起来 on the whole大体 上in whole全部whol ly完整地,整个地 【即时巩固】单项选择题 ?There are some areas of poverty, but the country, _ , is fairly prosperous. A. as a whole B. at the whole C. as the whole D. on a whole 【答案】 A 【解析】 as a whole总的来说,作为一个整体。 (2013 浙江卷 )It will be a big help if you go to the store

40、and get what we need for dinner. , V 11 set the table- A. As a result B. On the whole C. In the meanwh订 e D. As a matter of fact 从2岁开始下滑(deenne). diffc打shrink缩水?fail失SL衰竭均不符合语 【答案】C- 【解析】毎介词短语 ? A晅因OtJ E项嗨、的来匕CW与此同时 J D项“事实上2 忙,同时我(就有时间)極放 了. 二、句型考点 考点-1 ?对谓语动词强调的句型 【教材原句】 On the other hand, the Eng

41、lish language did borrow many words from French. (P23) 另一方面,英语也确实借用了放多法语单词。 【句法分析】句中did borrow为 borrowed 这个谓语动词的强调形式。 【考点聚焦】对谓语动词的强调,此考点属于高考的冷点。It is/ was - that -结构不能强调谓语,如果 需要强调谓语时,要用助动词do/does 或 did 。有以下三种情况: do 用于对肯定的祈使句的强调以及对实义动词为一般现在时肯定句(除主语是第三人称单数)的强调 Do sit down.务必请坐。 Do be careful when you

42、cross the street.过马路时,务必(千万)要小心啊! They do work hard at maths.他们对数学的学习确实很努力 docs 用于对实义动词为一般现在时肯定句,且主语是第三人称单数的强调 Ho does send an cmai 1 to me every day.他确实每天都给我发电子邮件。 did 用于对实义动词为一般过去时肯定句的强调 He did do his homework yesterday.昨天他确实做了家庭作业。 【即时巩固】单项选择题 (2000 _E 海卷) An awful accident , however, occur the o

43、ther day. A. does B. did C. has to D. had to 【答案】B 【解析】这1一W谓语进行强调的句子. 时间状语、。血i d吓表理去,所以要用一2 去时 . 由于在主语和谓语屮頂履入pv-ever, 増加了试題的难度 . 注意=对谓语强调句子必须 用于肯定句的一飜、. “0械过去时屮 , 在谓语动词前加does, do或did. She _ to school very early every day. A. does come B. did come C. does comes D. did came 【答案】 A 【解析】对谓语动词的强调应该是用do/d

44、id/ does加动词原形构成。 考点-2. while引导的从句 【教材原句】 After the Norman Conquest, upper class people spoke Ere nch while comm on people spoke English. (P23)诺尔曼征服后,上流社会的人讲法语面普通老百姓讲英语。 【句法分析】句中while 为并列连词,表示前后两种情况的对比。 【考点聚焦】 wh订 e 还可作为从属连词,意为“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。此时从句中动词必 须是延续性动词或表示状态的动词,侧重主句动作和从句动作的同时进行。 根据句意,选C.句嵐如果你能尹7

45、 ?沱今天晚賽所需要的买来将会帮我很大的 wh订 e 作从属连词,意为“虽然,尽管”,相当于although,引导让步状语从句。 【即时巩固】单项选择题 (2003 课标卷 I )There J s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man, also intelligent, fa订 s. A. since B: if C. as D. while 【答案】 D 【解析】考查连词。本题想要表达的是一个转折关系,while 作连词讲,可表示“(对比两件事 或两个人)而,然而 “ ;since “

46、因九由于 “,意为“如果 “;恥意为“当 HJ;因池 尽管”,故本題答寥; 瀝项D.亦“人们无法解释为什么有人能做出重 大发现,然而同样聪明的另T 人力失认? _ I admit that the problem is difficult, I don , t think that they can“ t be solved. A. While B. Since C. Before D. Unless 【答案】A 嘶】句意 =尽险创陀艇但X?认城法解決 . 前后两句之耘 系. _ she was in Paris, she developed a taste for fine art. A.

47、Although B. While C. Because 1). If 【答案】B 【解析】句意:她在巴黎的时候,尹靳产生了丁工此句中while表示当 ?AJ候,句中 was in paris是一种状态,故答才. :? 考点-3. It is certain that句型 【教材原句 lit is cer tain that this process will con tin ue, and people will keep inve nting new words and new ways of saying things. (P23) 可以肯定的是,这一变化过程将会继续,人们将会不断地发明新的单词和新的表达方式。 【句法分析】该句型意为:肯定,一定,可以肯定的是。由于主语是一个从句,比较长,这种情况下,经常 用 it做形式主语,而将主语从句放到后面去。 【考点聚焦】 sb./sth. is certain to ?Certainly sb. /sth W hat is certain is that sb. /sth ?It is certain that 和 What is certain is that 句型结构中的 certain 不能换成


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