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1、词汇 人名 Alicc;Pctcr;Tom;Dolly;Kitty;Bcn;Mikc;Susic;Jill;Danny;Linda;Mary;Paul;Sally;Kcn 称呼 Dad 爸爸/father 爸爸; Mum 妈妈/mother 妈妈; grandmother奶奶 / 夕卜婆; grandfather爷爷 / 夕卜公 ; brother 剳阖 7 弟弟; sister姐姐 / 妹妹; me我 Miss Fang 方小姐 ; Mr Zhang 张先生; Mrs Wang 王女士 名词 跟人有关 name名字birthday 生日hand 手year old 岁 boy 男孩girl

2、女孩 teacher 老师baby婴儿friend 朋友eye眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子 mouth 嘴巴hair 头发 跟学校有关 blackboard 黑板table桌子playground% classroom 教室school 学校library 图书馆 toilet 厕所hall 大厅pen钢笔 食物 cake蛋糕jam 果酱apple苹果peach桃子orange桔子banana香蕉 跟动物有关 lail 尾巴 cat猫 chick 小鸡hen母鸡duck 鸭子 pig 猪 dog 狗mouse(mice)老 鼠 颜色 pink 粉色red红色green绿色blue蓝色black

3、黑色white 白色 yellow 黄色 天气 rain 雨 娱乐 football 足球kite 风筝bicycle 自彳亍车boat小船balloon 气球 昆虫 ladybird 瓢虫bee蜜蜂ant蚂蚁flydlies) 苍媚butterfly(butterflies) 蝴蝶 植物 trunk 树干root(roots)根flower 花朵branch树枝leaf(leaves)叶子 动词 sit 坐stand 站open打开close关上clean清洁get 拿/ 得到 fold 折叠write 写colour 涂颜色guess 猜blow 吹look at 看 count to 数

4、到play with 和 玩 形容词和副词 clean干净的little 小的 / 一些only 仅仅 / 只too 也thin 瘦的short矮的 / 短的 fat 胖的yummy 好吃的happy快乐的taH 高的 数词 one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 问候语 问候回答 Hi! 你好!Hi! 你好 ! Hello! 你好!Hello I 你好! Good morning!早上好!Good morning!早上好! Good afternoon!卜午好!Good afternoon!

5、H 午好 ! Good evening!傍晚好 !Good evening!傍晚好! Good night!晚上好 !Good night!晚上好 ! How are you?你好吗?Finejhanks./Very well,thank you. 很好, 谢谢。 Happy Birthday to you. 祝你生H 快乐。Thank you.谢谢。 Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。Nice to meet you,too.我也很高兴见到你。 提问和回答 提问回答 Whats your name?你叫什么名字?My names ./My name is 我的名子是 How o

6、ld are you?你儿岁了 ?Im/Im .years old.? . 岁。 Whos your friend?谁是你的朋友?Shes./Hes 她是 . / 他是 Whos he?他是谁 ? Hes my father.他是我爸爸。 Whos she?她是谁?Shes my mother.她是我妈妈。 Who am I?我是谁?You are你是 . Whats this/that?这/ 那是什么?Ifs.它是 How many apples?多少苹果?Six apples.六个苹果。 May I have please?请给我一些可以吗?Sure.当然。 Here you arc.给你

7、。 How much?多少钱?Six yuan?六元。 What colour is it?它是什么颜色?Its.(颜色) . What is it?它是什么 ?Its a/an它是 (名词) What are they?他们是什么?Theyre.他们是 (名词复数) 祈使句 Stand 叩?起立。Sit down.坐下。 Open the door. JF11。Close the door.关门。 Look at + 名词 . 看 . o Put on my shoes穿上我的鞋子。 Count lhc+名词复数 . 数数。Count the chicks.数数那些小鸡。 Open the

8、gate ?打开大门。 语法 、人称代词和to be 动词 人称 代 词 主格所有格宾格to be肯定式to be否定式 to be 一般 疑 问式 to be 一般疑问式回 答 第一 人 称 I my me I am I am not Are you YesJ am. NoJ am not. we our us We are We are not Wc arent Are you Yes,we are? No,wo arent. 第二 人 称 you your you You are You are not You arenrt Ami Yes,you are. No,you arent?

9、第三 人 称 he his him He is He is not He isn*t Is he Yes,he is. No,he isnt? she her her She is She is not She isnt Is she Yes,she is. No,she isnt ? It its it It is It is not It isnt Is it Yes,it is. No,it isnl ? they their them They are They are not They arent Are they Yes,they are. Nojhcy arent? 单数 名 词

10、 单数 名词 单数名词 s 单数 名词 单数名词 +is 单数名词 +is not 单数名词 +isn,t Is+单数名词 Yes,he/she/it is. No,he/she/it isnt 复数 名 词 复数 名词 复数名词 s,复数 名词 复数名词 +are 复数名词 +are not 复数名词 +aren ,t Are+复数 名 词 Yes,they arc. No,they arent. *is not 二 isnl arc not=arcn*t 二、 like 喜欢 like+名词复数; like+动词 ing; like+to+动词 例子: like apples;like r

11、eading;like to read 人称肯定式否定式一般疑问式一- 般疑问回答 1 Hike 1 dont like Do you like Yes,I do./NoJ donrt. we We like We dont Do you like Yes,we do./No,we dont? you You like You dont like Do I like Yes,you do./No,you dont. he He likes He doesnt like Docs he like Yes,he docs./No,he doesnt ? she She likes She does

12、nt like Does she like Yes,she does./No,she doesnl. ?. It It likes It doesn*t like Does it like Yes,it does./Nojt doesnl. they They like They dont like Do they like Yes,they do./No,they dont? 单数 名 词 单数名词 +likes 单数名词 +doesnt like Does单数名词 like Ycs,hc/shc/it docs. No,he/she/it doesnt. 复数 名 词 复数名词 +like

13、 复数名词 +donl like Do 复数名词 like Yes,they do. No,they dont 三、 have 有 have +名词单数 / 复数; have got +名词单数 / 复数 例子: have an apple;have apples;have got an apple;have got apples * has not=hasn ,t: have not=haven【 人称 冃止戌否定式一般疑问式一般疑问回答 I I have (got) I havent (got) I dont have Have you (got) Do you have Yes,I ha

14、ve./NoJ havent. Yes J do./NoJ dont. wc Wc have (got) Wc havent (got) We dont have Have you (got) Do you have Ycs,wc havc./No.wc have nt Yes,we do./No,we dont. you You have (got) You havent (got) You don rt have Have 1 (got) Do 1 have Yes,you have./No,you havens ? Yes,you do./No,you donrt. he He has

15、(got) He hasn*t (got) He doesnt have Has he (got) Docs he have Yes,he has./No,he hasnt ? Yes,he docs./No,he doesnt ? she She has (got) She hasnt (got) She doesnt have Has she (got) Does she have Yes,she has./No,she hasn rt? Yes,she does./No,she doesnl. It It has (got) It hasnl (got) It doesnt have H

16、as it (got) Does it have Yes,it has./NoJt hasnt? Yes,it does./No,it doesnt? they They have (got) They havent (got) They dont have Have they (got) Do they have Yes,they havc./NoJhcy havent? Yes,they do./No/hey dont. 单数单数名词 +has 单数名词 +hasnt (got) Has+单数名词 +(got) Yes,he/she/it has. 名词 (got) 单数名词 +doesn 1t have Does+单数名词 +have No,he/she/it hasnt. Yes,he/she/it does. No.hc/shc/it doesnt. 复数复数名词 +have 复数名词 +havent (got) Have+复数名词 +(got) Yes,they have./No,they havent? 名词(got) 复数名词 +donl have Do+复数名词 +have Yes,they do./Nojhey donl.


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