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1、CONTENTS 1.时I可、条件和让步状语从句屮的省略 2.系动词的分类:英语的系动词可分为: 3.名词前定语的位置: 4.would rather的使用情况: 5.邻近原则: 6.cannot be too + adj.:该结构的意思是: “无论怎样 也不 7.由as引入的让步状语从句 b.except / excepting that, in case (that), in the event, in so far as, on condition (that), only that, provided / providing (that), so / as long as, suppo

2、se / supposing (that), when; 2 2)considering (that), seeing (that) 3)in that, now that, for the reason that, on the ground(s) that, inasmuch as, not that . but that . ; 注意:as, because和since的区别: a.because回答why的问题,表示直接原因,语气最强; b.as引导的句子一般在主句以前,而because引导的句中可前,也可后; c.as比because语气弱 ,as可译为“因为”,也可译为“由于”;

3、d.表原因的连词中,语气强弱可依次表示为: because(理由充分,因果关系) since( I可接附带原因 ) - as( 只是附带说明,关系松弛) 38.分词和动词不定式作宾语补足语: 1)现在分词可以用在sec, hear, notice, watch, keep, find, get, have, feel等动词后与名词或代词构成复合 宾语,表示动作正在发生,即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束; 2)动词不定式也可以用在see, hear, feel, watch, notice等动词 和名词或代词构成复合宾语,表示动作发生过,即动作的全部过程结束了。 He saw a boy gett

4、ing on the tract or*. (The boy was getting on . ) 他看见一个男孩往拖拉机上爬。 He saw a boy get on the tractor and drive off. (The boy got on the tractor and drove off.) 他看见一个男孩爬上拖拉机就开走了。 39. whose和、vhidi用于定语从句中作定语: 1) whose在定语从句中作定语可以表示: a.前面提到的人的; b.指无生命的东西或物的; The house whose windows are broken is unoccupied.

5、There are many animals whose fur changes color in winter. 2) which也可在定语从句中作定语,指“前面所提到的物的”: He is studying economics, which knowledge is important today. I spent four years in college, during which time I learnt English. 40.让步状语从句的一些特殊句型: “ 动词+疑问词+ will/may“,疑问词可以是what, when, which, where, how 等: Say

6、 what you will, I shall still tmst to my own judgment. (=Whatever you say, ) Be the weather what it may, well begin our journey tomorrow. Come when you will, youll find him in the library ? (Whenever you will come, . ) The colonists agreed that, come what may, they would not buy the stamps.殖民主义者一致同意

7、,无论发生什么情况,他们都决不买印花。 41. than用作介词表示比较时的省略:than用作介词表 示比较时可以是than + noun + which or that 主句部分 表示高于或低于从句所表示的程度、范围或标准时,than后 面往往省略比较的名词和修饰该名词的定语从句的主语: b. have been put in d.to be put in ( 考研试题 ) The project requires more labour than t h c labour which has been put in because it is extremely difficult. He

8、 does more work than (the work which) is required of him? There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than in the public mind today? a. exists b. exist c. existing d. existed More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than is generally realized ? We were kept wai

9、ting longer than was necessary ? We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health. 42. nobut 该结构的意思是“没有不是”,but是代词: There is no rule but has exceptions.没有无例外的规则。 There is no tree but bears some fruit. because it is 43. A is to B what C is to D. A对B的关系就像C对D的关系一样。 Air is to us wha

10、t water is to fish ? The people is to the peoples army what water is to fish. Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body. 44. not any more than “不 就像与. 一样不 在any more than后面的句子 中没有否定词。该句型的其他表达方式为:no any more than / no more . than; He cannot afford a new car any more than 1 can afford a house

11、? There is no single solution to all problems any more than there is a single key that opens all doors. Men can no more live without food than plants can grow without sunshine? 45. more than to do / more . to do 该句型的意思是“不至于”; He is more experience than to do such a foolish thing. 他很有经验不至于做出如此愚蠢的事。 Y

12、ou have a better command of English to make such mistakes. 他英语掌握的很熟练,不至于出那种错。 46.以be引导的让步状语从句:以be开头的让步状语从句的句子结构是:be +主语+表语/ 分词+其他成 分。 The business of each day, be it selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly. Be it ever so late, I must do another experiment. All magnets behave the same, be

13、 they large or smaIL Be there mountains of knives or seas of fire, I will charge ahead ? Be it raining or blowing, he never came late. 47.关于still less, still more 和let alone 区别。 still less只用于否定句,still more用于肯定句,是强意肯定,let alone表示进一步的否定 或肯定,意为“更不用说”、“还不算”。 c. g. The baby cant walk, let alone run.(更不用说

14、 “ 跑”) He cant speak his native language well, let alone English. Her temper is bad enough, let alone her extravagance ? (“还不算”)(肯定) 另外,still less = much less = even less,它们可以用在否定句中: He could barely pay for his own meal, much less for mine. He cant run a hundred yards, even less a mile ? The baby ca

15、nt even walk, much less run. 4 b?连接彳弋词:whatever, whoever, whichever; c.起从属连词作用的短语:even if, even though, for all that, granting that, whether or ,no matter how / what / who / which / when / where; For all that she has a good sense of balance, she cannot dance well. Whether he drives or takes the trai

16、n he will be here on time. If he is too old to work much, the retired worker is very enthusiastic about the neighborhood affairs. He moved the tree when it was the best in the yard ? While I admit thatthe problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cannot be solved. 64. as as引导比较状语从句:as . as.引导的是

17、比较状语从句,该机构中的第一个as是副 词(在否定结构中用so),第二个as是连词用来引导状语从句. 在该从句中经常有省略现象,有时候有倒装现 象,而比较的对象应当保持一致. The speed of sound in steel is about 15 times as great as in air. The moon is about one-third as large in diameter as the earth. 65.引导时间状语从句的词和短语: a?从属连词:after, as, before, once, sice, till, until, when, while, w

18、hilst; b.联结副词:directly, immediately, instantly; c.起联词作用的单词和短语:as soon as, as (so) long as, by the time, each / every / next time, hardly ?when / before., no sooner. ?than ?, scarcely . when (before)., the instant, the minute, the moment; 66. much less后接的句子成分:much less可以表示 “更谈不上”或 “ 更不用说 “; I have ne

19、ver seen the man, much less spoken to him ? The boy can hardly understand arithmetic, much less algebra. Tom couldnt even pick the box up, much less carry it home? I can hardly bear to walk, much less rum 67.同位语从句的引导词:同位语从句可以由以 下词引导: a.从属连词: The news that he intended to come gave us much pleasure? I

20、 insisted upon an answer to my question whether he was coming or not. b.联结代词:what, who: Next comes the question, what you want it for. We now come to the main problem, what the cause of the disturbance is and who the proper person would be to remove it? c.联结副词:how, why I insisted upon an answer to m

21、y question why he had done it. It is difficult to answer your question how I did it. I have no notion when he will be back. 有时,引导同位语从句的连词that可以省略: His fear (that) he might never accomplish anything is torturing him a good deal. 68.关于can和must表示猜测的用法: Can和must都可以表示猜测,其区别是:must用于肯定句,而can只能用于疑问句否定句。 Can

22、 he still be alive after these years? He can“ be more than thirty. How can you be so conceited? Judging by the smell, the food must be good. I am always running into him; he must live quite near here. You must be joking. His watch must have stopped ? I will go to call him. 69. but for 的用法but for = i

23、f it had not been for,意思为“如果不是,要不 是”。相当于介词短语,后面应当接名词或名词短语作状语,其后面的句子应当用虚 拟语气。 But for your help, I should have failed. But for the rain, we should have had a pleasant journey. But for my brother help, I would not have finished the work. But for your coining, I should have been very lonely. But for my

24、 lifeboat, I should have been drowned. But for these defects, he would have been rather handsome. 70.关于动名词复合结构的使用动名词前可以加名词的所有格或物主代词来修饰该动名词。该 结构是动名词的复合结构,可以作主语、宾语、表语等。 Do you mind my smoking here? I dont like the idea of your living here ? I insist on Marys going to see the teache匚 Marys complaining

25、wont help much. Your going there wont help much? I know nothing of his having left the town. There is a possibility of several coming later. I insist on both of them coming on time. (all, both, each, few, several, some, this 等修饰 动名词吋不用所有格。) 71.集合名词的谓语卜- 列集合名词cattle, clergy, militia, folk, gentry, po

26、lice, poultry, vermin,等要 求复数第三人称谓语: Cattle arc never allowed to graze on the village common ? The police have not made any arrests since the riot began last week? 72.关于表示比较的superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior, posterior 后的介词superior, inferior, junior, senior, prior, posterior虽然表示比较,但是后而不接than而

27、是接to: Prior to the Revolutionary War, the United States was an English colony? What did you do prior to (before) coming here? John is senior to me by several years ? His knowledge of English literature is superior to mine. 73.关于demand后的宾语demand后的宾语有: a. noun All the students demanded a quick answer

28、to their questions? b. to do sth. All the workers demanded to get their wages as quickly as possible? c. clause We all demand that a meeting to solve the problems should be held immediately. 74?关于cannot help but do sth. 该短语表示 “不得不、不能不”或“ 不会不、必然”: He cannot but admit that he was wrong. One world outl

29、ook cannot but appear in what one says and does 75.不定式、分词和动名词作状语时的逻辑主语:不定式、分词和动名词作状语时,其逻辑主 语必须是该句子中语法上的主语。 a. To finish the work on time, we must make a careful plan. (right) To finish the work on time, a careful plan must be made. (wrong) b. Learning English well, we must pay close attention to Eng

30、lish grammar. (right) Learning English well, grammar should be paid close attention to. (wrong) c. After finishing their papers, the students put them on the desk and left the room. (right) After finishing their papers, they are put on the desks ? ( wrong) 76.动词用单数第三人称时的主语。 1.主语是一个抽彖概念时: Growing veg

31、etables needs constant watering. 2. either 和neither 作主语时: Neither of us has gone through regular training. Has either of you visited Beijing? 3. each以及some, any, no, every构成的复合代词作主语时: Each of us has something to say. Everybody is here for the meeting. 77.将来时的其它表示法:将来时可以用下列结构表示: 1. to be to do sth. S

32、he meets Professor Wang at the university, who is to have a great influence on her in the days to come. 2. to be about to do sth. She happened to meet her husband as she was about to go away. 3. to be going to do sth. You see someone of value, someone who is going to be more successful someone who i

33、s going to win. 78.名词后接同位语或表语从句中的虚拟语气:下列 名称的同位语和表语从句屮应当用虚拟语气: suggestion, motion, proposal, order, recommendation, plan, idea : My suggestion is that we should send a few people to help the other groups ? My idea is that we should challenge the other groups to a friendly competition. Our only reques

34、t is that this should be settled as soon as possible? I second Tom,s motion that we should set up a special board to examine the problem. The arrangement was that Miss Evcrdcnc should honour them by coming there for a day or two. My one great fear was that he should some day return. My only terror w

35、as lest my father should follow me. 79.only用在动词不定时前时可以表示“不料即“no better result than: e.g. He survived the crash only to die in the desert ? He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject. “Lifting a rock only to drop it on ones own feefis a Chinese folk saying to describe the behavio

36、rs of certain fools.? They tried to land at Amoy, only to meet with fierce resistance of the Chinese garrison there. 80.动词不定式和分词用在句首作作状语时,不定式表示目的,而分词则表示原因。 To improve the railway service, they are electrifying the main lines. To be a teacher of the people, one must first be their pupil. To avoid fut

37、ure ones, leam from past mistakes. Being a perfectionist, he has spent a year on the film. Being a teacher, I should be responsible for my class ? 81.关于Whoever, Whatever and Whichever 的正确使用 Who, what和which可以与结合在一起构成 合成词,意思是“任何作事情的人”,“任何做 的事情”或“任何一个的事物”。他们的含义是 “anybody that”,“anything (at all) or eve

38、rything thaf and “anyone thaf or “the one which (any one that) M 。他们的 作用是用来加强what, who和which的意义。 e.g- Whatever we do is to serve the people ? Whichever you want is yours. Whoever comes will be welcome? Could you get whoever it is to send them off? Fll take whichever fits the sockets? Whatever he does he does well, (object) Dont you know that I always succeed in whatever 1 try. That would permit 7000.000 French citizens living overseas to vote in whichever district they chose ?


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