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1、6?德国香肠German sausages 7?对我来说太咸了too salty for me 8?来自泰国的汤the soup from Thailand 9?它们看起来很辣。It seems spicy/hot. 10?许多种类的饺子many kinds of dumplings 世界各地的人people all over/around the world 12?甜的sweet ones 13?用蔬菜做的ones made with vegetables 14?肉馅的或素馅的饺子dumplings with meat or vegetables 15我们煎、煮、蒸我们的饺子。We fry,

2、 boil, or steam our dumplings. 16?用酱油搭配饺子吃serve them with soy sauce 17?我们加辣椒酱。We add chili sauce. 18?饺子作为美味的小吃真的很棒!Dumplings are great as a delicious snack! 19?用糖和椰子来煎它们fry them with sugar and coconut 20?饺子作为餐后甜点非常棒!Dumplings are very delicious for dessert! 21 ?我们煮完饺子后用黄油搭配着吃(两种) We serve our dumpli

3、ngs with butter after boiling/we boil them. 22?最喜欢like (the) most 23?如何包饺子how to make dumplings 24?泰国人 (两种) Thai people=Thais 25 ?“饺子是饥饿人的一餐”是什么意思? What does “Dumplings are a hungry mans meal “ mean? What do you mean by “Dumplings are a hungry mans meal ”? What is the meaning of “Dumplings are a hun

4、gry man 9s meal ” ? EEC 7年级(上)册期末复习知识点 第5单元短语和重点句子 1?世界各地的饺子 2? 它们尝起来真的很好。 3? 你说的对极了。 4? 多么棒的美食节啊! 5? 所有的食物都看起来很美味。 dumplings around /all over the word They taste really good/nice/delicious. You can say that again/once more. What a great food festival! All the foods look so delicious. 26 ?在吃完俄国饺子后你觉

5、得很饱 You feel full after having/you have Russian dumplings. 27?些人吃饺子作为一顿饭,但是其他人吃饺子作为小吃或点心。 Some eat dumplings as a meal ,but others eat them as a snack or a dessert 2&在2003年,我进行了环球旅行 In 2003,1 took a trip around/all over the world. 29?我不吃肉,我想要点一些素馅的饺子 I doift eat meat Ud like to order some vegetable

6、dumplings* different foods from around the world I love/enjoy/like walking in the forest I finished writing a letter. The restaurant serves all kinds of food with rice Vm very hungry. I had only one meal today. I enjoy/feel like/like/love eating meat like pork and beef. I am fond of eating meat like

7、 pork and beef. 38?用番茄酱做意大利面make spaghetti with tomato sauce 39?素馅的饺子vegetable dumplings = dumplings with vegetables 40?没有我妈妈的帮忙without my monTs help=without the help of my mom 第6单元短语和重点句子 rice porridge help her mother prepare food (两种)Li Jun enjoyed the food and ate lotsa lo仁 make a chocolate cake

8、for Li Jun Help yourselyourselves! We have strawberries for dessert. prepare so much food Would you like /Do you want some more? I can,t eat any moreJI can no more eat. 30 ?来自世界各地不同的食物 3L and so on 32?去意大利餐厅go to the/an Italian restaurant 33? 我喜欢在森林里散步 34? 我写完了一封信 35? 这家餐馆用米饭搭配所有的食 36?我很饿,我今天只吃了一顿饭

9、37 ?我喜欢吃像猪肉和牛肉一样的 1 ?炒饭fried rice 2?米粥 3 ?帮助她妈妈准备食物 4?李军喜欢这些食物,并且吃了很 多。 5? 为李军做了一个巧克力蛋糕 6? 你/ 你们请随便吃! 7? 我们有草莓当作甜点。 &准备这么多食物 9? 你想多来一点么? 该到饭后吃甜点的时间了。 12 ?没有我妈妈的帮忙 Its time for /to have dessert without my mom,s help=without the help of my mom 13?最终,关火。Finally/At last, turn off the heat. 14?切一些蔬菜(两种)

10、15?在平底锅里加热两匙油 16?加入蔬菜配一匙盐 17?煮米饭很长时间。 cut up some vegetables / cut some vegetables up heat two spoonfuls of oil in a pan add the vegetables with a teaspoon of salt Cook the rice for a long time/longe 18?经常搅拌它,目的是为了使米粥不会烧焦。Stir it often so that the rice doesiTt bum 19?不同的做米饭的方法(两 种) 20?关掉炉火turn off t

11、he stove different wavs of cooking/to cook rice 21.一锅煮米饭a pot of boiled rice Stir it as often as possible. 23?鸡蛋烧焦变黑了,因为我煎了好长时间。 The egg was burned black because I fired it for too long. 24 ?你还没有必要去。You donH need to go yet. 25?我闭上了眼睛,并且感受柔和的风。I closed my eyes and felt the soft wind. 26?她把糖放进了她的咖啡,然后

12、搅拌了一下。She add sugar to her coffee and stirs it. 27?开会have a meeting 28.一块蛋糕a piece of cake 29?在冰箱里(两种)in the fridge / refrigerator 30?向他的朋友借一些钱borrow some money from his friends 31?几片面包some pieces of bread 32?几块大蒜many pieces of garlic 33 ?鸡蛋三明治很好做。 Egg sandwiches are easy to make* / It is easy to ma

13、ke egg sandwiches 34? 将鸡蛋和洋葱切成小块 35? 把它们搅拌在一起 cut the eggs and onions into small pieces mix them together 36 ?将鸡蛋和洋葱放在两片面包中间 put the eggs and onions between the pieces of bread 37?烹饪的步骤Cooking steps 38?咖喔饭curry and rice 39 ?炯到米变得柔软。Cook until the rice is soft 11 各种各样的喝茶的礼仪various / all kinds of mann

14、ers of drinking tea receive the tea with both hands 13.留一点茶在杯子里表示想要更多的茶leave a little tea in the cup to ask for more 40?孩子们喜欢快餐,比如说汉堡。Children like fast food such as hamburgers. 41 ?长时间看电视对孩子们有 害o 第7单元短语和重点句子 1.需要为她的午餐付钱 Watching TV for a long time/long is bad for children. need to pay for her lunch

15、 2.你准备好点餐了么? Are you ready to order? / May I take your order? / Would you like to order? 3.我要一个汉堡和一份沙 拉。 4.你要来点儿喝的么? 5.我要来一杯橘汁。 6.在这儿吃还是带走? 7.带走。 &今天的特价午餐是什么? 9.我们免费提供绿茶。 I will have a hamburger and a salad. Would you like something to drink? Ud like to have a glass of orange juice. Is this for here

16、 or to go? To go, please* Whats the special for lunch today? We serve green tea for free. do something for the first time / Its somebody first time to do / doing something 11.世界上最受欢迎的饮品之一one of the worlds most popular drinks 12 ?中国人已经保持了这种以茶待客和喝茶的传统五千多年了。 Chinese people have kept this tradition of s

17、erving and drinking tea for five thousand years. 13.故事开始与中国的皇帝神农。The story begins with the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong. 14.他对于发现新的植物很感兴趣。 15.在休息期间during the break 17. 一些干树叶掉进了煮沸的水中 1&发现它使人提神醒脑 / 消除疲劳 He was interested in finding new plants. 16.烧水来喝boil water to drink Some dry leaves fell into the boil

18、ing water, 19. 一颗野生的茶树a wild tea bush 20从那以后since then 12.双手接茶 14 ?学习喝茶的礼仪 15?对于中国人来说,茶不仅是一种饮品,而是一种艺术和文化(形式)。 To China, tea is not only a drink, but (also) a form of art and culture. 16 ?中国人对喝茶的传统感到自豪。 The waiter or waitress takes orders from the customers 29.交换角色change roles 30.有很多种方法回答你的问题。 There

19、are various ways to answer/ of answering your question? 31 ?仔细看着饼干因为它们很容易烧焦。Watch cookies carefully because they burn easily. 32?这家餐厅以美味的食物而闻名。The restaurant was known for its delicious meals. 33 ?中国有许多有趣和丰富多彩的传统。 China has many interesting and colorful traditions 34.Jane在动物园看见了各种各样的动物。 Jane saw var

20、ious kinds of animals at the zoo learn about tea manners Chinese people are proud otake pride in their tradition of drinking tea. 17?茶的种类the types/kinds of tea 1&沏茶来欢迎客人 19.我们有喝茶的传统 . 20.他现在不在。你需要留言么? 21.孩子们厌倦了读书。 22? 他害怕考试不及格。 23? 我的最好的朋友之一 24.我们彼此认识8年。 25.我们做邻居也已有好多年了。 26.在我们学校运动会这天 welcome a gues

21、t by serving tea We have a tradition of drinking tea. He,s not here now ?Would you like to leave a message? The children are tired/bored of reading books. He was afraid of failing the test. one of my best friends We have known each other for 8 years/since 8 years ago. We have also been neighbors for

22、 many years? on our school sports day the other members of the group 2&男服务员或女服务员要记录顾客所点的东西 I am proud of the history of Chinese tea? I want/would like to receive/get a letter/hear from you. 35.我为中国茶的历史而自 豪。 Mike got sick 3 days ago. Mike has been sick for 3 days/since 3 days ago. He kept on laughing

23、? I am sorry for being/to be late. This orange juice is refreshing? 第8单元短语短语和重点句子 1 ?唱流行歌曲sing popular songs 2?制作一个菜单make a menu 3?给你的餐馆取一个名字give your restaurant a name 4. 省钱save money send or receive an e-mail/emails 14?还要别的 吗? Anything else? This knife is only for cutting bread. 16 ?份冷 饮 a cold dr

24、ink university students/ a university student Doift be afraid ofmaking/to make mistakes. 7? 努力回答问题 8? 你不确定他 make an effort to answer questions You ?re not sure of them 6 ?不要害怕犯 错 9? 让我们出去吃点东 西。 10? 你尝过这个蛋糕了 吗? 11? 我可离不开它。 Lef s go out and get something to eat. Have you tried the cake? I couldn,t/wasnt able to live without it. 12?薯条(两 种) French fries=potato chips 13 ?你想来点喝的 吗? Do you want /Would to like something to drink? 37. Mike三天前生病 了。 38. Mike已经病3天 了。 39 ?他一直笑。 40.我对迟到感到抱歉。 5 ?收或发电子邮件 15?这个刀只用来切面包。 17 ?大学生 l&Tom在这个城镇里拥有一个杂货店。Tom owns/has a grocery store in the town.


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