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1、9A 第一单元 A 互译短语 担心 被分成 不吋地 放弃 注意细节 和相同 原谅某人某事 做梦 保密 聚钱 关心 西方文化 向某人解释某事 炫耀 做一个关于的演讲 一直 做实验 介意做某事 积极参加 与相似 有幽默感 克隆羊 41. 学到了关于中国的更多的知识 42. 对确信 43. 做额外工作 44在西方文化中 45介意做某事 46有许多值得庆祝的 47跟某人争论关于某事 48.想出一个办法 平筹的対待每一位学生 学到更多关于中国历史的知识 打电话跟某人联系 去不同的地方参观一下 ?捐赠钱 大约在本月中旬 跟别人分享食物 在考试中获得个好分数 在学业或工作中取得成功在全校师 生前发言 . 推

2、荐某人做 适合于这个职位 在健康方血出了问题变得更有条 理 做而感到开心 等很长时间而不牛气 匚、词语辨析 I 1 .divide v.“划分,分” divide sth. into 把分成 The world _ ( 被划分成 )4 oceans and 7 continents. 2. activc adj.“活跃的,积极的”,反_ ;_ adv. “活跃地,积极地”; _ v. “行动,扮演” _ n. “演员,男演员” _ “女演员” _ n. “行 为,行动” _ n. “活动”, acting n.“表演”。 【即时练 11 1) Since the plan about the

3、_ has been made up, we must take _ at once. 2) He is _ , he takes pait in after-school _ . 3) Gong Li is an experienced _ . Thiough her _ years, she _ the roles of strong Chinese women very well. 3. confident adj. “ 口 信的、有自信心的”。feel / be confident of / in sth. / doing sth. 或者 be confident that +从句有“

4、肯定的、确信的、有把握的”意思。_ n.“自信、有自信 心 ” have confidence to do sth. _ 。 【即时练 2】 1) 起初,女孩们感到有点紧张,后来,她们变得越来越自信了。 At first, the girls _ , but then they became _ ? 2)我对未来充满信心,自信能当好主持人。I _ the future and _ a host. 3)我肯定你考试能够通过。I _ that you can _ the exam. 4 argue v.“ 辩论、争论”( 双方意见不一,企图说服对方 ) ;同 _ ; n. _ ;跟某 人争论关于某

5、事 . _ O _ “讨论” ( 交换意见达成一致 ) 跟某人讨 论某爭 _ o _ n. “i寸论 ”。 In the _ , they _ with each other over many problems. 5 forgive v. u 原谅,宽恕 “因某事原谅某人 _ Let forgive him for his mistake, mistake n. “错课,失谋”指判断或理解上的错误,或是粗心、疏忽而造成的错课,由于错误 _ , LB T 差错 _ ; V.“误认为 ”, mistake sb. (sth.) for. _ 。 fault “过火,过错”常指人在性格或办事方式上

6、的“缺点,过火”。 7 cxplain v. “解释,说明,阐明 “向某人解释 _ , explain +从句 _ ; explanation n. “解释,说明”。 【即时练 3】 1) Sam反复向父母说明他错误原因。Sam _ the reason of his mistakes _ his parents again and again. 2) Simon解禅说他的汽车出了毛病。Simon _ that _ with his 8 awake adj.“醒着的” _ vi. “醉来,叫醒” _ 类似的词还有 _ adj. “睡着的”, _ v. “睡觉”; _ adj. “活着的”, _

7、 v. “生活,居住” _ “现 场直播”; alike adj.“ 样的”, like v.“喜欢”, prep. “和 - 样”。 otherwise adv. u 要不然,否则” orconj. “否则,耍不然”。 9 extra/other/else adj. “别的,其他的”。 extra有“超出平常或所期待的数量”的意思;other 有“排除己提及部分还有”的意思,后接复数名词;else常川来修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问 副词,作后置定语。 【即时练 4】 1)_ What are the _ students doing? They are free now. They have

8、 no _ things to do. 2) The factory decided to offer some _ jobs to the _ workers. 3) Who _ can go with me to do the _ work? Nobody _ 10构词法 ( 加前、后缀构成反义形容词) peace _ meaning-* _ regular-* _ patient _ active _ fair f _ correct _ 表示人的特性的形容词 n.+ less adj.(negative) un + adj.f adj.(negative) 【即时练 5】 im + a

9、dj.fdj.(negative) ir + adj. adj.(negati ve) in + adj.adj.(negative) dis + adj.adj.(negative) helpful _ useful f _ careful _ honest _ hopeful f _ 精力充沛的 _ 好心肠的 _ 活跃的 _ 口私的 _ 固执的 _ 心灵手巧的 _ 爱交际的 _ 好奇的 _ 谦虚的 _ 公平的 _ 有创造性的不活动的幽默的活泼的 文雅的 乐于助人的有条理的口信的细心的 慷慨的 有想象力的有礼貌的聪明的随和的 急躁的 考虑周到的有经验的嫉妒的勤劳的 现实的 _ 三句型破译 1

10、. This month, youll have a lot to celebrate. 本月,你右许多事要庆祝。have + n. + to do 表示 “有 要。”女 U:今天我有许多吃的喝的 _ 2. You shouldnt worry about not having breakfast. 那你就用不着为没有早饭吃而发愁了。 _ 表示为(干)某事而担心。I 我正担心着我去完成这些工作的能力? 同样有担心干 某事。 3. Mi Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.吴老师花很多时间给我们说明情况。spend金 钱/ 时间 on

11、sth.; spend金钱/ 时间(in 时间/on金钱) doing sth.用于花时间或金钱做某事。 4. _ ”标牌上而写着,“这儿禁止吸烟”。报纸、杂志、牌子、广告 等上写着内容常用It says, “.” The . says that 5. He has just found a wallet lying on the ground. 他刚发现地而上有一个钱包。“发现某人/ 某物 在干某事” _ 6. Devid is very interested in Dolly, the first cloned sheep. De vid 对第一头克隆羊多利很感兴趣。 cloned是 cl

12、one的分词形容词,作定语修饰sheep, 有被动含义。被打碎的窗子_ ; 受惊吓的人群 _ ;最后已植的树 _ 0 7. More details are available on request. 更多详情备索。 _ t “根据要求”。 变得/ 看起来放松的 _ ; _ adj. “令人放松的”, 【即时练 3】 1) _ She likes traveling because she can (放松) herself during the journey. 2) _ She felt (放松 )after she took the exam. 4. remind vt/使想起”提醒某人去

13、做某事_ ;提醒某人做过某事 _ ; remind sb. that. _ : think of “想起,想到”。 【即时练 4】 1)请提醉我留给她这张纸条。 2)请提醒我九点前给她打个电话。 3)这部电影使他回想起他在中国的过去。 5. growth n.“成长,生长,发展”_ vi. “生长,发冇,增长” link? “渐渐变得” vt. “种植,栽”。 【即时练 5】 1)今年雨量充沛,水稻长势很好。 2)营养丰富的 H 常饮食对儿童的成长很車要。 3)她已经长成一个漂亮的大姑娘了。 4)As we Ccime near step by step, the sound grew lou

14、der and louder. difficulty n. “困难,麻烦”做某事有困难. _ , 在某方而有困难 _ , 在做某方血有困难 / 麻烦/ 快乐_ o difficult adj. “难的,困难的”同 【即时练 6】 1)三夭之内完成这项工作你有困难吗? 2)我在英语语法方而有一些困难. 7. promise v. 在肯定句中意思是“任何事(物)”。everything “每 件事 (物)”,有“整体都”之意,作主语吋,谓语动词仍用单数o nothing和 none“无事(物)” , 因木身含有否定意义, 不与 not连用。None“无(一个)”适用于事物, 也适用于人。 常构 成

15、 none of.的短语,后接特指的人或事物(含不可数名词),None none of作主语,谓语动词用单复 数均门 J,指不“J数名词时,用单 ?数。回答how many / much的特殊问句时,用 none, 而冋答 who 的特殊疑问句时用no oneo 形容词修饰不定代词放在不定代词之后。 【即时练 10 1. Would you like _ (*些喝的东西) ? Yes, please. 2. Everything goes well these days, _ ? 一 Yes. _ goes wrong? 3.1 have _ (一些重要的事) to tell you. _ (

16、大家) should remember. 4. Is there _ (一些有趣的事) in todays newspaper? 一 No, not _ ? 5. Do you have _ (一些要说的) for yourself? No, _ (没 有)? 6. Everything _ (begin) to grow in spring? _ can stop them from growing? 7? Someone _ (be) on the phone now, and you have to wait for minutes ? 8. Everybody enjoyed read

17、ing the book, _ ? 一 No. _ dislikes reading. 独立操练巩固 词汇填空 1. The kings are _ G茁意) with/at their childrens achievements in the school work ? 2. Tom didnt act nonnally. His strange _ (彳了为) reminds me of his mental trouble ? 3. Now many people like living in unpolluted and _ (宁静) countyside? 4. Students

18、need to get a _ (平衡) between their homework and their hobbies ? 5. Light music can _ you well. That means it can make you _ . (放松) 6. You may ask him about it. P _ he knows where your father has gone. 7. Red r _ power and it is also the colour of heat and strong feeling. to writing B prefer; to writ

19、e C prefers; to writing D prefers; to write ()4. He _ stay at home _ go shopping with us. A? prefers, rather than B would rather, than C prefers, to D would like, than ()5. The trousers look good _ Sandy because she looks nice _ red. A? on, in B. on, on C? in, on D. in, in ( )6. The little boy has d

20、ifficulty _ the maths problem. A work out B to work out C working out D works out ( )7 -Would you like some salad? 一 Yes, please. Its my favourite ? I think _ is more delicious than salad ? A something B anything C nothing D everything ( )8. The colour of blue _ the feeling of _ . A. makes, energy B

21、. re presents Joy C? creates, harmony D. affects, purity ( )9. The students are all tired, but _ of them stopped to have a rest. A none B nobody C no one D neither ( )10.( ) -Which color do you _ , red or black? -Red, I think it looks good _ me. A. prefer, to B? prefer, on C? favourate, in D. favour

22、ate, for ( )11.1 want to buy a story book but there were _ left in the bookstore. A. nothing B. none C? no one D. anyone 句子翻译 1. 我宁愿把它挂在我的主页上,也不愿给大家看。 I _ hang it on my home page _ show it to everybody. 2 黑头发黑皮肤的人穿红色和紫色好看。People with dark hare and skin _ in red and purple. 3. 你能给我一些关于穿什么颜色衣服的建议吗? _

23、me some advice on what colour clothes _ ? 4. 比起口颜色的衣服,她更喜欢色彩艳丽的衣服。She _ colourful clothes _ white clothes. 书面表达 二班学牛商讨如何布置教室,根据你所学到的色彩知识,从有利于学牛学习、生理和心理 健康等对环境的要求,谈谈你对墙醸、黑板、学桌、讲台、窗帘等物品颜色的建议,并讲述其 理由。 复习9A Unit 3 Teenage Problems 教学目标 学习和运用有关词汇及语句谈论青少年问题和捉供解决问题的建议和帮助。 学习和掌握动词不定式短语结构及用法。 学会使用 4twh-words

24、 + todo.n 结构。 了解句子的种类和学习运用get构成的不同意思的短语。 主动复习词语 翻译单词 打搅 V. 处理 V. 完成 V. 拒绝 V. 接受 V. 拒绝 v. 提出受苦 V. 接受 怀疑 V. 提出 V. 允许 V. 获得 V. 复习 V. 留出 V. 察觉 V. 受苦 V. 责备 V. 回复 n. with B. be strict in; with C? be strict with; in D. strict with; in ()5. He cant decide _ as the pens all look the same. A. to buy which one

25、 B? which one to buy C? which one will buy D. which one buy )6? “Dont make any noise in class Which sentence type is it? D. How a A. some advices suggestion B. some suggestion C? a piece of advice D. a piece of A. What B. What a C. How A. A statement. B? A question. C? An imperative? D? An exclamati

26、on. )7. Im that she can overcome (克月良) the difficulties in her study. A. afraid B? sorry C. sure D? worried ( )8. He _ her invitation, because he wanted to have a talk with her. A. disturbed B. allowed C. accepted D. refused ( )9. -Will you please _so much noise? -Sorry, I _ . A. not to make, will B

27、. dont make, not to C. not make, wont D. to make, dont ()10. 句子翻译 1. 多吃蔬菜,少吃零食对你身体有好处。 _ and more vegetables _ your health. 2. 请告诉我何时交作业本。Please tell me _ my exercise-book. 3. 没有亲密的朋友使我觉得很孤单。 _ makes me _ . 4. 他们需要学会在工作和活动中取得一种平衡。( need , achieve) 5. 我每天除了做大量的作业英他別无选择。(have no choice but.) 书面表达 假如你是 Simon,请你写一封信给你的笔友Raymond,告诉他你的问题,并向他请求帮助。着迷 于网上聊天,花很多时间,经常很晚才冋家,不能按时完成作业,成绩越來越差。父母和老 师不喜欢这样,叫我放弄这个爱好。为此不时感到有压力并生气,我认为他们不该对我要求 这样严格希望给出一些建议 ( 不少于 80词)


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