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1、XX年辅导习题:初三英语复习题 一、 听力(满分30分,略) 二、 笔试部分(满分120分) PartOneVocabulary 词汇(共10 分) I. 根据句意用括号内词的适当形式完成句子。(共5分, 每小题1分) 31. Largenumbersof _ cometovisitchinaeveryyear? (v isit). 32. Serioussurfersare _ fromtheso-called “beachboys” (difference )? 33. Theh arderyoustu dy, the _ practiceyou need? (much)? 34. Wha

2、to therpartsof chinahaveyo u _ toin china?(trav el)? 35. Th eboywasmade _ aslee pquickly. (f all)? II.请用本学期所学词组填空,首字母已给出,一空一 词。( 共5分,每小题1分) 36. Hehas beentoHongK ongtwices _ 1988? 3 7. Theground is jus tallri ght, n _ t oohot no rtoo dry. 38. Sh ek _ think ingaboutthe problemlast night? 39. Thereare

3、m _ oftrees ontheGreatG reenWal 1. 40. Itiss _ aninteres tingbooktha tweallenjoy readingit? PartTwoGra mmar Applic ationLearni ngSkills 语言知 识、应用能力及学习技能部分(共50分) III?选择填 空。( 共15分,每小题1分) ()41. Sofa r, we ab out lOOOEngl ishwords ? A.1earnedB. willlearnC? havelearned ? D. arelearn ing. ()42. _ isimpos s

4、ibletocatc hthetrainas heistoola,te ? A. HeB. What C. ItD. Who ()43. _ th ehelpofmyEn glishteache r, shecouldn tpasstheex am. A. Than kstoB. WithC ? UnderD. Wit hout ()44. We ,llhaveto _ thespo rtsmeetingi fit _ . A. putaway, w illrainB? pu toff, doesn“ trainC? puta way, doesn“ t rainD. putof f, rai

5、ns ()45 ? A:when _ HaoDong _ theLeagu e? B:Inl9999 . A:Sohe _ aLeaguem emberfor4ye ars? B:Right . A. hasjoi ned. hasbeen in. B ? didjoi n. was. C. did ? join, hasbe en. D. does? j oin. is. ()46. He _ ne itherblackn orwhite, A ? doesn , tlik e. B. isn tli keC? likesD. like? ()47 . Theforests _ thesan

6、 dfrom _ t owardstheri chfarmlandi nthesouth? A. stoped. m ovedB? stop ? move? C? stop s. moving ? D. stop. moving ? ()48. Tha nks _ thet ree, Icoulds itdownandha. vearest ? A . forB. verym uch? C? withD . to ()49 ? M oreandmoreC hinese _ Englishinaf ewyears tim e. A. 1earn ? B. islearni ng. C? will

7、le arn. D. willb elearned. ()50. Whydoy oupoint _ thetreeall thetime? A. t oB. onC. inD. at ()51. My homework _ yet ? A . willhandin ? B. hashande din.C? willb ehandedin. D ? hasn“ thand edin ()52. Neitherjack norhisparen ts _ Fre nch ? A. spe akB ? speaks ? C? speaking ? D. tospeak? ()53Mustth etre

8、esbepla ntedatonce?No, they _ ? A. mustn , t. B. must. C ? need. D. nee d. n, t ()54 ? Thelittlec hildis _ ? A. twoye arold ? B. two years , oldC ?two yearold ? D. two-year s-old. ()5 51 don tknow ifshe _ .1 fshe _ , pl easeletmekn ow. Acomes , comesBwill come, willco me Cwillco me, comesDco mes, wi

9、llcom e IV. 口语应用 .( 共20分) (1)从下栏中找出能与上栏中所给各句组成对话的正确选 项。( 共10分,每小题1分) A:Hello !_56_, pie ase? m sorryheisn ? tinnow ? _57 _ ? CanItake amessagefor you? A:_5 8_, MrsBrown ? ThisisBill ,_59_? She hasbeeninho spitalfor2d ayssinceThu rsday. B:_6 0_ ? A:_61_ ? B:OK, V llletherkno wit62. A:Whatabou 19:OOam

10、a.tth egateoftheN olpeople“ sH ospital? B :0K, _63_, I,llgivethe messagestoh er. And_64 A:65_? Seeyou! B:Se eyou, Bye! A:ThisisAnn“ s mother? B:Pleaseremem bermetoMiss Gao. C: May Is peaktoAnn? D :Let , smakei t E: I ,dlik etoseeherwi thAnn. F:A llright, IWi 11. F:Allrig ht? Iwil 1. G: That sver yki

11、ndofyou. H: I ,msorr ytosaythato urteacher, M issGaoisill ? I: Whenan dwherewilly oumeet? J: So rryto hear th at. 56._ _57 ?_ 58. _ 59._6 0. _ 61._ 62. 63. 64. 6 5 II )从右栏中找出最恰当的短语,回答左栏中的问题。 每个答语只能用一次。(共10分,每小题2分) 66. Howsoon willhebebac k?A:That,sa goodidea! 67. Hasjimev erbeentoTib etwithhispa ren

12、ts?B:Abo utthreetent hs. 68. How manyofthese magazinesar eprintedinE ngl ish?C: Wh atbadnews! 69. Whatabo utgoingsurf ing?D: In3da ys. 70. Afr iendofminef elloffthebi keandbrokeh isarm. E:No, never? 66. 67 68 6 9 70 V.完型填空 .(共10分,每小题1分) Ofallthe stars, thesu nistheneare sttotheeart h. Millionso foth

13、er 71 arebigge ra.ndbrigh te rthanthesun ? Theylooksm alleronlybe causetheyar emuch 72 _away. Ifyou gooutatmidn ight, you,11 be 73 tos eethousands ofthem. Them oonisoneoft heearth , s 74 . Noma nhas 75 farthertha nthemoon, bu tspaceships 76 peo plehave_77 _tootherpl anets (行 星).C hinahas 78 _upher79

14、 _Taikonaut (太空人)intosp acealready. Thankstothe 80 ofth esatellites andspaceshi ps, manhasle arntmoreabo uttheeartha ndthespace. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 分,每小题1分)。 (p lantoverdig workinenjoy wemanylearn although) ItwasTreepl antingDayla stSunday. My classmatesa 86 _ 8 7 _ 8 8 _ 8 9 _ 9 0 PartTh

15、reeR eading Writ ing 阅读、写作(共6 0 分) VII.阅读。(共40分) I ).请读下列短文后,选择正确答案。(共10分,每小 题2分) Thous andsofyears ago, peopled idn,tlive incoldplace sbecausethe ydidn, tknow howtokeepth emselveswar m. Laterthey learnedtoma keelothes? w ndlwenttopl aotaughtush nthehil1. _ eatfunand_ sthatday. We that 88 tr anttree

16、s 8 ow_82_ahol 84weareve 85 _ alot. W reallyenjoy eesshould 1_ouroldcl e. weallenjo rytiredthat eplanted_8 ed_87_!No 89 fromnow 0_thanplay ingcomputer games! 81 82 83 84 othes ? MissG yed_83 _ o day, wehadgr 6 _ 400tree weal Ithink on. It s _ 9 henananimal waskilled, t heymadeuseo fitsskinsto covert

17、heirb odies ? Thesk inskeptthem warm ? Nature ispeople,sg oodfriend ? I toncehelped peoplefindf ire, whenlig htninghitaf orestandsta rtedafire? P eopletookso meofthisfir etotheirhom es.Thefirek eptthemwarm ,andalsofri ghtenedwild animals? So onpeoplefou ndthefoodco okedtastedm uchbetter, s otheybega

18、nt ousethefire tocookfood. Butpeoplest illdidn tkn owhowtomake afire? whent heygotafire fromthefore sttheytried tokeepitbur ning. Ifitwe ntort,theyh adtowaitfor years ? Butla tertheyfoun ddifferentw aystomakefi re.Forexamp le, theymade firebyburni ngwoodorkno ckingtwopie cesofstones .Todayit,se asyf

19、orpeopl etomakefire becausethey havematches ,lightersan ddifferentk indsofheate rs. Theycanm akef ireatan ytimetheyne ed? ()91.0 ncepeopleli vedonlyinho tplacesbeca usetheydidn otknowhowto _ ? A. killanimals B. takefiref romforest. C. keepthem selveswarm. D. makematch es. ()92. P eopleuseani malskin

20、s _ inthoseda ys. A. forf ood? B. tomak efire? C? for burning. D. t owarmthemse Ives ? ()93 ? Peoplelate rlearnedhow tousef ireto _ A. cookfood. B. killanimals ? Ccutoffana nimal sskin . D. burnwood . ()94.Peo plelaterlea rnedtomakef irebyboring A. s tonesB? wood ? C? dryleave s. D. animals kins? ()

21、 95 . Todaymostp eopleinthew orlduse _ tomadefire? A. heaters ? B. matcheso rlighters? C ? stones.D.1 ightning? II)?请阅读短文后判断文后各题正,(J)误(X).( 共10 分,每题2分) yofablackca t outwhetheri twastrue. Ihave alwaysthatw alkingunder aladderbrin gsbadluck, b utl venever thoughtso ? I havewalkedu nderladders manytim

22、es, b utlhaveneve rmetanythin gbadbefore. It , sthesame withblackca ts.Peoplesa crossesb eforeyou, it meansbadluc k. Ihaveneve rthoughttha tuntilthisa fternoon.Bu teversincel heardmystud entSam ? ssto ry, I,vebegu nthinkingab Thisafterno on, Sa.mwaswa. lkingdownth estreetthin kingaboutso mething, so

23、h ewasn tpayi ngattention to (注 意至lj ) wher ehewasgoing ? Hewalkedri ghtunderala dderstandin gagains t (倚着)abuildi ng. Ablackca tra noutofadoor justatthatm oment, andSa mfelloverit .Hisheadhit thetopoftha tladderandt hedirtywate rwentdownth roughtheair ? PoorSam!He gotwetallov er. ()96? A tf irst, t

24、hew riterbeliev ed(相信)thatw alkingunder aladderwoul dbringbadlu ck. ()97? A blackcatcro ssingwillbr ingyougoodl uckwhenyoua rewalking? () 98.Thisa fternoon, th ewriter sso nSamwaswalk ingdownthes treetthinki ngaboutmeth ing. ()99? WhenSamwasw alkingunder aladder, abl ackcatranou tofthedoor? ()100. T

25、he rewasamanwa shingthewin downearthed oor. III).请阅读短文后,回答文后各题。(共10分,每题 3分) Oneeve ningtwoyoun gmenwerewal kinginthest reettogethe T. Theytried tofindachan ce (机会)toste a(偷)someth ing. Thecloc kstruck(敲打)twelve. Most undtothebac kdoorandthe ngetintothe house?” Su ddenlyoutof thehouseran adog, barkin

26、 g (吠) atthem ? Thetwomenwe reveryafrai dandranaway asfastasthe ycould. They didn,tstopu ntiltheygot toalonelypl ace? Themans aidonsurpri se, “It , stoo bad. Ihadn,t thoughtthat thedogcould understandE nglish. ” 1 01. Whatdidt hetwomenwan ttodo? _ 10 2. Whendidth eycometothe house? _ 1 03. Didthema

27、nsayinEngli shloudlyorq u ietly? _ 104 . Werethemen veryafraido fthedog? _ 105? Couldt hedogreally understandE nglish? _ VIII?书面表达。(共20分) ofthepeople anditseemed leep.Standi totheotheri wenttobed ? Q thateveryon ngatthefron nalowvoice, uicklytheyc einthehouse tgate, onesa Youwaither ametoahouse hadf

28、allenas idinEnglish e. I llgoaro I )根据所提供的对话用四句话描述发生的事情。(共8 分;每句2分;分级评分)要求:1句子必须包括所给提示词 语。 2句子之间意思连贯、符合逻辑。 A:Jim, w hat shappen ed?B:Theyha vehadatraff icaccident. A:Whendid ithappen?B:Tenminutesa go. A:Hasa nyonecalled thepolice?B : Yes, Ihave? A:Didthep olicearrive assoonaspos sible?B: Yes . A: Is

29、anyo nehurt?B: Ye s, amanishur t, butnotbad ly. (提7K词语:accident, ha ppen, cal 1th epolice, arr ive, hurt, ba dly) 106. 107 ? 108. 109. II )根据中文设置的情景及英文提示词语,写出语法正 确、意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段。 (共12分;分级评分)迈克出生在英国。去年他来我 们学校学汉语。他平时与我们相处得很好。他现在很努力学 习。在我们的帮助下,他会查汉语词典了。 注意:1. 字数80左右;2英语提示词语必须全部用上; 3 答题时不用1, 2, 3, 4编号 Keyword s: IMike, inB ritain 2he , toourschoo 1, Chinese, 1 astyear 3a lways, withu s, onhisless ons, now, 4 help, thenew words, theCh inesedictio nary


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