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1、Unit6 Topicl Section A 福州第三十二中学叶桂英 短语翻译: 去.旅游/ 参观 _ 花费某人多长时间做某事_ (take ) _ 找出;查明;了解_ 需要做某事 决定;选定 _ 做某事的最好方式_ 开始;出发 _ 知识点归纳: 1. For our spring field trip, were qoinq on a three-chy vis汁 to Mount Tai. 译: _ (1) 去某地旅游:_ (2) a three - day vis计译为“ _ ”,three - day是复合形容词,作定语修饰名词 _ 其结构为:数字 +连字符 +单数名词即吋训练:十个月

2、大的婴儿_ 1)_个七犬的假期_ 2) _名八岁的男孩 _ 2. We II decide on the best way to travel on our field trip. (1) decide K译为:_ , 决定某事: _ 【链接】 decide 的常用句型 : 1)_ 决定做某事 : _ 2)作岀决定 发展题:单选题 ( )1. -What is Li Leis plan during the summer _ holidays? He wants to go on a visit to Beijing. A. five day ?B. five days C. five-day

3、 D. five-days ( )2. There are all kinds of jackets in the clothes store. I cant decide which one _ . A. buy B. to buy C. sell D. to sell ( )3. Lucy will learn to play th e piano though it _ too much. A. costs B. takes C. spends b. pays ( )4. Mike and I will fly to Kunming for vacation to morrow. _ .

4、 A. Lets celebrate! B. I hope so. C. Im really happy. D. Have a good trip! ( )5.Could you tell me the best season to visit Hong Kong ? _ You can go there in spring or in fall. B. Its hard to say. C. You re great! D. My pleasure. SectionB _ 硬卧 / 软卧 _ 知识点归纳 1.rd like to book some tickets to Mount Tai

5、on 译: book 在此作动词,译为:_ 即时训练: He _ a table for two at 8:00 tonight. 2.Please pay for the tickets before 5:30 _ pay v. 译为: _ , 过去式为: _ A. Ifs easy to know. 到达 _ 支付 .的费用 _ 空调系统 _ 单人标准间 _ April 13 th . 【拓展 J pay 的常用句型 : 1)sb. + pay +钱+ sth. 某人为某物付了多 . 少钱 2) pay for支付的费用 即时训练 : 1) _ will _ 500 yuan _ the

6、book. 我打算花 500 元买那辆自行车。 2) How much did you _ the book?那木书你付多少钱? 请把 pay / spend / take / cost的句型写出来: 1._ (pay) 2. _ (take ) 3. _ ( spend ) 4. _ ( cost) 基础题:单选题 ( )1.?Tina is going to Hainan for holiday. What about you? I dont know. But I decide _ at home and have a good rest f irst. A. on stay B. on

7、 staying C. to stay D. at staying ( )2.When did your father _ the airport? ?At five oclock. A. get at B. arrive in C. arrive at D. reach to ( )3. This pair of shoes is not very _ . They re a little small for me. A. cheap B. nice C. comfortable b. new ( )4. Ifs too expensive. I can only _ 50 yuan _ t

8、he shirt. A. spent; in B. pay; for C. cost; on D. take; to ( )5. I want to _ two rooms with bathroom and air conditioning. All right. A. make B. get C. book b. take 发展题:按要求完成句子: 1.A room with one double bed costs 200 yuan ( 対划线部分提问 ) _ _ _ a room with one double bed _ ? 2. rd like to book 3 standard

9、 rooms.(对划线部分提问 ) _ standard rooms _ you _ to book ? 3. rd like to book rooms.( 同义句转换 ) Id like to _ reservation. 4. We spent 100 yuan buying two movie tickets.( 同义句转换 ) We _ 100 yuan _ two movie tickets. Two movie tickets_ 100 yuan. Lt _ 100 yuan _ two tickets. 5. There is no bathroom or air condit

10、ioning in the hotel. I dont like it.( 合并成一个句子 ) I dont like the hotel _ bathroom _ air conditioning. Section C 短语或单词翻译 1 筹钱 _ 2 例如_ 3 在加拿大或美国学校 _ 4 cost _ 5 at noon _ 6 field trips _ 2.1 It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.在加拿人和美国的学校里,筹钱很常见。 知识点归纳 归纳“做某事怎么样“用计做形式主语的的句型是

11、:_ , 真正的主语是动词不定式。to raise money 同学们,前面我们接触到了动词不定式做定语的用法,如:I have lots of work to do.但是,动词不定式除了做 定语之外,还能在句子当小做具它的成分,现在我们来系统地学习一卜动词不定式的用法: ( 一) 动词不定式的概念:动词不定式是动词的一种非谓语形式, 通常前面带有 ?不定式符号to, 但是在遇到 make, let, have等使役动词时,该符号to 要省略。 二)请看以下例句,归纳理解动词不定式在句子中的成分: To learn English well is not easy. 学好英语并不容易。 “to

12、 learn“是动词不定式结构,做主语时,谓语动词用_ (单数、复数); They want to buy Q new book. 他们想买一本新书。(作宾语, 此类结构主要是背彳U 型) My duty is to teach English.我的责任是教英语。(作表语) III leave him to clean the room.我止他留下来打扫卫生。(作宾语补足语) I have something to do.我有事要做。(作定语) 如:I have some exci ting news _ you. (tell ) 【总结:】以后我们还会学到动词不定式作目的状语、结果状语的句子

13、,通过以上知识可以了解到,动词不定式 除 了不能作谓语之外,其他任何句子成分都能作。 ? 【练一练】().1。Give me a pen _ . A. write B. to write C. write with D. to write w汁 h 2. Lt is easy for us _ (learn ) English well. 2.1t costs each student one dollar to buy a ticket for the draw.每位学生只需花一美元就可买到一张抽奖券。 再看下面几个例句,复习each 与 every 的区别: Each man carrie

14、s his own bag.每个人都各自背自己的包。 Each of them does well in English.他们每个人英语都学得很好。 They each want to go on a field trip.他们每个人都想去郊游。 Every child gets an apple.所有的孩子都得一个苹果。 Every one of them doesnt like this TV play.他们当中的每个人都不喜欢这部电视剧。通过观察以上例句, 句中, each* 单数名词,谓语动词用 _ (单/ 复)数。 句中, each of 数名词 / 代词 _ (单/ 复)数,谓语动

15、词用_ (单/ 复)数。 句中, each 用于复数主语后时,谓语动词用_ (单/ 复)数。 指的是三者或三者以上屮事物屮的每一个,侧重丁?整体 . 句中, every * 单数名词,谓语动词用(单/ 复)数 ; 句中, every one of + nJ数名词 _ (单/ 复)数,谓语动词用_ (单/ 复)数。 由此可总结出: each 用于单数名词前,后接单数动词;each 用于复数主语后时,谓语用 _ 而 every 后的谓语只能用 _ ( 单数、复数 ) 。 【练一练】 ( ) _ professional musician practices for several hours a

16、day, but _ of them has his own way of playing the music. A. Each, every B. Every, each C. All, every t). Either, every 3 Fm looking forward to hearing from you.我盼望着收到你的来信。 【归纳一表达“期待,盼望”的短语是:_ , 在这个短语中, to 是介词,后面接 名词或 _ (do doing 、to do ), 因-此,我们可总结出“期待做某事”的句型是:_ 【链接】 I heard from my mother yesterday

17、.二 I got/ received a letter from my mother yes+erday. 【归纳二:】表达“收到的来信”的短语:_ sb. _ sb. 【练一练】 ( )Chinese people are looking forward _ on the moon some day. I believe we can do that in the near future ?A. to landing B. to land C. I anding D. I and 一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. It is easy for us _ (learn) English we

18、ll. 2. Are you looking forward to _ (visit) Mount Tai? 【总结】 each 的意思是 : 指的是者或者两者以上事物屮的每一个, 侧重丁?个体。 every 的意思是 : (单数、复数) , 二、单项选择。 ( )1. Jane went to the park _ Helen. A.meets B.me ? C.to meetD.meeting ( )2 Mother asked me _ computer games before finishing my homework A.didn t piay B.not play C.can t

19、 play D.not to play ( )3 Give me a pen _ . A.write B.to write C.write w计 h b.to write with ( )4. -How often do you _ Mary? -Twice a month? A.hear a letter from B. hear from C. hear about D. hear of Section b 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1.1 _ have some exciting news you. (tell) 2. It will take us a few days _ there

20、 by bike.( get) 3. Your task is _ out the cost by bus ? ( find) 4.1want _ a room reservation, (make) 5. Miss Wang told us not _ our parents for the money, (ask) 6. Why dont we put on a show _ money? (raise) 7. Kang kang helped us _ the train tickets., (book) 8. Lm looking forward _ from you. (hear)

21、知识点归纳 1 It was snowing when we got to the top .我们到达山顶时,犬在卜雪注意: top 表示: _ . 常用短语是: at /on the top of在上部。 练一练:当我看到那个小男孩在树顶时,吓了一跳。 When I saw the boy _ of the tree, I feared for him . ( 拓展)top 还可以用作形容词,意为最高的,最优秀的。 练一?练:在我的班级里,她是最优秀的学牛。She is the _ student in my class . 2.1was so excited that I didnt fe

22、el cold at all. 我那么兴奋以至于一点没感到寒冷。 表示“如此以至 “的短语 _ .so 为副词,修饰形容词或副词,that用來引导 _ 状语从句。 练一练:他走那么快,我赶不上他。He walks _ fast _ i cant catch up with him . 基础题。单项选择。 ( )1.Excuse me, could you tell me how _ to Beijing Zoo? -Well, you may take Bus No.27. A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get ( )2.?From this year on,

23、 we begin to enjoy a _ spring each year. -Sounds great! A. seven days B. seven days C. seven-days D. seven-day ( )3. What about going, to see the sunrise on Mount Tai? -Sounds exciting! HI _ a room at once. A. buy B. book C. sell D. decide ( )4 Im writing to my cousin. He moved to America two weeks

24、ago. He must be _ receiving e-mail A. listening to B. Iooking forward to C. hoping to D. liking to ( )5.The doctor told Ann _ t oo much meat, because she is a little heavy. A. to eat B. to not eat C. not to eat D. not eat ( )6. I need a pen _ . Could you give me one? Sure. Here you are. A. write wit

25、h B. to write C. writing D. to write w计 h ( )7. Did you have a good holiday? Yes. It _ us five days _ Mount Wuyi. We enjoyed ourselves. A. cost; for B. to ok; to C. spent; on D. paid; for ( )81 will call you _ I get the ticket to the football match?Its very kind of you. A. as well as B. urrtil C. as

26、 soon as D? while ( )9. What animals do you like best? _ I like many kinds of animals, such as monkeys, pandas. A. Oh my god! B. How wonderful! C. With pleasure. D. Ifs hard to say ( )10.We must _ who broke the window of our class A. find B. find out C. look for D. watch Unit6 Topic2 Section A I. Le

27、arn new words and phrases:( 翻译) 1) _ 忙于做某事 _ 2)度假 _ 3)做计划 4)期待做某事 _ 5)做怎么样? _ 6 )享受旅行 7)和。 _起来_ 8) 算出,制定出,完成_ n、课文解读: 1.While you were enjoying your trip to Mount Tai# (I was busy preparing for my exams.) ( 引导词 ) 从句主句 当你们在享受泰山旅行的时候,我正忙着为考试做准备。 这是一个由 while ( 当的时候 ) 引导的时间状语从句,while 只与延续性动词连用,表示主句和从句的动

28、作同时发生; 而 when 可与延续性动词或短暂性动词连用。 2.How about exploring Tian anmen Square? How about= _ _ ?意为“怎么样?”后接名词、代词或动名词。 二、课堂导练: 匸根据首字母写单词。 1) I went to Hainan for my winter v _ w 计 h my family last year. 2) Everyone will be very happy if they r _ the beautiful postcards . 3) Would you like to go c _ w 汁 h me t

29、omorrow? 4) Mary was waging in the room w _ I was waiting outside the door. 5) How about e _ Mount Tai? n.单项选择。 ( )1) Yesterday morning I was playing the piano _ the door bell rang. A. when B. while C. after D. before ( )2) Li Lei was running _ Michael was swimming. A. when B. while C. after b. befo

30、re ( )3) I won t leave here until my father _ back tomorrow. A. come B. came C. comest). coming ( )4) It s about _ from my home to school. A. twenty minutes walk B. twenty minutes walk C. twenty minutes walking b. twenty minutes walking ( )5) How about some tea? A. drink B. drank C. drinks D. drinki

31、ng n 匸完成句子。 i)我很高兴收到你的明信片。r m to your postcard. 2)你能和我们一起来吗?Could you with us? 3) 你能帮我们做个参观长城的计划吗? Would you help us _ _ to vis汁 the Great Wall? 4) 看!康康正在看电视而明明正忙着做作业。 Look! Kangkang _ TV while Mingming is busy _ his homework. Unit6 Topic2 Section B I.Learn some new words and expressions: 1) _ 在的中心2

32、) be quite meaningful to sb. 3) in the north of _ 4) to the east of _ 5) can“ t wait to do sth. _ 6) by the way_ II课文解读: 1.s about one and a half hours by bike.= It s about one and a half hours ride. one and a half hours=one hour and a half 意为“一个半小时” 试试 two and a half hours= _ 翻译: 步行大约需要一个半小时。 2. Th

33、e Tian anmen Rostrum is in the north of Tian anmen Square. 在的 方可表达为: in the +方位词 + of 指在某一范围之内的地区 to the +方位词 + of 指互不接壤或互不管辖的两个地区 on the +方位词牛of 指相互接壤但互不管辖的两个地区 Beijing is _ t he north of China.北京在中国的北部。( 在内部 ) Japan is _ t he east of China. 0本在中国的东边。 ( 不接壤 ) Guangdong is _ the south of Hunan.广东在湖南

34、的南边。( 接壤) 二、课堂导练: 匚选词填空。 in , on. to _ 1) Hengyang is _ the south of Hunan.2) Japan is _ the east of China. 3) Taiwan Island is _ the southeast of China.4) Guangdong lies _ the south of Hunan. n.单项选择。 ( )1) -Tian , anmen Square is so amazing! -Wow! I can t wait _ it . A. see B. sees C. seeing D. to

35、see ( )2) The park _ in the west of the city. A. lie B. lies C. lay b. lied ( )3) The PRC _ in 1949. A. find B. found C. founded D. was founded ( )4) The Tian anmen Square is meaningful _ all Chinese people. A. for B. to C. at D. of ( )5) The school is beautiful! _ # how far is it from here ?A. Sorr

36、y B. OK C, By the way D. Please Un 汁 6 Topic2 Section C I.Learn some new words and expressions: 1)充满的 _ 2)be surprised at _ 3) 踩在某人的脚上_ 4) in all directions _ 5) push one s way out _ 6)jump around 7) can“ t help doing sth. _ m. 课文解读:时间状语从句 1. After parking their bicycles, they walked to Tian anmen S

37、quare. 2. When Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldrf t find his friends. 3.He didrf t raise his head until someone called him. 4.As soon as the three boys saw each other, they all jumped around happily. 引导词 when, while, as ( 当的时候 )until, ( 直到为止 )not until, ( 直到才 ) after ( 在之后 ) ,before ( 在 之

38、前) ,as soon as ( 一就 ) 等。 时态 A.当主句为一般过去时,从句常用过去的某种时态。如While I was doing my homework, the phone rang. B.当主句为一般将来时,从句一般用一般现在时,即主将从现原则。如I“ II call you as soon as I get to Beijing. I根据首字母写单词。 1) There are many cars, buses on the road so 汁 s too c _ . 2) We were tired and sat b _ a big table. 3) After we

39、parked our b _ , we went into the supermarket. 4) We can try to p _ our way through the crowd. 5) He sat down on the sofa s _ w 汁 h tear in his eyes. II. 单项选择。 ( )1) We were all _ this news?A. surprise to B. surprised to C. surprise at D. surprised at ( )2) The bottle _ water A. full of B. fill w汁 h

40、 C. is full of D. is fill w汁 h ( )3) _ the girl parked the bike, she went into a shop. A. Before B. When C. As b. After ( )4) I will mail you _ I get the latest news. A. before B. when C. as soon as b. while ( )5) When Jane heard the news, she couldn“ t help _ .A. crys B. cried C. cry D. crying III请

41、用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 Sunday, May 1st sunny It was _ 1_ today. Lily and I went to visit Guangzhou Museum It s about 3 kilometers away _ 2 _ my house. So we decided to go there by _ 3 _ . We set off at 8 o clock. 4 we parked our bicycles, we bought two tickets and went into the museum. At the museum we _ 5 _ many interesting old tKings. We learn a 6 But we were not allowed to


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