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1、1?室内设计:internal decoration 2.柱廊:colonnade 3.住宅小区 :neighborhood 4.半独立式住宅:semidetached house 5.电影院:movie theater 6. T薪阶层:wage earners 7.草图:skeleton 8.经济住宅:tenement-house 9?露台:terrace 10. 建筑规范:building codes 11?房地产:real estate 12.物业管理:property management 13.城镇体系:urban system 14.旧城改造:urban redevelopment

2、 15.中央商务区;center bus in ess dis trict 16.半地下室 :semi-basement 17.抗压强度:compressive strength 18.抗拉强度 :tensile strength 19.哥特式大教堂 :Gothic Cathedral 20.栏杆:balustrade 21.耳房:apse 22.悬臂梁:cantilever 23.装饰物:ornament 24.小礼拜堂:chapel 25.围墙:enclosure 26.排式平房:row house 27.街区:block 28.入 口平台 :entrance platform 29.城市

3、布局:urban layout 30.风景区:scenic zone 翻译: 1. Furthermore, the movement of human beings within the building requires halls stairs or elevators whose size is governed by the expected load of traffic? 此外,在建筑内的人类活动要求了大厅楼梯和电梯的尺寸被预期的交 通负荷所控制。 2. Wood, a fibrous material, withstands tension as readily as it d

4、ose compression. 木材,一种纤维材料,承受张力和它承受压缩一样迅速。 3. Wooden beams may be relatively longer than stone beams, and wooden posts slender and widely spaced? 木梁可能相对而言比石梁长,并且木柱更细长能形成广阔的间距。 4. Finally, architecture must do more than meet the physical requirements of strength and space; it must also contribute the

5、 spirit of man. 最后,建筑不仅必须要满足强度和空间的物理需求,还必须有助于 人们的精神。 5. Apartment houses may range from houses of only a few stories, without elevators, to structures of 20 or more stories, with several elevators? 公寓可能从只有几层的没有电梯的房子,变到20或20几层的楼层, 同时有几部电梯的结构。 6. Good housing means a satisfactory community, as well as

6、 proper shelter ? 公寓可能从只有几层的没有电梯的房子,变到20或20几层的楼层, 同时有几部电梯的结构。 7. Tn the city center, the high-rising dwelling is a more efficient type of house because it may house many families on a small piece of land. 在市中心,高层是一种更高效的住房形势,他可以在一块很小的地 方容纳许多家庭。 8. Tn addition, the domain of urban design extends from

7、the exterior of individual buildings outward, with consideration of positive and negative effects of individual buildings on each other s interiors? 此外,考虑到单体建筑彼此内部的积极的和消极的影响,城市设计 的领域从单体建筑的室外向外延伸。 9. External form and image focus on the city s skyline and its overal1 image and identity? 外部的格局与印象聚焦于城市

8、的天际线和他的整体印象与个性。 10.Planning new cluster housing environments requires a perspective view of their history. 规划新的建筑群环境需要对历史有个透视的观点。 11.Al-though many of the vil lage character! stics remained, the houses were more isolated from the main public spaces? 尽管许多村庄的特征仍然有所保留,但这些房屋却更加远离主要的 公共空间。 12.In medieval

9、 European cities it became still more compact with very narrow frontage on the street and heights of four to five stories? 在中世纪的欧洲城市变得更为紧凑,这是市于狭长的街道和4、5层 高 度的建筑。 13.For reasons of cultural tradition, climate, landform, materials, and technology, some civi1izations built a complex of patio and terrace clusters as their basic house type. 由于文化传统、气候、地形、材料和技术等原因,一些文明建立了 把天井式和台地式建筑群综合起来作为他们基本的建筑形式。


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