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1、英语教学法复习说明 一、复习依据 1.小学英语教学法一一从理论到实践王蔷 中央电大出版社 2.小学英语教学法导学王笃勤中央电大出版社 主要内容 第一部分 有8个单元,应该重点4点: 1. 儿童的年龄、学习等特征 2. 儿童的母语习得 3. 多元智力理论 4?儿童的学习风格 第二部分 是本教材的中心,也是复习的重中之重,其中包含了各种课型的教 学以及歌曲、故事、游戏等在教学中的应用。重点抓两点。一是各课型 可以采取和常采用的活动及课堂的操作程序,二是各类活动或教学手段 所适应的课型教学,可以用于什么能力的培养。比如,考查时有的题就 可以覆盖面很大,包含听、说、读、写。 第三部分 由两部分组成,课

2、堂管理和备课,两部分都十分重要,课堂管理在 单选及简答中都有涉及,备课单设一题,也就是试卷中的最后一题, 有 50分的比重,是我们复习的重点之一。 第四部分 学习评估。这一部分理论性太强,不好理解。只更求能够分清测试、评 估与评价的关系,掌握终结性评估与过程性评估的不同。这里的不同, 主要是服务对象的不同,评估方式的不同,利用手段的不同,以及结果 展示的不同。 建议大家复习时除通读课本,掌握重点之外,重点要把握相关 章节的“Our Comment“和“Summary ” 部分。 三、题型 小学英语教学法考试有四部分组成,要求全部用英文作答。 1.正误判断题(20%) 2.填空题(20%) 3.

3、匹配题(10%) 4?活动设计(50%) 复习题 I. State the followings are true or false; write T or F in the brankets ? 1.( ) In real life, language can be understood through the con text, the body language, the facial expressions and the tune of the speaker ? 2.( ) In learning a language, one does not have to understan

4、d meaning just from words of the language? 3.( ) Behavior receiving positive comment is 1 ikely to be repeated and behavior receiving negative comment tends to disappear forever ? 4.( ) Lesson planning is only necessary and beneficial to new teachers; experienced teachers don t have to make lesson p

5、lans. 5.( ) When working with chi 1 dren, the teacher should never smile and be kind to them? 6.( ) It is important to build a non-threatening learning environment for the children to experience with the language and take risks in using the language? 7.( ) Formative assessment focuses on the process

6、 of learning ? 8. ( ) Children arc easier to teach than adolescents or adults because they are more interested in and curious about new things? 9.( ) Speaking activities do not need to be always reading aloud, reciting dialogues or repeating what the teacher says? 10.( ) Games can provide a meaningf

7、ul context for activity and help develop both a positive classroom atmosphere and a more effective learning environment. Which of the following concern target needs, and which concern learning needs?Write “T” for target needs and “L” for learning needs? 1.( ) Why arc the lcarncrs taking the course?

8、2 ( ) Why is the language needs? 3.( ) What is students attitude towards English? 4.( ) How will the language be used? 5.( ) What sort of techniques arc likely to bore them? 6.( ) What wi11 the content area be? 7.( ) Where will the language be used? 8.( ) What is the 1 earning background o the stude

9、nts? 9.( ) What resources are available? 10. ( ) What arc the studcnts interests? Which of the following are true of first language acquisition ? Tick in the blank? 1 systematic study free learning environment try and error formal instruction mechanical practice care-take talk 123456 7. ) silent lis

10、tening 8.( ) minimal pair practice? Which of the following are true of LI acquisition and which are true of L2 learning? Write “A“ for acquisition and “L” for learning. H rich language environment conscious learning of language structures long time of listening before speaking little error correctio

11、n more focus on form learning for communication more instrumentally motivated active use of language II.Blank filling 1.The initials TPR stand for _ ? 2.The teaching games that aim to practice new Ianguage items and develop accuracy and are often used with the who 1 e class i s _ game s. 3.When pres

12、enting new language, it is best to ask questions to the whole class first, then to groups and finally to . 4.According to Brewster, Ellis and Girard, the noisier the teacher is, the noisier the _ will become? 5.We plan our lessons at three different levels? The first level focuses on long-term plarr

13、ning, the second level on short-term planning and the third on _ planning ? 6.Assessment is often divided into _ assessment and formative assessment. 7.“ _ ” means children learn when they are enjoying themselves without knowing that they are learning? 8.Stories create opportunities for developing _

14、 in children , s learning since they can be chosen to consolidate learning in other subjects across the curriculum. 9.Pupils vary in their ways of learning? By using role-plays/drama we can discover their _ i n learning and in performing different roles? 12345678 10.An error occurs because the learn

15、er does not know the rule while a mistake is often caused by the 1earner ? s or anxicty. III.What role does the teacher play in the following activities? 1. The teacher gives students two minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he asks students to stop and answer some questions? 2. T: Do you ha

16、ve any hobbies? S: Yes, I like singing and dancing? T: Um, and-? S: I also collect coins? 3. The teacher writes one of the five numbers on a number of cards ?Each student draws one card ?Those who have drawn number 1 will form group 1, and those who have drawn 2 wi 11 form group 2. Thus the students

17、 are putting into five groups in a random way. 4. When a student says “ I borrowed a paper to write a letter? “ the teacher says, “ Well, we don t say a paper, we say a piece of paper ?” 5. When the students are doing a group-work task, the teacher joins one or two groups for a shot period of time.

18、6. While doing a writing task either individually or in groups, the students need to use a particular word they do not know. So they ask the student. A.source of help 1? B.controller 2. C.participant 3. D.assessor 4. E.organizer 5. F.prompter 6. IV. Design a lessonplan Directions: In this part, you

19、are to design a 15-minute speaking activity according to the material given. Make sure you include all the items of an activity described in the textbook (objective, organization, assumed time, procedure, predicted problems and solutions)? You can write your design of the activity according to the t

20、able given. Make sure you give the assumed time for each step? I like singing Kate: You often sing songs, Rose? Rose: Yes, I like singing. Do you like it? Kate: Yes ? But I like dancing best? How about you, Lisa? Lisa: I like drawing? Kate: And you, Mary? Mary: I like reading? Look! I have a new sto

21、ry book here. Kate: Can we read it? Mary: Yes, let ? s read it together! 根据以下课文,结合所学的教学理论,写一篇教案。要求步骤清晰, 每一步骤先简述理论,然后写出具体操内容。 It is good mariners for an Arab to stand close to his friend whon they arc talking ? But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a rcason. It

22、 could be very interesting to watch an Arab and an Englishman talking together? The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his fricnd, but the Englishman will move back in order to deep a certain distance away. When they finish their talk, the two may be quite a distance from the place where they

23、were standing ? People from the United States or Arab countries stand closer than people from Britain when they are talking together. City people in Britain and the States stand closer than those who live in the country. Whon one uses a foreign language, it is important to know the meanings of gestu

24、res and movements in the foreign county? Using body languagc in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable? Objective Classroom organization Predicted problem(s) Solution(s) Procedure 1) 2) 3) ? ? ? 活动设计要求:要把课堂每一个活动的目的,活动方式,活动的操 作程序,以及可能会出现的问题都考虑进去,还要估算出每一步骤可能 会占用的时间。


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