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1、【优化指导】(课标全国)高考英语总复习课时作业33北师大版 课时作业(三十三) Unit 17 A 卷 - 、单项填空 1. What did they _ out of the reading room? B. so that D? for fear 3. You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had B? to bring up D? to have brought up 4. _ If travel books are good, they wil 1, their specific information, give an ex

2、tra introduction. A. in response to B. in addition to C. on account of ?D. in favour of 5. (2012 合肥一中高三月考)The middle-aged man said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to his acceptance in writing. A. confirm B. convey C. convince D? consider 6. I don t mind the deci si on as long as it is

3、not too late? A. you to delay making B. your delaying making C. your delaying to make D. you delay to make 7. Since many insects have already become _ to DDT, scientists have to look for some new insecticide? A. active B. resistant C. preferred D. tough 8. The US government threatened that it would

4、_ al 1 its investment from the A? forbid to be taken B? forbid taking C. forbid being taken D? forbid take 2- Your article must be sent by e-mail _ it can meet the deadline. A. or else C- in case her children. A. brought up C. bringing up country if the country dicin t reduce the Customs duties- I l

5、ike the goods of that store, but the pushy salesgirls there of the paper. C. which results D. as results 15. Yao Ming set up his Myspace page where he couId _ hi s fans. A. argue with B. respond to C. react to D. run into 二、完形填空 uWhere“ s the light? ” My dad used to ask mo that when 1 was little. It

6、 s one of those questions that parents use to find out how their young children are._2_he asked me, 1 pointed at him. My dad, a good provider and guide, has always_3_wi th us the value of living an honest life ? His father died whe n he was very young. To_4_ends meet, his mother went about town and

7、took jobs in various households? My dad found himself al one and felt 5 _lacking love, short 9. A. turn me down B. turn me off C. take me off D. cut me off 10. It is believed that if a report is ,it will certainly the readers A. astonished; astonished B. astonished; astonish C. astonishing; astonish

8、 D. astoni sh; astoni sh 11. His long service with the company was with a present. A. admitted B. acknowledged C- attributed D. accepted 12. what his parents think, he is leaving home for a new job in Shen%hcn. A. Instead of B? In terms of C. Lack of D? Regardless of 13. You must be .You mustn t tak

9、e any unnecessary risks until you are quite sure. A. brave B. thoughtful C. considerate D. cautious 14. A survey was carried out on the death rate of now- born babies in that region, were surprising. A. the results of which B. the results of it of family happiness? My father is a self- made ( fl 力更生

10、的)man. Many hurdl es (障碍)ay in his path, but his _6_of a better life kept him_7 .At 14, he began taking part -time jobs to 8_himself. In spite of the demands on his _ 9_, the graduated from high school at the top of his class? Dad loved reading, and always looked for opportunities? to jO himself. On

11、e day, when he was sitting under a tree 旦in a book, a kind-hearted man saw him and asked him why he wasn“ t in school. Dad replied that he had no money for col 1 ege. The man saw his _12 to study, and recommended him to Baguio College as a working student._13 this man, Dad got his Bachelor of Arts d

12、egree, then went on to study 1 aw and become a successful lawyer. He even wrote a widely read book on 14 . Looki ng at my father now, I can see he is by_15 a hard -working man, 16his energy into his career but without 17 his family. When 1 was at school he never 18_ to atte nd pare teacher meetings

13、or come to singing con tests that T took part in. He put me and my brother through college and9_us in our chosen careers? He gives us encouragement and tells us that education is the key to achieving any goal. Like a light, he 20 with dignity, guiding me to success. 1. A. naughty B. brave C. curious

14、 D. smart 2. A. Whatever ?B. Whoever C- Whenever D. However 3. A?shared B. combined C- agreed D? supplied 4. A.cause B? make C. help D? produce 5. A.irmocent B. puzzled C. neglected D- separated 6. A?problem B. memory C. dream D. change 7. A. hesitating B. going C. wandering D? disturbing 8. A. save

15、 B. support C. challenge D. encourage 9. A. time B. taste C. experience D. background as interest rates stay around 5 percent, nothing might be able to prevent housing prices going up, ” said one house seller in Santa Monica, Cali fornirespond to 给答复,冋复:react to 对 有反应;run into 偶然遇到。 答案:B 二、完形填空 解题导语

16、:“灯在哪儿呢?”“我”小时候父亲常问“我”这一问题。其实父亲的人主轨迹就 像一盏明灯指引着“我”前而的路。父亲有不幸的童年他的父亲早亡,母亲凶为谋生几乎无暇去 关注他,让他倍觉凄凉!但爸爸没有因此沉沦下去,他从未放弃接受教育的机会直坚持自学。在一 位好心人的引荐下,他在一所大学半工半读终于完成了学业, 最终成为一位成功的律师。 爸爸是一个爱家的人, 他在极力带给“我们”家庭的温暖,不想 让“我们” 重复他童年的不幸。 1.解析:这是家长用來检验孩子的智力状况的问题之一。 答案:I) 2.解析:不论父亲什么时候问“我”这个问题,“我”都会用手指着他。 答案:C 3.解析:share分享。这里是

17、说父亲作为一个养家的人和- 个生活的导师,经常教导“我们”老 老实实地过H子很巫要。 答案:A 4.解析:to make ends meet习语,使收支相抵,量入为出。这里指养家糊口。 答案:B 5.解析:从上文his mother went about town and took jobs in various households 和下文lacking love, short of family happiness可知 , 父亲从小少人照顾 , 缺乏亲情。feel ncglected感觉未被忽视 ; 感 觉受了冷落。innocent无辜的;清白的 ; 天真的 ;puzzled 糊涂的;迷惑

18、的;separated分开的;不在一 起生活的。 答案:C 6.解析:尽管如此,改变生活现状的梦想让父亲不断地前进。 答案:C 7.解析:参见上题解析。hesitate踌躇; 犹豫;wander徘徊;溜达;disturb打搅;妨碍;使不 安。 答案:B 8.解析:14岁父亲就打零工养活So support供养;save挽救; 节约;积攒;challenge 向 挑战;encourage鼓励;激励。 答案:B 9.解析:尽管他的时间很紧张,他仍然以班里最好的成绩完成了高中学业。demands (尤 指困 难、使人劳累、令人烦恼等的)要求。如:The job makes great demands

19、 on my time. 这项工作需要我 花人量的时I可o 答案:A 10.解析:卜 - 文提到的是父亲刻苦向学和受好心人举荐完成大学学业的事情。educate oneself自 学,自修。 答案:A 11.解析:absorbed in sth. /doing sth.全神贯注于 . ? focused 和介词on? 连用; devoted 和to 连用;concenttsted 和on 连用。 答案:C 12.解析:从上文可以看出父亲非常热爱学习,所以此处选desire欲望;要求。句意: 此人看到父亲学习的欲望,于是推荐他到Baguio大学半工半读。 答案:A 13.解析:多亏了这位好心人,

20、父亲读完大学拿到文科学士学位。然后继续学习法律成 为一名成功的律师。 答案:C 14.解析:父亲是律师 , 写的自然是法律方面的书。 答案:B 15.解析:从父亲幼年开始打零工养活自己,半工半读完成大学教育可以看出,父亲先天就是一 位勤奋的人。by nature天生地;生性。 答案:B 16.解析:pour. into.把人量投入到。这里是指父亲把人量精力用在事业上。 答案:A 17.解析:下文是父亲关注家庭、关心孩子的具体表现,父亲在关心他的事业的时候并 未忘记关心家人。 答案:C 18.解析:fail to do sth.未做某事。句意:我上学时父亲从未忘记参加家长会,也未曾忘记参加 有我

21、参与的歌咏比赛。 答案:C 19.解析:从第一段My dad, a good provider and guide,可知此处选D项合理。父 亲指导“我们”选择职业。 答案:D 20.解析:shine照耀。父亲就像一盏明灯,发出尊严的光芒,指引“我”走向成功。 答案:D 三、阅读理解 解题导语:厉价成为人们讨论的热点话题。厉价的不断上涨造成了购房者的买方休I难。 文章讲述了几位购房者的亲身体会,并探讨了未來厉价的趋势。 1. 解祈:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,Tim 买公寓时花了70 000美元,再结 合第二段最后一句,去年同样的公寓卖510 000美元,由此可知,他要是去年卖房子 的话,便可以赚444 000美元(即 510 000美元中扣除买房用去的70 000 美元)。 答案 : B 2. 解析:细节理解题。由第三段最后一句话可知,Donna 厌倦了和售房人讨价还 价,因此私下里多给房主20000 美元,以便一下子将房子买下来。 答案 : D 3.解祈:推理判断题。 根据第四段中Tim 的话可知, 买房者面对不断上涨的 房价,很难决断:买了,感觉自己多付钱了;不买,又自责失去了一个好机会。 答案 : A 4. 解祈:细节理解题。由第五段第三句话可知,房地产泡沫在英发展过程中是不 可避免的。 答案: C


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