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1、解决能源危机英语作文3篇 (2086 字) withtheoilpricegoinguphighintheglobalmarket, ouratte ntionisonceagaindrawnbytheenergyhavetoadmitthatwe , r ef ac i nganewroundofenergycr i s i s ? 随着石油价格在全球市场中上升,能源问题再次受到关注。 我们不得不承认我们正面临新一轮的能源危机。 c urrefitly, as theindustry andagricult uredevelops ofast, theco rcoalsisdra yneed

2、edfort unrecoverab eoilandcoal heoilbeused hestoreofth rtysomeothe udebelievet ortusforasl pinionsaret nsumptionof maticallyon heeconomict leenergy,es s,cannotoff hasbeenacon eoilcanonly rexpertswho hattheoilwe ongasoneort rueornot,fo energysucha ehand, energ heotherhand peciallyfos erusadequat trov

3、ersyamo maintainfor holdanoppti havenowaree wohundredwh ronethingwe soil, gaseso yareurgentl ,limitedand silfuelslik elongcouldt ngthethinkt thirtyorfou misticattit noughtosupp ethertheseo aresureisth esituationo andcrisisha t, becausewe fenergywe , r salreaywemu reallydread efacingisbe stfaceitand

4、tothinkwhat comingworse trytosolvei willbecomeo fusifoneday welivewitho utenergy. 目前,随着工业和农业的迅速发展, 能源的消费量如石油、 气体或煤有着显著的提高。一方面,经济发展急需能源。另一 方面, 有限的和不可恢复的能源,尤其是化石燃料, 比如石油和 煤不能为我们提供足够的供应。石油可以用多久一直是专家们 争议的问题之一。一些人认为商店的石油只能维持三十或四十 年,但是,其他一些专家持有一个乐观态度,相信我们现在所 拥有的石油足以支持我们一百或二百年。不管这些观点是否真 实与否,一件事情我们是肯定的,那就是我

5、们面临的能源形势 越来越严重了。这场危机已经到来了。所以我们必须面对它并 努力解决,因为我们真的不敢去想像如果有一天我们生活中 没有能源了会怎么样。 ming,howtoh andleitbeco mesanothert ough, manyco untriesaret ryingdevelo pnewtypesof energywhich t hou ghweareawar eoftheenerg ycrisis sco solarenergy arfuture,th siladdition theefficien uringthepro salsonecess ,nuclearene es

6、ewouldbet ,anotherimp cyofusingoi cessof, educ rgyandwindh hesubsititu ortantmeans landtoavoid atepeopleto ope, inthene teforthefos istoimprove extrawasted saveenergyi 虽然我们意识到能源危机的到来, 但是,如何处理它却是 另一个棘手的问题。现在,许多国家正努力开发无污染和可 回收利用的新能源是,例如,太阳能, 核能和风能。我们希望, 在不久的将来,这些将能代替化石燃料。此外,另一个重要 的方法是提高使用石油的效率和在冶炼过程中避

7、免额外浪费。 与此同时,教育人们节约能源也是必须的。 altoge ne , spartici tionshipwit ther, itisam pation, fore hourdaily, c ovementthat nergyhassuc omeoneveryb needseveryo hacloserela. ody, it stim eforustosav eourselffro mtheenergyc risis. (2086 字) thereis nothingunus ualaboutene rgylikecoal sandoilsbei omicdevelop hetime

8、? butw yjudgedbyth letiononama ngconsumed, mentdepends hatishappen estandardso ssivescalea principally onnaturalre ingtodayise fthepast. it ndthisprobl becauseecon sourcesalIt xtraordinar isenergydep emissoknott ythatshould deserveourc loserheed. amongstthe diversefact orscontribu tingtotheen ergycr

9、isesa ightedpolic tomobilesar s.bypresumi ewcountries rtodevelopt rtheirrival heenergyfac entsofother y, theamount kneckspeedt roundthewor iesandcitiz eprobablyth ngontheirna , especially heireconomy s. admittedl ilitates, to industriesi ofprivateca hatthepetro ens extrava etwomostsig turalresour de

10、velopingo inordertoga y,theirinte someextent, nshortterm. rsincreases leumusedamo gantuseofau nificantone ces,quiteaf nes, areeage inanedgeove nsiveuseoft thedevelopm additionall atsuchabrea untstoanint imidatingpr oportionoft henaturalre sources. Id,governme nt,sshort-s t heconsequen cesareundou bt

11、edlydisas trousforhum waterfromth eirancestor s. therefo epstoattack isthatgover dnolongerde ther,thebet oulddeserve h. furthermo couragedbya onsibilityo rdertofacil re, ourgover thoseproble nmentshavet emthegrowth termentofci moreattenti re,theuseof uthorities, fimprovingp itatepeople nmentmustta m

12、s.thefirst oreversethe ofgdptheirf tizens ,qual onthantheec privatecars whomustshou ublictransp aswellasrel keseriousst andforemost irmindsetan irstgoa.L ra. ityoflifesh onomicgrowt shouldbedis ldertheresp ortationino easetheburd anbeings ? al hofgdp, thei ioratedenvi mfactoriesa sinfiltrati ationin

13、thea heirquality stainablede issituation fitnothinge thoughcount riescanboas rcitizensha vetoenduret ronmentwith stinkinggas ndvehicles, pollutedwat ngundergrou bsenceofozo oflifeisbyn velopmentca , meaningtha xceptsteril nd,evenultr nelayerand, omeansimpro nnevercomei tourdescend elandandpol ttheir

14、growt heeverdeter belchingfro erduetofuel avioletradi therefore, t ved.also, su ntotrueinth antscanbene lutedairand enofenergyc onsumption. inconclus ion, toavoid thephrasef ilthyricha ddedtothems heefficient ronmentalpr nomyjotherw elves,count useoftheire otection, wh ise,environ riesmustpay nergya

15、ndthe iletheydeve merit alapoca moreheedtot issueofenvi loptheireco lypseandene rgycrisisar efearedtoha ppenintheho rizon. 解决能源危机英语作文三:能源危机energycri sis (796 字) oneofthemai nproblemsth eworldisfac ingtodayist heenergycri ndagricultu tofenergy. b refore,ener sis. withthe re, theworld utallthisen gysu

16、ppliesa development hasconsumed ergyhasgone rebecomings ofindustrya agreatamoun forever ? the hort, inothe rwords, allf ormsofenerg ywillbeexha ustedinfutu re. howeve ecanhardlyi utwouldn , tb r,energyiso maginehowe eabletodriv fgreatimpor couldlivein eourcarsand tancetous ? w aworldwitho listentoou

17、r favouritemu sic ? moreove r,thenightw ouldbecomed arkalltheti me. inshort, oncewelosea lltheenergy resources, w ewillnotbea bletoexisti ntheworld? usttakeacti ehand, wesho herhand, wes vemeasurest ulduseouren houldinstru oprotectour ergyreasona ctounpeople nimportantm energytheon bly;ontheot nottowastee nergysothat wewillbeabl etosendagoo dgift - ener gy, toournex tgeneration? therefore, conservingo urenergyisa


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