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1、。 。 1 针灸穴位定位 手太阴肺经 尺泽:肘横纹中,肱二头肌腱桡侧缘。 On the cubital crease,and the radial aspect of the tedon of the biceps m. of the arm. 孔最:在太渊与尺泽连线上,腕横纹上7 寸。 On the line joining Chize and Taiyuan,and 7 cun above the carpal crease. 列缺: 在桡骨茎突上方,腕横纹上1.5 寸;或两手虎口交叉,一手食指压在另一手腕后桡骨 茎突之上方,于食指尖下取穴。 Superior to the styloid

2、 process of the radius,and 1.5 cun above the carpal crease;or,when the index finger and the thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index finger of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other,the depression right under the tip of the index finger is the acupoint. 太渊:腕横纹中,桡动脉桡

3、侧凹陷中。 On the carpal crease,and in the depression of the radial aspect of the radial a. 少商:拇指末节桡侧,距指甲角0.1 寸处。 On the radial side of the thumb end,and 0.1 cun lateral and posterior to the corner of the fingernail. 手阳明大肠经 商阳:食指末节桡侧,距指甲角0.1 寸处。 On the radial side of the index finger end,and 0.1 cun late

4、ral and posterior to the corner of the fingernail. 合谷:第一二掌骨间,第二掌骨桡侧中点;或拇指、食指张开,以一手拇指的指骨间关节横 纹放在另一手拇指、食指之间的虎口上,于拇指尖下取穴。 Between the 1 st and 2 nd metacarpal bones,and in the midpoint of the radial side of the 2 nd metacarpal bone;or,the transverse crease of interphalangeal joint of one thumb are plac

5、ed on the stretched hukou between the thumb and index finger of the other hand,and the acupoint is where the tip of the thumb touches. 阳溪 : 腕背横纹上,拇指翘起,当拇短伸肌腱与拇长伸肌腱之间的凹陷中。 At the dorsal transverse crease of the wrist,and in the depression between the tendons of the short extensor and long extensor m.

6、of the thumb when the thumb is upward. 曲池:屈肘,肘横纹桡侧端凹陷中。 In the depression of the radial end of the cubital crease when the elbow is flexed. 肩髃: 肩峰与肱骨大结节之间凹陷中;或在肩关节上方,上臂向外平举呈水平位时,前方凹 陷处取穴。 In the depression between the acromial extremity of the clavicle and the great tuberosity of humerus;or when the

7、 arm is in full abduction,the acupoint is in the depression at the anterior border of the acromioclavicular joint,and superior to the shoulder joint. 。 。 2 迎香:鼻翼外缘中点旁开,当鼻唇沟中。 Lateral to the midpoint of the nasal ala,and in the nasolabial groove. 足阳明胃经 承泣:瞳孔直下,当眼球与眶下缘之间。 Directly below the pupil,and

8、between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge. 四白:瞳孔直下,当眶下孔凹陷处。 Directly below the pupil,and int the depression of the infraorbital foramen. 地仓:瞳孔直下,口角外侧0.4 寸。 Directly below the pupil,and 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth. 颊车:下颌角前上方1 横指,当咀嚼时咬肌隆起高点处。 One finger-breadth anterosuperior to th

9、e mandibular angle where the masseter m.is easy to see in clenching the teeth. 下关:颧弓下缘,下颌骨髁突前方凹陷中。 Below the zygomatic arch and in the depression anterior to mandibular condyloid process. 天枢:平脐中,距前正中线2 寸。 On the same level of the umbilicus,and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 归来:脐中下4 寸,距前正中线2

10、寸。 4 cun below the umbilicus,and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 梁丘:髁前上棘与髌底外侧端连线上,髌底上2 寸。 On the line joining the anterosuperior iliac spine and lateral border of the patella,and 2 cun above the upper border of the patella. 犊鼻:屈膝,髌韧带外侧凹陷中。 In the lateral depression of the patellar ligament,wh

11、en the knee is flexed. 足三里:犊鼻下3 寸,距胫骨前缘外侧一横指。 3 cun directly below Dubi,and one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia. 上巨虚:犊鼻下6 寸,距胫骨前缘外侧一横指。 6 cun directly below Dubi,and one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia. 下巨虚:犊鼻下9 寸,距胫骨前缘外侧一横指。 9 cun directly below

12、 Dubi,and one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior border of the tibia. 丰隆:条口外一横指,约当犊鼻与外踝尖连线的中点。 One finger-breadth lateral to Tiaokou,and at the midpoint of the line joining Dubi and the tip of the external malleolus. 解溪:足背与小腿交界处横纹中央,当拇长伸肌腱与趾长伸肌键之间。 At the midpoint of the transverse crease of the

13、 junction between the dorsum of foot and leg,and between the tendons of long extensor m. of great toe and long extensor m. of toes. 足太阴脾经 。 。 3 隐白:大趾末节内侧,距趾甲角0.1 寸。 On the medial aspect of the great toe,and 0.1 cun medial to the corner of the toenail. 太白:第一跖趾关节后下方,赤白肉际处。 Prosteroinferior to the the

14、head of the 1 st metatarsal bone,and on the dorso-ventral boundary. 商丘:内踝前下方,当舟骨结节与内踝尖连线中点处。 Anteroinferior to the medial malleolus,and at the midpoint of the line joining the tip of the medial malleouls and tuberosity of the navicular bone. 三阴交:内踝尖上3 寸,胫骨内侧缘后方。 Posterior to the mesial border of the

15、 tibia,and 3 cun above the tip of the medial malleolus. 阴陵泉:胫骨内侧髁后下方。 Posteroinferior to the medial condyle of the tibia. 血海: 髌底内侧端上2 寸;或屈膝关节呈直角,医者以右手掌按在患者左腿膝盖上,掌心对 准髌骨中央,当拇指尖下取穴(取右血海穴则用左手量取)。 2 cun above the upper border of the medial patella;or the acupoint is where the tip of the thumb when docto

16、r puts his right palm on the left knee of patient and with the centre of the palm pointing to the centre of patella of patient and the patient flexes his knee joint and makes it to be a right angle(right Xuehai is measured by left hand). 周荣:第二肋间隙,距前正中线6 寸。 In the 2 nd intercostal space, and 6 cun la

17、teral to the anterior midline. 手少阴心经 少海:屈肘,在肘横纹尺侧端与肱骨内上髁连线的中点。 When the elbow is flexed,at the midpoint of the line joining the medial end of the cubital crease and the medial epicondyle of the humerus. 通里:尺侧腕屈肌腱桡侧缘,腕横纹上1 寸。 On the radial aspect of the tendon of the ulnar flexor m. of the wrist, and

18、 1 cun above the carpal crease. 神门:掌侧腕横纹尺侧端,尺侧腕屈肌腱桡侧缘。 On the palmar ulnar end of the transverse crease of the wrist,and on the radial aspect of the tendon of the ulnar flexor m. of the wrist. 少冲:小指末节桡侧,距指甲角0.1 寸。 On the radial aspect of the small finger ,and 0.1 cun lateral to the corner of the fin

19、gernail. 手太阳小肠经 少泽:小指末节尺侧,距指甲角0.1 寸。 。 。 4 On the ulnar aspect of the little finger,and 0.1 cun lateral to the corner of the fingernail. 后溪:微握拳,第五掌指关节后横纹头,赤白肉际处。 Slightly making a fist,at the posterior end of the distal palmar crease of the 5 th metacarpophalangeal joint,and at the dorso-ventral bou

20、ndary. 小海:屈肘,尺骨鹰嘴与肱骨内上髁之间凹陷处。 When the elbow is flexed,in the depression between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus. 肩贞:臂内收时,腋后纹头上1寸。 1 cun directly above the posterior end of the axillary fold when the arm is abducted. 听宫:耳屏前,下颌骨髁突后方,张口呈凹陷处。 Anterior to the tragus,po

21、sterior to the condyloid process of the mandible and in the depression appearing when open mouth. 足太阳膀胱经 晴明:目内眦角稍外上方0.1 寸凹陷中。 In the depression and 0.1 cun above the inner canthus. 攒竹:眉头凹陷处。 On the medial end of the eyebrow. 膈俞:第七胸椎棘突下,旁开1.5 寸。 1.5cun lateral to the depression below the spinous proc

22、ess of the 7 th thoracic vertebra. 委中:腘横纹中点,股二头肌腱与半腱肌腱中间。 At the midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa,and between the tendons of the biceps m. of the thigh and the semitendinous m. 承山:当伸直小腿或上提足跟时,腓肠肌腹下尖角凹陷处。 In the depression below the belly of the gastrocnemius m. when stretchin

23、g the leg or lifting the heel. 昆仑:外踝尖与跟腱之间凹陷处。 In the depression between the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon. 申脉:外踝尖下方凹陷中。 In the depression directly below the tip of the lateral malleolus. 金山:申脉与京骨穴连线的中点,骰骨下缘处。 At the midpoint of the line joining Jinggu and Shenmai,and inferior to the cub

24、oid bone. 至阴:足小趾末节外侧,距趾甲角0.1 寸。 On the lateral aspect of the small toe,and 0.1 cun lateral and posterior to the corner of the toenail. 足少阴肾经 涌泉:踡足时,足前部凹陷处,当足二三趾趾缝纹头端与足跟连线的前1/3, 与后 2/3 交点 上。 。 。 5 In the depression of anterior sole when the foot is flexed,between the 2 nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, an

25、d at the junction of the anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of the sole. 太溪:内踝尖与跟腱之间凹陷处。( 与昆仑相对 ) In the depression between the tip of the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon. 照海 : 内踝尖下方凹陷处。 (与申脉相对) In the depression directly below the tip of the medial malleolus. 交信:太溪直上2 寸,复溜前0.5 寸,胫骨内侧面后缘。 2 cun

26、 directly above Taixi,0.5 cun anterior to Fuliu,and posterior to the medial border of the tibia. 手厥阴心包经 天池:第四肋间隙,乳头外一寸,距前正中线五寸。 In the 4th intercostal space, 1 cun lateral to the nipple, 5 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 曲泽:肘横纹上,当肱二头肌腱的尺侧缘。 On the transverse cubital crease, at the ulnar aspect

27、of the tendon of biceps brachii. 内关:曲泽与大陵连线上,掌长肌腱与桡侧弯曲机件之间,腕横纹上2 寸。 On the line joining Daling and Quze , between the tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist. 劳宫:第三掌骨桡侧,握拳屈指中指间下。 On the radial aspect of the 3rd metacarpal bones, at the tip

28、 of the middle finger when make a fist and the finger is flexed. 手太阳三焦经 中 渚 : 第 四 掌 指 关 节 后 方 , 当 第 四 第 五 掌 骨 之 间 凹 陷 处 。Posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint, in the depression between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. 外关:阳池与肘间连线上,腕背横纹上2 寸,桡尺骨之间。 On the line joining Yangchi and the tip of elbo

29、w, 2 cun above the dorsocarpal transverse crease, between the ulna and radius. 支沟:阳池与肘尖连线上,腕背横纹上3 寸,桡,尺骨之间。On the line joining Yangchi and the tip of elbow, 3 cun above the dorsocarpal transverse crease, between the ulna and radius. 肩髎:当臂外展是,肩峰后下方凹陷处。 In the depression poteroinferior to the acromion

30、 when arm is abducted. 翳风:耳垂后方,乳突与下颌角之间。 Posterior to the ear lobe, between the mastoid process and mandible angle. 角孙:折耳郭向前,耳尖直上入发际处。 。 。 6 Directly above the ear apex within the hairline when the ear is folded forward. 耳门:耳屏上切迹前方,下颌骨髁突后缘,张口呈凹陷处。 Anterior to the supratragic notch, posterior to the

31、condyloid process of the mandible, in the depression appearing when open mouth. 丝竹空:眉梢凹陷处。 In the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow. 足少阳胆经 瞳子髎:目外眦旁,当眶外缘凹陷处。 Lateral to outer canthus, in the depression at the lateral aspect of the orbit. 听会:耳屏间切迹前方,下颌骨髁突后缘,张口呈凹陷处。Anterior to the intertragi

32、c notch,posterior to the condyloid precess of the mandible, in the depression appearing when open mouth. 曲鬓:耳前上方入鬓发内,当角孙前一横指处。 One finger-breath anterior to Jiaosun and above the hairline. 率谷:角孙直上,入发际1.5 寸。 Directly above Jiaosun , 1.5 cun above the hairline. 阳白:瞳孔直上,眉上1 寸。 Directly above the pupil,

33、 1 cun above the midpoint of the eyebrow. 风池:平风府,胸锁乳突肌与斜方肌上段之间凹陷处。 At the level of Fengfu, in the depression between the upper ends of the sternocleidomastoid trapezius muscles. 肩井:在肩上,当大椎与肩胛骨肩峰连线的中点。 On the shoulder, at the midpoint of the line joining Dazhui and eh acromion. 环跳:股骨大转子最高点连线的内侧交点处。 A

34、t the junciton of the medial 2/3 and lateral 1/3 of the line joining the prominence of the great trochanter and the sacral histus. 阳陵泉:腓骨头前下方凹陷中。 In the depression anteroinferior to the head of the fibula. 悬钟:外踝尖上3 寸,腓骨前缘。 3cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus,anterior to the fibula. 足厥阴肝经 太冲:

35、第一二跖骨结合部前方凹陷中。 In the depression anterior to the junction of 1 st and 2 nd metatarsal bones. 章门 : 第十一肋游离端下方;或垂肩屈肘,于肘尖下侧腹处取穴。 Below the free end of the 11 th floating rib;or on the lateral region of abdomen,under the tip of the elbow when the shoulder is dropped and the elbow joint is flexed. 期门:乳头直下

36、,第六肋间隙,距前正中线4 寸。 Directly below the nipple,in the 6 th intercostal space,4 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 。 。 7 督脉经穴 命门:正中线上,第二腰椎棘突下凹陷中。 On the posterior midline ,in the depression below the spinous precess of the 2 nd lumbar vertebra. 大椎:后正中线上,第七颈椎棘突下凹陷中。 On the posterior midline,in the depre

37、ssion below the spinous process of the 7 th cervical vertebra. 风府:后发际正中直上1 寸,枕外隆凸下方凹陷中。 1 cun directly above the midpoint of the posterior hairline,in the depression below the external occipital protuberance. 百会:头正中线上,后发际正中直上7 寸。 On the midline of the head,7 cun directly above the midpoint of the po

38、sterior hairline. 水沟:人中沟上1/3 与中 1/3 交点处。 At the junction of the upper 1/3 and middle 1/3 of the philtrum. 任脉经穴 关元:前正中线上,脐中下3 寸。 On the anterior midline,3 cun below the umbilicus. 气海:前正中线上,脐中下1.5 寸。 On the anterior midline,1.5 cun below the umbilicus. 中脘:前正中线上,脐中上4 寸。 On the anterior midline,4 cun ab

39、ove the umbilicus. 膻中:前正中线上,平第四肋间隙,两乳头连线的中点。 On the anterior midline,on the level of the 4 th intercostal space,at the midpoint of the line joining the two nipples. 承浆:颏唇沟正中凹陷处。 In the depression of the centre of the mentolabial groove. 经外奇穴 四神聪:在头顶部,百会前后左右各1 寸,共四穴。 On the parietal region,1 cun ante

40、rior,posterior and lateral to Baihui,4 acpoints totally. 印堂:两眉头连线的中点。 At midpoint of the line joining the medial ends of the two eyebrows. 鱼腰:瞳孔直上,眉毛中点。 Directly above the pupil,in the centre of the eyebrow. 耳尖:折耳向前,在耳廓上端。 At the tip of the auricle when the ear if folded forward. 定喘:大椎旁开0.5 寸。 。 。 8

41、 0.5 cun lateral to Dazhui. 腰痛点:手背,当第二三掌骨及第四五掌骨之间,腕背横纹与掌指关节中点处,一手两穴。 On the dorsum of the hand,between the 2 nd and 3 rd and between the 4 th and 5 th metacarpal bones,at the midpoint of the line joining the transverse crease of the wrist and the metacarpophalangeal joint,2 acupoints totally. 外劳宫:手背第二三掌骨之间,指掌关节后0.5 寸。 On the dorsum of the hand,between the 2 nd and 3 rd metacarpal bones,0.5 cun posterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint. 胆囊:阳陵泉直下12 寸。 1-2 cun directly below Yanglingquan. 阑尾:足三里直下2 寸。 2 cun directly below Zusanli. 。 。 9 欢迎您的下载, 资料仅供参考! 致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等 打造全网一站式需求


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