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1、Using Language 课 文 预 读 .课文理解 1.What made Copernicus frightened and confused? A.The fact that the earth was the centre of the solar system. B.The conclusion that the sun was the centre of the solar system. C.The fact that the earth runs around the sun. D.The fact that God made the world. 2.Why didn t

2、 Copernicus publish his theory immediately? A.Because he didnt think it complete. B.Because he was afraid of being attacked by the Christian Church. C.Because his friends forbade him to do so. D.Because no one supported his ideas. 3.When did Copenicus publish his theory? A.After his death. B.Before

3、he told his friends about it. C.As he lay dying in 1543. D.Copernicus theory was never published. 4.All the following make it strange if the earth was the centre of the solar system except that . A.some planets in the sky seemed to stop or move backward B.some planets in the sky appeared brighter at

4、 times and less bright at others C.some planets in the sky seemed to go forward in a loop D.the sun goes around the earth 5.What s the Christian Churchs attitude towards Copernicus theory? A.The Christian Church objected to Copernicus theory. B.The Christian Church was in favor of Copernicus theory.

5、 C.The Christian Church paid much attention to the theory. D.The Christian Church thought highly of Copernicus theory. 答案1.B2.B3.C4.D5.A .正误判断 1.At Copernicus time , Christian Church was in charge of many western countries.() 2.Copernicus noticed that observed from the earth,some planets appear in f

6、ront of or behind the earth.() 3.Copernicus didn t show his new theory to his friends until he completed it.() 4.His friends were not interested in his ideas.() 5.Since he was not afraid of being attacked by the Church Copernicus published his look as soon as he finished working on it.() 6.Newton,Ei

7、nstein, and Hawking are all scientists who made contributions to the study of the universe.() 答案1.T2.F3.T4.F5.F6.T .读第 7 页课文,匹配各段落及其大意 Paragraph 1()A.New observations didn t agree with old theory about the earth. Paragraph 2() B.Copernicus theory is the basis of modern science about the universe. Pa

8、ragraph 3() C.Copernicus was puzzled as he found the earth was not the center of the solar system. Paragraph 4() D.Copernicus new theory that the sun was the center could explain all the phenomena. Paragraph 5() E.Copernicus improved his theory by collecting observations and using his mathematical k

9、nowledge. 答案Paragraph 1 C Paragraph 2 A Paragraph 3 E Paragraph 4 D Paragraph 5 B 知 识 梳 理 .核心单词 一、单词拼写 1.The students are (谨慎的 ) not to make any mistakes in spelling. 2.The Christian Church r his theory, saying it was against Gods idea. 3.Only if you put the sun there did the (运动) of the other plane

10、ts in the sky make sense. 4.His classmates were (热情的 ) and encouraged him to publish his ideas. 5.He also suggested that the earth was (旋转) as it went round the sun. 答案1.cautious2.rejected3.movements4.enthusiastic5.spinning 二、单句语法填空 1.Neither its cause nor its cure (understand) in the last case. 2.T

11、he county, (locate) in the north of Zhe Jiang, has a history of more than 1,000 years. 3.Copernicus theory is now the basis on all our ideas of the universe are built. 4.He had collected (observe) of the stars and used all his mathematical knowledge to explain them. 5.He had been working it, gradual

12、ly improving his results. 6.(2012 江苏)Only when he arrived the meeting begin. 7.(2014 四 川 )These soldiers were put in prison because they rejected (obey) orders. 8.(2012 湖南 )In spite of his old age my grandfather still has great enthusiasm social activities. 9.(2013 安徽)Gun control is a subject which

13、Americans have argued for a long time. 10.(2011 北京)Eating too much fat can contribute heart disease and cause high blood pressure. 答案1.was understood 2.located3.which4.observations 5.on6.did 7.obeying8.for9.about10.to .短语填空 lead to;be cautious about ;be enthusiastic about ;be against ;make sense of

14、1.Your handwriting is so bad that I cant your article. 2.This is a path the top of the hill. 3.I am very expressing my opinion in public. 4.She spending his money. 5.What he did what he said. 答案1.make sense of2.leading to3.enthusiastic about4.is cautious about 5.was against 【画里话外】 NASA Confirms Wate

15、r on Mars MASA 公布火星表面存在液态水的证据 U.S.space agency NASA announced that it had found strong evidence that there is liquid water flowing on present-day Mars. 美国航空航天局 (NASA) 的科学家公布了迄今为止最有力的证据,证明现在的火 星有液态水在流淌。火星人可能真的存在哦! 搜索引擎公司谷歌还设计了新涂鸦, 纪念这一重大的科学发现。 NASA 计划 2021年在火星 上建温室花园 据英国每日邮报报道,NASA 计划利用 2020 年中期发射的火星

16、探测器向火 星上运送植物种子,该探测器将于2021 年到达火星,这一计划名为“火星植物 实验(MPX)”,目的是在火星上创建温室花园。这些植物不会真正直接种在火星 土壤中,因为NASA 不想在宣称有机会开发这颗红色星球之前,给火星环境带 来任何威胁。 计划如果成功, 可能会为人类移民火星铺平道路。如果植物能够在 火星环境下生存,或许也能够为火星殖民者提供食物来源。 【知识链接】 make sense 有道理,讲得通。 相关短语:make sense of. 弄懂的意思;in a sense 从某种意义上; in no sense决不;there is no sense in (doing) s

17、th( 做)某事没有道理。 Planning so far ahead makes no sense so many things will have changed by next year.提前这么久做计划没有意义到第二年许多事情都会发生变化。 Can you make any sense of this article ?你能看懂这篇文章吗? There is no sense in getting upset about it now.现在没有必要为这件事烦恼。 完成句子 What he said just now doesnt (有意义 ). (做没意义 ) playing computer games as a student. (从某种意义上说 ),what you say is true. 答案make sense There is no sense in In a/one sense 精品文档强烈推荐 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有 精品推荐强力推荐值得拥有


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