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1、北师大版六年级英语上期末复习整理 一、 (一) 26 个字母 (二)三个单元动词过去式集锦 原形过去式原形过去式 am/ is 是was watch 看watched are 是were clean 洗cleaned have/has 有had visit 拜访visited eat 吃ate want 想wanted do 做did help 帮助helped see 看saw wash 洗washed go 走went paint 绘画painted give 给gave jump 跳jumped run 跑ran decide 决定decided come 来came play 玩pla

2、yed take 拿took win 赢won 二、 Unit1 (一)重要词组 1.在宇宙飞船里in a spaceship 2. 一位宇航员an astronaut 3.在月球上on the moon 4.在太空里 in space 5.做梦 have a dream 6.上英语课have an English class 7.玩的愉快have a great time (二)重要句子 1. 你昨天在哪里?我在宇宙飞船里。 Where were you yesterday? I was in a spaceship. 2.他昨天在哪里?他在月球之上。 Where was he yester

3、day? He was on the moon. 3. 那儿没有树。 There were no trees. 4.那儿没有水。 There was no water. 三、 Unit2 An Accident (一)重要词组 1. 看电视 watch TV 2.看电影 watch a film 3.打扫房间 clean the room 4.拜访朋友 visit a friend 5.帮助妈妈 help Mom 6.游泳 go swimming 7. 去学校 go to school 8.在家 at home (二)重要句子 1. 你昨晚在做什么?我在看电视。 What did you do

4、 last night? I watched TV. 2.我昨天没有去拜访朋友。 I didnt visit a friend yesterday. 3.她昨天没有打扫房间。 She didn t clean the room yesterday. 4.他们昨天没有去学校。 They didn t go to school yesterday. 5.他们昨天不在学校。 They weren t at school. 6.他昨天不在家。 He wasnt at home. 四、 Unit3 Sports (一) 重点单词 1. 第一 first 2.第二 second 3.第三 third 4.

5、第四 fourth 5.第五 fifth 6.第六 sixth 7.第七 seventh 8.第八 eighth 9. 第九 ninth 10.第十 tenth 基变序,有规律,词尾加上-th。 一,二,三,特殊记,词尾字母t ,d,d。 八去 t ,九除 e,ve 要用 f 替, ty将 y 变成 i ,th前面有个e。 若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。 (二)重点句子 1. 谁是第一?安是第一。 Who was first? Ann was/ come first. 2.你昨天赢了吗?是的,赢了。 / 不,没有。 Did you win the race yesterday? Yes, I

6、 did. / No, I didn t. 3.她昨天去学校了吗?是的,她去了。/ 不,她没去。 Did she go to school? Yes,she did. / No, she didn t. 五、 Unit4 Birthday (一)重要单词 1. 一月January 2. 二月February 3.三月March 4. 四月April 5. 五 月May 6. 六 月June 7. 七 月July 8. 八 月August 9.九月 September 10. 10 月 October 11. 11 月 November 12. 12 月 December 13.生日birthd

7、ay 14.春 spring 15.夏 summer 16.秋 autumn 17.冬 winter 18.季节 season (二)重要句型 1.你的生日是什么时候?是1 月 12 日。 When is your birthday? Its January 12 th . 2.他的生日是什么时候?是3 月 1 日。 When is his birthday? Its March 1st. 3.她的生日是什么时候?是9 月 3 日。 When is her birthday? It s September 3rd. 4.你喜欢哪个季节?我喜欢夏季。 Which season do you li

8、ke? I like summer. 5.你几岁了?我10 岁了。 How old are you? Im ten years old. 6.生日快乐!谢谢。 Happy birthday! Thank you. 7.那儿冷吗?不,很热。 Is it cold there? No! It s hot! 六、 Unit5 Height and weight (一)重要单词 1.高的tall 2. 矮的 /短的short 3.长的long 4. 重的heavy 5. 瘦 的thin 6. 大 的big 7. 小 的small 8. 年 老 的old 9. 年 轻 的young 10. 体 重weight 11. 身 高height 12.厘米 centimeter 13.千克 kilogram


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