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1、北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 1 / 10 Unit 15 Warm-up had done B wash; have done C washed; have done D wash, had washed 2) It s time you _ the problem at the meeting. (2009 郑州 ) A discuss B are discussing C discussed D had discussed 10、 instruct v. 教导指导命令instructor n. 教练讲师instruction n. 指令教授教诲说明 1) sb.

2、in (doing ) = instruct sb. to do sth. 指示某人干某事 teach 指直接较某人知识或技能等,侧重传播知识或帮助应用知识。 instruct 指系统、详细、精心地传播知识,侧重教授与指示。 educate 较正式用词,指教育,内容比teach广泛,侧重动机、结果或多潜在能力的开发。 (1) The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _ was going on inside the house. A which; what B through which; what C through th

3、at ; what D what; that (2) “ Thank you “ is an _ you say when offered help. A expression B explanation D instruction D introduction (3) I had an experience some years ago, _ taught me something I ll never forget. A this B that C what D which (4) I _ to wait here until the teacher arrives. (2009长沙 )

4、A am instructed B have instructed C have been instructed D am taught 11、 aside from“除 之外(尚有)” “除 之外(别无) ”相当于apart from 1) _ that little problem, the day was perfect. A Aside from B Besides C In addition to D As well as 2) Director! Jack is ill, so he can t be here. Then we ll have no choice but to g

5、ive the performance_him. A except for B apart from C except D without 3) He understand everything _ why she left him.(2009湖北 ) A except B except for C besides D aside from 12、 1)All that can be eaten _ eaten up. A are being B has been C had been D have been 2) You re the only person _ I ve ever met

6、_ can do it. A who; / B / ; whom C whom ; / D /; who 3) What I advise you to do is _ to the hospital and have a thorough examination. A has gone B go C gone D have gone 注意:前有do, 后无 to. 1)以 all,all that , the + 形容词的最高级或the only ( first, last) thing 作主语,加一个do 为谓语动词的定语从句,这 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 3

7、/ 10 时系动词后面作表语的不定式可以省略to。 eg : All I could do / The only thing I could do was give him a money. 2) 主语是 thing 或 way 时,由不定式to do 修饰,作表语的不定式可以省略to. eg : The best thing to do is find a really qualified person to replace him. Lesson 2 1、drill n. 练习训练 drill 侧重进行有系统的、严格的和重复的练习。 exercise 主要指为强壮体魄而进行的锻炼,也可指进

8、行练习以保持已经获得的技巧。 practice 指把所学的理论或知识用于实践以获得技艺与技巧。 training 普通用词,泛指为从事某种职业而进行的身体或智力方面的训练。 1) The athletes in the Paralympics had to practice several times _ they went to complete. A before B when C until D as 2) It was the training _ he had as a young man _ made him such a good engineer. A what; that B

9、 which; that C that ; which D that; what 2、conservativeadj. 保守的旧式的n. 保守党(派) , 保守的人conserve vt. 保存保持conservation n. 保 存 1)My father is a real _ , he still thinks a woman s place is in the house. A active B passive C constructive D conservative 3、assignmentn. 作业任务工作assign vt. 分配指定指派归因确定 1) -Sorry ,Pro

10、fessor Smith. I didn t finish the assignment yesterday. - Oh, you _ have done it as yesterday was the deadline. A must B mustn t C should D shouldn t 4、alternative adj. 非传统的另类的n.可供选择的事物; (两个或以上)可能的选择。 1)ly adv. 或者二者择一地2)alternate vt. 使交替vi. 交替 2) have no alternative but to do sth. “别无选择,只得.” ( 1)In

11、this school , the students have three _ courses, and seven _ courses. A required; alternative B requiring ; alternative C required ; alternate D requiring; alternate 用 alternative 完成句子(2)I _( 只得 ) leave. (3) You can go by plane or train, Those are _ (两个可选之方法). 5、pace n. 步速速度, (一)步at one s own pace 以

12、自己的速度set the pace 定下速度 keep pace with sb. 跟上某人的步伐put sb. through his / her paces 试验某人的能力 pace 普通用词,指步行的速度,常引申为活动的进度或生产率。 speed 普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也可指可能到达的最高速度。 rate 作“速度”时,与speed同义,可换用。作“速率”时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的速度。 1) He was too old to keep _ with the modern ideas of life, and his son felt a gen

13、eration gap between them. A speed B pace C pack D step 6、reflect vt. 反映(某事物的性质) ,表现;反射;表明 on 仔细考虑 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 4 / 10 1) Her happy look _ that she has done well in the exam. A presents B reflects C appears D seems 7、punishment n. 惩罚,处罚punish vt.惩罚粗暴对待punish sb. for sth. 因为某事惩罚某人 receiv

14、e 受惩罚take 受惩罚 1)My _ for littering was several hours of picking up waste paper. A punishment B mistake C excuse D reason 2)- Did you punish him for that ? - Yes, but I don t think I _. A should have done so B need to have done so C should do that D ought have done that 8、reputation n. 名誉名声have a goo

15、d / bad 名誉好坏have a for sth.= have the of 因.而著称 /闻名 live up to one s 久负盛名,名副其实of great /good / high 很有声望的享有盛名的 reputation 可指好名声,也指坏名声,强调人们心目中的印象。 fame 仅指好名声,强调较高的知名度。 1)Cheating in the game ruined that player s _. A name B prize C reputation D appearance 2) China has got a good _ for fighting against

16、 the flu with its careful and smooth organization. A reputation B influence C impression D knowledge 9、to a certain extent 在某种程度上to a great extent 很大程度上,非常to some extent=to some degree 在某种程 度上to such an extent that 到这样的程度以致(竟然). to the extent of 到的程度 10、 select vt 挑选 选择 select 强调在广泛的范围内进行“精选或淘汰”,侧重按

17、客观标准进行选择。 choose 侧重根据个人意愿或判断从众多的对象中进行选择,着重指被选者的优点。 elect 指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票方式进行的慎重选择。 pick out 口语用词,强调“从个人的角度在众多事物中进行挑选”,有时含有“任意选择”的意思。 1)After our serious discussion , we_ him our monitor at last. A selected B elected C chose D picked up 2) Now more and more college students _ to go and work in the we

18、st provinces of China. A pick B elect C select D choose 11、 loose adj. 松动的不牢的break (from ) 挣脱逃出come 变松松开let 释放放开 12、 1)The dress is rather _ and it doesn t fit me at all. A beautiful B lost C loose D kind 2) Everyone _ the rules, anybody who breaks the rules is punished . A listens B notices C obeys

19、 D disobeys 3) All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel _. A given away B fallen behind C turned down D left out 4) Shall we go out for a walk by the lake ? - Sorry, I am too busy to _ for the moment. A get away B get off C get through D get together 5) Do you want a lift home ?

20、- It s very kind of you, but I have to work late in the office I overslept this morning because my alarm clock_. A doesn t go off B won t go off C wasn t going off D didn t go off 6)用 set 的短语填空 (1)The children _ the fireworks in the yard. (2)She _ a bit of money every month. (3) They _ a statue in h

21、onour of the national hero. 7)In Singapore ,a southeastern Asian country, the Chinese people _ the largest percentage of its population, so you can speak Chinese there. A make up B take up C hold up D turn up 13、 predict v.预言预测 predict 强调把预见的事情说出来 foresee 指预知,强调预先感觉到事情的发生。 forecast 主要指预报天气,也可指预测可能发生

22、的事。 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 5 / 10 14、 approach n. 接近走近方法步骤途径通路vt. 接近动手处理vi 靠近 1)at the of 在快到 的时候2)make an to 对.进行探讨3) to 接近近似 4)make to sb. 和某人打交道5) sb. on / about sth. 和某人接洽 / 商量某事 (1)My _ in teaching is different from yours. A altitude B appear C approach D approval 15、 due to 因为由于 due to 意为“

23、由于” ,引导的短语在句中作定语或表语,大部分场合可与owing to 换用,作状语。 because of “由于,因为”在句中作状语,一般置于句首或句中。 owing to “因为,由于”在句中作状语,可置于句首或句中。 on account of “因 的缘故,由于”引导的短语常作状语,可置于句首或句中。 thanks to “幸亏,多亏,由于”引导的短语可表达正面的意思,也可表示讽刺的意味。作状语,一般置于句首。 1) _ your rotten idea, we went the long way. A Thanks to B Due C Owing D Because 16、 ad

24、vantage n. 优势利益 take of 利用at an 对.有利 have the of 胜过占优势to one s 对某人有利 to 使 优点突出at a disadvantage 处于不利的地位 have / gain/ win an over 占优势to one s disadvantage 对某人不利 1) There ll be _ in waiting any longer. A not advantage B no well C not well D no advantage 17、 1) Everyone in the class is expected to _ th

25、e discussion. A share B join C contribute on D participate in 2) What do you mean _? I can t know what to make of your behavior. A at all B not at all C at not all D in all 3) _ twice, the postmam refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. A Being bitten B Bitten C Having bitten D To

26、be bitten 4)The bird _ its beak _ a weapon. A engages; in B employs; in C engages; as D employs; as 5) What will _ you in the future ? A become B be of C do D become of 6) There were only ten minutes _. A staying B remaining C to stay D to remain Lesson 3 1、add up to 总数为总计为add to 增添增加增进add.to 把增添到 a

27、dd up 合计相加 add in 包括算进add that 补充说 1)That s all I have to say, Is there anything you d like to _, John ? A talk B require C add D deliver 2) That is the very coin I need to _ my collection. A add up B add in C add on D add to 3) The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with talks, _ that he

28、had enjoyed his stay here. A had added B to add C adding D added 2、for the first time“第一次”表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中单独作状语。 at the first time 强调当时的情形,过去的状态。 eg: I did this for the first time. I was terribly nervous at my first time to travel by air. 注意: the first time “首次,第一次”常引导时间状语从句,其重点不在讲第一次做什么,而是说明另

29、一个动作的情 况;也可以作表语,强调说话时为止某一动作情况或动作的次数。 eg: I knew we would be good friends the first time I met her. This is the first time I have been to the Great Wall. 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 6 / 10 1) _ in her life Jennie gained a clear idea of how large the word is . A The first time B For the first time C At

30、 first D At the first time 2) I found her nice and honest _ I saw her. A for the first time B the first time C at the first time D at first 3、These shoes look very good. I have no idea _. A how much cost they are B how much do they cost C how much they cost D how much are they cost 在名词 idea, fact, n

31、ews, hope, belief, thought, doubt, promise, truth, agreement, decision, information, problem, question, report, order, word 等后面用what, that 或其他代词(副词)引起的从句作同位语时,该从句就称为同位语从句。 4、lack vt. 缺乏没有 sth. 缺少某物 for sth. 缺少某物需要某物for / through of 因缺乏 . no of .不缺乏lacking adj. 匮乏不足 没有be lacking in 缺乏(品质、特点等) 1)Thoug

32、h _ money , his parents managed to send him to university. A lacked B lacking of C lacking D lacked in 2) The child seems to be lacking _ intelligence. A in B on C with D at 5、catch sb. doing “碰见,撞见,发现某人正在做某事” 1)When I caught him _ me , I stopped _ things there and dealing with another shop. A cheat

33、ing ; buying B to cheat; buying C cheating; to buy D to cheat; to buy 2) _ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem ( 生态系统 ) to recover. A Even if B If only C While D Once 3) _ you understand this rule, you ll have no further difficulty. A Once B Unless C As D Until 注: onc

34、e conj. 一旦 就 接时间状语。adv. “曾经,一度,以前”once in a while 偶尔间或 6、dragvt. 拖,拉n. 令人厌烦的人/事;累赘 drag 表示费力、缓慢而艰难地“拉、拖”较重的物体。 draw 表示从容的“拉,拖” pull 表示突然、急速地“拉”,方式不限。 7、access n. (使用或见到的)机会,权利accessible adj. 可(或易)接近的或(或易)使用的 be easy / hard/ difficult of access 容易 /难接近 give access to 接见;准许进入 have / gain / get / obtai

35、n access to 使用接近可以利用 1)Students must have _ to a good library. A access B benefit C method D success 2) Today the students in the countryside should have easy access _ computers to keep up with the modern times. A of B in C for D to 8、 worthwhile adj. 值得努力的1) They did not find _ to prepare for the w

36、orst conditions they might meet. it is to do sth 值得去做某事A worth their while B it worthwhile C it worth D it worthy it is doing sth 值得做某事 it is for sb to do / doing sth 值得某人去做某事 2) It was _ the trouble to settle the problem. A worth to take B worthwhile taking C worth being taken D worth taking 3)用 wo

37、rth, worthwhile 填空 (1) It is _ improving the rate of production. (2) This good film is _ seeing twice. 9、willing adj 自愿的愿意的 1) be to do sth = be ready to do sth. = be eager to do sth. 愿意做某事 2) be that 从句(从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词should + 动词原形。 ) 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 7 / 10 3) against one s will 违背某人的意愿4)do

38、 . with a will 决心做某事5) at will 随心所欲 ( 1)They are _ to prefer the better when the best is unattainable. A like B willing C will D anxious 10、 -Are you cold ? - _. A Not a little B Not any C Not many D Not a bit 注:not a bit ( = not in the least ) 一点儿也不not a little ( = not slightly ) 相当多的非常 11、 An acci

39、dent is _ to happen at any time. A likely B possible C probable D like possible 表示“某件事在行为者(尤其是作为人的行为者)的力所能及的范围内”,例如某人能够的、所能够成 就的或筹划的事情,也可表示某件事的可能性。 probable 在表示某人做某事或某事物的可能性,具有“迹象”或“推理”的内涵。 likely 表示的可能性很大,但比probable 弱。当以某人或某物作主语其后跟动词不定式时,通常只用likely. 12、 wish 希望 1)wish to do sth. 希望做某事2)wish sb. to

40、do sth. 希望某人做某事 3)wish sb.+ n./adj. 4) wish + 从句(虚拟语气) Lesson 4 1、acquire vt. 获得得到 1) We must work hard to _ a good knowledge of English. A make B offer C acquire D take acquire 多用于指通过不断地“学”“问”等慢慢地获取学问、技术等抽象的东西。 get 为“获得”的普通用语、 gain 表示付出更大的努力才能获得,逐渐获得某物的过程,故常为“赢得”。 2) The young man ,who by then _ ad

41、mission to university, decided to do some part-time jobs to gain more practical experience. A gained B was gaining C has gained D had gained 3)用 get, gain, acquire 填空 ( 1)I sat there to _ a good view of the lake. (2)A penny saved is a penny _. (3) After I got a full mark in the exam, I began to _ co

42、nfidence in my study. 2、accustomed adj. 习惯于通常的惯例的accustom vt . 使习惯于 1) be accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于做某事2)get / become accustomed to sth. 习惯于某事 3) accustom oneself / sb. to sth. 使某人自己 /某人习惯于 (1)Children at the beginning of this century were _ to the life without television. A disappointed B accus

43、tomed C puzzled D harmful (2) They are quiet , aren t they ? -Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals. A to talk B to not talk C to talking D to not talking 3、rank n. 职衔等级军阶地位身份 社会阶层军衔v. 把分等级把评级排列 1) among / with . 把列在 .当中2) .as 把.当作 ( 1)This library was ranked _ one of the best libraries in the world _

44、 honor of its contribution to the people. A for; which B as; for C as; in D with; to (2) Darwin , _ On the Origin of Species probably ranks second only to the Bible, had great impact on western world. A who s B which C for which D whose 4、worthyadj . 值得的有价值的值得尊敬的 北师大版高中英语必修5 Unit 15 重点知识讲解 8 / 10 1)

45、be of + n. 值得2)sth. be to be done / be of being done sth. 某事值得被做。 3)be worth + n. (当名词为金钱时).值.钱4)be worth doing sth. 某事值得被做 用 worth, worthy, worthwhile 填空 ( 1)This vase was _ five hundred francs at the most. (2) Everybody has roots . It is _ to search for his roots. (3) Their efforts are _ of your s

46、upport. (4) This book is well _ reading and it is _ of being a second time. 5、defencen. 保卫保护(被告的)答辩defend v. 防护;辩护;防守;保卫 1)in defence of 保卫 .; 为辩护2)defence 后接“入侵者,造成危害者”用介词against 3) defence 后接“被保护者”时用介词of defend 含有“采取措施抵制进攻”的意思。 protect 含有“提供安全的方式来驱开不适、伤害或进攻”的意思。 guard 含有“看守”的意思。 ( 1)The letter is

47、from my sister , _ is working in Beijing. A which B that C whom D who (2) Mr. Green stood up in _ of the 16-year-old , saying that he was not the one to blame. A danger B place C defence D face (3) We shall _ our city , whatever the cost may be . A remain B prevent C defend D stay (4) 用 defend, prot

48、ect, guard 填空 这个警察看守过犯人。The policeman _ the prisoners. 当那只狗攻击我时,我拾起一根木棍自卫。 When the dog attacked me , I picked up a stick and _ myself. 他戴着墨镜以防他的眼睛被强烈的太阳光晒伤。 He wears sunglasses to _ his eyes from the strong sunlight. ( 5)A fence was built to _ the garden. A guard B defend C protect D safeguard 6、tendvt. permission B which; permit C which; permission D that; permit 2) At the meeting , he _ his plan. A looked forwa


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