人教版PEP小学英语三年级下册第五单元Unit 5 第一课时Let27s learn教案.doc

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1、Unit 5 Do you like pears? ( Lesson 1)I. Let me know1、 Sing a song: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. ( PPT ) 借歌曲请学生拼出apple,范写apple并呈现图片,引导学生领会apple的含义:Look! Miss apple! Lets say “ hello” to Miss Apple. 加图片:red apple, green apple. They are apples. I like apples. 板书like 并用心形帮助解释其含义。 Do you like ap

2、ples? Yes-Yes,I do. 板书 呈现巫婆与白雪公主PPT: If you are Snow White,you will say./No- No, I dont.2、Today, apple comes here, some other fruits come here, too. (中文重复并呈现PPT) Do you know why? They come here to choose the Fruit King. (呈现PPT ) 有四位选手入围水果之王的评选活动,其中一位就是Miss Apple. 另外三位是谁呢?接下来他们会一一出场。3、 指着一名穿橙色衣服的学生:W

3、hat colour is it? 拿出橙色纸片:What colour is it? Orange is a kind of a colour, its also means a kind of fruit. Its orange! One orange, two oranges. Do you like oranges?4、 画耳朵:Whats this? Its an ear. 添加成梨子:Whats this? Its a 梨子. 板书并快速读出梨子单词,请若干学生模仿。 PPT填空操练pear. 数黑板上梨子组得到的梨子奖励:one pear, two pears. 呈现四张由香蕉做

4、成的有趣动物的图片,然后问:Do you like pears?5、 The last one that able to be the Fruit King is .Its long, its yellow. Whats that? 贴香蕉图案。请学生打开书:How to spell banana? How many letters do you see? How many “A” do you see? How many bananas are there? Which animal likes bananas best? Do you like bananas?II. Let me try

5、1、 Open the book, listen and number. ( Check 是请一组来回答)2、 Game: Hide and Guess. 学生将其喜欢的水果藏在身后我来猜; 我将我喜欢的水果藏在身后,请学生来猜。3、 Pair work: 你也和同桌来玩玩这个游戏吧!请把你们的水果放在一起,然后轮流猜,看谁猜得多猜得快!III. Let me do.今天我们认识了哪些水果?他们来干什么的呀? 那到底他们谁是水果之王呢?接下来就靠你们来选出Fruit King了!四人一组,每人选择一种水果,并调查你们这组有几个人喜欢这种水果,你调查的是哪种水果,就拿相应的表格。一个人可以选择喜欢多种水果,如果你喜欢如何回答?不喜欢如何回答? 每组选一位组长,负责分发表格和将表格收上来。调查完了填好了表格之后请组长快速将表格交上来,并放到讲台上相应的位置。,我会快速统计好,看到底哪种水果最受我们同学们的欢迎,那它当选为水果之王。调查过程:English only! ( 调查表见学案文件)


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