教案(第一课时)1:What a day!.doc

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1、 Unit2 What a day!教学设计【内容来源】译林版(六年级)上册Unit2【主 题】What a day!【课 时】第1课时:Story time; Checkout time一、板块介绍本部分以日记的形式记录了Yang Ling和朋友们周末一天在公园的活动。日记通过天气的不断变换,逐步推动活动的发展和人物心理的变化。二、教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy;2.能听懂、会说、会读Story time中的故事,及there was/were3.能够熟练掌握一般过去式的用法,能用一般过去时描述刚过去的周末活动。三、教学重难点1.句

2、型:It was . /There was . /We saw .2.词汇:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy表示天气的词;以及show, interesting, weather, become, high, sky等词汇。四、教学准备教学课件(教师可以在优教平台直接调用或下载)、课文录音、动画、教材图片、天气类图片。五、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up/Lead-in1. 歌曲导人教师可带领学生再唱四年级下册Unit 5的歌曲A sunny day,然后就歌词和学生进行简单的问答,导入目标词汇。如:S1: There is a man. He is short a

3、nd fat.S2: There is a man. He is tall and thin.S3: There is a king. He is old and fat.S4: There is a boy. He is cute and happy.T: Hows the weather?Ss: Its sunny.T: What can you see on a sunny day?Ss: We can see the sun and a blue sky.T: what can we do on a sunny day.S1:We can fly kites in the park.S

4、2:We can go boating.S3:We can have a picnic.S4: We can go for an outing.2. 问答导入教师利用课件呈现孩子们在公园玩耍的场景,并与学生进行简单问答,复习已学过的知识。如:T: Where are the children?Ss: Theyre in the park.T: What are they doing in the park?Ss: Theyre flying kites/running/playing football/having a picnic .3. 动作三连拍,复习规则动词的过去式教师组织学生四人一小

5、组,其中一人连续做三个不同的动作,其余三人分别用一般过去时描述其中的一个动作。如:S1: (先后做走路、跳舞和大笑三个动作)S2: .walked.S3: .danced.S4: .laughed.4. 教唱新歌曲,引人目标词汇教师可以利用本单元的Song time,设计教学活动,导入目标词汇。Step 2: Presentation & Practice1. 结合图片,教授目标词汇教师通过简笔画或利用图片教授目标词汇cloudy, rainy, sunny和windy。教师可以根据学生的实际情况,先呈现名词sun, cloud, rain, wind等,然后再给出它们的形容词形式。如:T:

6、(出示晴天的图片)What can you see in this picture?Ss: We can see the sun and a blue sky.T: (板书sun) Right. Its sunny. (板书sunny) On a sunny day, we can see the sun and a blue sky.Ss: Its sunny.T: (出示多石天气的图片)What can you see in this picture? Is there a blue sky?Ss: No, there isnt.T: (板书cloud) Right. There are

7、lots of clouds in the sky. Some clouds are white. Some are black. Its cloudy. (板书cloudy) On a cloudy day, we cant see the sun and a blue sky. There are lots of clouds on a cloudy day.Ss: Itscloudy.T: (出示雨天的图片)Look. Is it cloudy?Ss: No.T: (板书rain和rainy) Its raining. On a rainy day, you can see the ra

8、in.Ss: Its a rainy day.T: (出示风筝飞在天上的图片)What can you see in the sky?Ss: There are many kites in the sky.T: Yes, the kites are flying. How can they fly? Can they fly on sunny/cloudy/rainy days? What can make them fly? Yes, its the wind. Can we see the wind? Ss: No.T: We cant see the wind, but we can f

9、eel it. Look at the trees and flowers. Theyredancing. Why? Its windy. On a windy day, trees are flowers are dancing.Ss:Its windy.2. 卡片游戏,操练目标词汇教师准备两组单词卡片,一组是天气类的,一组是室内室外活动类的卡片。室外活动可以包括各类体育运动和周末活动,室内活动可以包括读书、上网聊天、读书和看电视等。学生要说出天气状况,同时说出相应的活动。如:T: Hows the weather?Ss: Its sunny.T: What can you do on a

10、sunny day?Ss: We can play football.3. 问答活动,复习be动词过去式教师呈现过去一周七天的天气状况,要求学生用过去时描述。如:T: How was the weather last Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday?Ss: It was sunny/cloudy/windy/rainy.4. 问答活动,教授不规则动词的过去式教师和学生进行问答活动,询问过去的周末天气状况,然后教师追问学生在周末的活动有哪些,引出更多动词的过去式,包括不规则动词。教师可以将表示周末活动的词语呈现在黑

11、板上,供学生选用(go to the park, go to the zoo, go to the cinema, watch films, watch TV, go to see/visit my grandparents, chat on the Internet with my friends, do my homework, go shopping with my parents, play football/ basketball/table tennis, go swimming, play the piano, have a dancing lesson, have dinner

12、 with ./read storybooks)。在学生说出周末活动的同时,教师应该板书相应的过去式。如:T: How was the weather last weekend? What did you do last weekend?S1: It was I 5. 卡片游戏教师安排学生两人或者多人一组,完成学生用书P20 Fun time的游戏活动,继续操练过去时。6. 看图讨论,引人课文教师呈现Story time的六幅挂图,告诉学生这是Yang Ling的周末。教师安排学生四人一组,讨论周末的天气状况以及Yang Ling的周末活动。教师可以给出几问题,引导学生讨论。如:1)How w

13、as the weather?2)Where did they go?3)How did they go?4)What did they do?5)What did they eat?6)What did they see?7)Were they happy on that day?7. 教师播放课文录音,然后就之前讨论的问题提问,要求学生给出完成的答案。教师也可以利用学生用书P17 True or false活动,检测学生对课文的整体理解。8. 自读课文,排列句子(Read and order)教师安排学生独立阅读课文,然后完成学生用书P17 Read and order。Step 3: C

14、onsolidation1. 根据关键词,复述课文教师先要求学生说出课文中所提及到的活动,教师将这些活动的关键词随意地列 在黑板上。随后,教师要求学生根据时间的推进和天气的变化,将课文中的活动归类。最后借助关键词,用第三人称分段复述课文。如:In the morning: sunny, go to the park by bike, interesting parrots S1: It was sunny. Yang Ling and her friends went to the park by bike. They sawsome interesting parrots in the pa

15、rk.lunch time: cloudy and windy, fly kites, have lunch, bees and ants S2: It was cloudy and windy. They flew kites in the park. They saw some ants and bees on their lunch. They couldnt eat their lunch.In the afternoon: rain, hungry and wet S3: It rained. They were hungry and wet.2. 小组活动,复述课文教师可以结合学生

16、用书P18 Read and order,安排学生小组活动,每人一句,以接龙的形式复述课文。3. 快速反应,巩固天气类词汇教师可用多媒体呈现某一周的天气状况截图,让学生用过去时来描述。4. 填空练习,检测学生对课文的掌握情况教师利用课件呈现练习,要求学生根据课文大意填空,以掌握不规则动词的过去式。It _ sunny in the morning. Yang Ling and her friends_ to the park by bike. In the park, there_ a parrot show. There_ some interesting parrots. Then the

17、 weather _ windy and cloudy. The children _ kites. They_ some food and drinks to the park. They did not eat their lunch, because they _ some ants and bees on the bread and honey. In the afternoon, there_ some black clouds in the sky. It_ They_ hungry and wet.5. 听力训练教师播放录音,要求学生听一段文字,完成学生用书P24 Checkou

18、t time中的Listen and choose。6. 说写活动教师安排学生四人一组,进行问答活动,说一说自己在过去的周末所做的事情。在口头表达的基础上,教师再安排学生完成学生用书P25 Checkout time中的Think and write。教师可以提供更多的有关周末活动的词汇,供学生选用。Read and order参考答案 c, a, f, d, e,g, bTrue or false参考答案1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 TStep 4: Summary师生一起总结本课所学的词汇和句型,鼓励学生提出问题。教师点评学生的表现。 Step 5: Homework用本课所学的知识写一篇小日记,记录自己上周末都做了什么活动。并注意一般过去式时态的运用。


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