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1、Module 9 unit1,I helped Mum,四年级新标准3年级起点第4册:,Yesterday 昨天,昨天老师干了什么,你知道老师都做了什么吗?,I cook noodles yesterday,ed,I phone my friend yesterday,d,I play on the computer,ed,watch TV yesterday.,I,ed,I wash clothes yesterday.,ed,yesterday,I,I listen to music,ed,yesterday,I talk to my friend .,ed,I cook fish yes

2、terday,ed,I helped Mum yesterday,繁忙的昨天(Yesterday),I listened to music I talked to some friends. I watched TV.,I played on the computer. I phoned my friend I cooked fish. I helped Mum,一般过去时态:用来描述自己和他人在过去某一时间所进行的活动。,On Monday Amy phoned Grandma.,What were they talking?,Amy,Sam,Tom,cooked noodles.,Yest

3、erday,helped mum.,played on the computer.,watched TV.,washed clothes.,helped Mum too.,What did they do yesterday?,ed,cook,play,phone,walk,watch,help,/ d /,/ t /,talk,talk phone walk rain cook play watch listen help learn,ed,ed,ed,ed,ed,d,ed,ed,ed,ed,小提示:ed在清辅音后读/t/,在浊辅音后/d/.,/t/,/d/,小试身手:快快说出下列动词的过去

4、式吧.,小结:,ed, ed 小尾巴, 动词后面跟着它, 如果动作已发生, 千万不要忘了它。,chant,“ed”,play,Yesterday 昨天,today今天,played,Yesterday Dad watched TV,Yesterday Grandma cooked fish.,Yesterday Sam played on the computer.,Yesterday Amy washed clothes.,昨天奶奶做鱼了。,昨天萨姆玩电脑了。,昨天埃米洗衣服了。,昨天爸爸看电视了。,1. Grandma_. A. cooked meat B. cooked fish,2.

5、Grandma and grandpa _. A. watched TV B. walked in the park.,3. Amy_ A. helped mum B. cooked fish,4. Sam _ A. played on the computer B. played football,5. Dad _. A. watched TV B. phoned Mum,B,B,A,A,A,. Amy Sam Dad Tom,played on the computer watched TV helped Mum,Listen and match,walked cooked talked

6、helped watched played helped,Yesterday grandma fish. Grandparents in the park and to some friends. Amy Mum. Sam computer. Dad TV. Tom Mum, too.,选词填空,cooked,walked,talked,helped,played,watched,helped,In England it was sunny yesterday. Grandma didnt cook _. she cooked _. Grandparents _ in the park. An

7、d they _to some friends. Amy and little Tom _Mum. But Sam _ help. He _ on the computer. Dad _ _.,meat,fish,talked,helped,played,walked,didnt,watched TV,我来给图画配音:,运用下面的提示,在小组内做个调查如:Yesterday I watched TV. My friend cooked fish . 然后根据调查结果,做个对话。使用句型 Did you yesterday?并根据结果回答Yes,I did 或No ,I didnt,小调查,co

8、ok meat cook fish help Mum Listen to music play table tennis fly kites,walk in the park play basketball talk to friend play on the computer watch Tv phone grandma,Best memories. 这节课你学到了什么?请大胆地站起来说一说吧。(可以用汉语),自然风景,在生活中要主动去帮助家人、朋友和需要帮助的人,助人为乐是种美德。 Helping others is helping ourselves.,Homework:,1:模仿课文,写写自己周末做过的事情: My weekend Yesterday, I 2:认真读课文三遍,注意读准语音语调,四人游戏:心有灵犀 每人把自己昨天干的事情画或写到一张纸上。然后请小组其他同学用Did you .来猜。被猜的同学用Yes,Idid。No, I didnt.猜中的同学和你心有灵犀,是你最好的朋友,Thank you byebye,


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