小学join in五下单元练习听力稿(新).pdf

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1、外研版英语外研版英语 五年级下册单元练习听力稿五年级下册单元练习听力稿 Unit 1 A phone call . Listen and tick. 听音,勾出你所听到的图片。 1. There is a phone box over there. 2. I can use a mobile phone to see films. 3. Can you send and get messages? Yes, I can. 4. Of course I can write emails, but I dont often do it. 5. I have got a new CD-ROM. .

2、Listen and number. 听问句,选择合适的答语。 1. What can you do with a mobile phone? 2. Can you visit websites? 3. Whos speaking? 4. Hi,is that Lily? 5. Can you come to my place? . Listen and choose. 听对话, 选出你所听到的 词组,将对应的序号填入到横线上。 -Hello, Sally. What can you do with a mobile phone? -I can listen to music, do shop

3、ping and visit websites. And you, Nick? Can you do shopping with it? -No, I cant. I can watch TV programmes and play games. . Listen and write T or F. 听音, 判断句子是否 与所听对话是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相 符的写“F”。 -Hello! -Hi, is that Judy? -Yes, its Judy. Whos speaking? -Its Sarah. I have got a new DVD. Do you want to wa

4、tch it with me this afternoon? -What is it about? -Animals. -Great, I like animals. But I have to do my homework first. - What about this evening? - OK. See you this evening. - See you. Unit 2 Life in the Arctic . Listen and number. 听音,给图片标号。 1. The hare is over there. 2. Nicola can go fishing tomor

5、row. 3. The Arctic is very cold. 4. Polar bears are white. . Listen and write (T) or (F). 听音,正确的写 T,错误的写 F. 1. come to the top and look around 2. jump in the water 3. run up the hill 4. walk through the snow 5. swim across the lake . Listen and match. 听对话,连线。 1. A: Hello! Peter. What will you do tom

6、orrow? Peter: Ill go swimming. A: Oh, nice! 2. A: What about you, Jane? What will you do tomorrow? Jane: Er. Ill go to the Great Wall with my uncle. A: Wow! Great. 3. A: Hey, Sue, will you go to the park tomorrow? Sue: No, I like animals. Ill go to the zoo with my parents. A: Oh, I like animals too.

7、 4. A: What about you, Elena? Will you go to the park with Sue tomorrow? Elena: Me? I like reading books. Ill read books in the park. A: Good idea. Ill go with you. Elena: Ok! . Listen and choose. 听短文,选择。 Arctic is at North Pole of our earth. Its a white world. Its very cold there. The sea is clean

8、and blue, and the sky is also very blue. The polar bears live in the Arctic. Their favourite food is seals. The Arctic is very beautiful. Unit 3 Television . Listen and number. 听录音,按听到的顺序 给图片标号。 1. nature programmes 2. sports programmes 3. romantic films 4. detective films 5. science fiction films 6

9、. cartoons . Listen and tick (). 听音,打钩。 1. Does Juliet like cartoons? Yes, she does. 2. Does Mike like romantic films? No, he doesnt. He likes sports programmes. 3. What programmes do you like, Sandra? I love detective films and nature programmes. 4. Does Simon like detective films? No, he doesnt. W

10、hat programmes does he like? He likes nature programmes and sports programmes. . Listen and match. 听录音,将电视节目与播 放时间连线。 1. Whats on TV this afternoon? Theres a cartoon. When does it begin? At four. 2. When does the nature programme begin? At twenty past five. 3. When does the science fiction film begi

11、n? At half past three. 4. Whats on TV tonight? Theres a detective film. When does it begin? At twenty to eight. . Listen and choose. 听录音, 选出与问句相对 应的答句,并将字母序号写在括号内。 1. Do you often watch TV? 2. Does Tim like cartoons? 3. When does Man and Nature begin? 4. What programmes does Toby often watch? . List

12、en and write“T”or“F”. 听录音, 根据听到 的内容判断句子正误,正确的在括号里写“T”, 错误的在括号里写“F”。 Hello, Im Bill. I like watching TV. I always watch on Saturday and Sunday. My favourite programmes are cartoons and detective films. I think they are interesting. I dont like nature programmes. They are boring. There is a detective

13、film this evening. It begins at quarter to eight. I will watch it. Unit 4 In town . Listen and number. 听录音,根据录音顺序 给图片标号。 1. bus stop 2. church 3. school 4. train station 5. museum 6. police station 7. park 8. tourist office . Listen and circle. 根据你所听到的内容,圈 出正确的答案。 1. - Excuse me, wheres the church ?

14、 - Just go straight ahead. 2. - Excuse me, wheres the hospital? - The hospital? Please turn right . 3. - Excuse me. Wheres the park? -Thats easy , go straight ahead. 4. - Wheres the post office? - The post office? Its not far, turn left here, then you can see it . . Listen and tick. 根据你所听到的内容,判断 图片是

15、否正确,正确的打钩。 1. - Excuse me, wheres the church? -Look, the church is opposite the museum. 2. - Excuse me, wheres the school? -The school? En, Its next to the museum. 3. - Excuse me. Wheres the post office? - Its not far. Go straight ahead, its beside the school. - Thank you. - Thats OK. 4. - Wheres th

16、e church? - First go straight ahead, then turn left. Its opposite the post office. - Thank you. - Thats all right. . Listen and tick or cross. 听短文录音,根据 听到的内容判断,相符的勾(“”) ,不相符 的打叉(“”) 。 There is a big park in my town. The tourist office is in the park. The museum is opposite the park. The church is ne

17、xt to the park. Our school is next to the church. It is big and beautiful. I like it very much. Unit5 On the beach . Listen and number. 听录音,按听到的顺序 给图片标号。 1. A: How is the weather today? B: It is windy. 2. Bob is fishing. 3. A: What is the weather like in Wuhan? B: It is cloudy. 4. Look! Lily is flyi

18、ng a kite. 5. Penny is reading a book. 6. Hans is riding a horse. . Listen and tick. 听录音,在相应的天气下打钩。 Good morning! Here is the weather report today. Its windy in Beijing. It is cloudy in Harbin. Chengdu is raining and Wuhan is sunny today. In Shanghai, its cloudy and windy. Have a nice day! Thank you

19、 for your listening. . Listen and write“T” or “F”. 听录音,根据听 到的句子选择相应答语。 1. Whats the weather like today? 2. Where are you now? 3. What is he doing? 4. Is it cold? 5. Have a good time. . Listen and tick or cross. 根据短文内容, 判断 图片正误。正确的在括号内写 T,错误在括 号内写 F。 Today is Childrens Day. There is no school today.

20、Jim is listening to music at home. Nancy is playing the piano .She likes playing the piano. Peter is watching Tom and Jack. That is his favourite cartoon programme. Bob and his friend Lee are playing football in the garden. Mike, Lucy and Lily are singing songs for their festival. Unit 6 Adventures

21、I. Listen and number. 听录音,按听到的顺序给 图片标号。 1.hot food 2. the dark 3. sleeping alone 4. rats 5. ghosts II. Listen and choose. 听录音,请根据听到的内 容选择相应的图片, 并将图片前的字母序号 填在横线上。 1. Im afraid of big dogs. 2. Im afraid of spiders. 3. Im afraid of ghosts. 4. Im afraid of cold. 5. Im afraid of rats. III. Listen and wri

22、te“T”or“F”. 听录音, 判断图片 是否与录音内容相符,相符的在方框里写 “T”,不相符的写“F”。 1. Put on your boots and your cowboy hat. 2. Get on your horse. 3. Sit down on the ground. 4. Get off. 5. Youve sat on a cactus. 6. Youre tired. . Listen and choose. 听录音, 请根据听到的内 容选择相应的答案,并将字母序号填在括 号内。 1. Im afraid of horror films. 2-Are you afr

23、aid of rats? -No, Im not. 3. - Im not afraid of rats. What about you, Nick? -Rats? Oh, Im afraid of it. 4. - Are you afraid of horror films, Lisa? - Yes, I am. What about you, Lily? - Me too. 5. - What is Sandra afraid of? - Hot food. - And Santa? -She isnt afraid of hot food. She is very afraid of

24、spiders. . Listen and write“T”or“F”. 听录音, 判断听到 的内容是否与句子相符,相符的在方框里 写“T”,不相符的写“F”。 Hi, Im John. Im afraid of rats and sleeping alone. But Im not afraid of swimming. Im good at swimming. Kate and Max are my good friends. Kate is afraid of spiders. And Max is afraid of hot food and ghosts. They are both not afraid of sleeping alone.


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