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1、班级 姓名 学号 密封线底20142015(下)四年级英语期中调研卷(考试时间:50分钟)听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(10分)( ) 1.A. subject B. ScienceC. Saturday D. Sunday( ) 2.A. usually B. umbrella C. uncle D. aunt( ) 3.A. match B. MathsC. Monday D. Music( ) 4.A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. today D. day( ) 5.A. there B. them C. they D. then( ) 6.A.

2、boat B. coat C. goat D. cold( ) 7.A.lake B. make C. take D. cake( ) 8.A. river B. red C. every D. hill( ) 9.A. night B.light C. right D. eight( ) 10.A. home B.homework C. hot D. her二、听录音,根据所听到的内容选择正确的应答,将其序号填在题前的括号内,听两遍。(6分)() 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I cant.() 2. A. Yes, it is. B. Its

3、a sweater. C. Its on the chair.() 3. A. We have six. B. We like Science. C. I have English and Chinese.() 4. A. Its Friday. B. Its seven in the evening. C. Its time for Music.() 5. A. What a pity! B. I can play football. C. After school.() 6. A. All right! B.A snack bar. C. Good idea.三、听录音,给下列句子排序。(

4、4分)( ) 1.Welcome back to school. ( ) 2.Lets go to the playground.( ) 3.What day is it today? ( ) 4.Come and play table tennis.( ) 5.I go to school at seven ten. ( ) 6.I can see a hill in the park.( ) 7.What can your mother do ? ( ) 8.I go to bed at nine every day.四、听录音,完成短文。(10分)My dayI up at six .

5、I have _ at seven .I have _ at . At five I go .I do my at five _ . I have_ at six_.笔试部分(70分)一、判断每组划线发音是否相同,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。(3分) ( )1.kate skate ( )2. come home ( )3.cap cat ( ) 4. green sleep ( )5.white time ( )6. Chinese chair二、按要求写单词。(10分)1. dont(完全形式) 2. cant(完全形式) 3 .these ( 对应词 ) 4.this ( 复数 )

6、5.for ( 同音词 ) 6.they ( 宾格 ) 7.what time( 近义词 ) 8.small( 反义词 ) 9.too ( 近义词 ) 10.difficult( 反义词) 三、英汉互译。(10分)1在晚上 2What a pity! 3四节课 4draw some trees 5去爬山 6after school 7在八点 8a football match 9. 在湖面上_10. on Thursday morning _ 四、 选择填空。(10 )( ) 1. -Whats this?. Let me have _ look. Its a rubber. A. a B.

7、an C. the D.不填( ) 2. I go to school _ seven the morning .A. at on B. at in C. on in D. at at ( )3. Lets play football Saturday morning. A. at B. in C. on D. on the ( ) 4. Look at the beautiful trees. Can you draw ? A. they B. them C. it D. I( ) 5. I have lunch at twelve every .A. a day B. days C. da

8、y D. some days( ) 6. We dont have mangoes now.A. any B. some C. a D. / ( ) 7. Its seven oclock. Its time school.A. to B. at C. in D. for ( )8. do you go home? At four.A. When B. What C. Where D. Which( ) 9 -I like swimming, but I have an English lesson. -A. How nice! B. What a pity! C. OK. D. Good i

9、dea. ( ) 10. 下面哪个回答是不正确的。-Lets draw some pictures. -_.A. OK B. Great C. All right. D. Nice五、对号入座,请将II中相应的序号填入I栏的括号内。 (4%)I II( ) 1. What day is it today? A. Science and Chinese.( ) 2. Nice to meet you. B. At three in the afternoon.( ) 3. Its time for PE. C. Its difficult, but let me try.( ) 4. What

10、subjects do you like? D. Lets go to the playground.( ) 5. When do you have your swimming lesson?E. Some cows and pigs.( ) 6. What would you like?. F. Nice to meet you too.( ) 7. What can you see on the farm? G. Its Monday.( ) 8. Can you draw a horse? H. A pie and some juice, please.六、按要求改写句子。(5分) 1.

11、I can see some flowers.(改为一般疑问句) you see flowers?2. I go to school at seven .(对划线部分提问) you go to school?3. Its Friday today. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it today?4.I like Art. (改否定句) I _ _ Art.5. We have an English lesson.(主语改成He) _ _ an English lesson.七根据中文提示,将下列句子补充完整。(10 %)1. 我们这个星期六去公园。Lets to the this Sat

12、urday.2. 爷爷和奶奶通常晚上看电视。Grandpa and Grandma usually TV in the .3. 看,河面上有一只船。Look! Theres a on the .4.我每天喝牛奶。I drink milk .5. 杨玲有一些新蜡笔,她非常喜欢它们。Yang Ling some new crayons. She likes very much.八、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(3分)A. Good idea. Lets go. B. I can see a river.C. Its Sunday. Lets go to the park. D. What ca

13、n you see over there?E. There is a boat on it. F. Whats on the river?G. Its difficult. But I can try. H. Can you draw it? _, _A_, _, _, _, _,_, _G_九、用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)1. We dont have (some) lessons on Tuesday afternoon.2. My sister (have ) a (swim) lesson this afternoon.3. Lets go (skate) after schoo

14、l . Good idea.4. I can see two (snowman) near the house.5. Those (be) my dolls. I like (they) very much.6. I dont like Maths , (too). Its too difficult.7. When do (you) do (you) homework.十、Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。(5分) Its Friday afternoon. Liu Tao and Wang Bing are at school. L: Lets go swim

15、ming after school. W: Oh. I have a Science lesson after school. L: You like Science, right? W: Yes. Its fun. What subjects do you like?L: I like PE. I can play basketball well. W: Really? I can play basketball well, too. L: Lets go and play basketball on Sunday. W: Good idea!( )1. Wang Bing likes Sc

16、ience and playing basketball. ( )2. Liu Tao likes playing basketball but he cant play well. ( )3. Liu Tao and Wang Bing want to swim after school. ( )4. Science is fun. ( )5. Today is Sunday. 听力答案一、B,A,A,B,C,D,C,C,D,B二、1. Can you draw a boat? 2. Wheres the bird?3. How many lessons do you have every day? 4. What day is it today?5. When do you usually have swimming lessons? 6. What can you see over there?C,C,A,A,C,B三、2,6,4,7,5,3,1,8四、get, breakfast, oclock, lunch, twelve, home, homework, thirty, dinner, fifteen


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