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1、Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Reading,Writing,Before Reading,Lead-in Questions,Poem appreciation,Spot dictation,Not until I became a mother did I understand How much my mother had sacrificed for me; Not until I became a mother did I feel How

2、 hurt my mother was when I disobeyed; Not until I became a mother did I know How proud my mother was when I achieved; Not until I became a mother did I realize How much my mother loves me. Victoria Farnsworth,In the United States, more than _ of the women over 16 years old are now reported to be in

3、the_, full or part time. Women hold more than _ of all the jobs in the nation and their rushing into the job market continues at a rapid pace. Most of them, of course, are still employed in jobs _ filled by women: clerical, sales and service. Growing numbers, however, are _ those higher level jobs,5

4、0%,American Women in the Working World,42%,.,.,labor force,traditionally,moving into,well-paid positions and _ once reserved almost exclusively for men, such as _ , law and management. Most women work _ _ . With the price of food and fuel, and housing, transportation and education rising steadily, m

5、ore and more families are depending upon a second _. Many women work also because they want to have careers of their own and enjoy full _ with men.,professions,medicine,money,equality,because their families need the,income,With more and more women going out to work, it is now hard to find the once “

6、_” family of father at work, mother in apron at home, and two children in the nest. Today it is _ for both parents to be working and for husbands to _ in the household work of taking care of the children, cooking the meals, doing the dishes and washing the clothes.,common,share,far more,typical,Glob

7、al Reading,Detailed Reading,Part Division,Detailed Reading,I was shocked at finding my mother crying because she would probably lose her new job.,Part I Para.1 6,1. What did the author want to do after coming back from school one winter day? He anticipated reading his favorite sports magazine withou

8、t being disturbed. 2. Why was the mother crying? Because she was going to lose her new job.,Part II Para. 7 17,I previously assumed my mother was a capable woman. She tried all she could to save up money to send us to university.,What did the author think of his mothers ability when he was sixteen y

9、ears old?,He still assumed that his mother could do anything.,What were the jobs Mother had ever done? opened a day nursery ran a motel got a job at the radio station took a job selling drygoods had an office job had already been journalist.,Part III Paras.18 21,I realized my mothers pressure and vu

10、lnerability as a human being.,What did he begin to understand about his mother after he saw her cry? He began to understand the pressures on her and her vulnerability. That is he began to see the other side of his mothers character; she also had fears, could be hurt and could fail.,Part IV Paras.22

11、24,I understood my mothers perseverance and its influence on me.,The old typewriter plays a very important role in the story? What is the role it plays?,The old typewriter serves as a symbol, a “memento” of mothers “persistence” in the face of setbacks and failures. It serves to fulfill the old sayi

12、ng, “If at first you dont succeed, try, try, and try again.” It reminds the son of his mothers courage which urges him to go ahead whenever he is thinking of giving up in the face of the challenges of life.),Detailed Reading,filled with anticipation: full of expectation in anticipation (of ) We wait

13、ed at the station in anticipation of his arrival. anticipate doing /n. / that We anticipate seeing you again soon.,I had a new issue of my favorite sports magazine tucked under my arm, and the house to myself. 1) issue: a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper _(最新一期的翻译) contains an article w

14、ritten by you.,The latest issue of Translation,(2) question of importance or question for discussion Unemployment is an important and serious issue the government faces. have sth. to oneself: to have sth. for ones own private use 你吃饭时想一个人单独坐一张桌子吗? Would you like to have a table to yourself when you

15、dine?,burst into: (1) rush into, enter hurriedly (2) begin suddenly to give voice to; break into The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers after his speech.,burst into / break into + n. On seeing her mother, the little girl burst into tears. burst out / break out + doing David burst out laughing

16、after hearing the funny story.,I was shocked into stillness by what I saw. Mother, pulled into a tight ball with her face in her hands, sat at the far end of the couch. 我被眼前的景象惊呆了。妈双手捂着脸,身子紧缩成一团,坐在长沙发的那一端。,5. catch on: 1) understand, learn about 这个人很快就学会了电脑操作。 This man caught on to operating compute

17、r quickly.,2) become popular or fashionable catch on with + n. 受欢迎, 被接受 This new song has (为年轻人所接受) _.,caught on with young people,6. I was repeating a line she had spoken to me a hundred times when I was having trouble learning or doing something important to me. line: a row of words, on a page of

18、writing read between the lines: find more meaning than the words appear or express,7. set ones mind to sth. / to doing sth.: put all ones efforts into doing sth.; give all ones attention to doing sth.,example,听说这个令人难过的消息后,那天下午杰克无法专心工作。,If I set my mind to finishing this article by tomorrow, I can ce

19、rtainly do so.,After hearing the sad news, Jack could not set his mind to his work that afternoon.,make up ones mind to do be determined to do I felt helpless and out of place. out of place: not suitable for a particular situation or occasion 我感到既无能为力,又十分尴尬。,9. assume: a) take as true without actual

20、 proof The report was assumed to be valid.,He assumed the responsibility of bringing up his nephew. Now the young man can assume the direction of a business independently. 现在这年轻人能独立主持一家公司,c) pretend,b) take up oneself, undertake 承担 担当,He assumes a well-informed manner but in fact knows very little.,

21、stand /be in sbs way: prevent sb from doing 如果你决意离开,没有人会阻拦你。 No one will stand in your way if you set your mind to leaving.,She sent away for correspondence courses in child care, did the lessons and in six months formally qualified herself for the task. 她写信要求参加幼托函授课程,学了六个月就正式获得从事这项工作的资格。,1) send aw

22、ay for: make a request or order by post _ (你可以邮购) if it is not available in your town.,send off send for 派人去请(找) send in 呈报;提交;送来 send out 发出(光、热等),You can send away for this book,2)qualify: cause sb. to reach the level needed for sth. or to do sth.,qualify sb. as This training will qualify you as a

23、 computer operator. (2) qualify sb. to do He is the managers son but that does not qualify him to criticize my work. (3) qualify for Only two of the eight runners can qualify for the semifinal.,12. It wasnt long before she had a full enrollment and a waiting list. There were more children who wanted

24、 to come to Mothers day nursery than it could accept. 不久她的日托所招生额满,而且还有不少小孩登记等着入托。,Time was running out, and Mother was frantic for ways to save money.,run out: come to an end, be exhausted,他总是没等到发薪日就把钱用完了。,He is always running out of money before payday.,Mary never runs out of good ideas for party d

25、ecorations.,not the least: not at all not the slightest,I dont have the slightest idea why he refused to help me.,example,15. respond: do sth. as an answer His illness quickly responded to the medicine. 他服了这种药后 他的病情很快有好转了 The manager responded negatively to the question. n. response,You should be on

26、 guard against those who are always flattering you. 在拥挤 的车上要警惕扒手。 Be on (your) guard against pickpockets in the crowded bus.,16. on guard: ready to protect; watchful,example,17. My shock and embarrassment at finding Mother in tears on Wednesday was a perfect index of how little I understood the pres

27、sures on her. index: indication or sign 周三,当发现妈哭时我所感到的震惊和窘迫,完全表明了我对妈所承受的压力是多么的不理解。,pressure put / bring pressure on sb. to do They put pressure on me to sell my precious land. under the pressure of 在- 的压力下 at high / low pressure 紧张地,悠闲地,18. I could sense her pain and the tension of holding back the

28、strong emotions that were interrupted by my arrival. 我可以感觉到她的痛苦,也感觉到她在极力抑制着由于我闯进来而被打断的强烈情感的发泄。 tension: a feeling of worry and nervousness,hold back: control, restrain When she learned that her son was killed in the battle, the Mexican woman held back her tears with much difficulty. 老板忍不住告诉了他真相。 The

29、 boss couldnt hold back from telling him the truth.,hold to 坚持,遵循 hold on 持续, hold up 举起; 阻止,使延误,expressions,19. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I had sought comfort in her arms. 我感觉到她的痛苦,就像我千百次在她的怀里寻求安慰时,她感觉到我的痛苦一样。,20. I had a very different feeling no

30、w when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping away. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type. 1) away: continuously, without stopping He worked away at his work, though he was tired out.,*2) there was something more going on in there than a woman lear

31、ning to type: besides learning to type, mother was also showing her determination to overcome whatever difficulties she might meet with, her strong will not to accept defeat easily and her courage to go ahead.,21. It is a memento, but what it recalls for me is not quite what it recalled for Mother.

32、它是一件纪念品,但它所勾起的我的回忆与妈妈的不尽相同。 For Mother: an experience of defeat which she would never admit For the boy: her mothers determination, courage and responsibility in the face of defeat,recall: bring (sb./ sth.) back into the mind; recollect,recall + n. / doing/ that (clause),pattern,She recalled seeing

33、the fierce-looking man outside the shop on the night of the robbery.,go ahead: advance, proceed The police examined their car and allowed them to go ahead.,Useful Expressions,充满期待 独自享用 冲进客厅 惊得目瞪口呆 强作欢笑 做全职工作 7. 邮购 8. 招生额满,be filled with anticipation have sth. to oneself burst into the living room be

34、 shocked into stillness manage a weak smile hold a full time job send away for have a full enrollment,深深吸一口气 寻求安慰 除之外 千百次 13. 抑制强烈的感情 逐字 将某人搂在怀里 前进的勇气,take a long breath seek comfort in addition to on a thousand occasions hold back strong emotions word for word put ones arms around sb. the courage t

35、o go ahead,Translation,As far as ability is concerned, I am sure he will qualify for the work. It is wrong to assume that John will formally apologize to them for being impolite. This scandal will undoubtedly be an embarrassment to the Labor Party, which is trying hard to win the election. I was har

36、d at work on a term paper when my little sister kept interrupting me by bursting into my room.,I asked her several times, but she refused to respond to my question. In the west, people often send away for mail-order goods, which can save a lot of time. Sorry time is running out; I suggest we skip to

37、 the last chapter. Since you have set your mind to finishing your masters program as soon as possible, dont let your social life stand in your way of studies.,Before Reading_4.,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,The Cost of Attending Colleges in the U.S.,Directions: Listen

38、to the passage and fill in the blanks.,1. Tuition fees for public elementary and secondary schools: 2. Proportion of students entering college: 3. Two types of colleges: 1) 2) 4. Average tuition fees for college and university a year: 5. Resources for tuition fees: 1) 2) 3) 6. Ways to pay back loans

39、: 1) 2) 3),free,_,half of them,_,public,_,private,_,$12, 000 -14, 000,_,work during vacation,_,do part-time job during term time,_,apply for loan from the government,_,Students may take up 11 years to repay.,_,If the student becomes a teacher in public school, he / she only pays a portion of the loa

40、n.,_ _,If the student becomes a teacher in depressed areas, 15% of the loan will be wiped out each year.,_,Before Reading_1.1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,In the United States, every child has the right to attend public elementary and secondary schools without tuition

41、 fees. About 12% of all children of elementary and secondary school age attend parochial (教区) and other private schools and their parents have to pay tuition fees. Today about half of the high school graduates go to colleges and universities, of which about one-third are public institutions supporte

42、d and controlled by federal, state, or local governments. A student at a state college or university doesnt have to pay a lot if his or her parents live in the state. But private colleges and universities can be very expensive. It has been a very common practice for students to work to earn money, n

43、ot only by taking full-time jobs during vacations but also by taking part-time jobs during term-time. As the total cost of study and living on campus averages $12,000 14,000 a year those earnings are useful and often essential. Students can also borrow a certain amount of money form the government i

44、f they are in need of it. The Higher Education Act of 1965 allows students to receive loans in their first year in college. Students may take up to 11 years to repay the loans, and those who themselves become teachers in public schools only have to repay a portion of the loan. Those who teach in dep

45、ressed areas are specially favored and teaching in depressed-areas each year wipes out 15% of the loan.,Warm-up questions,1. Why was the mother crying? (Because she was going to lose her new job.) 2. Whats her new job? (The author doesnt tell us clearly. The mother might have been employed as a typi

46、st at the radio station. Anyway, she had a job at the radio station that required her to type fast.) 3. Did the mother have any other jobs before? (Yes, she ran a day nursery at and motel),4. Was she successful with her nursery and motel? (Yes, she was quite successful with the day nursery and she w

47、as probably quite successful with the motel, too. But neither of them brought in enough money to send the two kids to college.) 5. How about the father? Didnt he work? (Yes, he had a full time job and 80 acres of land to farm in his spare time.),6. What did the boy use to think of his mother before the day she cried? (The boy used to think of his mother as a woman of strong character, hard-working, eager to learn new things, good at learning and able to do anything.) 7. What did he begin to understand about his mother after he saw h


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