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1、必修1 Uni51质量/品质优/劣的be of good/high/low/poor quality; be good /high/low/poor in quality表现出很强的领导素质show strong leadership qualities个人素质the personal qualities2花钱吝啬be mean with money对人刻薄/慷慨be mean/generous to sb本来打算做而没做had meant to do我无意冒犯I meant no offence.对来说有/没有价值/意义mean something/ nothing to sb 3积极参与b

2、e active in; take an active part in4为梦想而死die for ones dreams4致力于,献身于devote oneselfto; be devoted to5与德国纳粹和日本侵略者抗争fight against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders6建立第一共和国found the first Republic7坚信三民主义:民主,民权,民生strongly believe in the three principles: nationalism; peoples rights; peoples liveliho

3、od8蹲监狱be in prison把送进监狱send/put/cast sb in prison; take sb prisoner9第一个登月的人the first man to land on the moon10人类的一大飞跃one giant leap for mankind11咨询律师consult a lawyer12维持和平keep peace 和平共处live in peace13为为穷人提供法律问题方面的指导offer guidance to poor people on their legal problems在的指导下under the guidance of sb14

4、受教育少have little education受到良好/更好的教育be well / better educated15付学费和公车费pay the school fees and the bus fare16失业be out of work/a job; lose ones job; be jobless17对未来更加充满希望become more hopeful about my future18见证经济繁荣see/witness an economic boom19投票赞成/反对vote for/against20在早期in/at the early stage在舞台上on stag

5、e21违法break the law22抨击首相的文章an article attacking the prime minister向进攻make an attack on遭受攻击be under attack23以暴制暴answer violence with violence诉诸暴力turn to violence24炸毁一些政府大楼blow up some government buildings轮胎需要充气The tyres need blowing up/need to be blown up.和谈过程中爆发一场危机A crisis blew up over the peace ta

6、lks.对发火blow up at sb事件被渲染得太过了The whole affair was blown up out of all proportion.25与相等;胜任be equal to无与伦比have no equal/without equal26陷入麻烦be in trouble制造麻烦cause trouble27对待不公平境遇的态度ones attitude towards the unfair situation28情愿做be willing to do不情愿做be unwilling/reluctant to do29被释放be released from pris

7、on松开绳子release your grasp of the rope解雇/除职务release/remove sb from the post释放压力release stress发行电影/唱片/公布新贸易数据release a movie/an album/the new trade figures考试后的解脱感a sense of release after the exam30从监狱逃跑escape from prison逃避惩罚escape being punished/punishment九死一生,幸免于难a narrow escape/narrowly escape being

8、killed我想不起他的名字His name escaped me. 31乞讨食物;乞求宽恕beg for food/mercy32当权,上台come to power33与有关的be relative to 相对而言relatively speaking 远/近亲a close/distant relative34因他的贡献用钱酬谢他reward him with money for his contribution被授予诺贝乐和平奖be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize35被判死刑/终身监禁be sentenced to death/to prison for l

9、ife36观点因人而异Opinion is divided on the issue.对评价好/不好have a good/high/bad/low opinion of37设立,建立set up 38丧失勇气,信心lose heart 39事实上/实际上as a matter of fact1. A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.2. He fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.3. He was t

10、he first man to land on the moon.4. Mandela was the black lawyer to whom I went for advice. He offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.5. The school where I studied for two years was three km away.6. The last thirty years

11、 have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress.7. We have reached a stage where we have no rights.8. We were put into a position in which we had either to accept or fight.9. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.10. It was a prison from which no one escaped.11. He taught us in the evenings when we should have been asleep.12. I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.13. The truck is running less smoothly than it used to be.


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