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1、? ? ?655? ?01?a? number? of? ?331?in? the? least? ? ? above? all? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? leave? behind? ? ? ? ? be? absorbed? in? ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? leave? out?# $ ?% ? ?let? down? ? A ?BC D? take;into? account?E? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? let? go?F ?G H? add? up? to?I J ?K J? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2、? ? ? ? ? ? let? in?L;M N ?;M O? in? addition?P Q?let? off?(R,S T)?F U ?V W? ? ? ?11?in? addition? to?W;XQ?341?let? out?Y ?Z ? in? advance? ? _?cast? light? on? /? upon?B. ?a .? take? advantage? of?b c? ?in? line? with?:;d e f ?g;?h? ahead? of?i; j ?_ ? ?line? up?k l ?Bk d ?m? in? the? air?in mo ?ip

3、 q o? ?a? little? ?8 r? after? all?s ?t u ?v ( w ? ? little? by? little?x y 3? all? butz ?| ? W;XQ ? ? ? quite? a? little? ? ? ?7 8? all? over? ? ? ? ?live? on? /? by?;? ? all? right?m? ? ?live? through? ? ? ? ? at? all? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? live? up? to? ? ?7 ? ? ? ? ? ?21?in? all?K

4、? ? J? ?351? as? long? as? /? so? long? as? ? ? ? make? allowances? for?E ?,? ? ?before? long?7 ? ?0? in? alliance? with?g;? ? ?for? long? ? +? leave;alone? ? ( ?7 ? ? ?look? at? D ? ? one? after? another? “ ? ?look? back? ? ? ? one? another? ? ?look? down? on? 7 ?fi ? apart? from?W j -? ?look? forw

5、ard? to? D ? ? ? ?31?as? if? ?” ? ?361?look? into? ? ? as? though? ?” ? ?look? on? ? ? as? to? ? ? ?look? out? ? ? ? as? well? ?look? over? ? ? ? aside? from?W;?Q? ?look? through? 2 ? ? =? ask? for? ? ? ?look? up? to? ? ? pay? attention? to? ? ?at? a? loss? ? ?7 ? ? ? on? the? average? ? ? - O? ?a?

6、lot? of? ? + ? ? +? right? away? ? ? ? ?lots? of? ? ? ? back? and? forthO ?OO? ? +? ?fall? in? love? with? ? ? ? ? ?41?back? off?L ? ? ?361?be? made? up? of6;? d ?6? d? back? up? ? ? ? ?make? for? ? ?, b ? on? the? basis? of? ? ?i;+ ? ? ? ?make? up? d ? d? because? of? ? ?4 5? ?make? up? for? ? ? ?

7、on? behalf? of? ?5? ?a? great? /? good? many?r ? ? ? at? the? best? ? ? ? ? ?many? a?r ? +? do? /? try? ones? best? ? ? ?a? matter? of? ;+ ? ? get? the? best? of? ? ?no? matter? how/what/when;etc? make? the? best? of? ? b c? ? ? ? ? by? all? means? ? ? ? for? the? better? ? ? ? ?by? means? of? ? ? ?

8、51?get? the? better? of? ? ? ? ?371?by? no? means? 7? had? better?/ ? ? ? ?in? memory? of? ? on? board?i?/?/? ? ? ?at? the? mercy? of?i;? ? ? be? bound? to? ? ?keep? in? mind? ? break? away? ? ? ? ? ?have? in? mind? ? ?E ? break? down?! ? # ?$ #? ?make? up? ones? mind? ? !? break? in?% mM N ? ?. / ?

9、 ? catch? ones? breath? ? ?in? a? moment? 6 ? ? out? of? breath?A7 ? O?more? and? more?B OB? in? brief?C D E X? ?more? or? less?F ? F 8 ?z ? bring? about? O?G d? ?no? more?7 ? bring? down? H ?I J ? ?no? more? than?7 ? ?K K? bring? forth?L? ? ? ?at? most?/? ? ? bring? forward? ? ?make? the? most? of?

10、 ? b c? bring? out?B 4 ?M N ?by? nature?O ? ? ? P D E? ? ?71?bring? to?BQ R ? S? ?391?in? nature? T ? bring? up?U V ?W X ?Bd ? ?neither;nor?Y 7 ;7? build? up?Z ? ? ?x ? ?nothing? but? , ?K K? in? bulk? _ ? ? ?every? now? and? then?, ? ? a? burn? out?b Y? ?just? now?c d ?9 ? burn? up?b ?b ? ?just? an

11、d? then? D ?7 ? call? for?e ? ?f ? ?just? that?Y ( ?6? call? forth?g ?h ? ?on? occasion?, ?7 ? call? off?i ?j k? ?at? odor? with?g;7 ?h ?| l ?m n? call? on/upon?o ? ?p o ?off? and? on? q q ?7 3? ? ?81?call? up?r s ?t u ?401?and? so? on?v v? care? for? ? ? ! ?all? at? once?2 (? take? care?w ! ? !? ?a

12、t? once? 6 ? ? take? care? of? ? ? ? x ? ?once? for? all?y z ? carry? off?| ? cheer? up?B ?B“ ?take? pains? ? fi ! ? ? ?101?in? chorus? ?h ? ? ?421?play? a? role? fl c? clear? away? W? ? ?take? part? in? ? clear? up? ? ? ? W? ? ?in? particular? + ? ? around/round? the? clock? ” 7 +? ?pass? away? ? ;

13、? come? on?O?Z ?pass? out?C ? ?, ? come? to?K J ? ? ? ?pay? up? ? ? ?111?come? true? 4 ? ? ?431?pick? out? ? ? come? up? ? ?Z ? ? ?pick? up? ? ? ? ? come? up? to? ? ? I? ?in? place?i? ? + ? ? come? up? with? ? ? ?in? place? of? ? in? common? ? , ? ?in? the? first? place? ? ? _? keep? company? withg;

14、? ? ?g. ? ?in? the? last? place?/0? compare;to? /? with? ;? fl ? ?out? of? place?7 ? ? ? + ?7 ? ? +? by? comparison? O? ?take? place?Z ? as? far? as;be? concerned?;D E? ?take? the? place? of? ? be? concerned? with? ! ? ?play? with?;5k ? ? ? ? ?121?in? conclusion?/0?K X? ?441?come? to? the? point?- ?

15、 ? ? on? the? condition? that?i;? ? ?on? the? point? of? ;+ ? in? connection? with? /? to? ? ?point? out? ? in? consequence?4 5 ?. ? ?to? the? point? o ? ? ? ? in? consequence? of?6 ;+ ? ? ? bring? /? put;into? practice? ? ? m? on? the? contrary? X? ? ? ?in? practice?i? o ? ? ? in? contrast? to?g;?

16、? ?out? of? practice? 7 ? = ? ? out? of? control?C ? ? ?451?make? progress?M ?M ? count? on? ? D ? ?in? proportion? to?d ? ? count? up?;? ? ?in? public?M F + ? ? in? the? course? ofi;? ? o ?i ? ?pull? down? ? ? H ? A? of? course? ( ? ?pull? off? ? ? v? cover? up? ? ? ? ?pull? out? ?j ? cross? out? ?

17、 in? debt?7 8 ?7 9? ?as? regards? ? ? take? delight? in?;5:? ?with? regard? to? ?;D ? derive? from?; ?6;O? ?in? relation? to? ? in? detail?1 2 +? ?with? respect? to? ? die? down?y y k C ? ? ?as? a? result?. ? ?4 5? die? off? ? ? ?W? ? *? ? run? for?J ? have? something? to? do? with:;, *? ? run? into

18、?K ? ? ( ? L? no? doubt?M ? ? ?run? out? of?c?c ?N ? draw? up?O ?P Q ? ?run? over? ?R =? dress? up# ? R _ ? S ? T T U U? ? in? the? long? run?) ? E O? drop? by?V ? Oo? ?for? the? sake? of? i;+ W ? drop? off? X ? 8? ?on? sale? Y? drop? out? ? l? ?all? the? same?Z ( ? ? bring? into? effect?B? ? ? ?in?

19、 secret?g h + ?i ? +? put? into? effect? m? ? ?see? through? # ?j 7? come? into? effect? ? ? ? ?in? a? sense?) k l m ? -? in? effect?, ? ? ? ? ?make? sense?, m ?E X, ? ? ?181?take? effect ? ? ? fl c? ?501?in? sequence? ?x ? in? the? end?/0?s ? ?a? series? of?* n ?op? in? essence? XQ? ?set? off? Z ?t

20、 w ?h ?BZ ? in? excess? of?x ? ?set? out?v n ? y ?t w z ? ? ? ? ?191?catch? ones? eye?h ? ? ?511?set? up? ? ? ? ? ? keep? an? eye? on? , ? ?settle? down?| ? ?+ ? ? face? to? face?j j 3? ?run? short?c?N ? face? up? to? j ? ?for? short?C ? ? ? in? the? face? of?j ? ?in? short?C E X?K X? make? a? face?

21、 ? ? ?show? in? N? in? fact? ? ? ?show? off? ? ? ? as? a? matter? of? fact? ? ? ?show? up?B? 4 ? ? ? ? fail? to? ? ?sick? of? ? fall? behind? 0? ?side? by? side? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?201?fall? back? on ? ? ? ?521?at? first? sight? ? ? O? fall? in? with? I ?g;?h? ?in? sight?L ? so? far? ? 5;? ?catch? sight?

22、of?Z 4 ?2 ( L? in? favor? of?, b ? d ? ? ? out? of? sight? 7 L ?i ? XQ? feed? in? N? ?ever? since?) ? ? ? ?O? be? fed? up? with? ? ? ? ?sit? for? ? feel? like?,? ? ?sit? in?n ? ? a? few?, ?,z ? ?ever? so? ? ? quite? a? few?, ? ? ? +? ?or? so? ? ? fill? in? /out? ? ?so;as? to?. ? ? 5 ;? ? ? ?211?find

23、? out? .? ?531?so? far? ? 5;? catch? fire?q T? ?so? that? ?5+ ?. ? ? set? fire? to? ? ?so;that? 5 ;?h? on? fire?b q? ?as? soon? as?;? at? first?/?,? _? ?no? sooner;than?;? first? of? all? _? ?sooner? or? later? ? b? as? follows? ? ?speed? up? ? make? a? fool? of? ? ? ? ?in? spite? of?7 ? ? ? on? foo

24、t? m? ?on? the? spot? ? ?i4 ? in? force?, ? ? ? o? ?at? stake?i1 ? o? ? ?221?and? so? forth?v v? ?541?stand? by? i? ?“ H ? set? free? ? ?stand? for? ? q? make? friends? ? fi ?stand? out? 2 ? fl ? be? friends? with ?;fi ?stand? up? O? to? and? fro?OO ? ?stand? up? for?5;? ? ? in? front? of?i;j ? ?sta

25、nd? up? to j ? ? ? ? ? ? make? fun? of?j , ? ?in? step? ?I ? in? the? future? 0? O? ?step? by? step?x ? in? general?I ? that? + ;?h? get? better? of? ? ? ?all? of? a? sudden?2 (? get? through?. / ?d?in? sum?K D E X? get? together?s I ? s?sum? up?K . ? ? ? ?241?get? up? ?% ?561?make? sure? . ? ? ? gi

26、ve? away? $ ? ?take;as? ;fl 5? give? back? ? ?Q R?take? after?g;? ? give? in? ? ?take? apart? u? give? off? ? ?take? away?k W?k N? give? out? Z ?take? down? ? ? ? give? up? ; ?i?take;for?;? 5?; d ? give? way? to?;L? ? ?take? in?“ ? ? ? # ? ? go? after? ?take? off? ? ? ? go? ahead?F ? ? M?take? on? 4

27、 ?) ? ? ?251?go? along? with? ? ?2 m?571?take? over?“ ? ?“ ? go? by? ? ? go? through? ? ? ?1 2 ?thanks? to?6 ? ? go? with? 2 ?g; ?and? then?D ? ?( 0? as? good? as:;z ? ? ?271?hand? out? Z ? Z?591?for? the? time? being? ?= ? hand? over? ? ?from? tine? to? time?, ?7 ? in? hand?i? ? o?in? no? time? ? ?

28、 ? on? the? other? hand?P ? j?in? time? ? +? hang? about? ? ? ?on? time? ? hang? on? q ? ? when?c ?;?out? of? touch?C ? ? turn? off? Y ? F? hold? on? q ? ? 7 ?turn? on?“ I ? F? hold? on? to?( ( ? ? ? ?turn? out?. ? ? hold? up?, ? ?s ?turn? over? ? O? ? ? at? home?i? ?i? ? ? i? ?turn? to? ? ? home? a

29、nd? aboard? ? Q?turn? up? 4? in? honor? of?5? ? ?; y ? take? turns? n? on? ones? honor? ? ?up? to?e ? ? ? ? ? how? about? ? ?make? use? of?b c? ? ?301?hundreds? of? ? J ?r ?621?put? into? use?Bc?b c? hunger? for? D?use? up?c? hurry? up? ” ? ?d?as? usual? ? ? ? ?give? way?L? ?L? by? oneself? ? ? w?in

30、? a? way?ik ? ?ik l ? ? ? ? ?311?in? itself? w?631?in? no? way? 7? keep? back?s ; ?s ? ? ?in? ones? way? /? in? the? way?! t ?s t? keep? down? ? ? ? ? ? ? A? make? ones? way? M ?mM? keep? from?B;7 ?make? way?F ? ?L? keep? off?7 “ ? ? F?what? if? ? ; 9 ? ? keep? to? ? ? ?once? in? a? while? a ?, ? ke

31、ep? up? ? ? ? ? ?after? a? while? ? ?9 ?7 ? keep? up? with? ?on? the? whole?K + O-? ? ?321?knock? down?K H ?# H?641?wipe? out?$ ( ? ?at? work? i) fl ? ? lay? down? ? ?out? of? work?C *? lay? off?# +?work? out?# ? ?, ? ? lay? out? k ?N ? ?v n ? y? work? up?h ?x y ? -? at? least? 8 ?/A - ?in? the? wor

32、ld? d ?c u? -? in? the? light? of?f ? ?651?at? worst?i/ + 9 . ? in? line?d ?e f ?k d ?m?write? off? H ?/ 0 ? 0? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? go? wrong?Z ? ? ? ? 1 2? and? yet? ?( D? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? as? yet? 5; ? ? 5;? ? ? ? ? lie? in?i? ? ? ? 3 ? 4 ? - 5Bc6C ? 7 ? 8 9? ?f V ? ? ? ? j +655 ? ? :?


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