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1、课时作业(二)Relaxing & A Volunteer Teacher.单词拼写1She is an _(专家)in training animals.2When you grow up,you should face the _(挑战)with confidence.3Some _(志愿者)of China have already delivered food and water.4After _(毕业)from the university,he was sent to work in a factory in his hometown.5They decided to stay i

2、n _(支持)of the new leadership.6With the help of his friends,he finally _ (解决)this difficult problem.7People in many countries are_(遭受)from air pollution.8I _(更喜欢)the Hutongs to the new buildings in Beijing.9The government began to take action about some serious _(社会的)problems.10He is under great _(压力

3、)because of his new job.单项填空1He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.Awill graduateBwill have graduatedCgraduates Dis to graduate2Finding information in todays world is easy.The _ is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not.Aabi

4、lity BcompetitionCchallenge Dknowledge3(2013大同高一调研)After graduation,he is a _ to teach the poor children in the west.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】Avolunteerer BvolunteerCvolunteering Dvolunteered4On a cold day,he prefers _ out to play football _ at home.Agoing,rather stayBgoing,to stayingCto go,rather than stay

5、ingDto go,rather than to stay5A healthy diet can _ the risk of diseases.Areduce BdevelopCstrengthen Dadd6_ work as a manager in China,he prefers_ in a foreign company.ARather than;to workingBRather than;to workCMore than;to workingDMore than,to work7The small box was flattened by the _ of the heavy

6、books on it.Apressure BpressCpressing Dpressed8The successful launch of change is a success of many experts _space and flight.【出处:21教育名师】Aat BbyCfor Dover9The old man_ by his grandson.Asupporting Bwas supportedCto support Dsupport10Could you please tell us about the reform of China right now?All rig

7、ht.I _ to that.Acome Bhave comeCam coming Dcame11(2013长白高一质检)I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses _ talking while she works.Aworking;stopping Bto work;stoppingCworking;to stop Dto work;to stop12Which do you find _,football or basketball?21教育名师原创作品Aexciting Bmuch excitingCthe

8、more exciting Dmore exciting13(2013合肥高一检测)The army suffered_heavy losses in the war.A/ BfromCabout Dwith14I want to leave now.I cant _ nothing useful here.Astand to do Bstand doingCstand being done Dstand to be doing15Today,the rich find_ to possess(拥有)some illegal(非法的)extra buildings to earn Ait im

9、possible Bthat impossibleCit impossibility Dthat impossibility.完形填空Standing at a busy crossroads, I once noticed an interesting sighta shirtless old man in_1_and jogging shoes running toward me. He was in his seventies, short, with a huge barrel chest. The_2_on his thin arms and legs hung loose. His

10、 body_3_with sweathe had the appearance of an absolutely devoted runner.When he_4_ the crossroads, he continued to jog as he_5_for the lights to change.I asked him, “Have you been running long?”He said out of_6_ ,“Today, four hours and twenty minutes.”【来源:21世纪教育网】Wow!Four hours and twenty minutes of

11、 running!At his _7_!He continued, his feet still _8_on the ground, “Some days I run 22 miles.Some days 12 miles.”I asked, “Do you _9_?”“Three or four times a year.”Maybe he thought he would_10_stop when he gets old.I_11_his commitment and focus. Because of a total dedication to the sport, he was a(n

12、)_12_runner. And he is living proof that it is never too late to pursue a_13_!Dont we all need something to get_14_about? What if we were as focused in our enthusiasm and dedication(热衷)? What could we do or become if we were as _15_to those things we feel_16_as he was to running?2-1-c-n-j-yYou may b

13、uild your body, but will you also build your_17_? You may grow your bank account, but will you also_18_your faith? You may build your business,_19_will you also build your character?Its never too_20_to pursue your passion. It really is.1A.uniform BragsCshorts Dfashion2A.hair BbloodCclothes Dskin3A.p

14、oured BshoneCdropped Dshaken4A.approached BcrossedCignored Dleft5A.prepared BlookedCwaited Dsearched6A.control BsightCreach Dbreath7A.speed BageCpatience Dlimit8A.jogging BhurtingClying Dfalling9A.work BretireCrace Dfight10A.suddenly BluckilyCactively Dgradually11A.envy BrespectCrequire Dprove12A.po

15、werful BoldCexcellent Dindependent13A.passion BloverCcareer Dcourse14A.worried BconcernedCexcited Ddisappointed15A.used BdevotedCaccustomed Dgrateful16A.natural BterribleCdifferent Dimportant17A.mind BhouseCbridge Dnetwork18A.show BrestoreCkeep Dgrow19A.so BbutCand Dtherefore20A.late BearlyCyoung Db

16、usy.阅读理解If you love reading,youre living in the right century. The web offers you more copies than anyone could read in a lifetime. It also gives you access to whole libraries of rare books at gutenberg.org and Google Books.And since you live in the age of electric books, the ebook lets you carry yo

17、ur library in a little notebook,and buy new books online anywhere,at any time.The real bookstore is disappearing from America. Borders Books, the national chain (连锁店) with 642 stores, will close about 200 stores this year and dismiss 6,000 workers. It will mean a great deal to devoted bibliophiles.F

18、or them, the online bookstore will never replace the pleasure of walking along bookshelves.21教育网Bookstores appeared in the 18th century,when printers began turning out books in large numbers to create a reading public.One of Americas earliest booksellers, Learys Book Store in Philadelphia,was a happ

19、y hunting ground for book lovers between 1850 and 1968.As Pete Martin described in“House of a Million Books”,Learys was the opposite of the modern chain bookstore.It was old,dark and dirty.Though Learys closed in 1968,it is still fondly remembered by former customers(顾客)Will anyone remember the webs

20、ite A that sells books so warmly 40 years after it closes?www.21-cn-1What is the main idea of the first paragraph?ABooks are getting much cheaper.BReaders have more access to reading materials.CEbooks are more interesting to read than paper books.【版权所有:21教育】DReading is becoming more and more importa

21、nt.2We can infer from the text,Borders Books_.Awill hire more workersBis forced to be closed in AmericaCwill start its business in other countriesDis unable to win the serious competition3The underlined word “bibliophiles”in Paragraph 2 refers to _.Athose who like booksBthose who like readingCthose

22、who like writingDthose who buy books online4The example of A is used to stress that _.21*cnjy*comAA will soon be closedBA is an online bookstoreCLearys Book Store has been remembered for a long time21*cnjy*comDLearys Book Store will be open again one day课时作业(二).1.expert2.challenge3.volunteers4.gradu

23、ating5.support6.solved7.suffering8.prefer9.social10.stress.1.C解答本题时应清楚此处by the time为从属连词,引导时间状语从句,要用一般现在时代替将来时。A项与D项都表示将来时;B项是将来完成时,均不符合本题条件。2C第二句意为:“挑战是你怎样辨别你得到的信息是有用的还是无用的。”3B句意:“毕业之后,他志愿去西部教穷困的孩子们”,故选B项。4B“prefer doing A to doing B”宁愿做A而不愿做B。5A本题考查动词的用法。句意:“健康的饮食能减少得病的危险。”故选择A项。6B句意:他宁愿去外国公司打工也不愿

24、在国内自己开公司当经理。prefer to do.rather than do.是固定句型,意思是“宁可/愿也不”,该结构常被颠倒语序来考查。7A本题考查press的同根词的用法 。句意:这个小盒子被上面的沉重的书压扁了,故选A项。8A句意:嫦娥二号的成功发射是许多航空和飞行专家的成就 。an expert at/in/on sth.某方面的专家。21世纪*教育网9B由介词by及The old man和support之间的动宾关系,可以确定用被动结构,故选B项。21世纪教育网版权所有10C答句句意为“好的,我就要涉及这一内容。”用进行时表将来。11C句意:我无法忍受与简在一个办公室工作,她工作

25、时老是喋喋不休。stand忍受,其后接动名词作宾语。refuse拒绝,其后接to do 作宾语。12D这里要用形容词的比较级,因为后面提供选择的范围是两个。which作find的宾语,more exciting这里作宾语补足语。find在这里的意思是:觉得,认为。用于find宾语adj.结构中,意思是:认为/觉得怎么样。13A句意:这支军队在战争中遭受了巨大损失。suffer 后面跟表示损失、失败、痛苦等抽象名词时是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。14B句意:我现在想离开了,我受不了在这里做无用功。stand作“忍受”讲时,后跟n./pron./v.ing;“I”是动作的发出者,因此应用现在分词的主

26、动形式。15A句意:现在有钱人发现想通过拥有非法住房来挣钱是行不通了。find it impossible to do sth.“发现做某事是不可能的”,句中impossible作宾语补足语。.1.C结合上文的shirtless old man可知,这位老人没有穿上衣,所以此处表示他穿的是短裤,in shorts意为“穿着短裤”。21cnjy2D从下文的hung loose以及老人的年龄可知,此处表示他“皮肤”松弛了。3B由空后的with sweat可知,这个老人因为跑步而大汗淋漓,而汗水使得他“熠熠发光”。4A由下文的“he continued to jog as he_5_for the

27、lights to change”可知,此处表示当他“靠近”十字路口的时候。5C结合上文的the crossroads和空后的the lights to change可知,此处表示这个老人在“等待”红灯变绿,C项符合语境。prepare for“为做准备”;look for“寻找”;search for“搜寻”,均不合语境。6D根据空后的“Today,four hours and twenty minutes.”可知,这位老人跑了很长时间,所以他说话的时候应是气喘吁吁的,out of breath 意为“气喘吁吁,上气不接下气”。7B结合第一段第二句及第四段第二句可知,作者认为对于这个“年龄”

28、的老人来说,这是一段很长的路程,所以B项符合语境。www-2-1-cnjy-com8A从“He continued”可知,他仍然在跑,故用jogging。9C由下一段可知,此处表示作者询问这位老人是否参加比赛。10D由空后的“when he gets old”可知,他停止跑步应是一个“逐渐”变化的过程,所以D项正确。suddenly“突然地”;luckily“幸运地”;actively“积极地”,显然不合文意。21cnjycom11B根据空后的“his commitment and focus”可知,作者对这位老人的执著和专心表示尊重,故选respect。12C结合前面的“Because of

29、 a total dedication to the sport”可知,老人很投入,是一名优秀的跑步者,故选C项。powerful“有势力的”;old“老的”;independent“独立的”,均与语境没有联系。13A根据文章最后一段中的“pursue your passion”可知此处选A项。14C由上文提到的“commitment and focus”和“dedication”可知,只有令人感到兴奋的事情,人们才会全身心投入,因此选C项。15B结合上文的“we were as focused in our enthusiasm and dedication”可知,此处表示如果我们对某些事情

30、就像他对跑步那样专注,我们会怎样,故选B项。be used to与be accustomed to都表示“习惯于”,be grateful to“感谢”,均不合语境。16D此处由常识可知,我们只会对我们认为“重要的”事情专注,故选important。17A此处与上文“You may build your body”中的body构成对比,所以选mind。18D从上文中的“You may grow your bank account”可知,此处用grow,意为一个人既要积累财富,也要积累信仰。19B由前两句中的but结构可以得出答案。20A根据上文提到的“it is never too late

31、to pursue a passion”可知正确答案。.1.B段落大意题。第一段主要介绍随着网络的发展,如今的读者有更多的渠道满足自己的阅读需求。故选B项。2D细节理解题。根据第二段的Borders Books,the national chain with 642 stores,will close about 200 stores this year and dismiss 6,000 workers.可知Borders Books因为在激烈的竞争中难以生存而缩小规模。故选D项。3A词义猜测题。根据第二段的“It will mean a great deal to devoted bibliophiles.For them,the online bookstore will never replace the pleasure of walking along bookshelves.”可知,bibliophiles指那些喜欢书的人。故选A。4C推理判断题。根据最后一段的Though Learys closed in 1968,it is still fondly remembered by former customers.可知作者是在利用A 来强调Learys的存在价值,它已长久地留在人们的记忆中。故选C项。


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